Many Windows 8 users find it tricky to make a store app or any other Metro app on Windows 8 to access internet on a proxy server. Here is a solution.
The simple solution to this problem is to add the HTTP_PROXY
environment variable to your system. Just adding a proxy setting to IE will not make any of MS store
(or Metro UI) apps to use proxy settings.
- "windows key + w"
- Type "system variable" in search box
- Click "edit system environment variables" and provide password if asked.
- In opened dialog box click "Environment variables".
- Then add two new variables by clicking on "New" button under system variables.
- Name "HTTP_PROXY" value "http://<your proxy
IP or URL address>: <http proxy port( mostly 8080)>"
- Name "HTTPS_PROXY" value "https://< your proxy
IP or URL address>:<http proxy port( mostly 8080)>"
Note: If your proxy uses username and password the value for both will be "http://username:password@<your proxy IP
or URL address>:<http proxy port( mostly 8080)>".
This will sort the issue. And now all store apps will run on the proxy as well. If you use two different networks, one with proxy on work and one without it at home,
out the values in a .txt file and save it to your desktop. Hope you enjoy your apps on proxy network connections.