This tip discusses the basic date manipulation with Lamma date library in Java.
Pre JDK8's standard date and time library is known for its limited functionality and a number of design problems. Joda time is in general a very good and mature replacement but its API is sometimes a bit of an overkill for some simple use cases. Lamma date library is a new date library developed recently that aims to provide a simpler and neater API from basic date manipulation to complicated schedule generation.
Using the Code
Date Object Creation
Instance of io.lamma.Date
can be created from (year, month, day) integer tuple or a string of ISO 8601 format. Following 3 ways are interchangeable:
new Date(2014, 5, 5));
import static;
date(2014, 10, 7);
Date can be compared by isBefore
, isAfter
, isOnOrBefore
and isOnOrAfter
. Because there is no time and timezone information in the io.lamma.Date object, there won't be any ambiguity on the definition of same day. For example:
date(2014, 7, 7).isBefore(date(2014, 7, 8));
Day Operations
Calculate days between two days:
date(2016, 3, 3).minus(date(2016, 2, 25));
Shift by days with plusDays
and minusDays
date(2016, 2, 29).plusDays(5);
date(2016, 2, 29).minusDays(5);
Week Operations
Check day of week with is
date(2014, 7, 7).is(DayOfWeek.MONDAY);
Get previous / next day of week with respect to a given date:
date(2014, 7, 7).next(DayOfWeek.MONDAY);
date(2014, 7, 7).previous(DayOfWeek.MONDAY);
date(2014, 7, 7).nextOrSame(DayOfWeek.MONDAY);
date(2014, 7, 7).previousOrSame(DayOfWeek.WEDNESDAY);
Get by day of week within the current week. In Lamma, a week begins with Monday according to ISO 8601:
date(2014, 7, 7).withDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek.MONDAY);
date(2014, 7, 7).withDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek.SUNDAY);
will return an Iterable<Date>
containing all days of current week. The reason why there is a 4j
suffix is because calling daysOfWeek
will return a Scala Iterable[Date]
, which is not quite Java friendly.
date(2014, 7, 7).daysOfWeek4j();
Similarly, shift by weeks with plusWeeks
and minusWeeks
date(2016, 2, 29).plusWeeks(2);
date(2016, 2, 29).minusWeeks(3);
Month Operations
will return the maximum calendar days of the current month. Following code will return 29. Again, the leap day is considered. Lamma will take care of leap year / leap day whenever necessary.
date(2016, 2, 5).maxDayOfMonth();
returns an Iterable<Date>
containing all days of current month:
date(2014, 7, 7).daysOfMonth4j();
and sameWeekdaysOfMonth4j
returns an Iterable<Date>
containing all days with the same day of week of current month.
date(2016, 2, 5).sameWeekdaysOfMonth4j();
Similarly, shift by months with plusMonths
and minusMonths
. Month end will be handled properly.
date(2016, 1, 31).plusMonths(3);
date(2016, 1, 10).minusMonths(5);
Year Operations
returns the maximum calendar days of current year:
date(2016, 2, 5).maxDayOfYear();
returns the ordinal day of current year:
date(2016, 2, 5).dayOfYear();
Similarly, daysOfYear4j
returns an Iterable<Date>
containing all days of current year:
date(2016, 2, 5).daysOfYear4j();
and sameWeekdaysOfYear4j
returns an Iterable<Date>
containing all days of current year with the same day of week.
date(2016, 2, 5).sameWeekdaysOfYear4j();
How to Run Sample Code
The sample project requires maven to run. Once you have maven installed, go to lamma-java-1/ (the one with pom.xml) and execute the following command:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="io.lammasample1.Sample"
Facts about Lamma Date Library
instance is Immutable and thus thread-safe. io.lamma.Date#toString / hashCode
and equals
are well implemented, thus can be safely used in Set / HashMap
etc. - Lamma date is designed for basic date manipulations like comparison, shifting, etc. (covered above).
- Lamma date is designed for date generations like: give me every other Friday from 2014-05-01 to 2014-07-30 (will be covered in coming articles)
- Lamma date is designed for complicated schedule generation. For example, generate full mortgage schedule from 2014-07-01 to 2015-06-30 where payment dates are the last working day of every quarter and the settlement dates are two working days after payment date. UK public holidays and weekends are considered as non working days (will be covered in coming articles).
- Lamma date is NOT designed for time related or timezone related calculations.