These 3 views work together to aggregate and simplify SQL Agent Job execution details. They are useful for analyzing job interaction patterns (like overlapping job steps), performance details, or just to get a quick peek at what SQL Agent Jobs are doing.
There are 3 views in this solution:
: A "private
" view used by the other two as a basis for historical information.
: Displays one row for each job step, aggregating historical information in line. Key result columns include:
- Database Name
- Bit flag indicating if job will run against currently selected DB
- Job and Step Names and IDs
- Job created and modified dates
- Bit flag indicating if the job is enabled
- Step command
- First, last and next execution times
- Last execution runtime in seconds and formatted as HH:MM:SS
- Last execution status and message(s)
- Number of schedules created for this job
- Execution total, success and fail counts
- Min, Max, Average and Median runtime durations in seconds and formatted as HH:MM:SS
- Min, Max and Average successful-only runtime durations in seconds and formatted as HH:MM:SS
- If job step is currently running, running Session ID, status and program name
- Checksum of key job details, including Job, Step and DB names, Step Command and step sequence ID
: Displays one row for each job step execution.
- Database Name
- Bit flag indicating if job will run against currently selected DB
- Job and Step Names and IDs
- Job created and modified dates
- Bit flag indicating if the job is enabled
- Step start and end times
- Step run time in seconds and formatted as HH:MM:SS
- Step results including status code, status details, messages and success indicator bit
- Step command
- Notification details
- Default sort order to make order by easier
Using the Code
Use the code as may be meaningful to you. Basic usage is as follows, but you can export results to Microsoft Excel for deep analysis or call via job to gather statistics over time, among other things.
WHERE [in_db] = 1
ORDER BY [sort]
Points of Interest
[msdb].[dbo].[agent_datetime](next_run_date,next_run_time) as [next_run_time],
) as [run_dur_sec],
case run_status
when 0 then 'Failed'
when 1 then 'Succeeded'
when 2 then 'Retry'
when 3 then 'Cancelled'
when 4 then 'In Progress'
end as [run_status_desc],
CAST(case run_status
when 0 then 0
when 1 then 1
when 2 then 0
when 3 then 0
when 4 then NULL
end as [bit]) as [is_success],
FROM msdb..sysjobhistory
'SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep (Job '
+ ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(2000), cast(j.job_id as binary(16)), 1 ),'NULL')
+ ' : Step '
+ CAST(sjs.step_id as varchar(2000))
+ ')' as [step_program_name]
FROM msdb..sysjobs j
INNER JOIN msdb..sysjobsteps sjs
ON sjs.job_id = j.job_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions ssn
on (ssn.[program_name] = cte.[step_program_name])
CONVERT(varchar(8), DATEADD(ss, DATETIME, '1/1/2000'), 108) as [min_run_dur_hhmmss],
min(run_dur_sec) as min_run_dur_sec,
WHEN [is_success] = 1 THEN run_dur_sec
) as min_run_dur_success_sec,
+ '|' + ISNULL([job_name],'')
+ '|' + ISNULL([step_name],'')
+ '|' + ISNULL(CAST([step_id] as varchar(32)),'')
+ '|' + ISNULL([step_command],'')
) as bigint) as [checksum_hash]
- 20th October, 2013: Initial public draft
- 7th January, 2014: Bug fix. If a job step has always been failing (never had a successful run), it was not appearing in the results. Bug fix checks for this condition and addresses it.
- 12th March, 2014: [msdb].[dbo].[agent_datetime] -- Thanks to Paw Jershauge
- 30th May 2014: [msdb].[dbo].[agent_datetime](NULLIF(next_run_date,0),NULLIF(next_run_time,0)) -- Thanks to Henrik