In previous articles, we were using some basic operations from bobril-build
. This article describes bobril-build
's possibilities in more detail.
is nodejs-based build system created for building single-page applications written in Typescript and with lot of optimalizations for bobril and bobril-g11n. It is designed for bobril applications but it can be used for all typescript applications in general. It is written by Boris Letocha (software architect and developer in GMC Software Technology).
can be installed globally by command:
npm i bobril-build -g
It requires node.js >= 6.*.* and npm >=3.*.*
It can use optionally yarn package manager (recommended). If yarn is not available, npm
is used instead.
does a lot for the best Developer eXperience. In general, to start development, you need only to install global bobril-build
(only once), initialize npm
package, create index.ts file and start the bb
command. It starts self-hosting server with distribution stored in memory (good for SSD drives), watches files for changes, runs tests, provides sourcemaps and so on.
But bobril-build
offers much more. It can perform:
- Run self-hosting server for distribution. It serves application from main file (index.ts by default) or the example (example.ts by default) files when it is provided. Example is mainly used for components.
- Watch for changes
- Run tests and optionally generate JUnit XMLs with results for additional integration on build server
- Compile typescript
- Install external dependencies
- Resolve internal/external dependencies (imports)
- Transpilation
- Manage translations
- Minification
- Create sprites
- Manage assets
- Manage and run external bobril plugins
Basic Commands
- Runs build in interactive mode. Distribution is available on self-hosting server on http://localhost:8080. Files are served from memory. Build information is available on http://localhost:8080/bb. It also runs tests. To start another testing agent, point any browser to http://localhost:8080/bb/test. If you want to debug tests, open http://localhost:8080/test.html, any failed asserts throw exceptions so it is easy to stop on them.
bb -h, --help
- Basic bobril-build
bb <command> -h
- Help for specific command
runs test files with suffix spec.ts. It automatically provides
jasmine.d.ts to these spec files.
bb test [options]
- Just runs test in PhantomJS
-o, --out <name>
- Defines filename for test result as JUnit XML. You can use such file for integration on your build server such Jenkins
provides set of tools for managing translations.
bb translation|t [options] -
Translations management
-a, --addlang <lang>
- Adds new language definition to translations folder
-r, --removelang <lang>
- Removes language
-e, --export <fileName>
- Export untranslated languages to specific file. Mainly used for translation agencies. Use with -l
option. Each item is listed in format
S:Original message
T:Translated message
-i, --import <fileName>
- Imports translated languages from specific file. File name must be in format language-Name.txt
-p, --specificPath <path>
- Specifies path for export from / import to.
-l, --lang <lang>
- Specifies language for export.
-u, --union <sourcePath1,sourcePath2,destinationPath>
- Makes union from paths.
-s, --subtract <sourcePath1,sourcePath2,destinationPath>
- Makes subtract of paths.
To update items in .json file in translations according to your code, you must use command bb b -u 1
(more in chapter Build commands)
Build Commands
Bobril builds allows to manage build process by parameters.
bb build|b [options]
Full build including all mentioned operations. Builds just once, serves generated files to dist folder and stops.
-d, --dir <outputdir>
- Defines where to put build result (default is ./dist)
-f, --fast <1/0>
- Quick debuggable bundling. It simply does not minify
-c, --compress <1/0>
- Removes dead code
-m, --mangle <1/0>
- Minifies names
-b, --beautify <1/0>
- Readable formatting
-s, --style <0/1/2>
- Overrides styleDef className
preservation level
-p, --sprite <0/1>
- Enable/disable creation of sprites. It searches for usage of b.sprite
in the code.
-l, --localize <1/0>
- Creates localized resources (default autodetect).
-u, --updateTranslations <1/0>
- Updates translations. It searches for usage of t
function from bobril-g11n
in the code and updates language.json files in translations folder in format:
"Original {text}!",
"Translated {text}!"
-v, --versiondir <name>
- Stores all resources except index.html in this directory. It stores generated files to specific folder and links index.html into these files. Used for preventing cache.
allows you to use external plugins (e.g., plug in) which runs in the final part of bobril-build
process. To manage such plugins, use the following commands:
bb plugins [options]
-l, --list
- Lists all installed plugins
-i, --install <pluginName>
- Installs new plug in
-u, --uninstall <pluginName>
- Uninstalls specific plug in
-s, --link
- Links plug in to workspace
can be configured by options defined in package.json:
"typescript": {
"main": "pathToMain.ts"
"bobril": {
"dir": "name of directory where to place release default is dist",
"resourcesAreRelativeToProjectDir": false,
"path to folder with files, these files will be added to dist",
"example": "pathToExample.ts",
"title": "index.html Title",
"head": "additional tags to head section of index.hml, e.g. <meta>"
"compilerOptions": {
"noImplicitAny": true,
"noImplicitThis": true,
"noUnusedLocals": true,
"noUnusedParameters": true,
"noImplicitReturns": true,
"noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
"strictNullChecks": true,
"prefixStyleDefs": undefined,
"constantOverrides": {
"module_name": {
"export_name": "New value, it supports also
number and boolean values"
"dependencies": "install",
"plugins": {
"pluginName": {
Debug Mode
You can run some code conditionally based on DEBUG
flag directly in the code.
Just add the following code to your module:
declare let DEBUG: boolean;
and bobril-build
will assign such variable with value saying you are in debug mode (bb
) or in production code
(bb b
- 2016-01-29: Article created