This article explains how you can make a DataGridview with paging capability in C# for Windows Forms (not in ASP.NET because there is a DataGridView with paging property in ASP.NET). It is so simple to do this so I decided to share my expereince with those who want to know!
My idea was created when I wanted to show many records in a DataGridView that did not cause reduced speed of loading the form and data, so in this example at first I loaded 5 by 5 records in a DataGridView for best performance.
Using the code
We shall do the following:
1- Create a Windows application form in Visual Studio 2010 (or 2008) with language C#.

2. In Form1, we shall drag and drop three component from toolbox(two buttons and one datagridview)

Then change the properties of the buttons as follows:
- Name:btnNext Text:Next
- Name:btnPrev Text:Prev
3. The next step is create a server-base .mdf database by right click on project in Solution Explorer and select Add--->New item and then choose server-based database:

Now right click in server-based database in Solution Explorer and click open after that in server explorer right click on the database and select "New table" and create a table with three columns called "Username", "Password", "id". Then save the table. After that right click on Solution Explorer and select Add->New item->LINQ to SQL classes and press OK.

Then drag the table called users (this table created by server-based database SQL data access .mdf in visual studio 2010):

In the form class we shall define the following variables:
public static int nTotalRow
public static int pTotalRow
public static int nSkkipedRows
public static int pSkkipedRows
public static int Total
Finally using LINQ we can use the "skip
" and "take
" methods for showing data in a DataGridView
. In the form load event, we write the following:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
btnPrev.Enabled = false;
DataClasses1DataContext d = new DataClasses1DataContext();
var Rowss = from q in d.UsersTables
select new { q.Username,q.Password };
nTotalRow = Rowss.Count();
pTotalRow = Rowss.Count();
Total = Rowss.Count();
if (nTotalRow <= 5)
var nr = (from qq in d.UsersTables
select new {qq.Username,qq.Password});
dataGridView1.DataSource = nr;
else if (nTotalRow > 5)
nSkippedRows = 5;
var nr = (from qq in d.UsersTables
select new { qq.Username,qq.Password}).Take(nSkippedRows);
dataGridView1.DataSource = nr;
nTotalRow= nTotalRow - nSkippedRows;}
rivate void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
btnPrev.Enabled = false;
DataClasses1DataContext d = new DataClasses1DataContext();
var Rowss = from q in d.UsersTables
select new { q.Username,q.Password };
nTotalRow = Rowss.Count();
pTotalRow = Rowss.Count();
Total = Rowss.Count();
if (nTotalRow <= 5)
var nr = (from qq in d.UsersTables
select new {qq.Username,qq.Password});
dataGridView1.DataSource = nr;
else if (nTotalRow > 5)
nSkippedRows = 5;
var nr = (from qq in d.UsersTables
select new { qq.Username,qq.Password}).Take(nSkippedRows);
dataGridView1.DataSource = nr;
nTotalRow= nTotalRow - nSkippedRows;
In the click event of two buttons we write the following:
private void btnPrev_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataClasses1DataContext d = new DataClasses1DataContext();
if ( ((Total- pTotalRow)-5 ==0) || Total- pTotalRow==0)
var Rowss = (from q in d.UsersTables
select new { q.Username,q.Password}).Take(5);
dataGridView1.DataSource = Rowss;
nTotalRow += 5;
if (nSkippedRows == 0)
nSkippedRows = 5;
pTotalRow += 5;
btnPrev.Enabled = false;
btnNext.Enabled = true; }
else if (Total - pTotalRow > 5)
var Rowss = (from q in d.UsersTables
select new { q.Username, q.Password }).Skip(Total - pTotalRow - 5).Take(5);
dataGridView1.DataSource = Rowss;
btnNext.Enabled = true;
pTotalRow += 5;
nTotalRow = nTotalRow + 5;
nSkippedRows -= 5;
private void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataClasses1DataContext d = new DataClasses1DataContext();
if (nTotalRow <= 5)
var Rowss = (from q in d.UsersTables
select new { q.Username,q.Password }).Skip(nSkippedRows).Take(nTotalRow);
dataGridView1.DataSource = Rowss;
pTotalRow -= 5;
nSkippedRows += 5;
nTotalRow -= 5;
btnNext.Enabled = false;
btnPrev.Enabled = true;
else if (nTotalRow > 5)
var Rowss = (from q in d.UsersTables
select new { q.Username,q.Password}).Skip(nSkippedRows).Take(5);
dataGridView1.DataSource = Rowss;
pTotalRow -= 5;
nTotalRow = nTotalRow - 5;
nSkippedRows += 5;
btnPrev.Enabled = true;
You can download the project and see how exactly it works.
in deed we have a table calles "UsersTable" with following records(17 records):

when we run the application we will see like this at the first five records(this datagridview show records 5 by 5):

now when click the "Next" button we will see this records:

if we press "Next" button more times we see the last page like this:

in this case the "Next" disabled and we can revers by "Prev" button.
Points of Interest
I am really interested in using LINQ, it is so easy and a very complete technology.