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by Arthur V. Ratz
In this article we'll demonstrate the implementation of k-means clustering algorithm to produce recommendations.
by Igor Ladnik
Automatic generation of optimal control policies for the basic quadcopter flight modes
by Eric Ouellet, Sani Huttunen
Fast implementations of permutation algorithms
by Mircea Neacsu
Various algorithms for 2D interpolation

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by Henrik Vestermark
How to add Xoshiro and ChaCha PRNG's as compatible class in C++
by Pavel Bashkardin
Management of cryptographic activation keys to protect your application

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25 Dec 2016 by Arthur V. Ratz
In this article we'll demonstrate the implementation of k-means clustering algorithm to produce recommendations.
20 Jun 2022 by Igor Ladnik
Automatic generation of optimal control policies for the basic quadcopter flight modes
11 Oct 2022 by Eric Ouellet, Sani Huttunen
Fast implementations of permutation algorithms
13 Sep 2021 by Mircea Neacsu
Various algorithms for 2D interpolation
28 Aug 2015 by Dmitriy Gakh
Development in C# without care of resource consumption can lead to overloading the system. This article describes a case with large waste of memory and CPU time and how to avoid it.
26 Apr 2018 by Mahsa Hassankashi
Best practice for opinion and Text Mining based on Naïve Bayesian Classifier.
29 Aug 2017 by Arthur V. Ratz
How to implement k-means clustering algorithm to perform graphical raster image segmentation
16 May 2024 by Pavel Bashkardin
Management of cryptographic activation keys to protect your application
2 May 2022 by KristianEkman
How to build an AI which plays Backgammon
7 Sep 2010 by Colin Vella
This article presents an algorithm and data structures to implement auto-tiling as seen in RPG Maker, the Starcraft level editor, etc.
11 Jan 2023 by Andrea Simonassi
A simple yet powerful multiplication algorithm
17 Feb 2015 by DrABELL
Educational software package for Microsoft Windows® 7/8 contains “5-in-1” School Math Calculators and Equation Solvers intended for students and educators
6 Sep 2016 by George Swan
An artificial life algorithm that attempts to solve a problem by flying a swarm of entities through a range of possible solutions where each entity is guided by the performance of other members of the swarm
4 Jun 2023 by GeorgeDS
An anecdotal report describing issues encountered in coding a minimal perceptual hash capability, in plain old C, in to 35 year old rolling development, with the goal of running on a noob Win 10/11 installation.
27 Nov 2017 by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
An infinite set of biological shape fractals in the complex plain
9 Sep 2021 by Mladen Janković
Improved algorithm for reconstructing game world map from captured game play
30 Dec 2018 by Arthur V. Ratz
SVD in C++11 explained with an example
9 Sep 2018 by Philipp Sch
Finding a fundamental Cycle Set forming a complete basis to enumerate all cycles of a given undirected graph
1 Jun 2018 by User 6679439
16 Apr 2022 by tugrulGtx
A walkthrough for a grid implementation of "particle in cell" problem to improve performance of axis-aligned bounding-box (AABB) collision checking in various scenarios
16 Apr 2022 by Patrice T
RLE (Run Length Encoding): The Human Friendly Compression
6 Oct 2020 by Christ Kennedy
A graphically bouncy and colorful version of the popular numbers tile-sliding game
13 Oct 2013 by Member 9294701
A simple, portable yet efficient Quicksort implementation in C
2 Sep 2021 by Peter Occil
Algorithms to turn biased "coin flips" into biased "coin flips", and how to code them.
19 Jan 2022 by trekhleb
JavaScript implementation of so-called Seam Carving algorithm for content-aware image resizing
3 Jan 2022 by Arthur V. Ratz
Optimizing the performance of the large-sized matrices QR factorization and eigendecomposition, using Schwarz-Rutishauser algorithm
13 Apr 2022 by Steve Hageman
A Python Library to help make properly scaled Fourier Transforms including utility functions
27 Oct 2015 by Daniel Pfeffer
A faster method for performing interval arithmetic
7 Jun 2016 by GProssliner
cobj is a preprocessor based generator for interface based polymorphism
24 Apr 2022 by Marcus Müller
Pandemic SEIR and SEIRV modelling software and infrastructure for the Corona SARS-COV-2 COVID-19 disease with data from Johns-Hopkins-University CSSE, Robert Koch-Institute and vaccination data from Our World In Data.
13 Mar 2019 by Oana Mancu
Any deterministic game can be broken down to its core functionalities. By understanding them, one can implement fundamental algorithms such as Minimax (with alpha beta pruning), thus paving the way towards a better AI opponent.
16 Sep 2022 by Arthur V. Ratz
Compute the Levenshtein distance of literal strings effectively by using the Wagner-Fischer (two matrix rows-based) algorithm.
11 Oct 2023 by Henrik Vestermark
Practical implementation of a fast, robust and reliable polynomial root finder using Newton's method
26 Nov 2018 by Jonas Selling
Clarifying the use of multi-pass filter cutoff correction
4 Sep 2020 by Mosi_62
Logistic regression, back propagation and support vector machine in comparison on the Iris data set
29 Sep 2013 by Amit Bezalel
Transfering subtitle synchronization from one subtitle file to another
18 Aug 2014 by José Cintra
Some suggestions of algorithms for solving the Pascal Triangle, addressing iterative, recursive and functional paradigms
25 Nov 2018 by Bartlomiej Filipek
What performance can we get from C++17 parallel algorithms?
30 Apr 2021 by ADMGNS
An alternative method to Catmull-Rom, Chaikin or Bezier curve smoothing methods
15 Sep 2023 by optiklab1
I demonstrate with an actual implementation that well-known algorithms BFS, DFS, Dijkstra, and A-Star are essentially variations of the same algorithm.
31 Jul 2012 by Kenneth Haugland
How to calculate a reverbration time in a room
4 Mar 2016 by JorgeLuisOrejel
This article is based on Chapter 2 of my unpublished textbook “Applied Algorithms and Data Structures.”
27 Apr 2018 by Arthur V. Ratz
In this article, we will formulate and discuss CLOPE data mining clustering algorithm that allows to drastically increase the quality and efficiency of categorized data clustering and can be easily used for recommendation-specific purposes
14 Jun 2021 by gggustafson
This article revises an earlier revision of the Gradient Color Picker (V2). The incentive for the revision was a reader request for a larger number of initial color choices.
11 Nov 2023 by Henrik Vestermark
Practical implementation of a fast, robust and stable polynomial root finder using Halley's method
12 Jan 2024 by Nicolas DESCARTES
How to implement logistic regression in ML.NET?
19 May 2014 by databaseobjectmodel
8 Feb 2015 by Emiliano Musso
How to apply GA techniques fo solving problems in VB.NET. The example shows how to create solutions for a 2D maze, which will evolve to find the shortest path between two points.
16 Mar 2022 by Peter Occil
Python code for partially-sampled random numbers for accurate arbitrary-precision sampling
26 Apr 2021 by gggustafson
How well does the Interpolation of Colors match the Colors produced by Microsoft's Linear Gradient Brush?
6 Oct 2021 by Igor Gribanov
An efficient algorithm for assembling sparse matrices in Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format.
8 Jan 2024 by Nicolas DESCARTES
What clustering algorithm should be selected for the clustering task?
10 Aug 2010 by anshulskywalker
Understanding of Example Based Machine Translation (EBMT) system and how to create your own using exisiting tools
20 Jun 2012 by Andreas Gieriet
This is an alternative for "Converting Postfix Expressions to Infix"
19 Aug 2020 by MehreenTahir
In this article we create a web app that trains the classifier on the go and recognizes grumpy facial expressions.
17 Apr 2023 by Mark H Bishop
Computational classes and a GUI interface to illustrate usage
20 Jul 2019 by Arthur V. Ratz
How to perform ARL by using FPGrowth algorithm
16 Mar 2024 by Henrik Vestermark
The steps needed to build an Interval Arithmetic class in C++
2 Dec 2017 by User 6679439
Library extending the .NET numeric support
20 Dec 2023 by Henrik Vestermark
Durand-Kerner method for Polynomial roots. A fast and reliable simultaneous method
4 Sep 2013 by Grasshopper.iics
You would never want to use another photo editor in your AIO again
14 Dec 2016 by Paolo Parise
Graph intersection using map reduce and Akka
29 Nov 2016 by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
Adding tools to help estimate the correct delay and embedding dimension
6 Aug 2022 by ADMGNS
A new method for 2D polyline simplification and also smoothing that alternative to Douglas-Peucker and curvature-based simplification algorithms
18 Sep 2022 by Mikhail Semenov
This article proposes a mapping algorithm, called Segmented Map, which is almost as fast as Flat Map is random access and enumeration of elements and close to std::map in insertion of elements.
9 Feb 2023 by Kenneth Haugland
How to speed up convergence of mathematical series
26 Apr 2016 by raddevus
Adding more methods (select points, draw triangles, etc) which allow us to do some specialized drawing on the HTML5 Canvas so we can investigate the Calc Convex Hull algorithm.
28 May 2024 by Henrik Vestermark
How to add Xoshiro and ChaCha PRNG's as compatible class in C++
14 Dec 2018 by Philipp_Engelmann
Simple Linear Regression from scratch in Rust
31 Mar 2021 by Fedor Naumenko
Find type of distribution and parameters from set of distributed physical values
2 Oct 2023 by optiklab1
Playing with graph traversal algorithms in searching for the way of profitable currencies exchange
21 Oct 2023 by Code Artist
Implementation of DynamicX-Largest-Triangle-Three-Bucket for chart data plotting
3 Aug 2016 by Vyacheslav Chernykh
F#-implementation of algorithm for incremental construction of minimal deterministic finite automata through adding and removing strings.
21 Jul 2023 by Patrice T
Tree Graphs used as support for Top-Down Analyze method
11 Dec 2023 by JorgeLuisOrejel
This article describes the implementation of Dijkstra's Smoothsort as a generic sorting algorithm in C#.
8 Jan 2024 by Henrik Vestermark
Ostrowski multi-point method for Polynomial roots
7 Nov 2012 by Roger Doss
The algorithm described herein is designed to implement sorting of variable length strings in O(n) time.
7 May 2024 by FormerBIOSGuy
This article describes a set of batch, AWK, and PostScript files that together allow you to create personalized, 12-page PDF calendars for some year.
17 Aug 2014 by pi19404
Multi Variate Gaussian Distribution - Part 1
24 Apr 2016 by raddevus
Step by step walk-through with progressive versions of code downloads will take you from the basics of drawing on HTML5 Canvas while studying an interesting point-connecting algorithm.
21 Jun 2016 by Dave “DWC” Curry
This tutorial will show you a good starting point for a WPF style framework which aims to make creating and maintaining Excel-worksheet-forms easier.
15 Jul 2018 by Nour Helal
Find the first number k divisible by given number n (extended approach)
16 Jan 2021 by Patrice T
How to optimize small factors checking
30 Sep 2023 by Ujwal Watgule
The Cheetah Optimizer is a nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm designed to tackle complex optimization problems across multiple dimensions.
2 Apr 2024 by Igor Gribanov
C++ iterators and algorithms work well for containers, but can we sort the Structure of Arrays?
17 Nov 2015 by Chris_Riley
My deep dive into Rogue Wave’s CodeDynamics product was to address a challenge I had been facing since my college days: the debugging of a genetic algorithms (GA) application.
3 Nov 2016 by Intel
Get Results with the Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library and the Latest Intel® Xeon Phi™ Processor
20 Nov 2018 by Apriorit Inc, Artem K.
Find out approaches which you can use to improve runtime algorithms for zero-day threat detection
30 Oct 2019 by Wayne Applebaum
Discussion of the issues of identifying adverse drug effects and how machine learn and big data techniques can solve for them.
30 Jun 2023 by altomaltes
This algorithm uses very simple integer math (add and multiply) to render arcs, lines, etc. to CNC machines or a computer surface.
18 Dec 2023 by Intel
This article will take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of the Fortran DO CONCURRENT statement and the OpenMP target constructs with respect to accelerator offload.
29 Nov 2023 by Henrik Vestermark
Laguerre's method for a stable and efficient polynomial root finder.
20 Jan 2024 by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA
How to solve real-life problems using B-trees
7 May 2020 by Intel, Arthur V. Ratz
How to deliver the modern code, using Intel C++ Compiler and OpenMP 4.5 library, that implements the parallel "stable" three-way quicksort, based on the parallel code that has already been discussed in the previous article.