Usually a standard C/C++11 modules provides quite enough services to accomplish common programming tasks, but sometimes unusual routines are required to reach some specific goals. Here, you will find an example of such functions, which I tried to design in a way in which they can do their job as fast as possible, or at least with the good, decent complexity.
In addition to the C/C++11 <math> module, which provides routines to deal with the individual numbers and C/C++ bitwise operators, which allows to work with the individual bits in integral numbers, the standard C++/C++11 library contains modules with utilities which work with the numbers and bits in ranges: <algorithm>, <numeric> and <bitset> (this one replaces the deprecated vector<bool>). Also, there is one specific C++11 module to work with the proportions
(ike 1:3, 1000:1 etc): <ratio>. Some of these modules will be used within my code.
And of course, if you are thinking in bits and looking for some low-level optimization, you should clearly familiarize yourself with this page: Bit Twiddling Hacks.
Some of the subroutines provided below can be (and should be, if possibly) replaced with the compiler-specific intrinsics, like MS VS compiler Intrinsics / GCC compiler Intrinsics and there are also platform-specific Intel intrinsics.
Using Code
From 'MathUtils
' class (and module):
1) getTenPositiveDegree
Description: Returns 10 in the specified power
Complexity: constant - O(1)
static long long int getTenPositiveDegree(const size_t degree = 0U) throw() {
static const long long int TABLE[] =
{1LL, 10LL, 100LL, 1000LL, 10000LL, 100000LL, 1000000LL, 10000000LL, 100000000LL, 1000000000LL,
10000000000LL, 100000000000LL, 1000000000000LL, 10000000000000LL, 100000000000000LL,
1000000000000000LL, 10000000000000000LL, 100000000000000000LL, 1000000000000000000LL};
return degree < (sizeof(TABLE) / sizeof(*TABLE)) ? TABLE[degree] : 0LL; }
Of course, the same result can be achieved by using the standard pow routine, but its complexity isn't defined. It could be constant, and could be not.
' can be used to replace the 'sizeof(TABLE) / sizeof(*TABLE)
2) getPowerOf2
Description: Returns 2 in the specified power
[!] Use 63 idx. very carefully - ONLY to get the appropriate bit. mask
(zeroes + sign bit set), BUT NOT the appropriate value (returns negative num.) [!]
Complexity: constant - O(1)
static long long int getPowerOf2(const size_t pow) throw() {
static const long long int POWERS[] = { 1LL, 2LL, 4LL, 8LL, 16LL, 32LL, 64LL, 128LL, 256LL, 512LL, 1024LL, 2048LL, 4096LL, 8192LL, 16384LL, 32768LL, 65536LL, 131072LL, 262144LL, 524288LL, 1048576LL, 2097152LL,
4194304LL, 8388608LL, 16777216LL, 33554432LL,
67108864LL, 134217728LL, 268435456LL, 536870912LL, 1073741824LL,
2147483648LL, 4294967296LL, 8589934592LL, 17179869184LL, 34359738368LL, 68719476736LL,
137438953472LL, 274877906944LL, 549755813888LL, 1099511627776LL, 2199023255552LL,
4398046511104LL, 8796093022208LL, 17592186044416LL, 35184372088832LL, 70368744177664LL,
140737488355328LL, 281474976710656LL, 562949953421312LL, 1125899906842624LL, 2251799813685248LL,
4503599627370496LL, 9007199254740992LL, 18014398509481984LL, 36028797018963968LL,
72057594037927936LL, 144115188075855872LL, 288230376151711744LL, 576460752303423488LL,
1152921504606846976LL, 2305843009213693952LL, 4611686018427387904LL,
-9223372036854775808LL };
return pow >= std::extent<decltype(POWERS)>::value ? 0LL : POWERS[pow];
This one can be used if the standard exp2
routine complexity isn't constant for some reason.
3) getDigitOfOrder
Description: Returns the decimal digit of a specified order
Returns 1 for (0, 21), 6 for (1, 360), 2 for (1, 120), 7 for (0, 7), 4 for (1, 40);
0 for (0, 920) OR (3, 10345) OR (0, 0) OR (4, 10) etc
'allBelowOrderDigitsIsZero' will be true for (0, 7) OR (0, 20) OR (1, 130) OR (2, 12300) OR (0, 0)
Negative numbers are allowed;
order starts from zero (for number 3219 zero order digit is 9)
Complexity: constant - O(1)
static size_t getDigitOfOrder(const size_t order, const long long int num,
bool& allBelowOrderDigitsIsZero) throw()
const auto degK = getTenPositiveDegree(order);
const auto shiftedVal = num / degK; allBelowOrderDigitsIsZero = num == (shiftedVal * degK); return static_cast<size_t>(std::abs(shiftedVal % 10LL)); }
4) getArrayOfDigits
Description: Converting number into an array (reversed) of the decimal digits OR into POD C string (based upon the options specified), gathers statistics.
