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How to Find Controls by XY Positions in WPF to Solve a Problem issuing in Touch Events

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1 Mar 2021CPOL1 min read 6.8K   51  
Find controls by XY Positions to solve a problem issuing in Touch Events in WPF
I found a problem about touch events that they are not raised frequently when you touch a button in WPF. This post solves that situation.


I found a problem about touch events that they are not raised frequently when you touch a button in WPF. That is to solve that situation issued. Regardless, if you're using those click events, touch events, left mouse down, preview events, the situation happened. I don't know whether the cause of this is one of .NET Framework or WPF' bugs and what not. The solution is to use a handle that event in a window message handler is not in its control event.


Like a WinProc in Winform projects, WPF projects can use it by adding a hook funtion. And then, you could find window message that you want in that handler. It is a message related to mouse, the message structure contains XY positions where the mouse is. We will find the control that we want using those XY positions. And just do what you want the control to do.

Using the Code

  1. Create a WPF project, write code as follows in MainWindow.xaml:
    <Window x:Class="ButtonEventHandleForXY.MainWindow"
            Title="MainWindow" Width="500" Height="500" AllowsTransparency="True" 
            Background="#55FFFFFF" WindowStyle="None">
        <DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
            <Button Name="btnMain" DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" Height="100">Click Here</Button>
  2. Write code like below in a MainWindow constructor. Keep in mind that the window's state must be maximized.
    // It's important to adjust mouse's position and window's location
    this.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized;
    this.Loaded += MainWindow_Loaded;
  3. Set an animation for button. This job is not important but just because if you touch a button, it gives you a more intuitive feel that someone did touch it.
    void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        // Set Animation For Button
    private void SetButtonEffect(Button btn)
        if (btn == null) return;
        // Set Animation
        DoubleAnimation daBlur = new DoubleAnimation
                                 (1, 0, new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1)));
        DoubleAnimation daAppear = new DoubleAnimation
                                   (0, 1, new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1)));
        Storyboard.SetTarget(daBlur, btn);
        Storyboard.SetTarget(daAppear, btn);
                   (daBlur, new PropertyPath(UIElement.OpacityProperty));
                   (daAppear, new PropertyPath(UIElement.OpacityProperty));
        Storyboard sb = new Storyboard();
        sb.RepeatBehavior = new RepeatBehavior(2d);
        // It will be called when this animation is finished.
        sb.Completed += sb_Completed;
        // To find what is this button
        sb.Name = "Storyboard_" + btn.Name;
        btn.Tag = sb;
  4. Create a function to act which button you clicked should behave. This function will be called after the animation is completed.
    void sb_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (sender as ClockGroup == null) return;
        Storyboard sb = ((ClockGroup)sender).Timeline as Storyboard;
        if (sb == null) return;
        // Finding what is this button's name.
        String strBtnName = sb.Name.Replace("Storyboard_", "");
        if (strBtnName.StartsWith("btnMain"))
  5. To handle for window messages, override OnSourceInitialized handler like this:
    protected override void OnSourceInitialized(EventArgs e)
        // Hooking window message
        HwndSource source = PresentationSource.FromVisual(this) as HwndSource;
  6. Create enums for window message and write a handler:
    public enum WindowMessage : uint
        WM_NULL = 0x0,
        WM_CREATE = 0x0001,
