The error involved items in a list or documents in a library that could not be opened due to issues with the master page. If, for example, the user clicks an item in a SharePoint list, an error message is displayed that states that no node named sid:1002 could be found in the document.
Search the entire web for "1002".
For each page that has
in the matched text-
1. In design view, select the Top Link Bar > Default to master's content. The top tav bar's appearance will change from displaying the names of the tabs (from data) to "Root Root Parent1 Root", etc.
2. Switch to code view.
3. Line 1 will include the text "MasterPageFile="~masterurl/default.master"". Click anywhere in the specified text and hit the spacebar.
4. A "pick url" dialog will appear. Double click it.
5. Navigate to the default.master page in _catalogs > masterpage, select it, and click OK.
6. The text "MasterPageFile="~masterurl/default.master"" is replaced with "MasterPageFile="../_catalogs/masterpage/default.master"".
7. Save the page.
9. Return to design view and confirm that the top nav bar displays the names of the tabs correctly.