There are many libraries to help you in building your app with templates like handlebars but you need to write many lines of code to apply template. In this article, we will create a page with a library. We just need a few simple and easy steps to connect your object to your template and bind your objects to your page.
Why Using Template
Problem 1: After you create your gallery, if there are any updates in the structure or you need to add a class, you will have to apply this change in all of your elements.
Problem 2: You need to add / remove element to a list of elements.
In this topic, we will use a JavaScript template library. Its name is ‘Justclick
’. You will find all examples and class source code here.
Simply gallery page has title and 6 images:

Using the Code
Simple HTML Code Before Applying JustClick Template
Just add images to our page - there is no new code .
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Image Gallery | With No Template</title>
<link href="css/StyleSheet.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<h1>Image Gallery | With No Template</h1>
<hr />
<div class="Box">
Image Name : Image 1
<br />
<br />
<img src="images\img1.jpg" alt="image 1" class="image" />
<div class="Box">
Image Name : Image 2
<br />
<br />
<img src="images\img2.jpg" alt="image 1" class="image" />
<div class="Box">
Image Name : Image 3
<br />
<br />
<img src="images\img3.jpg" alt="image 1" class="image" />
<div class="Box">
Image Name : Image 4
<br />
<br />
<img src="images\img4.jpg" alt="image 1" class="image" />
<div class="Box">
Image Name : Image 5
<br />
<br />
<img src="images\img5.jpg" alt="image 1" class="image" />
<div class="Box">
Image Name : Image 6
<br />
<br />
<img src="images\img6.jpg" alt="image 1" class="image" />
Example 1: Start Applying Simple Template (Solve Problem 1)
Before we start work, we need to create our object and add it into src/Objects.js.
1. Create Object
Add simple object, one for each object:
//----------------------------------------- image gallery example ---------------------------------//
var image1 = {
caption: "caption 1",
name: "img1.jpg",
alt: "image 1"
var image2 = {
caption: "caption 2",
name: "img2.jpg",
alt: "image 2"
var image3 = {
caption: "caption 3",
name: "img3.jpg",
alt: "image 3"
var image4 = {
caption: "caption 4",
name: "img4.jpg",
alt: "image 4"
var image5 = {
caption: "caption 5",
name: "img5.jpg",
alt: "image 5"
var image6 = {
caption: "caption 6",
name: "img6.jpg",
alt: "image 6"
//---------------------------------------- image gallery example ---------------------------------//
2. Create Template
Object ID simple-templete
will use it to bind object into template to use property from object needed to add {{property_Name}}
and compiler will replace the tag with the property value at runtime:
<script id="simple-templete" type="text/just-click-template">
<div class="Box">
Image Name : {{caption}}
<br />
<br />
<img src="images\{{name}}" alt="{{alt}}" class="image" />
3. Start using Template
- In page header will add links of our folder
- Create object will add template to it
- Create template
- Bind object to template using Just click library
justclick.Complie("template-id", "target-html-element", object);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Image Gallery | Simple Template</title>
<link href="css/StyleSheet.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script> <!--
<script src="js/moment.js"></script> <!--
<script src="js/JustClick-Templete.js"></script> <!--
<script src="src/Objects.js"></script>
<h1>Image Gallery | With Simple Template</h1>
<hr />
<div class="main-container">
<div id="img1-container"></div>
<div id="img2-container"></div>
<div id="img3-container"></div>
<div id="img4-container"></div>
<div id="img5-container"></div>
<div id="img6-container"></div>
<script id="simple-templete" type="text/just-click-template">
<div class="Box">
Image Name : {{caption}}
<br />
<br />
<img src="images\{{name}}" alt="{{alt}}" class="image" />
justclick.Complie("simple-templete", "img1-container", image1);
justclick.Complie("simple-templete", "img2-container", image2);
justclick.Complie("simple-templete", "img3-container", image3);
justclick.Complie("simple-templete", "img4-container", image4);
justclick.Complie("simple-templete", "img5-container", image5);
justclick.Complie("simple-templete", "img6-container", image6);
After this step, we solve problem 1 but still have problem in add or remove element from our HTML page.
Example 2: Using Array Template (Solve Problem 2)
1. Create Object
Create array of images object:
var images = [
{ caption: "caption 1", name: "img1.jpg", alt: "image 1" },
{ caption: "caption 2", name: "img2.jpg", alt: "image 2" },
{ caption: "caption 3", name: "img3.jpg", alt: "image 3" },
{ caption: "caption 4", name: "img4.jpg", alt: "image 4" },
{ caption: "caption 5", name: "img5.jpg", alt: "image 5" },
{ caption: "caption 6", name: "img6.jpg", alt: "image 6" },
2. Create Template
and {{#end-each}}
will make all elements between them repeated for each element in list:
<script id="simple-List-Templete" type="text/just-click-template">
<div class="Box">
Image Name : {{caption}}
<br />
<br />
<img src="images\{{name}}" alt="{{alt}}" class="image" />
3. Start Using Template
As the previous example, the only change will create only one div
for all elements and apply template once by passing array of image:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Image Gallery | Simple Template</title>
<link href="css/StyleSheet.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script> <!--
<script src="js/moment.js"></script> <!--
<script src="js/JustClick-Templete.js"></script> <!--
<script src="src/Objects.js"></script>
<h1>Image Gallery | With List Template</h1>
<hr />
<div id="main-container">
<script id="simple-List-Templete" type="text/just-click-template">
<div class="Box">
Image Name : {{caption}}
<br />
<br />
<img src="images\{{name}}" alt="{{alt}}" class="image" />
justclick.Complie("simple-List-Templete", "main-container", images);
Code more simple and cleaner than the previous example and more maintainable.
Example 3: Display from Complex Object or from json File
The below object contains multiple object types, first title and second the image list:
1. From Object
var gallery = {
title: "Image Gallery | With List Template",
images: [
{ caption: "caption 1", name: "img1.jpg", alt: "image 1" },
{ caption: "caption 2", name: "img2.jpg", alt: "image 2" },
{ caption: "caption 3", name: "img3.jpg", alt: "image 3" },
{ caption: "caption 4", name: "img4.jpg", alt: "image 4" },
{ caption: "caption 5", name: "img5.jpg", alt: "image 5" },
{ caption: "caption 6", name: "img6.jpg", alt: "image 6" },
From json file:

2. Create Template
add date format {{@@date}}
insert current date by this command {{title}}
use first element in array {{#each images}}
add array element name images
after #each
allows complier to select loop items
<script id="list-Templete" type="text/just-click-template" jc-date-formate="DD-MMM-YYYY">
<h3>Current Date : {{@@date}}</h3>
<hr />
{{#each images}}
<div class="Box">
Image Name : {{caption}}
<br />
<br />
<img src="images\{{name}}" alt="{{alt}}" class="image" />
3. Full Page Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Image Gallery | Simple Template</title>
<link href="css/StyleSheet.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script> <!--
<script src="js/moment.js"></script> <!--
<script src="js/JustClick-Templete.js"></script> <!--
<script src="src/Objects.js"></script>
<div id="main-container">
<script id="list-Templete"
type="text/just-click-template" jc-date-formate="DD-MMM-YYYY">
<h3>Current Date : {{@@date}}</h3>
<hr />
{{#each images}}
<div class="Box">
Image Name : {{caption}}
<br />
<br />
<img src="images\{{name}}" alt="{{alt}}" class="image" />
<!-- in case of object-->
justclick.Complie("list-Templete", "main-container", gallery);
<!-- in case of json file--></span></font>
"main-container", "src/gallery.json");