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Reading and Writing Binary Data Portably

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19 Jun 2024CPOL2 min read 3.7K   40  
How to read and write binary data portably, including IEEE 754 floating point numbers.
Functions to read and write binary data portably, IEEE 754 floating point format numbers and two's complement signed binary integers, regardless of the binary representation of numbers on the host machine.


Binary files are often considered non-portable, as integer and floating point representations vary between computers, and so simple calls to read functions fail. But fundamental theory tells us that portable solutions are possible. This tip tells you how to achieve that, with two's complement signed integers and IEEE 754 floating point. Whilst written in C, the method is applicable to any language which allows low level binary IO.


The world has more of less standardised on IEEE 754 for floating point arithmetic, but not quite. You might encounter a machine which uses a different system. And whilst it is tempting, if you know that this isn't a risk, to load a binary floating point with fread(), this is actually a bit dangerous, as it could be one of the not-a-number representations, and you might get some rather unexpected results.

IEEE 754 uses the following system for 64 bit floating point numbers:

Sign   Exponent   Mantissa
1 bit   11 bits   52 bits
set for negative   Sign magnitude
0 = special
  1.xxxxx binary number

And so to read and write portably, we need to pull these out, and reconstruct the value, and also handle the special cases, zero, denormalised numbers, non-finite numbers, and not-a-number representations. Two's complement integers are eaier to handle portably, but not quite obvious. You can't use the shift operators if you don't know the host's binary representation, and in C you can't easily sign extend a number. Whilst it often works as expected it is in fact usually undefined behaviour when this is attempted.


Using the code

You need to call these routines as a matter of habit every time you load or save an IEEE floating point number as binary.

* read a double from a stream in ieee754 format regardless of host
*  encoding.
*  fp - the stream
*  bigendian - set to if big bytes first, clear for little bytes
*              first
double freadieee754(FILE *fp, int bigendian)
	unsigned char buff[8];
	int i;
	double fnorm = 0.0;
	unsigned char temp;
	int sign;
	int exponent;
	double bitval;
	int maski, mask;
	int expbits = 11;
	int significandbits = 52;
	int shift;
	double answer;

	/* read the data */
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		buff[i] = fgetc(fp);
	/* just reverse if not big-endian*/
	if (!bigendian)
		for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
			temp = buff[i];
			buff[i] = buff[8 - i - 1];
			buff[8 - i - 1] = temp;
	sign = buff[0] & 0x80 ? -1 : 1;
	/* exponet in raw format*/
	exponent = ((buff[0] & 0x7F) << 4) | ((buff[1] & 0xF0) >> 4);

	/* read inthe mantissa. Top bit is 0.5, the successive bits half*/
	bitval = 0.5;
	maski = 1;
	mask = 0x08;
	for (i = 0; i < significandbits; i++)
		if (buff[maski] & mask)
			fnorm += bitval;

		bitval /= 2.0;
		mask >>= 1;
		if (mask == 0)
			mask = 0x80;
	/* handle zero specially */
	if (exponent == 0 && fnorm == 0)
		return 0.0;

	shift = exponent - ((1 << (expbits - 1)) - 1); /* exponent = shift + bias */
	/* nans have exp 1024 and non-zero mantissa */
	if (shift == 1024 && fnorm != 0)
		return sqrt(-1.0);
	if (shift == 1024 && fnorm == 0)

		return sign == 1 ? INFINITY : -INFINITY;
		return	(sign * 1.0) / 0.0;
	if (shift > -1023)
		answer = ldexp(fnorm + 1.0, shift);
		return answer * sign;
		/* denormalised numbers */
		if (fnorm == 0.0)
			return 0.0;
		shift = -1022;
		while (fnorm < 1.0)
			fnorm *= 2;
		answer = ldexp(fnorm, shift);
		return answer * sign;
* write a double to a stream in ieee754 format regardless of host
*  encoding.
*  x - number to write
*  fp - the stream
*  bigendian - set to write big bytes first, elee write litle bytes
*              first
*  Returns: 0 or EOF on error
*  Notes: different NaN types and negative zero not preserved.
*         if the number is too big to represent it will become infinity
*         if it is too small to represent it will become zero.
int fwriteieee754(double x, FILE *fp, int bigendian)
	int shift;
	unsigned long sign, exp, hibits, hilong, lowlong;
	double fnorm, significand;
	int expbits = 11;
	int significandbits = 52;

	/* zero (can't handle signed zero) */
	if (x == 0)
		hilong = 0;
		lowlong = 0;
		goto writedata;
	/* infinity */
	if (x > DBL_MAX)
		hilong = 1024 + ((1 << (expbits - 1)) - 1);
		hilong <<= (31 - expbits);
		lowlong = 0;
		goto writedata;
	/* -infinity */
	if (x <= -DBL_MAX)
		hilong = 1024 + ((1 << (expbits - 1)) - 1);
		hilong <<= (31 - expbits);
		hilong |= (1 << 31);
		lowlong = 0;
		goto writedata;
	/* NaN - dodgy because many compilers optimise out this test, but
	*there is no portable isnan() */
	if (x != x)
		hilong = 1024 + ((1 << (expbits - 1)) - 1);
		hilong <<= (31 - expbits);
		lowlong = 1234;
		goto writedata;

	/* get the sign */
	if (x < 0) { sign = 1; fnorm = -x; }
	else { sign = 0; fnorm = x; }

	/* get the normalized form of f and track the exponent */
	shift = 0;
	while (fnorm >= 2.0) { fnorm /= 2.0; shift++; }
	while (fnorm < 1.0) { fnorm *= 2.0; shift--; }

	/* check for denormalized numbers */
	if (shift <= -1022)
		while (shift < -1022) { fnorm /= 2.0; shift++; }
		shift = -1023;
	/* out of range. Set to infinity */
	else if (shift > 1023)
		hilong = 1024 + ((1 << (expbits - 1)) - 1);
		hilong <<= (31 - expbits);
		hilong |= (sign << 31);
		lowlong = 0;
		goto writedata;
		fnorm = fnorm - 1.0; /* take the significant bit off mantissa */

	/* calculate the integer form of the significand */
	/* hold it in a  double for now */

	significand = fnorm * ((1LL << significandbits) + 0.5f);

	/* get the biased exponent */
	exp = shift + ((1 << (expbits - 1)) - 1); /* shift + bias */

	/* put the data into two longs (for convenience) */
	hibits = (long)(significand / 4294967296);
	hilong = (sign << 31) | (exp << (31 - expbits)) | hibits;
	x = significand - hibits * 4294967296;
	lowlong = (unsigned long)(significand - hibits * 4294967296);

	/* write the bytes out to the stream */
	if (bigendian)
		fputc((hilong >> 24) & 0xFF, fp);
		fputc((hilong >> 16) & 0xFF, fp);
		fputc((hilong >> 8) & 0xFF, fp);
		fputc(hilong & 0xFF, fp);

		fputc((lowlong >> 24) & 0xFF, fp);
		fputc((lowlong >> 16) & 0xFF, fp);
		fputc((lowlong >> 8) & 0xFF, fp);
		fputc(lowlong & 0xFF, fp);
		fputc(lowlong & 0xFF, fp);
		fputc((lowlong >> 8) & 0xFF, fp);
		fputc((lowlong >> 16) & 0xFF, fp);
		fputc((lowlong >> 24) & 0xFF, fp);

		fputc(hilong & 0xFF, fp);
		fputc((hilong >> 8) & 0xFF, fp);
		fputc((hilong >> 16) & 0xFF, fp);
		fputc((hilong >> 24) & 0xFF, fp);
	return ferror(fp);

And use these to read two's complement integers.

  Get a 16-bit big-endian signed integer from a stream.

  Does not break, regardless of host integer representation.

  @param[in] fp - pointer to a stream opened for reading in binary mode
  @ returns the 16 bit value as an integer
int fget16be(FILE *fp)
	int c1, c2;

	c2 = fgetc(fp);
	c1 = fgetc(fp);

	return ((c2 ^ 128) - 128) * 256 + c1;
Get a 32-bit big-endian signed integer from a stream.

Does not break, regardless of host integer representation.

@param[in] fp - pointer to a stream opened for reading in binary mode
@ returns the 32 bit value as a long
long fget32be(FILE *fp)
	int c1, c2, c3, c4;

	c4 = fgetc(fp);
	c3 = fgetc(fp);
	c2 = fgetc(fp);
	c1 = fgetc(fp);
	return ((c4 ^ 128) - 128) * 256 * 256 * 256 + c3 * 256 * 256 + c2 * 256 + c1;

Points of Interest

It's just a little bit trickier than it looks, but not too bad. The problem is getting non-IEEE and non CHAR_BIT 8 hardware to test these on.


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