Moving a laptop around your house or office can have a significant impact on the quality of your wi-fi signal and internet accessibility. Using a combination of a BAT file and Powershell, we can put together a rudimentary script to report on wi-fi strength and internet speed every X number of seconds.
Moving a laptop around your house or office can have a significant impact on the quality of your wi-fi signal and internet accessibility. Using a combination of a BAT file and Powershell, we can put together a simple script to report on wi-fi strength as a percentage and internet speed every X number of seconds.
Using the code
1. Create a new folder "internettest" on the C:\ drive.
2. Create a new file called InternetTest.bat in the "internettest" folder.
3. Using a text editor (notepad), insert the following line into the InternetTest.bat file:
powershell -ExecutionPolicy bypass c:\internettest\InternetTest.ps1
4. Create a new file called InternetTest.ps1 in the "internettest" folder.
5. Using a text editor (notepad), insert the following into the InternetTest.ps1 file:
echo "wi-fi strength monitor"
1..4 | % {
(netsh wlan show interfaces) -Match '^\s+Signal' -Replace '^\s+Signal\s+:\s+',''
start-sleep 2
echo ""
echo "internet speed test"
1..4 | % {
Function Get-InternetSpeed{
$TestFile = ''
$TempFile = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath 'testfile.tmp'
$WebClient = New-Object Net.WebClient
$TimeTaken = Measure-Command { $WebClient.DownloadFile($TestFile,$TempFile)} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TotalSeconds
$Speed = (10 / $TimeTaken) * 8
$Message = "{0:N2} Mbit/Sec" -f ($Speed)
echo $Message
start-sleep 5
start-sleep 120
6. Save both files.
7. Open a Window command prompt as an administrator and navigate to the path C:\internettest using the DOS command:
cd C:\internettest
8. On the command prompt, enter:
9. Press <ENTER> and the console will report the wi-fi strength and internet speed.
Points of Interest
In the code, "1..4" is a loop that performs the test 4 times. In your testing, you can increase or decrease the number of times to loop through the tests. The start-sleep command pauses the specified number of seconds between tests. This can also be increased or decreased.