In this tip, we will discuss how to generate English verb forms using the PHP programming language. The resulting code can be used in the WordPress plugin.
Verbs Forms in English
Verbs in English are with forms: infinitive, simple past, and past participle. Add "ed" to the end of the regular verbs to generate simple past and past participle. The matter is not that simple.
Forms Cases
- If the verb ends in "e", add only "d." For example, "arrive + d = arrived".
- If the verb ends in consonant + "y," change the "y" to "i" and add "-ed". For example, "study + ed = studied".
- If a verb ends in vowel + "y," add "-ed". For example, "play + ed = played".
- If a one-syllable verb ends in vowel + consonant, double the consonant. For example, "stop + p + ed = stopped".
- If the stress is on the final syllable of a verb that ends in vowel + consonant, double the consonant. For example, "prefer + r + ed = preferred".
- If the stress is not on the final syllable of a verb that ends in vowel + consonant, add "-ed" only. For example, "óffer + ed = offered".
Suggested PHP Code
If you have any comments, please share in the comments below:
function english_verb_forms( string $infinitive ) {
$infinitive = trim( strtolower( $infinitive ) );
if ( !$infinitive ) return '';
#1 english irregular verbs
$sql = "SELECT simple_past, past_participle,
regular, form_case FROM english_verbs WHERE
infinitive = '$infinitive'";
global $wpdb;
$verb = $wpdb->get_row( $sql, ARRAY_A );
if ( $verb ) return $verb;
$verb = array();
$verb['regular'] = 'regular' ;
$last = substr( $infinitive, -1 );
#2 infinitive ends with e
if ( $last == 'e' ) {
$verb['simple_past'] = $infinitive . 'd';
$verb['past_participle'] = $verb['simple_past'];
$verb['form_case'] = 'e' ;
return $verb;
#3 and #4 infinitive ends with y
if ( $last == 'y' ) {
$last2 = substr( $infinitive, -2, 1 );
#3 infinitive ends with vowel + y
if ( strpos( ' aeuio', $last2 ) === false ) {
$i = strlen( $infinitive ) - 2;
$verb['simple_past'] = substr( $infinitive, 0, $i ) . 'ied';
$verb['past_participle'] = $verb['simple_past'];
$verb['form_case'] = 'vowel + y' ;
return $verb;
} else {
#4 infinitive ends with consonant + y
$verb['simple_past'] = $infinitive . 'ed';
$verb['past_participle'] = $verb['simple_past'];
$verb['form_case'] = 'consonant + y' ;
return $verb;
#5 infinitive ends with vowel
if ( strpos( ' aeuiow', $last ) !== false ) {
$verb['simple_past'] = $infinitive . 'ed';
$verb['past_participle'] = $verb['simple_past'];
$verb['form_case'] = '' ;
return $verb;
#infinitive ends with vowel
$syllables = syllable_count( $infinitive );
if ( !$syllables ) {
$verb['simple_past'] = $infinitive . 'ed';
$verb['past_participle'] = $verb['simple_past'];
$verb['form_case'] = '' ;
return $verb;
if ( $syllables == 1 ) {
#5 infinitive has single syllable and ends with consonant
$verb['simple_past'] = $infinitive . $last . 'ed';
$verb['past_participle'] = $verb['simple_past'];
$verb['form_case'] = 'double last' ;
return $verb;
#other cases
return false;
function syllable_count( string $str_word ) {
$str_word = trim( strtolower( $str_word ) );
if ( !$str_word ) return 0;
if ( strpos( $str_word, ' ' ) ) return 0;
$len = strlen( $str_word );
if ( $len <= 3 ) return 1;
$word = str_split( $str_word );
$syllables = 0;
$vowels = array( 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y' );
$first = $word[ 0 ];
if ( in_array( $first, $vowels ) )$syllables++;
for ( $i = 1; $i < count( $word ); $i++ ) {
if ( in_array( $word[ $i ], $vowels ) &&
in_array( $word[ $i - 1 ], $vowels ) )$syllables++;
if ( substr( $str_word, -1 ) == 'e' )$syllables--;
if ( $syllables == 0 )$syllables++;
return $syllables;
- 26th January 2021: Initial version