'arraySize' will holds {9, 0, 2, 6, 4, 1} for 902641,
{5, 4, 8, 2, 3} for 54823 etc if 'symbols' is false
{'9', '0', '2', '6', '4', '1', '\0'} AND
{'5', '4', '8', '2', '3', '\0'} otherwise
'count' will hold actual digits count (64 bit numbers can have up to 20 digits)
i. e. 'count' determines digit's degree (highest nonze-zero order)
Fills buffer in the reversed order (from the end), returns ptr. to the actual str. start
Returns nullptr on ANY error
Negative numbers ok, adds sign. for the negative num. if 'symbols' is true
Can be used as a num-to-str. convertion function (produces correct POD C str. if 'symbols' is true)
'num' will hold the remain digits, if the buffer is too small
Complexity: linear - O(n) in the number degree (log10(num)
static char* getArrayOfDigits(long long int& num, size_t& count,
char* arrayPtr, size_t arraySize,
size_t (&countByDigit)[10U], const bool symbols = false) throw()
count = size_t();
memset(countByDigit, 0, sizeof(countByDigit));
if (!arrayPtr || arraySize < 2U) return nullptr;
arrayPtr += arraySize; if (symbols) {
*--arrayPtr = '\0'; --arraySize; }
const bool negative = num < 0LL;
if (negative) num = -num; char currDigit;
auto getCurrCharUpdateIfReqAndAdd = [&]() throw() {
currDigit = num % 10LL;
num /= 10LL;
if (symbols) currDigit += '0';
*--arrayPtr = currDigit;
while (true) {
getCurrCharUpdateIfReqAndAdd(); if (!num) break; if (count >= arraySize) return nullptr; }
if (negative && symbols) {
if (count >= arraySize) return nullptr; *--arrayPtr = '-'; }
return arrayPtr;
5) rewindToFirstNoneZeroDigit
Description: (updates an incoming number)
90980000 -> 9098, -1200 -> -12, 46570 -> 4657, -44342 -> -44342, 0 -> 0 etc
Complexity: linear - O(n) in the 1 + trailing zero digits count in a number, up to the number degree (log10(num)
static void rewindToFirstNoneZeroDigit(long long int& num,
size_t& skippedDigitsCount) throw()
skippedDigitsCount = size_t();
if (!num) return;
auto currDigit = num % 10LL;
while (!currDigit) { num /= 10LL;
currDigit = num % 10LL;
6) getLastNDigitsOfNum
Description: (incoming number is unaltered)
(2, 1234) -> 34; (0, <whatever>) -> 0; (1, -6732) -> 2; (325, 12) -> 12
Complexity: constant - O(1)
template<typename TNumType>
static TNumType getLastNDigitsOfNum(const size_t n, const TNumType num) throw() {
if (!n || !num) return static_cast<TNumType>(0);
const auto divider = getTenPositiveDegree(n);
if (!divider) return num;
auto result = static_cast<TNumType>(num % divider);
if (result < TNumType()) result = -result;
return result;
7) getFirstNDigitsOfNum
Description: (incoming number is unaltered)
(0, <whatever>) -> 0; (97, 21) -> 21; (56453, 0) -> 0; (3, 546429) -> 546
Complexity: amortised constant ~O(1), based on the log10
template<typename TNumType>
static TNumType getFirstNDigitsOfNum(const size_t n, const TNumType num) throw() {
if (!n) return TNumType();
const auto count = static_cast<size_t>(log10(num)) + 1U;
if (count <= n) return num;
return num / static_cast<TNumType>(getTenPositiveDegree(count - n)); }
complexity would probably be constant O(1) or log - logarithmic O(log log n).
8) parseNum
Description: parses number using the single divider or an array of dividers
'dividers' is an array of numbers which will be used as a dividers to get the appropriate result,
which will be placed at the corresponding place in the 'results' array
Func. will stop it work when either 'num' will have NO more data OR zero divider is met
OR the 'resultsCount' limit is reached
Func. will use either 'divider' OR 'dividers' dependig on the content of this values:
if 'divider' is NOT zero - it will be used, otherwise i-th value from the 'dividers' will be used
(if 'dividers' is NOT a nullptr)
Both 'dividers' AND 'results' arrays SHOULD have at least 'resultsCount' size
After return 'resultsCount' will hold an actual elems count in the 'results' array
After return 'num' will hold the rest data which is NOT fitted into the 'results' array
Complexity: linear - O(n), where n is up to 'resultsCount'
static void parseNum(unsigned long long int& num,
const size_t divider, const size_t* const dividers,
size_t* const results, size_t& resultsCount) throw()
if (!results || !resultsCount) {
resultsCount = 0U;
auto resultIdx = 0U;
size_t currDivider;
for (; num && resultIdx < resultsCount; ++resultIdx) {
currDivider = divider ? divider : (dividers ? dividers[resultIdx] : 0U);
if (!currDivider) break;
results[resultIdx] = num % currDivider;
num /= currDivider;
resultsCount = resultIdx;
This strategy can be used, for example, to parse file size or an I/O operation speed or date-time from the machine format to user-friendly representation. See below.
9) addFormattedDateTimeStr
Description: provides user-friendly representation of the POSIX time, support RU, ENG languages
Date/time str. wil be added (concatenated) to the provided 'str'; returns 'str'
'TStrType' should support '+=' operator on the POD C strs AND chars
AND 'empty' func. which returns true if the str. IS empty (false otherwise)
Complexity: linear - O(n), up to the 'dividers' count
#pragma warning(disable: 4005)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(default: 4005)
template<typename TStrType>
static TStrType& addFormattedDateTimeStr(unsigned long long int timeInSecs, TStrType& str,
const bool longPrefixes = true,
const bool eng = true) throw()
static const char* const ENG_LONG_POSTFIXES[] =
{"seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "months", "years", "centuries", "millenniums"};
static const char* const ENG_SHORT_POSTFIXES[] =
{"sec", "min", "hr", "d", "mon", "yr", "cen", "mil"};
static const char* const RU_LONG_POSTFIXES[] =
{"??????", "?????", "?????", "????", "???????", "???", "?????", "???????????"};
static const char* const RU_SHORT_POSTFIXES[] =
{"???", "???", "???", "??", "???", "???", "???", "???"};
static const auto COUNT = std::extent<decltype(ENG_LONG_POSTFIXES)>::value;
auto getPostfix = [&](const size_t idx) throw() {
auto const list = longPrefixes ? (eng ? ENG_LONG_POSTFIXES : RU_LONG_POSTFIXES) : (eng ? ENG_SHORT_POSTFIXES : RU_SHORT_POSTFIXES); return idx < COUNT ? list[idx] : "";
static const size_t DIVIDERS[] =
{60U, 60U, 24U, 30U, 12U, 100U, 10U};
size_t timings[COUNT]; auto timingsCount = std::extent<decltype(DIVIDERS)>::value;
if (!timeInSecs) { *timings = 0U;
timingsCount = 1U;
} else parseNum(timeInSecs, 0U, DIVIDERS, timings, timingsCount);
bool prev = !(str.empty());
char strBuf[32U];
if (timeInSecs) { sprintf(strBuf, "%llu", timeInSecs);
if (prev) str += ' '; else prev = true;
str += strBuf;
str += ' ';
str += getPostfix(COUNT - 1U);
for (auto timingIdx = timingsCount - 1U; timingIdx < timingsCount; --timingIdx) {
if (timings[timingIdx]) { sprintf(strBuf, "%llu", timings[timingIdx]);
if (prev) str += ' '; else prev = true;
str += strBuf;
str += ' ';
str += getPostfix(timingIdx);
return str;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
is MS specific and used because in the MS VS 2013+
is deprected.
1) getBitCount
Description: collects bit statistics (total meaningful; setted count)
Works with the negative numbers (setted sign. bit counts as positive AND meaning: included in 'total')
Complexity: linear - O(n) in setted (ones) bit's count (zero bits - both meaning and not are skipped)
template<typename TNumType>
static void getBitCount(TNumType num, BitCount& count) throw() {
if (!num) return;
if (num < TNumType()) { num &= std::numeric_limits<decltype(num)>::max();
++count.positive;; } = static_cast<size_t>(log2(num)) + 1U;
do {
num &= (num - TNumType(1U));
} while (num);
This function is optimized by skipping zero bits, using
while (num)
condition and Brian Kernighan's trix.
Stats struct
struct BitCount {
BitCount& operator+=(const BitCount& bitCount) throw() {
total +=;
positive += bitCount.positive;
return *this;
void clear() throw() {
total = size_t();
positive = size_t();
size_t total; size_t positive;
Total bits count in a data type is obviously sizeof(T) * 8
, if 'T' is signed integral arithmetic type, then one of them - MSB (Most Significant Bit) is a sign bit.
This schema will help you to understand the concept:

Dec - decimal, LSB - Least Significant Bit.
See also: bit order (it's hardware specific). Below, I'll show you how to detect it (it's very simple).
2) getBitMask
Description: returns bit mask filled with N ones from LSB to MSB (or reverse)
'bitCount' determines how many bits will be set to 1
(ALL others will be set to 0) AND can NOT be larger then 64
Bits will be filled starting from the least significant
(by default) OR from most significant (if 'reversedOrder' is true)
Bit masks are often unsigned.
Complexity: constant - O(1)
static unsigned long long int getBitMask(const size_t bitCount,
const bool reversedOrder = false) throw()
static const unsigned long long int MASKS[]
= {0ULL, 1ULL, 3ULL, 7ULL, 15ULL, 31ULL, 63ULL, 127ULL, 255ULL, 511ULL, 1023ULL,
2047ULL, 4095ULL, 8191ULL, 16383ULL, 32767ULL, 65535ULL, 131071ULL, 262143ULL,
524287ULL, 1048575ULL, 2097151ULL, 4194303ULL, 8388607ULL, 16777215ULL, 33554431ULL,
67108863ULL, 134217727ULL, 268435455ULL, 536870911ULL, 1073741823ULL, 2147483647ULL,
4294967295ULL, 8589934591ULL, 17179869183ULL, 34359738367ULL, 68719476735ULL,
137438953471ULL, 274877906943ULL, 549755813887ULL, 1099511627775ULL, 2199023255551ULL,
4398046511103ULL, 8796093022207ULL, 17592186044415ULL, 35184372088831ULL,
70368744177663ULL, 140737488355327ULL, 281474976710655ULL, 562949953421311ULL,
1125899906842623ULL, 2251799813685247ULL, 4503599627370495ULL, 9007199254740991ULL,
18014398509481983ULL, 36028797018963967ULL, 72057594037927935ULL, 144115188075855871ULL,
288230376151711743ULL, 576460752303423487ULL, 1152921504606846975ULL, 2305843009213693951ULL,
4611686018427387903ULL, 9223372036854775807ULL,
static const auto COUNT = std::extent<decltype(MASKS)>::value;
if (bitCount >= COUNT) return MASKS[COUNT - 1U]; return reversedOrder ? MASKS[COUNT - 1U] ^ MASKS[COUNT - 1U - bitCount] : MASKS[bitCount];
3) setBits
Will set bits with the specified indexes to 1 (OR to 0 if 'SetToZero' is true)
ANY value from the 'idxs' array should NOT be larger then 62
[!] Should work correct with the signed num. types (NOT tested) [!]
Complexity: linear O(n), where n = 'IndexesCount'
template<const bool SetToZero = false, typename TNumType, const size_t IndexesCount>
static void setBits(TNumType& valueToUpdate, const size_t(&idxs)[IndexesCount]) throw() {
static const size_t MAX_BIT_IDX = std::min(sizeof(valueToUpdate) * 8U - 1U, 62U);
decltype(0LL) currBitMask;
for (const auto bitIdx : idxs) {
if (bitIdx > MAX_BIT_IDX) continue;
currBitMask = getPowerOf2(bitIdx);
if (SetToZero) {
valueToUpdate &= ~currBitMask; } else valueToUpdate |= currBitMask; }
4) parseByBitsEx
Description: used to parse individual bits, individual bytes, variable count of bits (multiply of 2 OR 8 OR NOT)
Return the last meaning (holding actual data) part INDEX OR -1 if NOT any meaning part is presented
NOT meaning parts (including zero-size AND negative-size parts) will be filled with zeroes
First meaning part will hold the least significant bit(s) AND so on
At the func. end 'num' will hold unprocessed data (if left)
shifted to the beginning (to the least significant bit)
[!] ANY part size from the 'partSizes' can NOT be higher then
the actual size in bits of the types 'TNumType' OR 'TPartType' (MAX = 64) [!]
Prefer 'TPartType' AND 'TPartSizeType' to be unsigned integral number types (as so 'TNumType')
[!] If 'num' is a NEGATIVE number, then the sign. bit will be FORCEFULLY RESETED,
so do NOT use NEGATIVE numbers here [!]
Complexity: linear - O(n), where n = 'PartCount'
template<typename TNumType, class TPartSizeType, class TPartType, const size_t PartCount>
static int parseByBitsEx(TNumType& num, const TPartSizeType (&partSizes)[PartCount],
TPartType (&parts)[PartCount]) throw()
auto filledParts = 0U;
auto lastMeaning = -1;
if (num) { auto meaningParts = 0U, incorrectParts = 0U;
if (num < TNumType()) { num &= std::numeric_limits<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(num)>::type>::max();
static const auto MAX_PART_SIZE =
std::min(sizeof(TNumType) * 8U, sizeof(TPartType) * 8U);
TNumType bitMask;
TPartSizeType currPartSize;
do {
currPartSize = partSizes[meaningParts];
if (currPartSize < TPartSizeType(1U)) { parts[filledParts++] = TPartType(); ++incorrectParts;
if (currPartSize > MAX_PART_SIZE) currPartSize = MAX_PART_SIZE;
bitMask = static_cast<TNumType>(getBitMask(currPartSize, false));
parts[lastMeaning = filledParts++] = static_cast<TPartType>(num & bitMask);
num >>= currPartSize;
} while (num && filledParts < PartCount);
while (filledParts < PartCount)
parts[filledParts++] = TPartType();
return lastMeaning;
This one can be used for parsing bit packed (in trivial integral type) data.
For example (assuming direct bit order):

5) getBitStr
Description: returns binary str. representation of the number (bit order in this str. is always direct: MSB <- LSB)
Returns ptr. to the actual beginning of the str.
(buffer will be filled in the reversed order - from the end)
For the negative numbers sign bit simb. in the str. will be set at its place
(according to the size of the 'TNumType')
AND intermediate unmeaning zero bits will be filled -
BUT ALL of this will happen ONLY if the buf. is large enough
If the provided buf. is too small to hold all the data containing in 'num',
then 'num' will hold the remaining data
(INCLUDING sign bit at it's ACTUAL place for the NEGATIVE number)
shifted to the beginning (to the LEAST significant bit) after return from the func.
[!] Works with the negative numbers [!]
Linear complexity (N = count of the meaning bits in a number,
up to a sizeof(TNumType) * 8 for negative numbers)
template<typename TNumType>
static char* getBitStr(TNumType& num, char* const strBuf, const size_t strBufSize) throw() {
if (!strBuf || !strBufSize) return nullptr;
const auto negative = num < TNumType();
if (negative)
num &= std::numeric_limits<TNumType>::max();
char* const bufLastCharPtr = strBuf + (strBufSize - 1U);
char* start = bufLastCharPtr; *start-- = '\0';
while (num && start >= strBuf) { *start-- = '0' + (num & TNumType(1U));
num >>= 1U;
if (negative) {
char* const signBitSymbPtr = bufLastCharPtr - sizeof(TNumType) * 8U;
if (signBitSymbPtr >= strBuf) {
while (start > signBitSymbPtr)
*start-- = '0'; *start-- = '1'; }
if (num) num |= std::numeric_limits<TNumType>::min();
return start + 1U;
6) ReverseBitsInByteEx
Description: here
Effective, uses lookup table (const complexity)
static unsigned char ReverseBitsInByteEx(const unsigned char c) throw() {
static const unsigned char LOOKUP_TABLE[] = {
0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0xC0, 0x20, 0xA0, 0x60, 0xE0, 0x10, 0x90, 0x50, 0xD0, 0x30, 0xB0, 0x70, 0xF0,
0x08, 0x88, 0x48, 0xC8, 0x28, 0xA8, 0x68, 0xE8, 0x18, 0x98, 0x58, 0xD8, 0x38, 0xB8, 0x78, 0xF8,
0x04, 0x84, 0x44, 0xC4, 0x24, 0xA4, 0x64, 0xE4, 0x14, 0x94, 0x54, 0xD4, 0x34, 0xB4, 0x74, 0xF4,
0x0C, 0x8C, 0x4C, 0xCC, 0x2C, 0xAC, 0x6C, 0xEC, 0x1C, 0x9C, 0x5C, 0xDC, 0x3C, 0xBC, 0x7C, 0xFC,
0x02, 0x82, 0x42, 0xC2, 0x22, 0xA2, 0x62, 0xE2, 0x12, 0x92, 0x52, 0xD2, 0x32, 0xB2, 0x72, 0xF2,
0x0A, 0x8A, 0x4A, 0xCA, 0x2A, 0xAA, 0x6A, 0xEA, 0x1A, 0x9A, 0x5A, 0xDA, 0x3A, 0xBA, 0x7A, 0xFA,
0x06, 0x86, 0x46, 0xC6, 0x26, 0xA6, 0x66, 0xE6, 0x16, 0x96, 0x56, 0xD6, 0x36, 0xB6, 0x76, 0xF6,
0x0E, 0x8E, 0x4E, 0xCE, 0x2E, 0xAE, 0x6E, 0xEE, 0x1E, 0x9E, 0x5E, 0xDE, 0x3E, 0xBE, 0x7E, 0xFE,
0x01, 0x81, 0x41, 0xC1, 0x21, 0xA1, 0x61, 0xE1, 0x11, 0x91, 0x51, 0xD1, 0x31, 0xB1, 0x71, 0xF1,
0x09, 0x89, 0x49, 0xC9, 0x29, 0xA9, 0x69, 0xE9, 0x19, 0x99, 0x59, 0xD9, 0x39, 0xB9, 0x79, 0xF9,
0x05, 0x85, 0x45, 0xC5, 0x25, 0xA5, 0x65, 0xE5, 0x15, 0x95, 0x55, 0xD5, 0x35, 0xB5, 0x75, 0xF5,
0x0D, 0x8D, 0x4D, 0xCD, 0x2D, 0xAD, 0x6D, 0xED, 0x1D, 0x9D, 0x5D, 0xDD, 0x3D, 0xBD, 0x7D, 0xFD,
0x03, 0x83, 0x43, 0xC3, 0x23, 0xA3, 0x63, 0xE3, 0x13, 0x93, 0x53, 0xD3, 0x33, 0xB3, 0x73, 0xF3,
0x0B, 0x8B, 0x4B, 0xCB, 0x2B, 0xAB, 0x6B, 0xEB, 0x1B, 0x9B, 0x5B, 0xDB, 0x3B, 0xBB, 0x7B, 0xFB,
0x07, 0x87, 0x47, 0xC7, 0x27, 0xA7, 0x67, 0xE7, 0x17, 0x97, 0x57, 0xD7, 0x37, 0xB7, 0x77, 0xF7,
0x0F, 0x8F, 0x4F, 0xCF, 0x2F, 0xAF, 0x6F, 0xEF, 0x1F, 0x9F, 0x5F, 0xDF, 0x3F, 0xBF, 0x7F, 0xFF };
return LOOKUP_TABLE[c];
7) ReverseBits
Description: Same as the previous one, but for the other data types (then unsigned char)
ANY integral num. types
linear complexity in sizeof(TIntegralNumType)
template <typename TIntegralNumType,
typename TIntgeralNumPartType = unsigned char,
class ReverseBitsInPartFunctor = ReverseBitsInByteExFunctor>
static TIntegralNumType ReverseBits(const TIntegralNumType num) throw() {
static_assert(1U == sizeof(unsigned char), "'unsigned char' type SHOULD be 1 byte long!");
static_assert(!(sizeof(decltype(num)) % sizeof(TIntgeralNumPartType)),
"Size of 'num' type SHOULD be even size of 'TIntgeralNumPartType'");
typedef typename std::remove_const<decltype(num)>::type TMutableNumType;
union Converter {
TMutableNumType i;
TIntgeralNumPartType c[sizeof(decltype(num)) / sizeof(TIntgeralNumPartType)];
} resultConverter, originalConverter;
originalConverter.i = num;
static const auto COUNT = std::extent<decltype(resultConverter.c)>::value;
TIntgeralNumPartType currOriginalPart;
ReverseBitsInPartFunctor bitReversingFunctor;
for (size_t partIdx = 0U; partIdx < COUNT; ++partIdx) {
currOriginalPart =
originalConverter.c[COUNT - partIdx - 1U]; resultConverter.c[partIdx] =
bitReversingFunctor(currOriginalPart); }
return resultConverter.i;
Can be adapted to be used with the modified POD types.
8) BitOrderTester (class)
Description: Determines whether hardware specific bit order is direct or reversed
Complexity: constant - O(1), initializes at the startup (as a static singleton)
class BitOrderTester {
static const BitOrderTester INSTANCE;
bool reversedBitOrder = false;
BitOrderTester() throw() {
static_assert(sizeof(char) == 1U, "'char' type is NOT 1 byte large!");
static_assert(sizeof(int) > sizeof('A'), "Too small 'int' size");
union Converter {
int i;
char c[sizeof(decltype(i))];
} converter = {0};
*converter.c = 'A'; reversedBitOrder = ('A' == converter.i);
~BitOrderTester() = default;
BitOrderTester(const BitOrderTester&) throw() = delete;
BitOrderTester(BitOrderTester&&) throw() = delete;
BitOrderTester& operator=(const BitOrderTester&) throw() = delete;
BitOrderTester& operator=(BitOrderTester&&) throw() = delete;
C++ misses type-safe exclusive or for the standard bool type.
1) XOR
Description: logic exclusive or (NOT bitwise)
[!] Do NOT confuse this with the std. C++ keyword 'xor'
(which is an alias for the bitwise operator '^') [!]
Complexity: constant - O(1)
static bool XOR(const bool b1, const bool b2) throw() {
return (b1 || b2) && !(b1 && b2);
I personally was also requiring some good POD C string hashing routine, because the standard C++11 std::hash misses it. I found FNV-1a hashing algorithm which is short, simple and produces very low collisons count.
1) getFNV1aHash
Description: Returns 'unique' hash value
'str' SHOULD be a POD C null-terminated str.
Returns zero for an empty str.
Complexity: linear - O(n) in the string length (NOT all hashing algorithms has an O(n) complexity, through)
static size_t getFNV1aHash(const char* str) throw() {
if (!str || !*str) return size_t();
static_assert(4U == sizeof(size_t) || 8U == sizeof(size_t),
"Known primes & offsets for 32 OR 64 bit hashes ONLY");
static const unsigned long long int BASISES[] =
{2166136261ULL, 14695981039346656037ULL}; static const size_t OFFSET_BASIS =
static_cast<decltype(OFFSET_BASIS)>(BASISES[sizeof(size_t) / 4U - 1U]);
static const unsigned long long int PRIMES[] =
{16777619ULL, 1099511628211ULL}; static const size_t PRIME =
static_cast<decltype(OFFSET_BASIS)>(PRIMES[sizeof(size_t) / 4U - 1U]);
auto hash = OFFSET_BASIS;
do {
hash ^= *str++; hash *= PRIME;
} while (*str);
return hash;
As you can see, this version supports ONLY 4 byte AND 8 byte hashes (the most common and useful).
Test Code
For Ideone online compiler:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
for (size_t i = 0U; i < 10U; ++i) {
assert(MathUtils::getTenPositiveDegree(i) == std::pow(10.0, i));
for (size_t power = 0U; power < 10U; ++power) {
assert(std::pow(2.0, power) == MathUtils::getPowerOf2(power));
auto flag = false;
auto digit_1_ = MathUtils::getDigitOfOrder(3U, 10345LL, flag);
char buf[24U] = {'\0'};;
auto zeroDigitsCount2 = size_t();
size_t countByDigit[10U] = {0};
auto returnPtr = "";
auto n2 = 123456789LL;
auto n2_initial_ = n2;
auto count2 = size_t();
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
memset(countByDigit, 0, sizeof(countByDigit));
returnPtr = MathUtils::getArrayOfDigits(n2, count2, buf,
countByDigit, true);
const size_t countByDigit_TEST1[] = {0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
assert(!memcmp(countByDigit, countByDigit_TEST1, sizeof(countByDigit)));
assert(0U == *countByDigit);
assert(returnPtr >= buf);
assert(count2 < std::extent<decltype(buf)>::value);
assert(count2 == strlen(returnPtr));
assert(atoll(returnPtr) == n2_initial_);
std::cout << n2_initial_ << " = " << returnPtr << std::endl;
auto num3 = 90980000LL;
auto skippedDigitsCount = 0U;
MathUtils::rewindToFirstNoneZeroDigit(num3, skippedDigitsCount);
assert(4U == skippedDigitsCount);
assert(9098LL == num3);
assert(34 == MathUtils::getLastNDigitsOfNum(2U, 1234));
assert(0L == MathUtils::getLastNDigitsOfNum(0U, 1234L));
assert(2LL == MathUtils::getLastNDigitsOfNum(1U, -6732LL));
assert(12 == MathUtils::getLastNDigitsOfNum(325U, 12));
assert(0 == MathUtils::getFirstNDigitsOfNum(0U, 6428));
assert(0 == MathUtils::getFirstNDigitsOfNum(56453U, 0));
assert(0L == MathUtils::getFirstNDigitsOfNum(0U, 0L));
assert(0LL == MathUtils::getFirstNDigitsOfNum(97U, 0LL));
size_t results_0004[] = {1U, 2U, 3U, 4U, 5U, 6U, 7U, 8U};
auto resultsCount_0004 = std::extent<decltype(results_0004)>::value;
auto num_0004 = 343580602368ULL;
auto num_0004Copy = num_0004;
MathUtils::parseNum(num_0004, 1024U, nullptr, results_0004, resultsCount_0004);
assert(4U == resultsCount_0004);
assert(319U == results_0004[3U]);
auto num_0004Copy2 = 0ULL;
auto k = 1ULL;
for (auto idx = 0U; idx < resultsCount_0004; ++idx) {
num_0004Copy2 += results_0004[idx] * k;
k *= 1024ULL;
assert(num_0004Copy2 == num_0004Copy);
std::string dateTimeStr_001 = "date/time:";
MathUtils::addFormattedDateTimeStr(1234567890ULL, dateTimeStr_001, false);
std::cout << 1234567890 << " = " << dateTimeStr_001 << std::endl;
MathUtils::BitCount bc;
MathUtils::getBitCount(1732477657834652625LL, bc);
assert(24U == bc.positive);
assert(61U ==;
assert(127 == MathUtils::getBitMask(7, false));
assert(8388607 == MathUtils::getBitMask(23, false));
auto temp1 = std::pow(2.0, 63.0);
assert(temp1 == MathUtils::getBitMask(1, true));
temp1 += std::pow(2.0, 62.0);
temp1 += std::pow(2.0, 61.0);
auto temp2 = MathUtils::getBitMask(3, true);
assert(temp1 == temp2);
temp1 += std::pow(2.0, 60.0);
temp1 += std::pow(2.0, 59.0);
temp1 += std::pow(2.0, 58.0);
temp1 += std::pow(2.0, 57.0);
temp2 = MathUtils::getBitMask(7, true);
assert(temp1 == temp2);
auto v_01 = 0ULL, v_02 = 0ULL;
auto v_01b = 0UL, v_02b = 0UL;
const size_t idxs1[] = {0U, 3U, 8U, 15U, 44U};
MathUtils::setBits(v_01, idxs1);
v_02 = 0ULL;
for (double idx : idxs1) {
v_02 |= static_cast<decltype(v_02)>(std::pow(2.0, idx));
assert(v_01 == v_02);
auto lastMeaningIdx = 0;
auto num_03 = 394853539863298ULL;
const size_t partSizes_3[] = {7U, 2U, 16U, 10U, 1U, 19U, 5U}; size_t parts_3[std::extent<decltype(partSizes_3)>::value] = {123456789};
lastMeaningIdx = MathUtils::parseByBitsEx(num_03, partSizes_3, parts_3);
assert(5 == lastMeaningIdx); assert(!num_03);
assert( 2U == parts_3[0U]); assert( 2U == parts_3[1U]); assert(32173U == parts_3[2U]); assert( 768U == parts_3[3U]); assert( 1U == parts_3[4U]); assert( 5745U == parts_3[5U]); char strBuf_003[32U] = {0};
char* strBufPtr_003 = nullptr;
auto num_006 = -239852398529385693LL;
auto num_006_copy_ = num_006;
char strBuf_004[64U + 8U] = {0};
strBufPtr_003 = MathUtils::getBitStr(num_006, strBuf_004, std::extent<decltype(strBuf_004)>::value);
std::cout << num_006_copy_ << " =\n\t" << strBufPtr_003 << std::endl;
auto c_23_ = '\0';
auto res_23_ = MathUtils::ReverseBitsInByte(88U);
assert(26U == res_23_); assert(26U == MathUtils::ReverseBitsInByteEx(88U));
c_23_ = 88;
assert(26 == MathUtils::ReverseBits(c_23_));
assert(!MathUtils::XOR(true, true));
assert(!MathUtils::XOR(false, false));
assert(MathUtils::XOR(true, false));
assert(MathUtils::XOR(false, true));
return 0;
123456789 = 123456789
1234567890 = date/time: 39 yr 8 mon 8 d 23 hr 31 min 30 sec
-239852398529385693 =
Hash Collision Probability Test Code
I am using HashTester
class from the HashUtils
module to determine the collision probability.
This class creates fixed length ('BufCapacity' - 1
) ASCII POD C strings, calculates their hashes using the provided functor:
currHash = strFunctor(currStr);
and (optionally) stores this hashes into a hash map to find the equal hash values of the different strings (and log them into file, if required).
Test strategy (recursive):
template <class TStrFunctor, const size_t BufCapacity>
static bool createAndTestCharSeq(Params<BufCapacity>& params, bool logCollisions = true) throw() {
static_assert(MIN_CHAR_ < MAX_CHAR_, "Invalid char. sequence");
static const auto LAST_CHAR_IDX_ = BufCapacity - 1U;
logCollisions = logCollisions && params.outFile;
const auto currIdx = params.currLen;
const auto nextIdx = currIdx + 1U;
const auto toReserveCount = nextIdx + 1U;
size_t currHash = 0U;
std::string currStr;
decltype(std::make_pair(currHash, std::move(currStr))) currPair;
decltype(>insert(std::move(currPair))) insertResult;
TStrFunctor strFunctor;
auto completenessPercentage = 0U;
auto tryInsert = [&]() throw() {
currStr = params.strBuf;
currHash = strFunctor(currStr);
if (! return true; currPair.first = currHash;
if (logCollisions) currPair.second = currStr;
try {
insertResult =>insert(std::move(currPair));
} catch (...) {
return false;
if (!insertResult.second) { if (params.stats) ++params.stats->duplicateCount;
if (logCollisions) {
auto& dupStr = (*insertResult.first).second;
(*params.outFile) << currHash << ": '" << currStr << "' == '" << dupStr << "'\n";
if (!(*params.outFile)) return false;
return true;
static_assert(MIN_CHAR_ < MAX_CHAR_, "Invalid char codes");
double progress;
for (char currChar = MIN_CHAR_; currChar <= MAX_CHAR_; ++currChar) {
params.strBuf[currIdx] = currChar;
if (nextIdx < LAST_CHAR_IDX_) { params.currLen = nextIdx;
if (!createAndTestCharSeq<TStrFunctor, BufCapacity>(params, logCollisions)) return false;
} else { if (!tryInsert()) return false; if (!currHash) return false;
if (params.stats) { ++params.stats->totalCount;
if (params.stats->comboCount) { progress =
static_cast<double>(params.stats->totalCount) / params.stats->comboCount * 100.0;
= static_cast<decltype(completenessPercentage)>(progress);
if (completenessPercentage > params.lastCompletenessPercentage &&
!(completenessPercentage % 10U))
{ std::cout << ' ' << completenessPercentage;
params.lastCompletenessPercentage = completenessPercentage;
} return true;
This class (the complete code of it is in the repository) can be used to test other hashing (and not only) algorithms.
Generated character sequences wil be (assuming they setted to be up to a 3 symols long):
(ALL null-terminated)
This behaviour can be changed with the predefined constants:
static const auto MIN_CHAR_ = 'a';
static const auto MAX_CHAR_ = 'z'; static const auto ALPHABET_LEN_ = MAX_CHAR_ - MIN_CHAR_ + 1U;
An alphabet length along with the sequence length is defining the resulting sequence array size, which will be a^n (a in the power of n), so both parameters increase dramatically affects the combinations count and, of course, test execution time.
Test example in the Ideone online compiler:
template <class TStrType>
struct FNV1aHashFunctor {
auto operator()(const TStrType& str) throw() -> decltype(MathUtils::getFNV1aHash(str.c_str())) {
return MathUtils::getFNV1aHash(str.c_str());
template <class TStrType>
struct STLHashFunctor {
auto operator()(const TStrType& str) throw() -> decltype(std::hash<std::string>()(str)) {
return std::hash<std::string>()(str);
int main() {
bool error = false;
const auto FNV1aHashCollisionProbability_
= HashTester::getCollisionProbability<FNV1aHashFunctor<std::string>>(error, false);
std::cout << std::endl << "FNV1a Collision Probability: "
<< FNV1aHashCollisionProbability_ << ", error: " << error << std::endl;
error = false;
const auto STLHashCollisionProbability_
= HashTester::getCollisionProbability<STLHashFunctor<std::string>>(error, false);
std::cout << std::endl << "STL Collision Probability: "
<< STLHashCollisionProbability_ << ", error: " << error << std::endl;
return 0;
This test uses default (3) char. sequence length. On this length, I see NO collisions:
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
FNV1a Collision Probability: 0, error: 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
STL Collision Probability: 0, error: 0
A very low collision percent can be seen with the char. sequence of 5 symbols:

Points of Interest
Class using TypeHelpers module.
This module is just a small part of the library, which uses C++11 features and which I am working under now, I decided to make it a public
Library modules & technologies reference: