In Android Programming Language Graphics provide very powerful functions by the help of which we can do many attractive work we can also design low level game for fun,So in this page we learn how we can change the color of any Image.
By using this example we can design a application that change the color of image
Using the code
Small line of code given below use to change the color of image,here only single image is use that's name is new2
Bitmap b=BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),R.drawable.new2);
can.drawBitmap(b, 10, 10,null);
ColorFilter f=new LightingColorFilter(0x00FF00, 0x0000FF);
can.drawBitmap(b, 100, 100,p);
ColorFilter f1=new LightingColorFilter(0x00FF00, 0xFF00FF);
can.drawBitmap(b, 0, 200,p);
This code should be written within onDraw() method of Graphics.
Points of Interest
In this code on of the important thing that is interest which is ColorFilter which define which color will display.