I’ve been looking at ways to simplify my code, make it easier to support, make it easier to use, and easier to maintain. I have found that JSON is an ideal way to store a large amount of data in databases, and Twig is an ideal templating engine to make use of JSON data.
Example JSON Representation
Here is a real example where we have a form that has a number of checkboxes that can be checked. In this case, you can check all of the checkboxes (except the no issues one).
You could design your database to have a column for each checkbox
, but that would be an unwise choice; since for example just this section has 6 checkboxes, and then you will need to process all 6 of those checkboxes and whether they are checked of not.
The better way to go is to store this in JSON format in the database. For the checkbox “I don’t have a driver’s license”, we could call that “License
” and it can be either true
or false
(whether it is checked or not). For the checkbox “I will be riding with a friend to college
”, we could call that “Friend
So I came up with the resultant format for the JSON to store in my database like so:
"License": false,
"Transit": true,
"No_Issues": false,
"Friend": false,
"Car": false,
"Other": true,
"Other_Value": "skateboard"
Notice also for the “Other
:” checkbox, I made it a boolean; and if it is true, there is an “Other_Value
” object that stores the string
value that gets entered. Essentially, I use JavaScript to check when the “Other:
” checkbox is selected and then I will show an input field to enter the Other value, and I store that string
Handling the JSON in the Controller
In my case, I use Symfony as my MVC framework to develop my forms and I have to first store the form booleans as a PHP array:
$transport_json = array(
"License" => $license_bool,
"Transit" => $transit_bool,
"No_Issues" => $trans_no_issues_bool,
"Friend" => $friend_bool,
"Car" => $car_bool,
"Other" => $trans_other_bool,
"Other_Value" => $trans_other_value
Then I use the standard PHP function json_encode to store the Transportation JSON data in my assessment object:
$assess->setTransport( json_encode($transport_json) );
Also, you need to persist (uses Doctrine) the assessment object to the database:
$em->persist( $assess );
Then to pass the saved JSON back from the database and view in a Twig template, we use the standard PHP json_decode
function to pass the JSON data as a parameter to the Twig assessment template:
return $this->render('default/viewIndNeedsAssess.html.twig', array(
'stu' => $student,
'assess' => $student->getIndneedForm(),
'transport' => json_decode($student->getIndneedForm()->getTransport(), true),
Handling the JSON in Twig with Ternary Operator
Now finally, since we can reference the “transport
” JSON array in the Twig template, we can easily use the ternary operator to display a view of the completed form. In my case, I wanted to show the form results in an HTML table within “td
” elements, I wanted to show checkbox icons that show whether the form is checked or not.
Here is the Twig code I used to achieve the best results:
 {{ transport['License'] ? '☑' : '☐' }}
I don't have a driver's license
 {{ transport['Transit'] ? '☑' : '☐' }}
I will be using the Kern Regional Transit / Taft Area Transit
 {{ transport['No_Issues'] ? '☑' : '☐' }}
I have no transportation issues
 {{ transport['Friend'] ? '☑' : '☐' }}
I will be riding with a friend to college
 {{ transport['Car'] ? '☑' : '☐' }}
I have my own car
 {{ transport['Other'] ? '☑' : '☐' }}
Other: {{ transport['Other_Value'] ?? '' }}</td>
Notice in the above ternary, I check if “transport[‘License’]
” is true
, if it’s true
, then I show the code “☑
” which is a checked checkbox.
And here is a screenshot with the final way the form looks when viewing a completed (submitted) form: