In Part 1, we elaborated how to find Polynomial roots and devised a modified Newton method dealing efficiently with Polynomials with complex coefficients. This part is all about finding Polynomial roots when the polynomial coefficients are real.
In the first paper (Part One), we developed a highly efficient and robust polynomial root-finder based on the Newton method, specifically designed for complex polynomial coefficients. Although many engineering problems involve polynomials with real coefficients, the core methodology remains applicable. Limiting the coefficients to real numbers does add some complexity to the implementation, but it also speeds up the calculations due to the reduced computational overhead associated with real arithmetic compared to complex arithmetic.
The Easy Way Out
Rather than storing polynomial coefficients in a std::vector<std::complex<double>>
, we use a std::vector<double>
now that the coefficients are real. A straightforward modification involves wrapping each coefficient reference with complex<double>(coefficients[i]). While this approach is functional, it overlooks the property that complex roots always appear in conjugate pairs, resulting in unnecessary conversions and reduced efficiency.
The Real or Complex Root Pitfall
From my perspective, implementing a root finder for real coefficients presents more challenges than one designed for complex coefficients. This is because each iteration may yield either one real root or a pair of complex roots. Complex roots always appear as conjugate pairs and extra caution is needed to avoid misclassifying a real root as two complex ones. If the algorithm veers into the complex plane but returns a value close to the real axis, a test is required to confirm the root's nature. Upon finding a root (designated as z
), we check if P(z.real()) <= P(z)
. If true
, we accept z.real()
as the real root and deflate the polynomial accordingly. Otherwise, we recognize z
and its complex conjugate as the roots, and proceed to deflate the polynomial using the quadratic formula, reducing its degree by two. Aside from this, the issue of multiple roots, addressed in the first paper, remains unchanged.
What to Modify?
Coefficients are now stored in a vector<double> as opposed to a vector<complex<double>>. It's important to note that complex roots still appear as conjugate pairs.
From Part One, the steps include:
- Finding an initial start point
- Executing the Newton iteration, including polynomial evaluation via the Horner method
- Calculating the final upper bound for the errors in evaluation P(z)
- Polynomial deflation
- Solving the quadratic equation
Ad 1) The initial point-finding algorithm remains unchanged, requiring no code modifications.
Ad 2) Although the algorithm stays the same, optimizing the Horner method for real coefficients leads to fewer arithmetic operations. Code adjustments are needed for a more efficient implementation.
Ad 3) The real coefficients simplify the upper bound error calculation. We switch from the Grant-Hutchins algorithm to the Adam algorithm for increased efficiency.
Ad 4) Unlike with complex coefficients, where we find one root at a time, we now may find either a single real root or a pair of complex roots. Consequently, the polynomial can be divided by either a single real root or the quadratic form of the two complex roots.
Ad 5) The algorithm for solving the quadratic or linear polynomial differs, as it must account for whether the roots are real or complex. This wasn't an issue when dealing solely with complex roots.
Review each modified version:
- Horner Method
- Upper Bound Error Calculation
- Real or Conjugate Complex Deflation
- Linear or Quadratic Solutions
The Issue with Newton’s Method
In part one, we spent time detailing the issue with Newton’s method and also explained the multiple root issues. To overcome this, we need to multiply the Newton step by a factor m, leading to the modified Newton method.

Where m is the multiplicity of the roots, this is all well-known stuff. The challenge is how to find m in real life.
A Suitable Starting Point for Root Finders
We use the same algorithm as in Part One, to find a suitable starting point and we just show the modified function for Polynomial with real coefficients.
This algorithm computes a reasonable and suitable starting point for our root search.
auto startpoint = [&](const vector<double>& a)
const size_t n = a.size() - 1;
double a0 = log(abs(a.back()));
double min = exp((a0 - log(abs(a.front()))) / static_cast<double>(n));
for (size_t i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (a[i] != 0.0)
double tmp = exp((a0 - log(abs(a[i]))) / static_cast<double>(n - i));
if (tmp < min)
min = tmp;
return min * 0.5;
Evaluation of the Polynomial at a Complex Point
Most of the root-finding methods require us to evaluate a Polynomial at some point.
To evaluate a polynomial P(z) where P(z)=anzn+an-1zn-1,…,a1z+a0
We use the Horner [4] method given by the recurrence:
bk=bk-1z+ak, k=n-1,…,0
However, to avoid the complex arithmetic overhead, you can use an optimized method of Horner using real arithmetic.
In the case of a polynomial P(z) with real coefficients evaluated at a complex point z, we in general are using Horner recurrence but in a special version using only real arithmetic:
bk=ak-pbk+1-qbk+2, k=n-2,…,1
The last term of this recurrence is then the value of P(z). Horner method has long been recognized as the most efficient way to evaluate a Polynomial at a given point. This algorithm works for real coefficients at a real or complex point.
auto horner=[](const vector<double>& a, const complex<double> z)
const size_t n = a.size() - 1;
double p = -2.0 * z.real();
double q = norm(z);
double s = 0.0;
double r = a[0];
eval e;
for (size_t i = 1; i < n; i++)
double t = a[i] - p * r - q * s;
s = r;
r = t;
e.z = z;
e.pz = complex<double>(a[n] + z.real() * r - q * s, z.imag() * r);
e.apz = abs(e.pz);
return e;
A Suitable Stopping Criterion for a Root
In [8], they go over many different techniques to compute a suitable stopping criterion. See also [1]. Many root finders can use the method used by Adams [5] or Hitching [6] to find a suitable stopping criterion for polynomials with either real or complex coefficients.
When doing the iterative method, you will at some point need to consider what stopping criteria you want to apply for your root finders. Since most iterative root finders use the evaluation of the polynomial to progress it is only natural to continue our search until the evaluation of P(z) is close enough to 0 to accept the root at that point.
Error in Arithmetic Operations
J.H.Wilkinson in [7] has shown that the errors in performing algebraic operations are bound by:
ε<½β1-t, β is the base, and t is the precision (assuming round to nearest)
Notice ½β1-t= β-t
For the Intel microprocessor series and the IEE754 standard for floating point operations β= 2 and t=53 for 64bit floating point arithmetic or 2-53
A Simple Upper Bound
A simple upper bound can then be found using the above information for a polynomial with degree n.
| Polynomials |
Number of operations: | Real coefficient | Complex coefficients |
Real point | |ao|·2n·2-53
| |ao|·4n·2-53
Complex point | |ao|·4n·2-53
| |ao|·6n·2-53
A Better Upper Bound
In this category, we have among others Adams [5] and Grant & Hitchins [6] stopping criteria for polynomials.
Polynomial root finders usually can handle polynomials with both real and complex coefficients evaluated at a real or complex number. Since Grant-Hitchin's stopping criterion is for Polynomials with complex coefficients, we will use Adams’ similar bound but for Polynomials with real coefficients.
Using the algorithm for Polynomial with real coefficients an evaluated at a complex point z, using Horner’s method as shown in the previous section.
Adams [5] has shown that an error bound can be computed using the following recurrence:
ek=ek-1|z|+|bk|, k=n-1,...,0
There exist other methods that are also useful to consider, see [1].
auto upperbound = [](const vector<double>& a, const complex<double> z)
const size_t n = a.size() - 1;
double p = -2.0 * z.real();
double q = norm(z);
double u = sqrt(q);
double s = 0.0;
double r = a[0];
double e = fabs(r) * (3.5 / 4.5);
double t;
for (size_t i = 1; i < n; i++)
t = a[i] - p * r - q * s;
s = r;
r = t;
e = u * e + fabs(t);
t = a[n] + z.real() * r - q * s;
e = u * e + fabs(t);
e = (4.5 * e - 3.5 * (fabs(t) + fabs(r) * u) +
fabs(z.real())*fabs(r))*0.5*pow((double)_DBL_RADIX, -DBL_MANT_DIG + 1);
return e;
Polynomial Deflation Strategy
After we have found a root, we need to make a synthetic division of that root up in the current Polynomial to reduce the polynomial degree and prepare to find the next root. The question then arises do you use Forward or Backward Deflation?
Wilkinson [7] has shown that to have a stable deflation process you should choose forward deflation if you find the roots of the polynomial in increasing magnitude and always deflate the polynomial with the lowest magnitude root first and of course, the opposite backward deflation when finding the roots with decreasing magnitude.
To do forward deflation, we try to solve the equations starting with the highest coefficients an:
And R is the root.
Now solve it for b’s you get the recurrence:
bk=ak+1+R∙bk+1, k=n-2,…,0
This simple algorithm works well for polynomials with real coefficients and real roots. A special case is real coefficients with complex roots. A complex root and its complex conjugated root will be the same as dividing by the polynomial P(Z) with 2nd order polynomial of the two complex conjugated roots (x+iy) and (x-iy) or (z2-2xz+(x2+y2)). Letting r=-2x and u= x2+y2
You get:
where P(z)=anzn+an-1zn-1+⋯+a1z+a0
The recurrence is then given by:
ak-2=bk-2+rbk-1+ubk, k=n-2,...,3
Now solve it for b’s you get:
bk=ak+2-rbk+1-ubk, k=n-4,…,0
auto realdeflation = [&](vector<double>& a, const double x)
const size_t n = a.size() - 1;
double r=0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
a[i] = r = r * x + a[i];
a.resize(n); };
auto complexdeflation = [&](vector<double>& a, const complex<double> z)
const size_t n = a.size() - 1;
double r = -2.0 * z.real();
double u = norm(z);
a[1] -= r * a[0];
for (int i = 2; i < n - 1; i++)
a[i] = a[i] - r * a[i - 1] - u * a[i - 2];
a.resize(n - 1); };
The Implementation of K. Madsen Newton Algorithm
We follow the same implementation for the Newton method as in Part One and modify it only where needed to accommodate real arithmetic when appropriate and call the modified functions for finding the upper bound of error when using the Horner method to evaluate a polynomial at a complex point, polynomial deflation of a real or complex root.
The C++ Code
The C++ code below finds the Polynomial roots with Polynomial with real coefficients. The same version for Polynomial coefficients with complex coefficients can be found in part one. See [1] for details.
static char _VNEWTON_[] = "@(#)Newton.cpp 01.01 -- Copyright (C) Henrik Vestermark";
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
constexpr int MAX_ITER = 50;
static vector<complex<double>> PolynomialRoots(const vector<double>& coefficients)
struct eval { complex<double> z{}; complex<double> pz{}; double apz{}; };
const complex<double> complexzero(0.0); size_t n; eval pz; eval pzprev; eval p1z; eval p1zprev; complex<double> z; complex<double> dz; int itercnt; vector<complex<double>> roots; vector<double> coeff(coefficients.size());
copy(coefficients.begin(), coefficients.end(), coeff.begin());
for (n = coeff.size() - 1; n > 0 && coeff.back() == 0.0; --n)
auto startpoint = [&](const vector<double>& a)
const size_t n = a.size() - 1;
double a0 = log(abs(a.back()));
double min = exp((a0 - log(abs(a.front()))) / static_cast<double>(n));
for (size_t i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (a[i] != 0.0)
double tmp = exp((a0 - log(abs(a[i]))) / static_cast<double>(n - i));
if (tmp < min)
min = tmp;
return min * 0.5;
auto horner=[](const vector<double>& a, const complex<double> z)
const size_t n = a.size() - 1;
double p = -2.0 * z.real();
double q = norm(z);
double s = 0.0;
double r = a[0];
eval e;
for (size_t i = 1; i < n; i++)
double t = a[i] - p * r - q * s;
s = r;
r = t;
e.z = z;
e.pz = complex<double>(a[n] + z.real() * r - q * s, z.imag() * r);
e.apz = abs(e.pz);
return e;
auto upperbound = [](const vector<double>& a, const complex<double> z)
const size_t n = a.size() - 1;
double p = -2.0 * z.real();
double q = norm(z);
double u = sqrt(q);
double s = 0.0;
double r = a[0];
double e = fabs(r) * (3.5 / 4.5);
double t;
for (size_t i = 1; i < n; i++)
t = a[i] - p * r - q * s;
s = r;
r = t;
e = u * e + fabs(t);
t = a[n] + z.real() * r - q * s;
e = u * e + fabs(t);
e = (4.5 * e - 3.5 * (fabs(t) + fabs(r) * u) +
fabs(z.real()) * fabs(r)) * 0.5 * pow((double)_DBL_RADIX, -DBL_MANT_DIG + 1);
return e;
for (; n > 2; --n)
const double Max_stepsize = 5.0; const complex<double> rotation = complex<double>(0.6, 0.8); double r; double rprev; double eps; bool stage1 = true; int steps = 1; vector<double> coeffprime;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
coeffprime.push_back(coeff[i] * double(n - i));
rprev = startpoint(coeff); z = coeff[n - 1] == 0.0 ? complex<double>(1.0) :
complex<double>(-coeff[n] / coeff[n - 1]);
z *= complex<double>(rprev) / abs(z);
pz = horner(coeff, z);
pzprev.z = complex<double>(0);
pzprev.pz = coeff[n];
pzprev.apz = abs(pzprev.pz);
p1zprev.z = pzprev.z;
p1zprev.pz = coeff[n - 1]; p1zprev.apz = abs(p1zprev.pz);
dz = pz.z; r = rprev *= Max_stepsize; eps = 2 * n * pzprev.apz * pow((double)_DBL_RADIX, -DBL_MANT_DIG);
for (itercnt = 0; pz.z + dz != pz.z &&
pz.apz > eps && itercnt < MAX_ITER; itercnt++)
p1z = horner(coeffprime, pz.z);
if (p1z.apz == 0.0) dz *= rotation * complex<double>(Max_stepsize); else
dz = pz.pz / p1z.pz; r = abs(dz);
if (r > rprev) { dz *= rotation * complex<double>(rprev/r);
r = abs(dz);
rprev = r * Max_stepsize; z = (p1zprev.pz - p1z.pz) / (pzprev.z - pz.z);
stage1 = (abs(z) / p1z.apz > p1z.apz / pz.apz / 4) || (steps != 1);
pzprev = pz;
z = pzprev.z - dz; pz = horner(coeff, z); steps = 1;
if (stage1)
{ bool div2;
complex<double> zn;
eval npz;
zn = pz.z;
for (div2 = pz.apz > pzprev.apz; steps <= n; ++steps)
if (div2 == true)
{ dz *= complex<double>(0.5);
zn = pzprev.z - dz;
zn -= dz;
npz = horner(coeff, zn);
if (npz.apz >= pz.apz)
pz = npz;
if (div2 == true && steps == 2)
{ dz *= rotation;
z = pzprev.z - dz;
pz = horner(coeff, z);
{ eps = upperbound(coeff, pz.z);
auto realdeflation = [&](vector<double>& a, const double x)
const size_t n = a.size() - 1;
double r=0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
a[i] = r = r * x + a[i];
a.resize(n); };
auto complexdeflation = [&](vector<double>& a, const complex<double> z)
const size_t n = a.size() - 1;
double r = -2.0 * z.real();
double u = norm(z);
a[1] -= r * a[0];
for (int i = 2; i < n - 1; i++)
a[i] = a[i] - r * a[i - 1] - u * a[i - 2];
a.resize(n - 1); };
z = complex<double>(pz.z.real(), 0.0);
pzprev = horner(coeff, z);
if (pzprev.apz <= pz.apz)
{ pz = pzprev;
realdeflation(coeff, pz.z.real());
{ roots.push_back(pz.z);
complexdeflation(coeff, pz.z);
auto quadratic = [&](const std::vector<double>& a)
const size_t n = a.size() - 1;
complex<double> v;
double r;
if (n == 1)
roots.push_back(complex<double>(-a[1] / a[0],0));
if (a[1] == 0.0)
r = -a[2] / a[0];
if (r < 0)
r = sqrt(-r);
v = complex<double>(0, r);
r = sqrt(r);
r = 1.0 - 4.0 * a[0] * a[2] / (a[1] * a[1]);
if (r < 0)
v = complex<double>(-a[1] / (2.0 * a[0]), a[1] *
sqrt(-r) / (2.0 * a[0]));
v = complex<double>((-1.0 - sqrt(r)) * a[1] / (2.0 * a[0]));
v = complex<double>(a[2] / (a[0] * v.real()));
if (n > 0)
return roots;
Example 1
Here is an example of how the above source code is working. Notice the statistics detailing the amount spent in stage 1 and stage 2 and how many rotations were needed.
For the real Polynomial:
Start Newton Iteration for Polynomial=+1x^4-10x^3+35x^2-50x+24
Stage 1=>Stop Condition. |f(z)|<2.13e-14
Start : z[1]=0.2 dz=2.40e-1 |f(z)|=1.4e+1
Iteration: 1
Newton Step: z[1]=0.6 dz=-3.98e-1 |f(z)|=3.9e+0
Function value decrease=>try multiple steps in that direction
Try Step: z[1]=1 dz=-3.98e-1 |f(z)|=2.0e-1
: Improved=>Continue stepping
Try Step: z[1]=1 dz=-3.98e-1 |f(z)|=9.9e-1
: No improvement=>Discard last try step
Iteration: 2
Newton Step: z[1]=1 dz=3.87e-2 |f(z)|=1.6e-2
Function value decrease=>try multiple steps in that direction
Try Step: z[1]=1 dz=3.87e-2 |f(z)|=2.7e-1
: No improvement=>Discard last try step
Iteration: 3
Newton Step: z[1]=1 dz=-2.62e-3 |f(z)|=7.6e-5
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<2.18e-14
Iteration: 4
Newton Step: z[1]=1 dz=-1.26e-5 |f(z)|=1.8e-9
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<2.18e-14
Iteration: 5
Newton Step: z[1]=1 dz=-2.93e-10 |f(z)|=3.6e-15
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<2.18e-14
Stop Criteria satisfied after 5 Iterations
Final Newton z[1]=1 dz=-2.93e-10 |f(z)|=3.6e-15
Alteration=0% Stage 1=40% Stage 2=60%
Deflate the real root z=1.0000000000000007
Start Newton Iteration for Polynomial=+1x^3-9x^2+25.999999999999993x-23.99999999999999
Stage 1=>Stop Condition. |f(z)|<1.60e-14
Start : z[1]=0.5 dz=4.62e-1 |f(z)|=1.4e+1
Iteration: 1
Newton Step: z[1]=1 dz=-7.54e-1 |f(z)|=3.9e+0
Function value decrease=>try multiple steps in that direction
Try Step: z[1]=2 dz=-7.54e-1 |f(z)|=6.4e-2
: Improved=>Continue stepping
Try Step: z[1]=3 dz=-7.54e-1 |f(z)|=2.6e-1
: No improvement=>Discard last try step
Iteration: 2
Newton Step: z[1]=2 dz=-2.95e-2 |f(z)|=2.7e-3
Function value decrease=>try multiple steps in that direction
Try Step: z[1]=2 dz=-2.95e-2 |f(z)|=5.4e-2
: No improvement=>Discard last try step
Iteration: 3
Newton Step: z[1]=2 dz=-1.32e-3 |f(z)|=5.3e-6
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<1.42e-14
Iteration: 4
Newton Step: z[1]=2 dz=-2.63e-6 |f(z)|=2.1e-11
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<1.42e-14
Iteration: 5
Newton Step: z[1]=2 dz=-1.04e-11 |f(z)|=3.6e-15
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<1.42e-14
Stop Criteria satisfied after 5 Iterations
Final Newton z[1]=2 dz=-1.04e-11 |f(z)|=3.6e-15
Alteration=0% Stage 1=40% Stage 2=60%
Deflate the real root z=2.0000000000000036
Solve Polynomial=+1x^2-6.9999999999999964x+11.999999999999975 directly
Using the Newton Method, the Solutions are:
Example 2
The same example just with a double root at x=1. We see that each step is a double step in line with a multiplicity of 2 for the first root. Notice that for a multiple root it spend all the search in stage1 and 0% in stage 2.
For the real Polynomial:
Start Newton Iteration for Polynomial=+1x^4-9x^3+27x^2-31x+12
Stage 1=>Stop Condition. |f(z)|<1.07e-14
Start : z[1]=0.2 dz=1.94e-1 |f(z)|=6.9e+0
Iteration: 1
Newton Step: z[1]=0.5 dz=-3.23e-1 |f(z)|=2.0e+0
Function value decrease=>try multiple steps in that direction
Try Step: z[1]=0.8 dz=-3.23e-1 |f(z)|=1.8e-1
: Improved=>Continue stepping
Try Step: z[1]=1 dz=-3.23e-1 |f(z)|=1.4e-1
: Improved=>Continue stepping
Try Step: z[1]=1 dz=-3.23e-1 |f(z)|=8.9e-1
: No improvement=>Discard last try step
Iteration: 2
Newton Step: z[1]=1 dz=8.71e-2 |f(z)|=3.1e-2
Function value decrease=>try multiple steps in that direction
Try Step: z[1]=1 dz=8.71e-2 |f(z)|=9.6e-4
: Improved=>Continue stepping
Try Step: z[1]=0.9 dz=8.71e-2 |f(z)|=6.5e-2
: No improvement=>Discard last try step
Iteration: 3
Newton Step: z[1]=1 dz=-6.27e-3 |f(z)|=2.4e-4
Function value decrease=>try multiple steps in that direction
Try Step: z[1]=1 dz=-6.27e-3 |f(z)|=2.6e-8
: Improved=>Continue stepping
Try Step: z[1]=1 dz=-6.27e-3 |f(z)|=2.3e-4
: No improvement=>Discard last try step
Iteration: 4
Newton Step: z[1]=1 dz=-3.28e-5 |f(z)|=6.5e-9
Function value decrease=>try multiple steps in that direction
Try Step: z[1]=1 dz=-3.28e-5 |f(z)|=0
: Improved=>Continue stepping
Try Step: z[1]=1 dz=-3.28e-5 |f(z)|=6.5e-9
: No improvement=>Discard last try step
Stop Criteria satisfied after 4 Iterations
Final Newton z[1]=1 dz=-3.28e-5 |f(z)|=0
Alteration=0% Stage 1=100% Stage 2=0%
Deflate the real root z=0.9999999982094424
Start Newton Iteration for Polynomial=+1x^3-8.000000001790557x^2+19.000000012533903x-12.000000021486692
Stage 1=>Stop Condition. |f(z)|<7.99e-15
Start : z[1]=0.3 dz=3.16e-1 |f(z)|=6.8e+0
Iteration: 1
Newton Step: z[1]=0.8 dz=-4.75e-1 |f(z)|=1.5e+0
Function value decrease=>try multiple steps in that direction
Try Step: z[1]=1 dz=-4.75e-1 |f(z)|=1.3e+0
: Improved=>Continue stepping
Try Step: z[1]=2 dz=-4.75e-1 |f(z)|=2.1e+0
: No improvement=>Discard last try step
Iteration: 2
Newton Step: z[1]=0.9 dz=3.54e-1 |f(z)|=5.7e-1
Function value decrease=>try multiple steps in that direction
Try Step: z[1]=0.6 dz=3.54e-1 |f(z)|=3.7e+0
: No improvement=>Discard last try step
Iteration: 3
Newton Step: z[1]=1 dz=-8.28e-2 |f(z)|=3.6e-2
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<6.64e-15
Iteration: 4
Newton Step: z[1]=1 dz=-5.87e-3 |f(z)|=1.7e-4
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<6.66e-15
Iteration: 5
Newton Step: z[1]=1 dz=-2.88e-5 |f(z)|=4.1e-9
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<6.66e-15
Iteration: 6
Newton Step: z[1]=1 dz=-6.90e-10 |f(z)|=8.9e-16
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<6.66e-15
Stop Criteria satisfied after 6 Iterations
Final Newton z[1]=1 dz=-6.90e-10 |f(z)|=8.9e-16
Alteration=0% Stage 1=33% Stage 2=67%
Deflate the real root z=1.0000000017905577
Solve Polynomial=+1x^2-6.999999999999999x+12 directly
Using the Newton Method, the Solutions are:
Example 3
A test polynomial with both real and complex conjugated roots.
For the real Polynomial:
Start Newton Iteration for Polynomial=+1x^4-8x^3-17x^2-26x-40
Stage 1=>Stop Condition. |f(z)|<3.55e-14
Start : z[1]=-0.8 dz=-7.67e-1 |f(z)|=2.6e+1
Iteration: 1
Newton Step: z[1]=-2 dz=1.65e+0 |f(z)|=7.0e+1
Function value increase=>try shorten the step
Try Step: z[1]=-2 dz=8.24e-1 |f(z)|=3.1e+0
: Improved=>Continue stepping
Try Step: z[1]=-1 dz=4.12e-1 |f(z)|=1.8e+1
: No improvement=>Discard last try step
Iteration: 2
Newton Step: z[1]=-2 dz=6.27e-2 |f(z)|=1.5e-1
Function value decrease=>try multiple steps in that direction
Try Step: z[1]=-2 dz=6.27e-2 |f(z)|=3.7e+0
: No improvement=>Discard last try step
Iteration: 3
Newton Step: z[1]=-2 dz=-2.74e-3 |f(z)|=2.9e-4
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<1.91e-14
Iteration: 4
Newton Step: z[1]=-2 dz=-5.51e-6 |f(z)|=1.2e-9
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<1.91e-14
Iteration: 5
Newton Step: z[1]=-2 dz=-2.22e-11 |f(z)|=0
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<1.91e-14
Stop Criteria satisfied after 5 Iterations
Final Newton z[1]=-2 dz=-2.22e-11 |f(z)|=0
Alteration=0% Stage 1=40% Stage 2=60%
Deflate the real root z=-1.650629191439388
Start Newton Iteration for Polynomial=+1x^3-9.650629191439387x^2-1.0703897408530487x-24.233183447530717
Stage 1=>Stop Condition. |f(z)|<1.61e-14
Start : z[1]=-0.8 dz=-7.92e-1 |f(z)|=3.0e+1
Iteration: 1
Newton Step: z[1]=1 dz=-1.86e+0 |f(z)|=3.5e+1
Function value increase=>try shorten the step
Try Step: z[1]=0.1 dz=-9.30e-1 |f(z)|=2.5e+1
: Improved=>Continue stepping
Try Step: z[1]=-0.3 dz=-4.65e-1 |f(z)|=2.5e+1
: No improvement=>Discard last try step
Iteration: 2
Newton Step: z[1]=-7 dz=6.71e+0 |f(z)|=7.2e+2
Function value increase=>try shorten the step
Try Step: z[1]=-3 dz=3.35e+0 |f(z)|=1.5e+2
: Improved=>Continue stepping
Try Step: z[1]=-2 dz=1.68e+0 |f(z)|=4.9e+1
: Improved=>Continue stepping
: Probably local saddlepoint=>Alter Direction:
z[1]=(-0.4-i0.7) dz=(5.03e-1+i6.71e-1) |f(z)|=2.1e+1
Iteration: 3
Newton Step: z[1]=(0.3-i2) dz=(-6.86e-1+i1.17e+0) |f(z)|=1.9e+1
Function value decrease=>try multiple steps in that direction
Try Step: z[1]=(1-i3) dz=(-6.86e-1+i1.17e+0) |f(z)|=8.4e+1
: No improvement=>Discard last try step
Iteration: 4
Newton Step: z[1]=(-0.09-i1) dz=(4.11e-1-i3.44e-1) |f(z)|=3.0e+0
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<1.29e-14
Iteration: 5
Newton Step: z[2]=(-0.18-i1.5) dz=(8.71e-2+i4.72e-2) |f(z)|=1.1e-1
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<1.36e-14
Iteration: 6
Newton Step: z[3]=(-0.175-i1.55) dz=(-3.24e-3+i1.00e-3) |f(z)|=1.3e-4
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<1.36e-14
Iteration: 7
Newton Step: z[6]=(-0.174685-i1.54687) dz=(1.28e-6+i3.82e-6) |f(z)|=1.8e-10
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<1.36e-14
Iteration: 8
Newton Step: z[12]=(-0.174685404280-i1.54686888723) dz=(-2.07e-12-i5.33e-12) |f(z)|=3.6e-15
In Stage 2=>New Stop Condition: |f(z)|<1.36e-14
Stop Criteria satisfied after 8 Iterations
Final Newton z[12]=(-0.174685404280-i1.54686888723) dz=(-2.07e-12-i5.33e-12) |f(z)|=3.6e-15
Alteration=13% Stage 1=38% Stage 2=63%
Deflate the complex conjugated root z=(-0.17468540428030604-i1.5468688872313963)
Solve Polynomial=+1x-10 directly
Using the Newton Method, the Solutions are:
We have presented a refined Newton method, building upon the framework established in Part One, to efficiently and stably find roots of polynomials with real coefficients. While Part One focused on polynomials with complex coefficients—where roots could still be real—this second part delves into polynomials with real coefficients. Part Three will explore adjustments needed for higher-order methods, such as Halley's method, while Part Four will demonstrate the ease of integrating alternative methods like Laguerre's into the existing framework. A web-based polynomial solver showcasing these various methods is available for further exploration and can be found on Polynomial roots finder that demonstrate many of these methods in action.
- H. Vestermark. A practical implementation of Polynomial root finders. Practical implementation of Polynomial root finders.
- Madsen. A root-finding algorithm based on Newton Method, Bit 13 (1973) 71-75.
- A. Ostrowski, Solution of equations and systems of equations, Academic Press, 1966.
- Wikipedia Horner’s Method:
- Adams, D A stopping criterion for polynomial root finding.
- Communication of the ACM Volume 10/Number 10/ October 1967 Page 655-658
- Grant, J. A. & Hitchins, G D. Two algorithms for the solution of polynomial equations to limiting machine precision. The Computer Journal Volume 18 Number 3, pages 258-264
- Wilkinson, J H, Rounding errors in Algebraic Processes, Prentice-Hall Inc, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 1963
- McNamee, J.M., Numerical Methods for Roots of Polynomials, Part I & II, Elsevier, Kidlington, Oxford 2009
- H. Vestermark, “A Modified Newton and higher orders Iteration for multiple roots.”,
- M.A. Jenkins & J.F. Traub, ”A three-stage Algorithm for Real Polynomials using Quadratic iteration”, SIAM J Numerical Analysis, Vol. 7, No.4, December 1970.
- 15th October, 2023: Initial release of Part 2