        WM_DESTROY = 0x0002,
        WM_MOVE = 0x0003,
        WM_SIZE = 0x0005,
        WM_ACTIVATE = 0x0006,
        WM_SETFOCUS = 0x0007,
        WM_KILLFOCUS = 0x0008,
        WM_ENABLE = 0x000a,
        WM_SETREDRAW = 0x000b,
        WM_SETTEXT = 0x000c,
        WM_GETTEXT = 0x000d,
        WM_GETTEXTLENGTH = 0x000e,
        WM_PAINT = 0x000f,
        WM_CLOSE = 0x0010,
        WM_QUERYENDSESSION = 0x0011,
        WM_QUIT = 0x0012,
        WM_QUERYOPEN = 0x0013,
        WM_ERASEBKGND = 0x0014,
        WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE = 0x0015,
        WM_ENDSESSION = 0x0016,
        WM_SHOWWINDOW = 0x0018,
        WM_CTLCOLOR = 0x0019,
        WM_WININICHANGE = 0x001a,
        WM_DEVMODECHANGE = 0x001b,
        WM_ACTIVATEAPP = 0x001c,
        WM_FONTCHANGE = 0x001d,
        WM_TIMECHANGE = 0x001e,
        WM_CANCELMODE = 0x001f,
        WM_SETCURSOR = 0x0020,
        WM_MOUSEACTIVATE = 0x0021,
        WM_CHILDACTIVATE = 0x0022,
        WM_QUEUESYNC = 0x0023,
        WM_GETMINMAXINFO = 0x0024,
        WM_PAINTICON = 0x0026,
        WM_ICONERASEBKGND = 0x0027,
        WM_NEXTDLGCTL = 0x0028,
        WM_SPOOLERSTATUS = 0x002a,
        WM_DRAWITEM = 0x002b,
        WM_MEASUREITEM = 0x002c,
        WM_DELETEITEM = 0x002d,
        WM_VKEYTOITEM = 0x002e,
        WM_CHARTOITEM = 0x002f,
        WM_SETFONT = 0x0030,
        WM_GETFONT = 0x0031,
        WM_SETHOTKEY = 0x0032,
        WM_GETHOTKEY = 0x0033,
        WM_QUERYDRAGICON = 0x0037,
        WM_COMPAREITEM = 0x0039,
        WM_GETOBJECT = 0x003d,
        WM_COMPACTING = 0x0041,
        WM_COMMNOTIFY = 0x0044,
        WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING = 0x0046,
        WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED = 0x0047,
        WM_POWER = 0x0048,
        WM_COPYGLOBALDATA = 0x0049,
        WM_COPYDATA = 0x004a,
        WM_CANCELJOURNAL = 0x004b,
        WM_NOTIFY = 0x004e,
        WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE = 0x0051,
        WM_TCARD = 0x0052,
        WM_HELP = 0x0053,
        WM_USERCHANGED = 0x0054,
        WM_NOTIFYFORMAT = 0x0055,
        WM_CONTEXTMENU = 0x007b,
        WM_STYLECHANGING = 0x007c,
        WM_STYLECHANGED = 0x007d,
        WM_DISPLAYCHANGE = 0x007e,
        WM_GETICON = 0x007f,
        WM_SETICON = 0x0080,
        WM_NCCREATE = 0x0081,
        WM_NCDESTROY = 0x0082,
        WM_NCCALCSIZE = 0x0083,
        WM_NCHITTEST = 0x0084,
        WM_NCPAINT = 0x0085,
        WM_NCACTIVATE = 0x0086,
        WM_GETDLGCODE = 0x0087,
        WM_SYNCPAINT = 0x0088,
        WM_NCMOUSEMOVE = 0x00a0,
        WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = 0x00a1,
        WM_NCLBUTTONUP = 0x00a2,
        WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x00a3,
        WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN = 0x00a4,
        WM_NCRBUTTONUP = 0x00a5,
        WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x00a6,
        WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN = 0x00a7,
        WM_NCMBUTTONUP = 0x00a8,
        WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x00a9,
        WM_NCXBUTTONDOWN = 0x00ab,
        WM_NCXBUTTONUP = 0x00ac,
        WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x00ad,
        SBM_SETPOS = 0x00e0,
        SBM_GETPOS = 0x00e1,
        SBM_SETRANGE = 0x00e2,
        SBM_GETRANGE = 0x00e3,
        SBM_ENABLE_ARROWS = 0x00e4,
        SBM_SETRANGEREDRAW = 0x00e6,
        SBM_SETSCROLLINFO = 0x00e9,
        SBM_GETSCROLLINFO = 0x00ea,
        SBM_GETSCROLLBARINFO = 0x00eb,
        WM_INPUT = 0x00ff,
        WM_KEYDOWN = 0x0100,
        WM_KEYFIRST = 0x0100,
        WM_KEYUP = 0x0101,
        WM_CHAR = 0x0102,
        WM_DEADCHAR = 0x0103,
        WM_SYSKEYDOWN = 0x0104,
        WM_SYSKEYUP = 0x0105,
        WM_SYSCHAR = 0x0106,
        WM_SYSDEADCHAR = 0x0107,
        WM_KEYLAST = 0x0108,
        WM_CONVERTREQUEST = 0x010a,
        WM_CONVERTRESULT = 0x010b,
        WM_INTERIM = 0x010c,
        WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION = 0x010e,
        WM_IME_COMPOSITION = 0x010f,
        WM_IME_KEYLAST = 0x010f,
        WM_INITDIALOG = 0x0110,
        WM_COMMAND = 0x0111,
        WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x0112,
        WM_TIMER = 0x0113,
        WM_HSCROLL = 0x0114,
        WM_VSCROLL = 0x0115,
        WM_INITMENU = 0x0116,
        WM_INITMENUPOPUP = 0x0117,
        WM_SYSTIMER = 0x0118,
        WM_MENUSELECT = 0x011f,
        WM_MENUCHAR = 0x0120,
        WM_ENTERIDLE = 0x0121,
        WM_MENURBUTTONUP = 0x0122,
        WM_MENUDRAG = 0x0123,
        WM_MENUGETOBJECT = 0x0124,
        WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP = 0x0125,
        WM_MENUCOMMAND = 0x0126,
        WM_CHANGEUISTATE = 0x0127,
        WM_UPDATEUISTATE = 0x0128,
        WM_QUERYUISTATE = 0x0129,
        WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX = 0x0132,
        WM_CTLCOLOREDIT = 0x0133,
        WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX = 0x0134,
        WM_CTLCOLORBTN = 0x0135,
        WM_CTLCOLORDLG = 0x0136,
        WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR = 0x0137,
        WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC = 0x0138,
        WM_MOUSEFIRST = 0x0200,
        WM_MOUSEMOVE = 0x0200,
        WM_LBUTTONDOWN = 0x0201,
        WM_LBUTTONUP = 0x0202,
        WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0203,
        WM_RBUTTONDOWN = 0x0204,
        WM_RBUTTONUP = 0x0205,
        WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0206,
        WM_MBUTTONDOWN = 0x0207,
        WM_MBUTTONUP = 0x0208,
        WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0209,
        WM_MOUSELAST = 0x0209,
        WM_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x020a,
        WM_XBUTTONDOWN = 0x020b,
        WM_XBUTTONUP = 0x020c,
        WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x020d,
        WM_PARENTNOTIFY = 0x0210,
        WM_ENTERMENULOOP = 0x0211,
        WM_EXITMENULOOP = 0x0212,
        WM_NEXTMENU = 0x0213,
        WM_SIZING = 0x0214,
        WM_CAPTURECHANGED = 0x0215,
        WM_MOVING = 0x0216,
        WM_POWERBROADCAST = 0x0218,
        WM_DEVICECHANGE = 0x0219,
        WM_MDICREATE = 0x0220,
        WM_MDIDESTROY = 0x0221,
        WM_MDIACTIVATE = 0x0222,
        WM_MDIRESTORE = 0x0223,
        WM_MDINEXT = 0x0224,
        WM_MDIMAXIMIZE = 0x0225,
        WM_MDITILE = 0x0226,
        WM_MDICASCADE = 0x0227,
        WM_MDIICONARRANGE = 0x0228,
        WM_MDIGETACTIVE = 0x0229,
        WM_MDISETMENU = 0x0230,
        WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE = 0x0231,
        WM_EXITSIZEMOVE = 0x0232,
        WM_DROPFILES = 0x0233,
        WM_MDIREFRESHMENU = 0x0234,
        WM_IME_REPORT = 0x0280,
        WM_IME_SETCONTEXT = 0x0281,
        WM_IME_NOTIFY = 0x0282,
        WM_IME_CONTROL = 0x0283,
        WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL = 0x0284,
        WM_IME_SELECT = 0x0285,
        WM_IME_CHAR = 0x0286,
        WM_IME_REQUEST = 0x0288,
        WM_IMEKEYDOWN = 0x0290,
        WM_IME_KEYDOWN = 0x0290,
        WM_IMEKEYUP = 0x0291,
        WM_IME_KEYUP = 0x0291,
        WM_NCMOUSEHOVER = 0x02a0,
        WM_MOUSEHOVER = 0x02a1,
        WM_NCMOUSELEAVE = 0x02a2,
        WM_MOUSELEAVE = 0x02a3,
        WM_CUT = 0x0300,
        WM_COPY = 0x0301,
        WM_PASTE = 0x0302,
        WM_CLEAR = 0x0303,
        WM_UNDO = 0x0304,
        WM_RENDERFORMAT = 0x0305,
        WM_RENDERALLFORMATS = 0x0306,
        WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD = 0x0307,
        WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD = 0x0308,
        WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD = 0x0309,
        WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD = 0x030a,
        WM_SIZECLIPBOARD = 0x030b,
        WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME = 0x030c,
        WM_CHANGECBCHAIN = 0x030d,
        WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD = 0x030e,
        WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE = 0x030f,
        WM_PALETTEISCHANGING = 0x0310,
        WM_PALETTECHANGED = 0x0311,
        WM_HOTKEY = 0x0312,
        WM_PRINT = 0x0317,
        WM_PRINTCLIENT = 0x0318,
        WM_APPCOMMAND = 0x0319,
        WM_HANDHELDFIRST = 0x0358,
        WM_HANDHELDLAST = 0x035f,
        WM_AFXFIRST = 0x0360,
        WM_AFXLAST = 0x037f,
        WM_PENWINFIRST = 0x0380,
        WM_RCRESULT = 0x0381,
        WM_HOOKRCRESULT = 0x0382,
        WM_GLOBALRCCHANGE = 0x0383,
        WM_PENMISCINFO = 0x0383,
        WM_SKB = 0x0384,
        WM_HEDITCTL = 0x0385,
        WM_PENCTL = 0x0385,
        WM_PENMISC = 0x0386,
        WM_CTLINIT = 0x0387,
        WM_PENEVENT = 0x0388,
        WM_PENWINLAST = 0x038f,
        DDM_SETFMT = 0x0400,
        DM_GETDEFID = 0x0400,
        NIN_SELECT = 0x0400,
        TBM_GETPOS = 0x0400,
        WM_PSD_PAGESETUPDLG = 0x0400,
        WM_USER = 0x0400,
        CBEM_INSERTITEMA = 0x0401,
        DDM_DRAW = 0x0401,
        DM_SETDEFID = 0x0401,
        HKM_SETHOTKEY = 0x0401,
        PBM_SETRANGE = 0x0401,
        RB_INSERTBANDA = 0x0401,
        SB_SETTEXTA = 0x0401,
        TB_ENABLEBUTTON = 0x0401,
        TBM_GETRANGEMIN = 0x0401,
        TTM_ACTIVATE = 0x0401,
        WM_PSD_FULLPAGERECT = 0x0401,
        CBEM_SETIMAGELIST = 0x0402,
        DDM_CLOSE = 0x0402,
        DM_REPOSITION = 0x0402,
        HKM_GETHOTKEY = 0x0402,
        PBM_SETPOS = 0x0402,
        RB_DELETEBAND = 0x0402,
        SB_GETTEXTA = 0x0402,
        TB_CHECKBUTTON = 0x0402,
        TBM_GETRANGEMAX = 0x0402,
        WM_PSD_MINMARGINRECT = 0x0402,
        CBEM_GETIMAGELIST = 0x0403,
        DDM_BEGIN = 0x0403,
        HKM_SETRULES = 0x0403,
        PBM_DELTAPOS = 0x0403,
        RB_GETBARINFO = 0x0403,
        SB_GETTEXTLENGTHA = 0x0403,
        TBM_GETTIC = 0x0403,
        TB_PRESSBUTTON = 0x0403,
        TTM_SETDELAYTIME = 0x0403,
        WM_PSD_MARGINRECT = 0x0403,
        CBEM_GETITEMA = 0x0404,
        DDM_END = 0x0404,
        PBM_SETSTEP = 0x0404,
        RB_SETBARINFO = 0x0404,
        SB_SETPARTS = 0x0404,
        TB_HIDEBUTTON = 0x0404,
        TBM_SETTIC = 0x0404,
        TTM_ADDTOOLA = 0x0404,
        WM_PSD_GREEKTEXTRECT = 0x0404,
        CBEM_SETITEMA = 0x0405,
        PBM_STEPIT = 0x0405,
        TB_INDETERMINATE = 0x0405,
        TBM_SETPOS = 0x0405,
        TTM_DELTOOLA = 0x0405,
        WM_PSD_ENVSTAMPRECT = 0x0405,
        CBEM_GETCOMBOCONTROL = 0x0406,
        PBM_SETRANGE32 = 0x0406,
        RB_SETBANDINFOA = 0x0406,
        SB_GETPARTS = 0x0406,
        TB_MARKBUTTON = 0x0406,
        TBM_SETRANGE = 0x0406,
        TTM_NEWTOOLRECTA = 0x0406,
        WM_PSD_YAFULLPAGERECT = 0x0406,
        CBEM_GETEDITCONTROL = 0x0407,
        PBM_GETRANGE = 0x0407,
        RB_SETPARENT = 0x0407,
        SB_GETBORDERS = 0x0407,
        TBM_SETRANGEMIN = 0x0407,
        TTM_RELAYEVENT = 0x0407,
        CBEM_SETEXSTYLE = 0x0408,
        PBM_GETPOS = 0x0408,
        RB_HITTEST = 0x0408,
        SB_SETMINHEIGHT = 0x0408,
        TBM_SETRANGEMAX = 0x0408,
        TTM_GETTOOLINFOA = 0x0408,
        CBEM_GETEXSTYLE = 0x0409,
        PBM_SETBARCOLOR = 0x0409,
        RB_GETRECT = 0x0409,
        SB_SIMPLE = 0x0409,
        TB_ISBUTTONENABLED = 0x0409,
        TBM_CLEARTICS = 0x0409,
        TTM_SETTOOLINFOA = 0x0409,
        CBEM_HASEDITCHANGED = 0x040a,
        RB_INSERTBANDW = 0x040a,
        SB_GETRECT = 0x040a,
        TB_ISBUTTONCHECKED = 0x040a,
        TBM_SETSEL = 0x040a,
        TTM_HITTESTA = 0x040a,
        WIZ_QUERYNUMPAGES = 0x040a,
        CBEM_INSERTITEMW = 0x040b,
        RB_SETBANDINFOW = 0x040b,
        SB_SETTEXTW = 0x040b,
        TB_ISBUTTONPRESSED = 0x040b,
        TBM_SETSELSTART = 0x040b,
        TTM_GETTEXTA = 0x040b,
        WIZ_NEXT = 0x040b,
        CBEM_SETITEMW = 0x040c,
        RB_GETBANDCOUNT = 0x040c,
        SB_GETTEXTLENGTHW = 0x040c,
        TB_ISBUTTONHIDDEN = 0x040c,
        TBM_SETSELEND = 0x040c,
        TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTA = 0x040c,
        WIZ_PREV = 0x040c,
        CBEM_GETITEMW = 0x040d,
        RB_GETROWCOUNT = 0x040d,
        SB_GETTEXTW = 0x040d,
        TTM_GETTOOLCOUNT = 0x040d,
        RB_GETROWHEIGHT = 0x040e,
        SB_ISSIMPLE = 0x040e,
        TBM_GETPTICS = 0x040e,
        TTM_ENUMTOOLSA = 0x040e,
        SB_SETICON = 0x040f,
        TBM_GETTICPOS = 0x040f,
        TTM_GETCURRENTTOOLA = 0x040f,
        RB_IDTOINDEX = 0x0410,
        SB_SETTIPTEXTA = 0x0410,
        TBM_GETNUMTICS = 0x0410,
        TTM_WINDOWFROMPOINT = 0x0410,
        RB_GETTOOLTIPS = 0x0411,
        SB_SETTIPTEXTW = 0x0411,
        TBM_GETSELSTART = 0x0411,
        TB_SETSTATE = 0x0411,
        TTM_TRACKACTIVATE = 0x0411,
        RB_SETTOOLTIPS = 0x0412,
        SB_GETTIPTEXTA = 0x0412,
        TB_GETSTATE = 0x0412,
        TBM_GETSELEND = 0x0412,
        TTM_TRACKPOSITION = 0x0412,
        RB_SETBKCOLOR = 0x0413,
        SB_GETTIPTEXTW = 0x0413,
        TB_ADDBITMAP = 0x0413,
        TBM_CLEARSEL = 0x0413,
        TTM_SETTIPBKCOLOR = 0x0413,
        RB_GETBKCOLOR = 0x0414,
        SB_GETICON = 0x0414,
        TB_ADDBUTTONSA = 0x0414,
        TBM_SETTICFREQ = 0x0414,
        TTM_SETTIPTEXTCOLOR = 0x0414,
        RB_SETTEXTCOLOR = 0x0415,
        TB_INSERTBUTTONA = 0x0415,
        TBM_SETPAGESIZE = 0x0415,
        TTM_GETDELAYTIME = 0x0415,
        RB_GETTEXTCOLOR = 0x0416,
        TB_DELETEBUTTON = 0x0416,
        TBM_GETPAGESIZE = 0x0416,
        TTM_GETTIPBKCOLOR = 0x0416,
        RB_SIZETORECT = 0x0417,
        TB_GETBUTTON = 0x0417,
        TBM_SETLINESIZE = 0x0417,
        TTM_GETTIPTEXTCOLOR = 0x0417,
        RB_BEGINDRAG = 0x0418,
        TB_BUTTONCOUNT = 0x0418,
        TBM_GETLINESIZE = 0x0418,
        TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH = 0x0418,
        RB_ENDDRAG = 0x0419,
        TB_COMMANDTOINDEX = 0x0419,
        TBM_GETTHUMBRECT = 0x0419,
        TTM_GETMAXTIPWIDTH = 0x0419,
        RB_DRAGMOVE = 0x041a,
        TBM_GETCHANNELRECT = 0x041a,
        TB_SAVERESTOREA = 0x041a,
        TTM_SETMARGIN = 0x041a,
        RB_GETBARHEIGHT = 0x041b,
        TB_CUSTOMIZE = 0x041b,
        TBM_SETTHUMBLENGTH = 0x041b,
        TTM_GETMARGIN = 0x041b,
        RB_GETBANDINFOW = 0x041c,
        TB_ADDSTRINGA = 0x041c,
        TBM_GETTHUMBLENGTH = 0x041c,
        TTM_POP = 0x041c,
        RB_GETBANDINFOA = 0x041d,
        TB_GETITEMRECT = 0x041d,
        TBM_SETTOOLTIPS = 0x041d,
        TTM_UPDATE = 0x041d,
        RB_MINIMIZEBAND = 0x041e,
        TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE = 0x041e,
        TBM_GETTOOLTIPS = 0x041e,
        TTM_GETBUBBLESIZE = 0x041e,
        RB_MAXIMIZEBAND = 0x041f,
        TBM_SETTIPSIDE = 0x041f,
        TB_SETBUTTONSIZE = 0x041f,
        TTM_ADJUSTRECT = 0x041f,
        TBM_SETBUDDY = 0x0420,
        TB_SETBITMAPSIZE = 0x0420,
        TTM_SETTITLEA = 0x0420,
        MSG_FTS_JUMP_VA = 0x0421,
        TB_AUTOSIZE = 0x0421,
        TBM_GETBUDDY = 0x0421,
        TTM_SETTITLEW = 0x0421,
        RB_GETBANDBORDERS = 0x0422,
        MSG_FTS_JUMP_QWORD = 0x0423,
        RB_SHOWBAND = 0x0423,
        TB_GETTOOLTIPS = 0x0423,
        MSG_REINDEX_REQUEST = 0x0424,
        TB_SETTOOLTIPS = 0x0424,
        MSG_FTS_WHERE_IS_IT = 0x0425,
        RB_SETPALETTE = 0x0425,
        TB_SETPARENT = 0x0425,
        RB_GETPALETTE = 0x0426,
        RB_MOVEBAND = 0x0427,
        TB_SETROWS = 0x0427,
        TB_GETROWS = 0x0428,
        TB_GETBITMAPFLAGS = 0x0429,
        TB_SETCMDID = 0x042a,
        RB_PUSHCHEVRON = 0x042b,
        TB_CHANGEBITMAP = 0x042b,
        TB_GETBITMAP = 0x042c,
        MSG_GET_DEFFONT = 0x042d,
        TB_GETBUTTONTEXTA = 0x042d,
        TB_REPLACEBITMAP = 0x042e,
        TB_SETINDENT = 0x042f,
        TB_SETIMAGELIST = 0x0430,
        TB_GETIMAGELIST = 0x0431,
        TB_LOADIMAGES = 0x0432,
        TTM_ADDTOOLW = 0x0432,
        TB_GETRECT = 0x0433,
        TTM_DELTOOLW = 0x0433,
        TB_SETHOTIMAGELIST = 0x0434,
        TTM_NEWTOOLRECTW = 0x0434,
        TB_GETHOTIMAGELIST = 0x0435,
        TTM_GETTOOLINFOW = 0x0435,
        TTM_SETTOOLINFOW = 0x0436,
        TTM_HITTESTW = 0x0437,
        TB_SETSTYLE = 0x0438,
        TTM_GETTEXTW = 0x0438,
        TB_GETSTYLE = 0x0439,
        TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTW = 0x0439,
        TB_GETBUTTONSIZE = 0x043a,
        TTM_ENUMTOOLSW = 0x043a,
        TB_SETBUTTONWIDTH = 0x043b,
        TTM_GETCURRENTTOOLW = 0x043b,
        TB_SETMAXTEXTROWS = 0x043c,
        TB_GETTEXTROWS = 0x043d,
        TB_GETOBJECT = 0x043e,
        TB_GETBUTTONINFOW = 0x043f,
        TB_SETBUTTONINFOW = 0x0440,
        TB_GETBUTTONINFOA = 0x0441,
        TB_SETBUTTONINFOA = 0x0442,
        TB_INSERTBUTTONW = 0x0443,
        TB_ADDBUTTONSW = 0x0444,
        TB_HITTEST = 0x0445,
        TB_SETDRAWTEXTFLAGS = 0x0446,
        TB_GETHOTITEM = 0x0447,
        TB_SETHOTITEM = 0x0448,
        TB_GETBUTTONTEXTW = 0x044b,
        TB_SAVERESTOREW = 0x044c,
        TB_ADDSTRINGW = 0x044d,
        TB_MAPACCELERATORA = 0x044e,
        TB_GETINSERTMARK = 0x044f,
        TB_SETINSERTMARK = 0x0450,
        TB_INSERTMARKHITTEST = 0x0451,
        TB_MOVEBUTTON = 0x0452,
        TB_GETMAXSIZE = 0x0453,
        TB_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE = 0x0454,
        TB_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE = 0x0455,
        TB_GETPADDING = 0x0456,
        TB_SETPADDING = 0x0457,
        TB_MAPACCELERATORW = 0x045a,
        TB_GETSTRINGW = 0x045b,
        TB_GETSTRINGA = 0x045c,
        TAPI_REPLY = 0x0463,
        ACM_OPENA = 0x0464,
        BFFM_SETSTATUSTEXTA = 0x0464,
        CDM_FIRST = 0x0464,
        CDM_GETSPEC = 0x0464,
        IPM_CLEARADDRESS = 0x0464,
        WM_CAP_UNICODE_START = 0x0464,
        ACM_PLAY = 0x0465,
        BFFM_ENABLEOK = 0x0465,
        CDM_GETFILEPATH = 0x0465,
        IPM_SETADDRESS = 0x0465,
        PSM_SETCURSEL = 0x0465,
        UDM_SETRANGE = 0x0465,
        ACM_STOP = 0x0466,
        BFFM_SETSELECTIONA = 0x0466,
        CDM_GETFOLDERPATH = 0x0466,
        IPM_GETADDRESS = 0x0466,
        PSM_REMOVEPAGE = 0x0466,
        UDM_GETRANGE = 0x0466,
        WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_ERRORW = 0x0466,
        WM_CHOOSEFONT_SETFLAGS = 0x0466,
        ACM_OPENW = 0x0467,
        BFFM_SETSELECTIONW = 0x0467,
        CDM_GETFOLDERIDLIST = 0x0467,
        IPM_SETRANGE = 0x0467,
        PSM_ADDPAGE = 0x0467,
        UDM_SETPOS = 0x0467,
        BFFM_SETSTATUSTEXTW = 0x0468,
        CDM_SETCONTROLTEXT = 0x0468,
        IPM_SETFOCUS = 0x0468,
        PSM_CHANGED = 0x0468,
        UDM_GETPOS = 0x0468,
        CDM_HIDECONTROL = 0x0469,
        IPM_ISBLANK = 0x0469,
        PSM_RESTARTWINDOWS = 0x0469,
        UDM_SETBUDDY = 0x0469,
        CDM_SETDEFEXT = 0x046a,
        PSM_REBOOTSYSTEM = 0x046a,
        UDM_GETBUDDY = 0x046a,
        PSM_CANCELTOCLOSE = 0x046b,
        UDM_SETACCEL = 0x046b,
        EM_CONVPOSITION = 0x046c,
        PSM_QUERYSIBLINGS = 0x046c,
        UDM_GETACCEL = 0x046c,
        MCIWNDM_GETZOOM = 0x046d,
        PSM_UNCHANGED = 0x046d,
        UDM_SETBASE = 0x046d,
        PSM_APPLY = 0x046e,
        UDM_GETBASE = 0x046e,
        PSM_SETTITLEA = 0x046f,
        UDM_SETRANGE32 = 0x046f,
        PSM_SETWIZBUTTONS = 0x0470,
        UDM_GETRANGE32 = 0x0470,
        WM_CAP_DRIVER_GET_NAMEW = 0x0470,
        PSM_PRESSBUTTON = 0x0471,
        UDM_SETPOS32 = 0x0471,
        WM_CAP_DRIVER_GET_VERSIONW = 0x0471,
        PSM_SETCURSELID = 0x0472,
        UDM_GETPOS32 = 0x0472,
        PSM_SETFINISHTEXTA = 0x0473,
        PSM_GETTABCONTROL = 0x0474,
        PSM_ISDIALOGMESSAGE = 0x0475,
        MCIWNDM_REALIZE = 0x0476,
        PSM_INSERTPAGE = 0x0477,
        PSM_SETTITLEW = 0x0478,
        PSM_SETFINISHTEXTW = 0x0479,
        MCIWNDM_PLAYTO = 0x047b,
        WM_CAP_FILE_SAVEASW = 0x047b,
        MCIWNDM_GETFILENAMEA = 0x047c,
        MCIWNDM_GETDEVICEA = 0x047d,
        PSM_SETHEADERTITLEA = 0x047d,
        WM_CAP_FILE_SAVEDIBW = 0x047d,
        MCIWNDM_GETPALETTE = 0x047e,
        PSM_SETHEADERTITLEW = 0x047e,
        MCIWNDM_SETPALETTE = 0x047f,
        MCIWNDM_GETERRORA = 0x0480,
        PSM_HWNDTOINDEX = 0x0481,
        PSM_INDEXTOHWND = 0x0482,
        PSM_PAGETOINDEX = 0x0483,
        PSM_INDEXTOPAGE = 0x0484,
        DL_BEGINDRAG = 0x0485,
        PSM_IDTOINDEX = 0x0485,
        DL_DRAGGING = 0x0486,
        PSM_INDEXTOID = 0x0486,
        DL_DROPPED = 0x0487,
        PSM_GETRESULT = 0x0487,
        DL_CANCELDRAG = 0x0488,
        PSM_RECALCPAGESIZES = 0x0488,
        MCIWNDM_GET_SOURCE = 0x048c,
        MCIWNDM_PUT_SOURCE = 0x048d,
        MCIWNDM_GET_DEST = 0x048e,
        MCIWNDM_PUT_DEST = 0x048f,
        MCIWNDM_CAN_PLAY = 0x0490,
        MCIWNDM_CAN_WINDOW = 0x0491,
        MCIWNDM_CAN_RECORD = 0x0492,
        MCIWNDM_CAN_SAVE = 0x0493,
        MCIWNDM_CAN_EJECT = 0x0494,
        MCIWNDM_CAN_CONFIG = 0x0495,
        IE_GETINK = 0x0496,
        IE_MSGFIRST = 0x0496,
        MCIWNDM_PALETTEKICK = 0x0496,
        IE_SETINK = 0x0497,
        IE_GETPENTIP = 0x0498,
        IE_SETPENTIP = 0x0499,
        IE_GETERASERTIP = 0x049a,
        IE_SETERASERTIP = 0x049b,
        IE_GETBKGND = 0x049c,
        IE_SETBKGND = 0x049d,
        IE_GETGRIDORIGIN = 0x049e,
        IE_SETGRIDORIGIN = 0x049f,
        IE_GETGRIDPEN = 0x04a0,
        IE_SETGRIDPEN = 0x04a1,
        IE_GETGRIDSIZE = 0x04a2,
        IE_SETGRIDSIZE = 0x04a3,
        IE_GETMODE = 0x04a4,
        IE_SETMODE = 0x04a5,
        IE_GETINKRECT = 0x04a6,
        WM_CAP_SET_MCI_DEVICEW = 0x04a6,
        WM_CAP_GET_MCI_DEVICEW = 0x04a7,
        WM_CAP_PAL_OPENW = 0x04b4,
        WM_CAP_PAL_SAVEW = 0x04b5,
        IE_GETAPPDATA = 0x04b8,
        IE_SETAPPDATA = 0x04b9,
        IE_GETDRAWOPTS = 0x04ba,
        IE_SETDRAWOPTS = 0x04bb,
        IE_GETFORMAT = 0x04bc,
        IE_SETFORMAT = 0x04bd,
        IE_GETINKINPUT = 0x04be,
        IE_SETINKINPUT = 0x04bf,
        IE_GETNOTIFY = 0x04c0,
        IE_SETNOTIFY = 0x04c1,
        IE_GETRECOG = 0x04c2,
        IE_SETRECOG = 0x04c3,
        IE_GETSECURITY = 0x04c4,
        IE_SETSECURITY = 0x04c5,
        IE_GETSEL = 0x04c6,
        IE_SETSEL = 0x04c7,
        CDM_LAST = 0x04c8,
        IE_DOCOMMAND = 0x04c8,
        MCIWNDM_NOTIFYMODE = 0x04c8,
        IE_GETCOMMAND = 0x04c9,
        IE_GETCOUNT = 0x04ca,
        IE_GETGESTURE = 0x04cb,
        MCIWNDM_NOTIFYMEDIA = 0x04cb,
        IE_GETMENU = 0x04cc,
        IE_GETPAINTDC = 0x04cd,
        MCIWNDM_NOTIFYERROR = 0x04cd,
        IE_GETPDEVENT = 0x04ce,
        IE_GETSELCOUNT = 0x04cf,
        IE_GETSELITEMS = 0x04d0,
        IE_GETSTYLE = 0x04d1,
        EM_OUTLINE = 0x04dc,
        EM_GETSCROLLPOS = 0x04dd,
        EM_SETSCROLLPOS = 0x04de,
        EM_SETFONTSIZE = 0x04df,
        MCIWNDM_GETFILENAMEW = 0x04e0,
        MCIWNDM_GETDEVICEW = 0x04e1,
        MCIWNDM_GETERRORW = 0x04e4,
        FM_GETFOCUS = 0x0600,
        FM_GETDRIVEINFOA = 0x0601,
        FM_GETSELCOUNT = 0x0602,
        FM_GETSELCOUNTLFN = 0x0603,
        FM_GETFILESELA = 0x0604,
        FM_GETFILESELLFNA = 0x0605,
        FM_REFRESH_WINDOWS = 0x0606,
        FM_RELOAD_EXTENSIONS = 0x0607,
        FM_GETDRIVEINFOW = 0x0611,
        FM_GETFILESELW = 0x0614,
        FM_GETFILESELLFNW = 0x0615,
        WLX_WM_SAS = 0x0659,
        SM_GETSELCOUNT = 0x07e8,
        UM_GETSELCOUNT = 0x07e8,
        WM_CPL_LAUNCH = 0x07e8,
        SM_GETSERVERSELA = 0x07e9,
        UM_GETUSERSELA = 0x07e9,
        WM_CPL_LAUNCHED = 0x07e9,
        SM_GETSERVERSELW = 0x07ea,
        UM_GETUSERSELW = 0x07ea,
        SM_GETCURFOCUSA = 0x07eb,
        UM_GETGROUPSELA = 0x07eb,
        SM_GETCURFOCUSW = 0x07ec,
        UM_GETGROUPSELW = 0x07ec,
        SM_GETOPTIONS = 0x07ed,
        UM_GETCURFOCUSA = 0x07ed,
        UM_GETCURFOCUSW = 0x07ee,
        UM_GETOPTIONS = 0x07ef,
        UM_GETOPTIONS2 = 0x07f0,
        OCMBASE = 0x2000,
        OCM_CTLCOLOR = 0x2019,
        OCM_DRAWITEM = 0x202b,
        OCM_MEASUREITEM = 0x202c,
        OCM_DELETEITEM = 0x202d,
        OCM_VKEYTOITEM = 0x202e,
        OCM_CHARTOITEM = 0x202f,
        OCM_COMPAREITEM = 0x2039,
        OCM_NOTIFY = 0x204e,
        OCM_COMMAND = 0x2111,
        OCM_HSCROLL = 0x2114,
        OCM_VSCROLL = 0x2115,
        OCM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX = 0x2132,
        OCM_CTLCOLOREDIT = 0x2133,
        OCM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX = 0x2134,
        OCM_CTLCOLORBTN = 0x2135,
        OCM_CTLCOLORDLG = 0x2136,
        OCM_CTLCOLORSTATIC = 0x2138,
        OCM_PARENTNOTIFY = 0x2210,
        WM_APP = 0x8000,
        WM_RASDIALEVENT = 0xcccd
    public enum WindowMessageParameter : uint
        PBT_APMBATTERYLOW = 0x9,        // Notifies applications that the
                                        // battery power is low.
        PBT_APMOEMEVENT = 0xb,          // Notifies applications that the APM BIOS
                                        // has signalled an APM OEM event.
        PBT_APMQUERYSTANDBY = 0x0001,   //
        PBT_APMPOWERSTATUSCHANGE = 0xa, // Notifies applications of a change in the
                                        // power status of the computer, such as a switch
                                        // from battery power to A/C. The system also
                                        // broadcasts this event when remaining battery
                                        // power slips below the threshold specified by
                                        // the user or if the battery power changes
                                        // by a specified percentage.
        PBT_APMQUERYSUSPENDFAILED = 0x218, // Notifies applications that permission
                                           // to suspend the computer was denied.
        PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC = 0x12,  // Notifies applications that the system
                                        // is resuming from sleep or hibernation.
                                        // If the system detects any user activity
                                        // after broadcasting PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC,
                                        // it will broadcast a PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND event
                                        // to let applications know they can resume
                                        // full interaction with the user.
        PBT_APMRESUMECRITICAL = 0x6,    // Notifies applications that the system
                                        // has resumed operation.
        PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND = 0x7,     // Notifies applications that the system
                                        // has resumed operation after being suspended.
        PBT_APMSUSPEND = 0x4,           // Notifies applications that the computer
                                        // is about to enter a suspended state.
        PBT_POWERSETTINGCHANGE = 0x8013,// Notifies applications that a power setting
                                        // change event occurred.
        WM_POWER = 0x48,                // Notifies applications that the system,
                                        // typically a battery-powered personal computer,
                                        // is about to enter a suspended mode.
        WM_POWERBROADCAST = 0x218,      // Notifies applications that a power-management
                                        // event has occurred.
        BROADCAST_QUERY_DENY = 0x424D5144 //
    private IntPtr WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam,
                           IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)
        var message = (WindowMessage)msg;
        var subCode = (WindowMessageParameter)wParam.ToInt32();
        if (message == WindowMessage.WM_LBUTTONDOWN)
            int x = (short)lParam.ToInt32();
            int y = lParam.ToInt32() >> 16;
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Click event! = ({0},{1})", x, y));
            List<Button> lstButtons = FindChild<Button>(this, this, x, y);
            if (lstButtons != null && lstButtons.Count > 0)
                Button btnLast = lstButtons.Last();
                ("The Name of Button found is '{0}'", btnLast.Name));
                if (btnLast.Tag as Storyboard != null)
        return IntPtr.Zero;
  7. Create functions related to find controls by XY positions:
    public List<T> FindChild<T>
    (Window main, DependencyObject parent, int x, int y) where T : DependencyObject
        List<T> foundChilds = new List<T>();
        if (parent != null)
            int childrenCount = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(parent);
            for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++)
                var child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(parent, i);
                var frameworkElement = child as FrameworkElement;
                if (frameworkElement != null)
                    if (frameworkElement as
                        System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Popup == null)
                        // Getting the absolute position of this
                        Rect rc = GetAbsolutePlacement(main, frameworkElement, true);
                        // The position is involved in the location for which's looking
                        if (frameworkElement.Visibility == Visibility.Visible &&
                            x >= rc.X && y >= rc.Y &&
                            x + 1 <= (rc.X + rc.Width) && y + 1 < (rc.Y + rc.Height))
                            T childType = child as T;
                            if (childType != null)
                                // The type is also same
                                // Find it in the children Iteratively
                                List<T> tmpFoundChilds = FindChild<T>(main, child, x, y);
                                if (tmpFoundChilds != null && tmpFoundChilds.Count > 0)
                             * Important.
                             * If there are some xy position differences
                             * between a mouse and visual controls,
                             * You should check the setting of window,
                             * display setting, to check on if the scale mode
                             * is not 100% or not.
                             * It should be 100%.
        return foundChilds;
    private Rect GetAbsolutePlacement
    (Window main, FrameworkElement element, bool relativeToScreen = false)
        var absolutePos = element.PointToScreen(new System.Windows.Point(0, 0));
        if (relativeToScreen)
            return new Rect(absolutePos.X, absolutePos.Y,
                            element.ActualWidth, element.ActualHeight);
        var posMW = main.PointToScreen(new System.Windows.Point(0, 0));
        absolutePos = new System.Windows.Point
                      (absolutePos.X - posMW.X, absolutePos.Y - posMW.Y);
        return new Rect(absolutePos.X, absolutePos.Y,
                        element.ActualWidth, element.ActualHeight);

As was mentioned, keep in mind the scale setting like this:

System> Display> Scale and layout Section. must be set as '100%'


  • 2nd March, 2021: First released


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)