If we want to store our data in encrypted form, we use code for encryption and for decryption. But here we can store data in a database without writing
lengthy code for it, we can do it in just two lines.
Using the code
First we have to create a database and a table.
create database Encrypt_Decrypt ;//create database
use Encrypt_Decrypt ;// use database
CREATE TABLE 'encrypt_decrypt'.'test' ('Username' VARCHAR(45) ,'Pswd' VARCHAR(45) ); //creating table
//Encryption start
//Encrypt Pswd data at the time of inserting
insert into 'encrypt_decrypt'.'test'(Username,Pswd) values('atul',AES_ENCRYPT('tiwari','.a.'));
//For decrypting Data
SELECT Username,AES_DECRYPT(Pswd,'.a.') FROM test ; // Here '.a.' is the Encrypt key
This code is tested in MySQL Server.
Points of Interest
While encrypting data we need a key, this should be unique and confidential because it will be further used in decrypting the data.
If you forget the key then you can not decrypt your data.
For security purposes you can also put your key in the config file.
For more help you can post your query.