This is a small code snippet that uses the shell to unzip a zip-file. It is meant to to be used from your application if you need a simple, uncomplicated way to quickly unzip something, without the need to include other libraries or write lots of code. It is not meant to be a replacement for a complete, flexible solution that is able to deal with zip files in general.
Honsestly, the code is not my idea. I found it on MSDN and I just adapted it to use ATL's save pointers and made it a bit more compact.
Using the code
Add the function to your application and just call
HRESULT hr = Unzip2Folder(aZIPFile, aDestinationFolder);
And here is the function:
HRESULT Unzip2Folder(LPCTSTR zipFileName, LPCTSTR outFolderName)
CComPtr<ishelldispatch> shell;
HRESULT hr = shell.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Shell);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
CComPtr<folder> zipFile;
hr = shell->NameSpace(CComVariant(zipFileName), &zipFile);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
CComPtr<folder> destination;
hr = shell->NameSpace(CComVariant(outFolderName), &destination);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
CComPtr<folderitems> folderItems;
hr = zipFile->Items(&folderItems);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
hr = destination->CopyHere(CComVariant(folderItems),
CComVariant(2048 | 1024 | 512 | 16 | 4, VT_I4));
return hr;
If you need more information you should probably read about IShellDispatch, Folder and FolderItems.
For the flags used in CopyHere
please look at Folder::CopyHere. Basically they supress all UIs that may appear. Depending on your application you might want to change this.
And that's all, folkes!