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by Zeshan Munir
A Cross Browser Supported solution for Custom Fonts on the Web
by thund3rstruck
Writing and using cross platform AJAX in ASP.NET applications.
by Cindy Potvin
Many options of the .LESS CSS parser can be set directly from the Web.config file, but many of them are not clearly described. Here is my attempt to document them.
by Yaseer Mumtaz
.NET interview questions and answers with real world examples and code snippets

Latest Articles

by Zeshan Munir
A Cross Browser Supported solution for Custom Fonts on the Web
by thund3rstruck
Writing and using cross platform AJAX in ASP.NET applications.
by Cindy Potvin
Many options of the .LESS CSS parser can be set directly from the Web.config file, but many of them are not clearly described. Here is my attempt to document them.
by Yaseer Mumtaz
.NET interview questions and answers with real world examples and code snippets

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by thund3rstruck
Writing and using cross platform AJAX in ASP.NET applications.
[TinyERP: SPA for Enterprise Application] Handle Error/ Validation
by Omar Al Zabir
10 easy ways to make ASP.NET and AJAX websites faster, more scalable and support more traffic at lower cost
by J. Michael Palermo IV
I thought I would share a list I compiled of ten common mistakes I see web developers make - and how to avoid them.
by Eunge
The article introduces how to easily develop business solutions in RapidWebDev through developing a product management system with the special requirement step by step.
by Dav Zen
2 Month Calendar Yahoo WebControl with lots of options
by Norman Solomon
Easy addition of a 3D Tabstrip page to an ASP.NET project.
by Martin Beeby
I wanted to share five ways in which you can prepare your site for modern web interoperability and also test for Microsoft Edge in parallel
by Omar Al Zabir
Learn the principle behind Microsoft's new Doloto and 6 other cool techniques that I did in Pageflakes to load large amounts of JavaScript without compromising performance
by Steffen Ploetz
Creation of a basic icon editor with as little code as possible, that is running on ReactOS and Windows, to check out the stability of application development capabilities on ReactOS
by Rahul Rajat Singh
In this article we will look at how Dependency Injection works in ASP.NET Core.
by DarrenJames
How to use the Google Static Maps API within .NET.
by Gurdeep Singh Toor
A Complete Guide to develop aplication using MyGeneration code genration framework. We will develop a Meeting Room Booking web application in this Article.
by HTML5 Partners
In this, the third of three articles on jQM, I show how to build a custom theme using the Theme Roller, as well as look at some custom themes that allow a mobile Web application to look more like an iPhone, Android or Windows Phone application.
by JosephL, Arnab Dutta
A DropDownList in ASP.NET which you can hide bellow a DIV tag in IE6 and other browser
by Octavio Loyola-González, Miguel Angel Medina-Pérez, Andres Eduardo Gutierrez Rodriguez, Milton García Borroto
In this article, we introduce a framework in C# for fingerprint verification, we briefly explain how to perform fingerprint verification experiments and how to integrate your algorithms to the framework.
by Michael Dunn
This article shows a Vista Sidebar gadget that you can use to browse the APOD site and view previews of each day's picture.
The article describes the basic to build a custom HTML control with JavaScript OOP programming and jQuery
by freedeveloper
A different approach to make a Visual Studio VISTA Gadget Template
by Yangyong Qin
A web page to view HTML/CSS colors
by Member 4206974
FormGen, a JavaScript Form Generator
by Peter Leow
Learn to build a jQuery plug-in that provides an AJAX enabled login UI.
by Dennis E White
Article discussing the development of a jQuery plugin to be used with adaptive 960 Grid System
by Syed Janshair Khan
A first look at open-source .NET development with .NET Core and ASP.NET Core 1.0.
by Simon Gulliver
A lighweight approach to creating AJAX.NET-enabled grids, with advanced functionality built in.
by Paul Groetzner
A multi-purpose all-in-one web control.
by James S.F. Hsieh
A non-well-formed HTML parser and CSS Resolver builded by pure .NET C#
by Dr. Song Li
This is a note on Jest & React
by Dr. Song Li
This is a note on Redux
by Luke Tucker
How I built a minimally viable data application for looking at airline stocks using Exaptive Studio
by Marijan Nikic
A webpage representing the Solar system made in pure CSS
by Stephen Liang
Design a simple to use ajax, for ie,firefox
by Abhishek_Narain
In B2C scenarios, focus changes a bit. End users expect the simplest and the best of experiences from your application. Hence you would start focusing on UX, Performance, Simplicity, Stickiness, etc.
by Israel Cris Valenzuela
A simple CSS parser designed to work with iTextSharp for HTML to PDF generation
by Leong Yee Khin
A simple HTML homepage written using CSS, JavaScript, Yahoo and Google APIs
by BlueSkyCoder
Provides a skeleton tabbed browser interface implemented with JavaScript and CSS that supports tab content resizing and print formatting
by Robert Vandenberg Huang
Experiment, run and compare different pathfinding algorithms and heuristic functions
by Anand Ranjan Pandey
The purpose of this article is to create a proof of concept to demonstrate the feasibility of ASP.NET Web API Beta Version.
by mheidari
This is a simple ASP.NET web application that can determine how users can view a single page with single content in the many browsers with custom presentation and styling
by Fredrik Schultz
Reduce the number of HTTP requests required to render the page, resulting in faster page loads by combining and compressing multiple JavaScripts into one JavaScript file and multiple CSS files into one style sheet file.
by Erion Pici
Generating docx reports in a client-server architecture, without using MS Office
by Khandakar Fazley Rabbi
UI and Functional Testing through different Tools using .NET Technology
by bodrick
This article will show the different capabilities of the Vista sidebar including settings, flyouts, different states when docked and undocked and pulling in live data feeds over the internet.
by Dr. Song Li
This article presents a watermarked auto-complete jQuery plugin
by David Catuhe
I’ll demonstrate building a game from scratch using Web technologies and just two external libraries, and I’ll do it in less than one hour.
by Neeker007
A well look Html Tree using XML&XSLT
by User 30735
A classic example of implementing reusable web user control, with supporting controls and classes to keep the code manageable
by Michael Shpilt
A WPF tutorial on how to create FilteredListView: A ListView custom control with search filter that uses Throttling.
Compatiable with IE/Firefox, never need extra CSS files appending with XCalendar
by Gelu Vac
This article shows how to create, move, delete and select current visual objects inside a display
by Sergiy Korzh
A JavaScript function to get the absolute coordinates of a DOM element within a document
by Matt Rakow
Adapting Your Site to Different Window Sizes.
by Robert_Dyball
An article that explores how developers of enterprise web applications that need to display data in grids can use Wijmo FlexGrid, a mature, fully supported data grid.
by LEADTOOLS Support
This “How To” adds document viewing with page thumbnail navigation and full page view to an ASP.NET MVC 5 project.
by Adam Langley
This article explains a pluggable way to place a banner on pages built in debug mode, without making any code changes.
by ASP.NET Community
Many of us want to use CSS 3.0. This feature is promised in Visual Studio 2010 however if you open any given CSS file, the option does not appear in
by Nikfazan
This article shows how you can add jQuery UI Theme to Superfish Menu and Superfish Menu RTL
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Provide functionality to Sign In and Sign Up to enable security for our NoteKeeper JQuery Mobile App.
by Pavith Goonathilake
How to Adjust your WebSite to fit all types of Resolution
by NavnathKale
Simple but advance-featured TreeView control
by SupperSlonic
Agile release cycle displayed in 3 views: monthly calendar, read-only view, edit view
by ASP.NET Community
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is one of the core technologies in the AJAX architecture apart from XML, DOM, JSON and so forth. Here are some links
by DreamInHex
Create an AJAX-based auto suggesting textbox or textarea with no database or server-side scripting needed.
by DreamInHex
Create your own AJAX Shoutbox using ASP.NET and C#.
by DreamInHex
Create an AJAX DataGrid that binds, sorts and pages with no post-backs
by Samir Bellouti
An AJAX control that can hide or show a form section including handling validators nested in the section.
by Najmul Hoda
I have created a JavaScript Gridview that does the same operation like displaying record in tabular format, paging, sorting, deleting and changing page size at runtime without any postback.
by LeleHalfon
A great AJAX Grid very customizable. In English & Spanish traduction
by Declan Brennan
Create Rich UIs within a Web Browser with a minimum of fuss
by asithangae
Explained about client event handler arguments of partial page render - PageRequestManager
by Steve Krile
Create a Rolodex type control for viewing contacts using the SliderExtender control and the GridView.
by Gyan Jadal
A quick view into Ajax Toolkit controls grouped by functionality
by Baxterboom
AJAX UpdatePanel with inline client scripts parser.
by Steve Krile
Fully AJAX-enabled user control used to select names from a database in a drop-down format.
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
A pure Web browser application, an alternative to the article “An SVG Analog Clock”
by Rahul Rajat Singh
In this article, we will try to understand the concept of middleware in ASP.NET core.
by jlchereau
An ASP.NET server control inspired from WinForms’ ListView and implementing ASP.NET AJAX Extensions 1.0.
by Dejan Bozic
Using a custom base template control to manipulate control rendering.
by Marshall Rosenstein
Querying images from Yahoo! programmatically.
by Thomas Gerber
An ASP.NET AJAX TreeView control with templates, event binding, client and server events, and more...
by vahid_mardani
This an ASP.NET server-side control that wraps Mr Amin Habibi's JavaScript calendar.
by Tittle Joseph
An ASP.NET DataGrid custom control which allows freezing of header, columns, and rows in a DataGrid just by changing a single attribute value. It is inherited from the .NET DataGrid, therefore all features of the DataGrid are still available.
by matts_junk
An ASP.NET/AJAX interface for the utorrent application.
by Ray_Cheng
A date picker implemented with a Calendar control and stylesheets.
by Dr. Song Li
This article introduces an example ASP.NET MVC web project to upload and download files.
by Jon Honess
Using Windows Azure to build an online board game.
by JerryBNewhouseJr
Create a simple, flexible, standalone ProgressBar that can be added to any class with relative ease.
by jlchereau
An alternative to message boxes, implementing ASP.NET AJAX Extensions 1.0.
by Anoop Pillai
A quick introduction to Typescript - Classes, Callbacks, Interfaces, Function Types, and Object Types etc
by Johan Danforth
A BLOG tool ready to use. Post weblogs to an XML file from a windows application via Web Service. Uses SOAP Headers for authentication. Uses simple XSL Transformation for the RSS feed.
by Mitchell J.
I've created an Android Game with the aid of HTML5, CSS, Javascript, Node.js, and PhoneGap, and this is how I did it.
by Florian Rappl
Bringing the DOM to C# with a HTML5/CSS3 parser written in C#.
by Florian Rappl
Connecting an existing JavaScript engine to AngleSharp to perform DOM operations and provide a working headless browser.
by Sujeet Bhujbal
Angular 4 Insert, Update, Delete with ASP.NET WEB API
by Fred Song (Melbourne)
Angular 7 with .NET Core 2.2 - Global Weather (Part 2)
by Fred Song (Melbourne)
Demonstrating a series of Angular fundamentals through an Angular 7 application.
by Bill SerGio, The Infomercial King
Angular Shopping Cart for Affiliate Marketing in Angular 5 that Is Responsive with TV Commercials with Powerful Features that Drive Real Sales like Unlimited Distributor IDs for Commissions with Editor
by Sacha Barber
An example application using angular/Rx for JavaScript/Web Sockets/jQuery
In this article, we will see how to use multi-languages(i18n) in angular2
In this article, we will why and why not using DI & IoC from my real situation.I did not tell you that DI is not good. From my view, each tech has it own pros and cons. So It is better if we know when we can use which techs for our business.
In this article, We will have a look to unserstand how RESTful/WebApi was applied in my code
In this article, We will learn why do we need to manage the stages of our application.
In this article, we will learn how to build and deploy the code
This tip explains how we should structure our project folder
by dumsky
Demonstrate how to write a simplified AngularJS Loader and Error handling infrastructure
by Tushar_Gupta
Quick Start tutorial for creating AngularJS applications
by Tony Jen
Let's try to use validation in AngularJS using ng-message.
by Alessandro Forte
A description of various frameworks to develop a complete enterprise .NET applications easier
by Khademul Basher
Add Nokia Here Map in Windows Phone HTML5 Apps
by Sau Fan Lee
ASCII Art generator in ASP.NET.
ASP TreeView is a advanced ASP control that's base on Server side / Client side technique. server side: Asp + JScript, client side: Jscript + HTML.
by slimee
The article provides an example of how to develop an ASP.NET Date Picker server/user control. It includes both source and ready to use build (binary).
by Christ Akkermans
An ASP.NET extender control for displaying a template based progress message overlay on UpdatePanel controls while the UpdatePanel is updating. A good Web 2.0 way of letting the user know their long running request is being processed.
by Zakir Hoosen
How to configure an 2.0 as a sub app of an 1.1 application
by Saki Sachin
This article shows ASP.NET 4.0 ClientID feature and its related properties for client side development.
by M Sheik Uduman Ali
This article describes the live data binding of client side template programming in ASP.NET AJAX 4.0
by Omar Al Zabir
An extender that allows content to be dragged and dropped within columns and across columns. Allows column-wise content flow and reorganization.
by Gianluca Negrelli
An organic approach to AJAX web development with jQuery and ASP.NET
by BehranG BinA
This application demonstrates how to use multiple themes in the same site, and how to programmatically facilitate users to change theme. The application stores the user preference in session.
by Syed M Hussain
This article explains how to create a messagebox class to use in web applications.
by Toverstudio
A web control for picking web-safe colors.
by Dav Zen
An ASP.NET combobox dropdownlist with images, Internet Explorer/Firefox/Opera compatible
by Rahul Singla
Scroll any ASP.NET server side or HTML controls vertically or horizontally in any direction
by YasIkeda
Tutorial about how to add authentication functionalities to your existing ASP.NET Core project using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UI package
by syed shanu
In this article, let’s see how to create our own ASP.NET Core Blazor Master Detail HTML CRUD (Insert, Update, Select and Delete) for both Master and Detail Grid with Sorting and Filtering using Entity Framework, and Web API.
by Leonard E. James
Create initial object model and database and display first Razor Page
by Leonard E. James
Add Project and Project State Processing
by Toan Manh Nguyen
In this article you will learn about ASP.NET Core RC2 using WEB API and AngularJS.
by Toan Manh Nguyen
In this article, you will learn about ASP.NET Core RC2 using WEB API and AngularJS.
by Joseph Rozario
This article explains how to implement Token Authentication and Authorization using JWT in ASP.NET CORE.
by Joseph Rozario
This article explains how to implement Token Authentication and Authorization using JWT in ASP.NET CORE.
by Jake Morgan
Create browser-independent gradients dynamically with an ASP.NET IHttpHandler.
by Sunasara Imdadhusen
File upload widget that will display real time file upload progressbar
by ASP.NET Community
There's lots of technologies like skinning and theming, and of course, Web Standards like XHTML and CSS for Designers creating sites with ASP.NET.
by Don Hoang
This post describes implementing ASP.NET Editable Gridview using Bootstrap 4
by Urs Enzler
This article describes workarounds to solve the problem of multiple postbacks when using a command button of type image in an ASP.NET GridView (Internet Explorer).
by Don Hoang
This post describes implementing ASP.NET Gridview using Bootstrap 4.
by Bryian Tan
An article on how to put together an ASP.NET horizontal menu control with access key and target window support.
by Amir Jalilifard
Creating a useful ASP.NET HTML Editor custom control.
by Rolf Szomor
A work-around for ASP.NET menu parent menuitem highlighting.
by Jonathan Nethercott
Simple voting control for MVC projects, using a partial view
by Vincent Maverick Durano
This article is part 1 of the series for building a simple web application in ASP.NET MVC 5.
by Shiny Zhu
You need a Calendar to show months or archive data or others, then you'd like this.
by meidianto
ImageLink HTML helper for ASP.NET MVC views
by debiprasadbaral
This article discusses the web form model and the MVC model
by Michael Ulmann
The introduction of the ADO.NET Entity Framework implicitly created the need for ASP.NET providers such as membership, role and profile that leverage this new technology.
by Shakeel Iqbal
This article helps you to understand the ASP.NET SignalR API and create a chat room using it.
by Mehul Harry
ASP.NET Tip: How To Show A Tooltip Using The ASP.NET Popup Control
by lonewolf3082
Working wtih themes in ASP.NET.
by M Sheik Uduman Ali
Using Humax v0.2, this article is going to explain how to write and apply aspect-oriented/metadata driven programming in JavaScript.
by SalarSoft
A powerfull web proxy that able you pass through the blocked web pages.
by M Sheik Uduman Ali
This article explains how to use asynchronous method invocation pattern in JavaScript using Humax framework version 0.2.1
by Habibur Rony
This article mainly covers how to setup and configure Azure AD tenant and integrating Azure AD into ASP.NET Core 2.0 web app for authentication and role based authorization.
by PopeDarren
Automatically resize a TabContainer or TabPanel.
by Mohammad Rizwan
AutoCompelete Control Extender with With DB
by karench
A User Control to change website location from one or two linked lists.
by tanvon malik
Slides the blog posts and news automatically. The news slider is completely built with jquery and CSS.
by Tad McClellan
HTTP module and machine translation for automatic site translation.
by Faheem Iqbal
How to automatically send a resolution optimized markup of a web page to the client PC.
by jeff chin xyz
Automatically minify, combine, compress, and cache .js and .css files in your ASP.NET project
by Florian Rappl
Crawling tons of (individual) web information and creating statistics using Windows Azure.
by Baliah Senthilkumar
Add, Update, Delete objects using backbone
by Arthanarieaswaran Shanmugaraj
Explains basic information and steps for creating an MVC3 application with the Dependency Injection (DI) pattern.
by James Jensen
Writing Your First Code
by James Jensen
Building on the Basics
by James Jensen
Styling Your First Web Page
by James Jensen
Laying out your first web page
by James Jensen
Getting Fancy With HTML5 & CSS3
by Peter Leow
Getting started with web authoring.
by Akinmade Bond
An introductory article to learning HTML5 and CSS3.
by Ravi Gadag
Modern Web applications with HTML5 and CSS3
by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Building on the Basics
by Ravi Gadag
Beautification of the web
by Ranjan.D
All about Styling webpage or a document using CSS. We will also see different ways of including styles etc
by Alessandro Zifiglio
Jiffycms HTML Editor is an Open Source commercial grade RTE.
by Sean Ewington
Web development beginner tutorials. A compilation of web development tutorials that serve as a beginner's walk to web development
by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju
This article is a startup kit for anyone who is new to HTML and CSS.
by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju
This article is a startup kit for anyone who is new to HTML and CSS.
by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju
This article is a startup kit for anyone who is new to HTML and CSS.
by Intel
This article covers design considerations for tablet apps, including UI design, session length, accommodating user differences, and localization.
by notmasteryet
This article demonstrates using binary formats in JavaScript.
by Graeme_Grant
User preference theme support - supporting OS / Browser preference to custom user selection
by Graeme_Grant
ARIA compliant normal and EditForm Toggle switches with light & dark theme support baked in. Six bonus custom skins included.
by Tomáš Růt
This article will guide you in creating of bobril application using TSX components.
by Shashangka Shekhar
In this post, we are going to implement braintree payment gateway with ASP.NET Core 2.1
by Travis Leithead, Arron Eicholz
he Microsoft Edge team shares insights into Web Components: how to use them today and what to expect in the next generation of Web Components.
by Aaron Gustafson
When dealing with the insane proliferation of web-enabled devices and the great unknown of where our websites will go, it pays to take a step back and focus on what’s important.
by Alexey Nikolaev
The article describes integration of the new Web Real Time Communication technology and IP cameras for online video broadcasting purpose Section Multimedia SubSection Audio and Video
by Laurence Moroney-MSFT
How to use WebMatrix to build a blog site in 15 minutes or less
by junnark
In Part 1, we built a simple web chat using Silverlight 2. We are going to add functionalities so that users are able to choose from multiple chat rooms as well as chat privately with other users.
by junnark
We will create a very simple web chat application using the latest ASP.Net 3.5 technologies from scratch.
by Daniele Fontani
TDD & BDD explained with examples
by O.Nasri
An Angular application that includes crud operations, column filtering, form dialog, confirm dialog and behavior subject
by Modesty Zhang
Stateless functional components make building a multi-page website a breeze.
by Pankaj Kumar Choudhary
Basics of MEAN stack development and concepts that are required for MEAN stack development
by Ahmd.Refat.Twfik
The main purpose of this tutorial is to get you started with ASP.NET MVC easily, which will be through building a simple Twitter client to demonstrate the components of the framework and exposing some concepts too.
by Modesty Zhang
This article presents the techniques and caveats of building a 3-tire Azure hosted application using Silverlight 3 (presentation tier), .NET RIA services (business logic and data access), and Windows Azure Table (data storage).
by Bernardo Castilho
We created a MyBI sample app to show how easy it can be to build progressive web apps using Wijmo. In this article, we describe how we implemented MyBI as a regular web app, and then show how we upgraded it to a progressive web app.
by labelgridman
An article describing how to build a label printing software using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
by Frank Olivier
Frank Olivier, Program Manager Lead for Microsoft Edge, details how the new browser engine has been improved for a more seamless web development experience.
by Stephan Meyn
This tiny webserver can be hosted by applications that need to serve specialised web pages.
by Ahmed Bouchefra
This tutorial shows you how to build a transliteration system (in my case for Arabic language) or virtual keyboard using Angular.js,HTML and CSS
A simple implementation of AJAX in generating a tree view from XML, ASP.NET, and C#.
by Rama Krishna Vavilala
This article builds a web based message board and uses several new technologies introduced with Visual Studio 2008 such as LINQ, WCF Web Programming, WCF Syndication, ASP.NET ListView, ASP.NET DataPager etc.
by Heiko Mohr
Create a simple cms project starting with bootstrap based layout
by Sriram Danturthi
ASP .NET Chating Application
by Gabor L Ugray
A quick Windows programmers' guide to building a secure .NET Core web app for a Linux VPS and NGINX
by MatthewThomas
In this article, we'll build an ASP.Net MVC 5 web app which will search your Yammer feed for a hashtag, and display the poster's home town on a Bing map
by Vlad Hrybok
This article describes how to build an easily-redistirbutable ASP.NET application that can play MP3 tunes from any folder on the system hosting the application. The Cassini server is used to eliminate IIS requirement, and allow the application to access local files and folders without having to rely
by Ferreri Gabriele (Megasoft78)
How to implement bulk edit with GridView without xxxDataSource (SqlDataSource, ObjectDataSource, etc.)
by Rajib Ahmed
Properly using cache, session, and viewstate objects in your application
by Karin Huber
One of the simplest but most effective methods to improve performance in web applications is to cache images on the client.
by MatthewCasperson
An introductory look at the JavaScript CAKE library, which allows you to build up the HTML5 canvas element like a vector image.
by John Bracey
Changing the colour of an ASP.NET Master Page web template using C# to change the CSS.
by Akshay Srinivasan2
Canvas Control Library provides highly customizable controls using the HTML5 Canvas element. Also includes a new Forms based system which is a new way to build your web pages and websites.
by Mujibur Rahman
Capture the mouse movement though web service using ASP.NET AJAX.
by Kastellanos Nikos
An engine that transforms XML files on a web server.
by Avinash Desai
Cascading dropdown list in using MYSQL database
by Lou Franco
Atalasoft decided to create web versions of their WinForms imaging controls. This case study outlines the requirements and analysis used to determine which technology was used in order to get migrate functionality to the browser: AJAX vs. Java vs. ActiveX vs. Flash.
by Syed Rafey Husain
Challenges and solutions to architect device independent maintainable web applications using latest web technologies.
by Jay Kulaindevelu
Change text on mouse move in dropdown.
by Roopesh Rajendran
Using a stylesheet to change the page style for printing.
by Prentice_Hall
In this chapter you'll learn Use JavaScript and the W3C Document Object Model to create dynamic web pages, the concepts of DOM nodes and DOM trees, to traverse, edit and modify elements in an XHTML document, to change CSS styles dynamically, and to create JavaScript animations.
by Mehreen Ansari
Chart designer is an application written in JavaScript that allows to create charts and graphs dynamically.
by Silent Jesus
Display data to a chart using LINQ and XML.
by Arlen Navasartian
This is a simple example of a web based chat application implemented using Firebase.
by Member 3422877
How to check Request is of type synchronous or asynchronous in AJAX enabled ASP.Net application?
by Shenwei Liu
A custom and configurable Angular data grid tool and demo application presenting both client and server-side data filtering, sorting, and pagination (updated to Angular 11)
by sagnik mukherjee
Client Side Gridview Paging using Jquery
by Sandeep Mewara
A client callback custom control and how to use it in WebForms.
by Adi Smadi
What are they, what to choose and how to deal with them
by Phil_Pearl
Get Over Code Library Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - CLOCD
by Ebenezar John Paul
An Ideal Code Review Checklist that applies for most programming languages
by Vince Chan
A Google Chrome Extension that makes code project articles more readable.
by David Rousset
Coding4Fun: Building a Falling Block Game Using CSS Grid Layout & Blend 5
by Chris Maunder
A simple HTML menu that progressively collapses based on available width
by Mukesh Singhi
Making a normal ASP.NET DataGrid and GridView collapsible on a particular column.
by kevin_yap
This article talks about how to create a html table with collapsible vertical headers using AngularJS in ASP.Net MVC web application.
by madeas
A cross-browser collection of CSS box-shadow + Generator the file box-shadows.min.css + Box-shadow CSS Generator
by Alexander Turlov
Web UI coclor picker control implemented as an ASP.NET AJAX Extender.
by Syed BASHAR
How we can combine multiple CSS files also minify CSS and JavaScript while automated build using NAnt
by Moiz Dhanji
This article is about combining, compressing, minifying the ASP.NET ScriptResource and HTML markups.
by Buu Nguyen
A .NET library which enables minification, compression, combination, and caching of JavaScript and CSS resources for ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC web applications. Simply put, it helps your applications rank better with YSlow and PageSpeed.
by PhilipSch
This article seeks to identify differences between the WPF and the Windows RT's UI framework.
by omeecode
comparison of template and strategy design pattern from some of my work experience
by Roshan Choudhary
Component Interaction in Angular using Input Output decorator
by dudanisushil
Ways to compress or minify components
by Dr. Song Li
This article introduces a way of developing Silverlight and WCF applications in the same Visual Studio solution.
by Ali Al Omairi(Abu AlHassan)
A confirm message box that can be drawn with HTML and CSS
by Abdelmoniem Hafez
This article provides developers and non-developers with a module that builds and displays dynamic unlimited levels of menu [English and Arabic].
by Farooq Kaiser
In this post, I will build an MVC application that will consume an RSS feed.
by Dr. Song Li
This article presents a method to consume cross-domain WCF REST Services using jQuery AJAX calls, with an example.
by Ritesh Poojara
SQL function to convert GMT datetime to Local datetime
by Ed Guzman
How to create your own drop-down check box list control
by Karthik. A
Instead of the traditional way of paging like a numbered / text pager, this approach uses a single button to load more data within the same page
by Garbel Nervadof
Create a simple Android application "Counter Tap" using PhoneGap Build with pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and also Dialog and Vibration plugins. Very simple application to count stuff. Step by step.
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Demonstrates creating, updating, deleting single file json records in a web server using jQuery Mobile and Php.
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Demonstrates how to use SQLite database for mobile development
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Demonstrate how you can create a JQuery Mobile app and use XML as a backend - single XML record approach by using xml2json.js and json2xml.js.
by scott_liu
It adds features to the Sencha Touch standard Ext.form.Slider Class
by Oleksii Prosiankin
This article describes how to use Visual Studio for developing a Vista Gadget.
by Boris O
Demonstrates creating a simple ATL COM DLL and invoking it through PHP.
by Dave Kerr
Twitter Bootstrap is a lean and clean framework for website UIs. See what it can do and how it can help you!
by AMVenis
Create Treeview Control at run time and binding data from Sql Server 2000 using ASP.NET1.1
by Minh Tuan Do
In this article, I will show you how to create a customized command button in CKEditor, go along with an example project to help you understand and imagine what can we do with CKEditor.
by Stefan Timovski
A short tutorial on how to get started with creating SSMS extensions
by Arpit Jain
This article introduces how to work with overlays in jQuery and how to use them in a proper and user-friendly way.
by ConnectCode
Creating a Code 39 Barcode using HTML, CSS and Javascript
by Prosanta Kundu online
Creating a custom rollover button in ASP.NET.
by defwebserver
This tutorial will show you how to create a DotNetNuke module using LINQ to SQL.
by Seth-B
Learn how to bind to web.sitemap and output a hierarchical HTML list for site navigation.
by Mohamed Elkhidir
A step by step guide to creating a simple hybrid desktop application using web development and Electron framework
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This articles describes how to kick start a shop website using ASP.NET and the software Microsft WebMatrix
by Hassan Sayed
Learn how to create a website design templating system using php to be able to easily update different sections on your website by changing only few design files. The tutorial is designed for total beginners, so it is easy to understand and follow.
by Michael Gledhill
An example of using Angular and SVG to turn your data into beautiful diagrams
by mitibhat
Demonstrates the addition of AJAX support to a TextBox in VS 2008.
by Shweta Lodha
This article will walk you through the creation of ASP.NET Core application using ASP.NET Core 2.2 from scratch, by utilizing the capabilities of package manager, EF Core, Identity API, Razor Class Library, etc.
by Shweta Lodha
In this article, we will see how to utilize docker for ASP.NET Core application.
by dixit gaurav
The article describes how one can apply cusom branding over my site in SharePoint such that whenever a user creates my site, custom branding is already applied to the site.
by Jürgen Bäurle
This article describes how to validate an HTML form on client and server-side in conjunction with the jQuery JavaScript library.
by sashok(rus)
Use Div and the custom “smartDiv” JavaScript object to create a shopping module.
by Anand M
by Bohdan Stupak
This article shows how to use CSS grid to create holy grail layout.
by Nitij
This article demonstrates how to create JavaScript tooltips.
by Han Bo Sun
In this article, I like to discuss the way to set up a Spring Boot application that is packaged as a WAR archive and supports Spring MVC with JSP as view.
by I G 198
Shows how to split an XML file into pages and render page links using XSL Transformation style sheet
by MJ Ferdous
An article on creating a print preview page dynamically by using JavaScript code. You do not need to make any ASPX page to view print preview, and you can also print any portion of the print page.
by Prentice_Hall
This chapter walks through the steps of creating a Joomla template. Specifically, you will create a template that uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to produce a layout—without using tables.
by Derek Greer
This article is a step by step guide on how to create tabbed navigation for DotNetNuke 3.0.
by Pham Dinh Truong
The standard Panel control doesn't have good layout in most browsers. A new Panel Web Control is introduced with consistent look-and-feel for every browser.
by ASP.NET Community
Take control of your angle-brackets and optimize. Note: This article spans over the debugging tools for your CSS, JavaScript and other
by Christopher Lord
Does your site have problems with font sizes across platforms or for the vision-impared? the EM unit delivers salvation.
by HTML5 Partners
Basic, solid CSS writing practices can vastly improve the maintainability of any organization’s stylesheets, but the ultimate goal is to structure a given site’s stylesheets to dramatically increase scalability. This first in a series of articles explores essential practices for writing clean and ef
by HTML5 Partners
CSS Architectures, Part 3: Refactor Your CSS with the MetaCoax Approach (Phases 1 and 2)
by Terrence Dorsey
The CSS box model defines the border and spacing around an HTML element. We'll take a closer look at how it works.
by Nasir Darwish
The article presents basic information on CSS Box model and positioning
by Michael Vasquez
A very simple and lightweight AJAX hierarchical tree control.
by ASP.NET Community
From CodePlex: "The CSS Friendly Control Adapters kit (for ASP.Net 2.0) provides pre-built control adapters that you can easily use to generate
by morzel
CSS Grid - Site for Rapid Experimentation
by Trenton Moss
More and more web developers are ditching tables and coming round to the idea of using CSS to control the layout of their site. With the many benefits of using CSS, such as quicker download time, improved accessibility and easier site management, why not?
by ASP.NET Community
Cascading Style SheetsAuthor: Prakash Singh MehraIntroduction: CSS is a cross platform solution for the standardization of website formatting and
by J. Michael Palermo IV
Because so much has changed over the years, I thought it would be appropriate to do a developer based ‘snapshot’ of where CSS is now, and how to embrace the future.
by Trenton Moss
By using CSS shorthand properties you can reduce the size of your CSS document even more.
by Not Active
Using HTTPHandlers to support dynamic CSS.
by Gil Fink
CSS3 animations
by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju
Introduction to CSS3 Animations
by Terrence Dorsey
The CSS3 Color Module is now a W3C Recommendation. Let's see what that means for your sites.
by Pranay Rana
CSS3 Selector
by Dave Calkins
A tool for simultaneous editing and viewing of CSS and HTML.
by pepethepepe
Access realtime Linux Web server statistics right away from Windows Store App
by Helbrax
Custom alert boxes using JavaScript and the DOM.
by Mark Pelf
Custom Breadcrumbs (CSS) for Bootstrap 5 framework
by Mark Pelf
Custom Breadcrumbs for Bootstrap 5 framework
by Shashangka Shekhar
In this post, we will get an overview and generate a basic level code using our database table column that will help in development.
by Dmitry Salko
Insert Flash into a page without "Click to activate and use this control" in IE.
by Andrew Gunn
Control library for rendering custom HTML in ASP.NET MVC applications.
by M@dHatter
A Custom JavaScript Event Manager Class Designed to Manage Window, Document and Control Events on a Webpage
by Michael Ulmann
Custom membership provider implementation for the ADO.NET Entity Framework.
by Farooq Kaiser
In this article, I will examine how to build custom sorting Using Jquery UI. The jQuery UI Sortable plugin makes selected elements sortable by dragging with the mouse.
by Matt Gullett
A JavaScript widget to customize the look and feel of check boxes
by Steve M Lang
Create custom validation with AngularJS, including example of comparing two inputs.
by Behrouz Rad
The most advanced things which you can do with GridView in ASP.NET 3.5
by frez
The default Web Application template for .NET Core 2
by Sunasara Imdadhusen
The ASP.NET Validation Summary control with customized CSS and Style to display a summary of all validation errors that occur in a web page.
by Gianmaria Gregori
How to create and customize a Twitter Bootstrap site with WebMatrix 2 and OrangeBits Compiler
by Mohammad Rizwan
by Nikfazan
DataGrid View with "CRUD operations" using Dojo DataGrid, JsonRest Store, Entity Framework, SQL Server, ASP.NET MVC Web API
by Jakob Farian Krarup
A utility class to ease adding CSS classes and confirmation dialogs to the ASP.NET DataGrid component.
by Sam_IN
No need to place any image,css,javascript file in project. Only three lines of code can do the wonder.
by i gr8
Datet picker in gridview
by Yahya Mohammed Ammouri
On key press automatically calculate Hijri and Gregorian based on Java Script equations
by Dan Letecky
DayPilot Lite 4 (Apache License 2.0) brings a new feature: full CSS styling and themes support.
by Dan Letecky
Flexible open-source scheduler control (resource booking, project management, timeline and free/busy visualization, Gantt)
by junnark
You're using a GridView web control to list records from a particular data source and you want a delete functionality for each row of data. A dialog must be presented to the user to confirm deletion. You also want to show a dialog to the user when an error occurs during deletion.
by Dr. Song Li
This article presents a simple example on dependency injection with StructureMap in ASP.NET MVC.
by Arthur V. Ratz
In this brief article, we will demonstrate how to deploy a Node.js application and run it on Docker's Windows Server Core 2016 Containers
by Mark J. Caplin
Cross-platform development with Microsoft ASP.NET Core 2.1
by Anand Ranjan Pandey
Design a website architecture that must be simple, easily understandable by any web designer using MVC, EF, Knockoutjs and Bootstrap
by Anand Ranjan Pandey
Design a website architecture that must be simple, easily understandable by any web designer using MVC, EF, Knockoutjs and Bootstrap
by Mark J. Caplin
AngularJS and the MVC/MVVM design patterns
by Sumanta Mishra
This tip guides to develop a basic Chrome App, run locally in Chrome and publish in Chrome Web Store.
by Ziya Mollamahmut
How to create multi-cultural ASP.NET Core web application with simple steps
by Software Developer's Journal
This article describes some of the common challenges involved with developing interactive HTML interfaces, along with some ideas for how to solve them. We’ll also take a look at some of the fundamental problems with developing highly-interactive Web interfaces.
by azamqadri
To give disabled effect to parent window
by Wael Sayed
Disable print screen key and all keyboard keys in ASP.NET page
by Adrian Bacaianu
Sample of using ISAPI extension to give online data to graphical applets.
by Adrian Bacaianu
A way to build HTML pages in ISAPI using OLE DB database access
by Vimal Panara
Here we can use GridView control to display images in a gallery view with internal paging.
by Prakash Hirani
How to display a progress bar (loading box) during any task or work is running in the back end using JQuery and CSS.
by Muhammad Usama Khan
Here We'll learn different binding approaches like class binding, style binding and property binding. We'll see how to display the data in the view and handle any event in the DOM.
by Prakash Hirani
Article on how to display action messages after any action or event performs successfully or not like Gmail using JQuery and CSS
by Pranay Rana
This article demonstrates using div elements to effectively build websites without using table elements on a page.
by Paul Watson
A DHTML menu illustrating seperation of structure, presentation and function
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
In this article, we lay the foundation of the concepts needed to understand Docker engine.
by Benktesh Sharma
More than often, developers test API, either through a browser request or using some clients such as POSTMAN, Advanced Rest Client (ARC).
by FrankNight
This is a DOCX to HTML conversion tool with css style customization support.
by tidelgl
DOMSnap Offline your VIEWs
by Re R
You can drag and move an item in the page by mouse
by Kumar Sundaram
Make your Divs draggable.
by Vitaliy Sytnik
On the Internet you can find a lot of different information about creating drawings in SVG format. Often an editor is used to open an DXF and export as SVG. Looking through the SVG code it is immediately obvious that there is a lot of excess. An SVG file created in one editor may not always be corre
by Tomislav Markovski
Custom DropDown and MultiselectDropDown controls with data binding support
by william s. su
Creating a dropdown list using an IFrame
by Ken Yim
An Javascript utility that help programmer to create drop down menu easily
by Petr Koutny
ASP.NET lacks for support of option groups since its first release. My goal is to fill out this hole in the .NET framework.
by Omar Al Zabir
Droptiles mimics the experience of Windows 8 Start screen using HTML, Javascript and CSS. It offers a framework to build Dashboards comprised of Tiles. Tiles are mini-Apps built using Javascript. They launch a full screen app when clicked. Apps can be any regular website to custom built applications
by Paul Coldrey
Changing Datagrid bound data on the fly
by M. Shehabeddeen
A flexible approach towards dynamic styling in ASP.NET. This technique emphasizes structure and extensibility.
by asanoguera
Using Razor for generating a CSS based in a .css like a template
by O.Nasri
Steps to create a nice dashboard web page using .NET MVC Core
by gggustafson
Describes a method to build web pages that provide the ability for the user to change the font size dynamically.
by Dr. Song Li
This article introduces a method to dynamically generate tabs to host IFrames using jQuery and Json in ASP.NET MVC.
by Shashangka Shekhar
In this post, we are going to implement dynamic highchart with Angular6 and ASP.NET Core.
by premshree
Create a navigation menu using Javascript which identifies the active page and accordingly displays that link differently from the other links so that it's easy for the user to navigate.
by Darren G441
Utility to create a CSS based hierarchical menu with jQuery, KnockoutJS and W3.CSS
by Paul C Smith
A brute-force, cross-browser solution to percent-based CSS sizing
by Sue_NC
A step by step guide to create dynamic themes in ASP.NET 2.0.
by Christian {CC}
Creating a dynamic tree view in ASP.NET.
by Neil Meredith
Dynamically add and remove user controls to a page and maintain the control state.
by Member 13875226
WPF Viewbox style resizing of dynamic content to fit within the borders of a div.
by sameh obada
Jquery plugin to create dynamic css animations and transitions.
by Jason Scolaro
A JavaScript solution for a common routine, especially for those DataGrid/GridView Delete buttons.
by Vinay Krishna
Generic web form validations that can be used in all kind of web forms
by JIANGWilliam
An open-source JAVA library to enable composing new XML document from scratch or based on templates, parsing XML to dictionary or JSON with easy and efficiency
by stectaylor
Allow users to add an item to a dropdown list.
by Florian Rappl
Adding some spice to the Mario game by providing a Level editor with a social platform.
by Abdul Quader Mamun
Paging must be effective for large scaleable applications. Without smart and effective paging and sorting for huge amount of data, user request takes more time and uses more resources.
by Dave Kerr
Everything you don't need to know about job control
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
How to efficiently create Docker images using Node.js web app
by CrazyGao
Easy way to create a Single Page WebApp
by Michal Altair Valášek
How to effectively embed resources to server controls? How to use web resources, content delivery networks, or image inlining? Find out in this article.
by Stan Bice
Imagine connecting church worship attenders with real-time content.
by Omar Al Zabir
A tiny JavaScript library that provides a handy function "ensure" which allows you to load JavaScript, HTML, CSS on-demand and then execute your code. ensure ensures that relevant JavaScript and HTML snippets are already in the browser DOM before executing your code that uses them.
by Christian_Heilmann
Template strings are one of those nifty little wins in ES6 that can be used right now.
by Lars Paisley
A simple approach to documenting ESB transactions and transformations
by Member 4206974
A work for exploring the Asynchronous WEB Server, the SPIFFS File system and the exploitation of the dual core
by F. Aro
Your Ethereum Giveaway Smart Contract Lottery
by Pier...
An Open Source (customizable) JavaScript Emulation of Dock style MAC OS X bar
by Tushar Arora
This script can be used in an ASP.NET 3.5 website. It can search out exact phrases and keywords live from all HTML pages and text files on the website.
by Samir NIGAM
This article describes how to expand and collapse columns of a GridView using JavaScript
by Samir NIGAM
This article describes how to expand and collapse rows of a GridView using JavaScript.
by SamNazarko
Learn how to create horizontal tabs of varied search results with DHTML in pure xHTML and JavaScript with AJAX.
by Издислав Издиславов
This article will demo the usage of Blazor WebAssembly and how to create simple web application with it.
by Saiyad Faraz
This article explains a mini website that I have made. The website has two main purposes. First to demonstrate how to use the Google Chart API. Second to make a meaningful website for beginners using the basic features of ASP.NET.
by YawerIqbal
This article gives a basic introduction to the AJAX Toolkit source code environment and extending the Calendar control to disable past dates and make them un-selectable.
by Ala Hamad
Make your Hyperlink control use JavaScript to create a popup window.
by RedSunBeer
test the apps design
by Jay Thakar
Various ways to make beautiful Textbox
by Jay Thakar
Various ways to make beautiful Buttons
by Arlen Navasartian
TextboxList is a user friendly control that allows you to manage multiple inputs using a single textbox.
by Omar Al Zabir
Download all external scripts on your Web page after the visible content is loaded for faster perceived speed and donwload multiple JavaScript in batch for better actual speed
by Omar Al Zabir
An AJAX Proxy HttpHandler built using ASP.NET that continuously delivers content from external domains to the browser and is thus faster and more scalable than any other proxy service.
by Milan Shah
Rethinking an existing app for the cloud
by Milan Shah
Watch public domain and Indie films in an ultrabook packaged desktop webapp. Use Film App as an offline scheduler for local Film Festivals to support Indie film screenings.
by brip
Sometimes its tedious to find all calls made to different stored procedures within a stored procedure and generate reports in case we have large databases. This tool is aimed to script all SPs and extract SP calls made with additional information such as author name and description.
by Lowell Heddings
A direct port of the Code Project Search Bar, but for Firefox instead of IE.
by Adam Tibi
VS 2012 web templates come preloaded with standard front-end libraries. This post is meant to complete the list with other essential and productive libraries that should be used in modern public-facing MVC and webform projects.
by S.Rajeshwar, raj8696
A simple way to fix the Datagrid header using JavaScript and CSS
by Alexander Kleshchevnikov
The problem I want to discuss in this article appears only in Internet Explorer. When an absolutely positioned layer (div) is overlaid with a dropdown or some ActiveX component, the z-index style sheet property does not work and the layer shows under such objects.
by HTML5 Partners
Flexibility: A Foundation for Responsive Design
by Richard Atkins
Create a fluid, multi-column, vertically ordered list using nested, floating divs
by Farooq Kaiser
In this article, I will explore an alternative method of implementing form validation logic by using the IDataErrorInfo interface.
by Toby Steed
Your first framework
by M@dHatter
(Free Document Object Model) is a web development technique used for creating event driven web applications. FreeDOM is designed to overcome the limitations of stateless HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) transmissions.
by Ejo Lin
An article on how to have fixed footer rows in a table.
by Razwan Kader
Freeze an ASP.NET GridView header using JavaScript and CSS.
by Rami Alshaar
Full guide to create a website
by uuware
FTab (Floating Tabs) is a cool cross browser DHTML floating window script with support for tabs.
by DataBytzAI
Using FullCalendar, jQuery and MVC to give your web-app ready-to-go appointment diary functionality
by Stephen Inglish
A pre-configured ASP.NET website containing a Master page, error handling, login / logout, and other boilerplate new project code.
by Marc Clifton
Comparing and contrasting UI layout using divs vs. tables
by Daniel Walzenbach
spice up your fields
by Daniel Walzenbach
spice up your <input /> fields
by Andy Gup
In this article we’ll use earthquake data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to display and analyze earthquakes around the world.
by dheerajindian
How to perform function overloading in Web Services
by Roger Martin
Gallery Server Pro is a complete, stable ASP.NET gallery for sharing photos, video, audio and other media. This article presents the overall architecture and major features.
by Shai Raiten
Quick and Easy tutorial for developing games in JavaScript using EaseJS library.
by Philipp_Engelmann
How to create simple 2D games using JavaScript, React, Canvas and CSS
Developing applications for Wearable Technology is made easy with the Tizen SDK for Wearable and Samsung Mobile SDK 1.5, you can go ahead and create for the new Samsung Gear!
by Matt Perdeck
Reduces page load times of ASP.NET web sites by combining page images and CSS background images into CSS sprites. Compresses and physically resizes images to make thumbnails. Caters for repeating background images.
by Kornel Regius
with some ASP.NET MVC 4 helpers
by Phil_Pearl
This article presents a database browser that can be used for multiple different databases
by Sharad Chandra Pyakurel
Generic repository application of employee with documents
by APIReport
Generate an HTML table in 4 lines of code either from a SQL query or a DataTable. Highlighting, sorting, all is customizable
by murtaza dhari
How to get DataGrid row value without postback or AJAX.
by Keith Barrow
This article describes the syntax of SASS through discussing the problems it tries to resolve
by syed shanu
Getting started with Angular 7 and ASP.NET Core 2.0 using Angular 7 Web Application (.NET Core) Template and ASP.NET Core MVC Application
by Ahmed Bouchefra
How to get started with NativeScript
by Paul D. Sheriff
As more and more users interact with web applications on their mobile devices, it is becoming increasingly important for software developers to allow them to work offline; PouchDB can help.
by Athari
A walkthrough of creating a user style which changes GitHub user interface to one resembling classic Windows GUI from Windows 9x.
by Niral Soni
Gmail internal chat like message box
by Harmeet Singh Bhamra
Gmail style password strength meter
by Android on Intel
In this article, I will talk about applications’ good performance and three developers’ behaviors that prevent it.
by DaveAuld
Google Chrome Extension that scrapes your reputation points and graph, and tracks changes between updates.
by DaveAuld
Google Chrome Extension that provides Message and Answer templating
by Rahul Garad
Google Like Search TextBox
by Roger Chapman
An ASP.NET control for the Google Password Strength API.
by Satish A. J. Wadekar
Implement google charts with some easy steps.
by storyicon
GraphQuery is a query language and execution engine tied to any backend service. It is `back-end language independent`.
by ASP.NET Community
Great CSS TutorialsWhen I started web development I was a great pain to manage styles using CSS. But later on as I explored the CSS, I found the
by gggustafson
Describes a method whereby the definition of Acronyms and Initialisms can be shown when the user hovers over a specially displayed Abbreviation or Initialism
by dimpant
A classic scenario without a one-place answer anywhere on the web so far.
by Anurag Gandhi
This article provides you the simplified ways to implement batch editing (inline editing in gridview/repeater) using angular.js.
by M. Shehabeddeen
Enhancements and fixes that add features: more control over column widths, preventing text wrapping, formatting auto-generated columns.
by Thanigainathan.S
Excel like Fixed headers for Gridview - Works for many columns which current solutions don't
by Samir NIGAM
This article describes how to navigate GridView rows with the help of arrow (up/down) keys using JavaScript.
by Alexei Fimine
ASP.NET GridView implementing AjaxControlToolkit's Rating control, DropDownLists for each row, database connectivity, Regular Expressions, JavaScript, CSS etc. This article is an exercise to better understand the aspects of using various technologies (both server and client-side) within a GridView.
by Lukas Holota
Comfort editing of a GridView row.
by John Bhatt
Let's learn how to make a scrollable GridView and Fix headers with simple steps.
by User 4835047
Small, customizable control for displaying JSON data similar to a GridView
by MS le Roux
Using XSLT to group XML elements based on unique ID values in the XML. The XML is transformed into an HTML table.
by Jeevanandan J
Guidance for the Implementation of repository pattern and unit of work with ASP.NET Core application
by Microsoft Canada
Hack Grunt to make your website awesome
by Farooq Kaiser
In this article, I will explore handling unknown actions. A Controller.HandleUnknownAction method gets called when a controller cannot find an action method that matches a browser request.
by Rami Sayar
In this installment, I will show you how to add a Twitter Bootstrap-styled frontend to the chatroom backend
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Create Google Material based HTML5 apps using B4J ABMaterial
by Shahdat Hosain
Rendering horizontal submenu with horizontal submenu by ASP.NET menu control using CSS friendly menu adapter from a scratch in .NET with C#
by Samir NIGAM
This article describes how to apply client-side mouse over & mouse out effects on the GridView’s rows.
by Samir NIGAM
This article describes how to apply hover effects on GridView rows using CSS.
by Sisir Patro
How to add JavaScript and CSS files to a web page during runtime.
by Armin Kabir
This article will show you how to dynamically add javascript or stylesheet to the header of page.
by Al Moje
Demonstrates how to Add/Delete/Edit/Update image, and save to SQL database table, and also how to create a menu like an Outlook with faded in slide show
by raddevus
When it comes to the enterprise-grade charting and graphing components that can help you create an awesome dashboard, Wijmo has you covered.
by Ziya Mollamahmut
Learn how to implement efficient paging with a reliable pagination control
by Murali Manohar Pareek
Change Page theme at runtime without reloading the page means simply change the page theme on single postback of the page.
by Holger_Schmitz
In this tutorial, I will show you how to use the MongoDB database to implement a simple Hangman game. The front-end of the game will be implemented using the Angular framework. For the back-end, I will be using a Node-based REST server implemented with Express.
by aspxCode
How do I retrieve the country name and country code from an IP number?
by Nitesh Kejriwal
Create a responsive menu using HTML, CSS and JQuery
by Jeevanandan J
How to make the admin template by ourselves instead of buying
by Najmul Hoda
Lets create different types of shapes in html using powerful and amazing css
by ayrilmaz
The subject of our new article is to develop a simple and a nice poll application.
by Josh Rennert
Josh Rennert, Program Manager on the Microsoft Edge team, demonstrates how the WebView control can be used to create your own browser in Windows 10.
by Rojan Gh.
A brief guide for web developers, describing how to customize Twitter Bootstrap for their web designs
by B. Clay Shannon
Using the gomap jQuery plugin to programmatically add markers, then show and hide them on demand
by Sowkot Osman
How to easily use the jQuery DatePicker in ASP.NET.
by RedSunBeer
Some thoughts on estimating before having a design in place.
by Chakrabarty Rajib
An useful way to call time consuming back-end processes/Stored Procedure calls from the client.
by fenglinzh
Using CSS, Javascript to Fixed Gridview's Header and Footer
by telaron
Shows you how to freeze columns in Telerik Radgrid MVC, a feature which is not currently available in the control
by kimcodes
In 5 minutes without leaving Visual Studio Code
by Etienne Margraff
How to Grunt and Gulp your way to Workflow Automation
by Thomas Yan
Build web component based on recursive data
by Mohammad Akbarizadegan
This article demonstrates how to implement web applications based on AJAX and ClientScriptCallBack as it presents a simple example. Also, the article tries to point at the key features of working with ASP.NET ClientCallback and AJAX.
by Jürgen Bäurle
This article describes how to implement the MergedDictionaries feature for resource dictionaries in Silverlight.
by Prakash Hirani
How to make datalist items automatically adjustable like div using JQuery and CSS
by Ned Thompson
This article will show how to use Flyout to make a cool tooltip on a map, just like the one in Google maps.
by ASP.NET Community
IntroductionIn modern web development, we need to check the browser compatibility for our web pages. This can include changing the css classes,
by Najmul Hoda
This article demostrates how to play an swf (flash) file in
by Prashant Lakhlani
by Mohm'ed Melhem
Remove noisy ASP.Net Error page
by NitinShrivastava
Setting Up Environment for Angular 6 in Visual Studio 2017 with ASP.NET Core 2.1
by Han Bo Sun
Solution for using Bootstrap span elements with ngRepeat
by Yogi S.
In this tutorial, I will show how to make API calls with jQuery Post Method which is an AJAX method of jQuery.
by Shakeel Iqbal
This article provides a comprehensive knowledge to create a plugin.
by Nathan Evans
This article includes a fully working Javascript with user interface that plugs-in to Internet Explorer. The plugin allows you to effortlessly manage which websites are part of your "Trusted Zone". The Trusted Zone is a little used (and generally little known) powerful security feature of
by Richard Heyes
An introduction to the new HTML5 features.
by Yarin
Makes handling HTML and CSS in the text form in C/C++ easy
by Zijian
Basic user interaction designs with buttons in Web applications
by Joel Laird
A framework for creating and using HTML components
by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju
This article is an effort to introduce beginners to HTML Canvas through a simple Game development.
by Martin Garcia
One possible way to build an HTML report that has a dynamic number of pages
by adriancs
Having a freeze pane effect on HTML Table
by Tim Corey
Get started in HTML and CSS without getting lost along the way.
by Tim Corey
Learn how to store data on the client side of a website with very little effort.
by Tim Corey
Let's dive a bit deeper into HTML5 and CSS3
by Tim Corey
Get a firm grasp on the CSS file and how to set it up properly.
by Tim Corey
Diving into how to get items to show up in the right place on our page.
by Tim Corey
Let's blow the doors off the boring form. Learn the basics and then get into the advanced, yet easy, inputs and form actions.
by Florian Rappl
Exploring a simple physics simulation of ferromagnetism with the displaying power of HTML and multi-threading over WebWorker
by Prasad Bhalekar(PP)
Used HTML5 Knockout MVVM binding to make TriState Tree Control
by Ian Sullivan
A short guide to making an HTML5 physics based multiplayer game
by Aniket Pant
A brief writeup on HTML5 Semantics and how to code in a better way
by Omar Al Zabir
An HTTP handler that combines multiple CSS, JavaScript or URL into one response for faster page load. It can combine, compress and cache response which results in faster page load and better scalability of web application
by Akki Kumar
Image Combobox in HTML is no longer a pain, thanks to JQuery and CSS
by Anurag Gandhi
An HTML 2D game to describe some basic game development tips in HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
by Haresh Chaudhari
Resizing the very large size images with help of and
by Søren Eilsø
This ASP.NET 2.0 UserControl will add a shadow to an image on your webpage.
by AlexCode
Create image sprites and its CSS classes on the fly
by Samir NIGAM
This article describes how to implement Hover Delay on the GridView rows for click event.
by Farooq Kaiser
In this article, I will explore how to upload a file using ASP.NET MVC. Since the MVC framework does not use server controls, it will be interesting to see how file upload works in MVC.
by Nitin S
Implementing serverless free SMS web API using Azure functions
by Shahin__
In this article, we talk about incorporating AJAX in our web application design patterns, and we see a different approach to some of the most commonly used scenarios - authentication and data binding - in web development.
by Luis Ramirez
Improve the column sorting of the ASP.NET GridView to give the user a better visual experience. Highlight the column selected for sorting and include an image to indicate whether the sorting order is ascending or descending.
by Artur Blazkiewicz
This article describes the method of including the JavaScript/CSS as a user control into a master page from: a child page, a user control included in the child page, a web control included in the child page.
by Sachin Dev Tripathi
How to use ASP.NET MVC architecture into old ASP.NET Web Forms application.
by Kalvin Lawrence Ernst
A sample application code which is an alternative to using libraries such as AngularJS, React, Vue, etc. Only jQuery and bootstrap are used in conjunction with vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
by Najmul Hoda
IM status indicator is as an easy and reliable way to check online status of certain instant messenger account like yahoo, msn, aol, skype and icq..
by Jahedur Rahman Chowdhury
Integrating FCKeditor in ASP.NET
by Josh Letcher
I’m going to write a sample application with you that integrates PrizmDoc Editor and goes through a pretty basic (but typical) workflow with it
by Maruf Maniruzzaman
This article describes how to integrate Spring.NET enterprise Framework with ASP.NET
by gtheta
Overall architecture of a monitoring system.
by Tomz_KV
Discussion on the concept and implementation of interaction between a content page and a master page.
by Gary Stafford
Using jQuery and XML to create a simple, interactive client-side order form
by Caleb McElrath
There is more to styles in web development than .class and #id. The structure of your HTML is also important.
by Helbrax
An Internet Explorer style information bar in JavaScript
by bmharwani
How to create your first application in jQTouch
by TheQult
Simple middleware to add server side analytics functions to ASP.NET Core
by defwebserver is a Open-Source ASP.NET framework that allows you to dynamically load Silverlight modules into resizable draggable windows.
by Jeffrey T. Fritz
In this article, we’ll introduce the TagHelper, learn about its advantages and disadvantages, explore some sample TagHelpers, and review the deployment experience to a cloud-based hosting provider.
by Hirva Prithiani
Basic knowledge facts to Firefox add-ons creation
Introduction to Distributed System Design - 2. Practice of Splitting in Microservice Architecture
by Aneesur Rehman Khan
This sample demonstrates how to call an external Ajax web service without creating code behind proxy from JavaScript
by Nayan Choudhary
How to properly authenticate and avoid error 12501
by Thulasee Shan
Implementation of iPhone like menu arrangement for the web user interface
by Sandeep Mewara
Having access to a page via JavaScript once the update panel's update on server gets over
by PRMan!!!
A simple method to ensure that new .JS and .CSS files always get downloaded and cached ones never get re-downloaded
by Helbrax
A JavaScript implementation of Firefox's "Awesome Bar".
by Samir NIGAM
Cross-browser JavaScript context menu control for web applications.
by Subrata Mohanta
A combobox which contains images and can be added in anywhere.
by ASPDev200
A simple way to show a pop up image on mouse over of a smaller image.
by rohit7209
jrValidator provides a set of JavaScript functions to validate HTML forms
by Samir NIGAM
This article describes how to create a ListBox control using JavaScript.
by Ricardo Lynch
Using JavaScript for oAuth with three major identity providers: Facebook, Google, and Twitter.
by M Sheik Uduman Ali
This article explains how to manage client side script files using Humax package system introduced in version 0.2.1
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
JavaScript Playground, JavaScript calculator, development, and demo tool
by MCF.Goodwin
A simple stopwatch object using JavaScript.
by MCF.Goodwin
How to close open child windows when parent window is closed, using JavaScript.
by WingedFox
A true-multilingual Virtual Keyboard with input translation support.
by raddevus
JavaScript, jQuery, TypeScript
by raddevus
Setting the Foundation: JavaScript Data Types. Because of the way the mind works, it is easiest to learn when we focus on one thing at a time.
by Omar Al Zabir
A Javascript-only, web based Dashboard library, that you can use to make eye-catchy Charts showing Transactions stats for your application, Server CPU, Memory, IO graphs etc. It offers libraries to convert different types of delimited text files into Charts.
by b4rc0ll0
Create a DIV based Cover Flow like Album Cover Flow in iTunes with mouse horizontal dragging
by Proneetkumar Pradeep Ray
Boost/Optimize your Jquery DataTable and perform Server side pagination, Global Search, Column wise Search) using Server Side Caching
by Harshit Gindra
This article gives an overview of using jQuery DataTables with custom filters for client side processing.
by Shakeel Iqbal
This article helps you to understand the JQuery with examples.
by Muhammad Idrees GS
Explore jQuery methods with ASP.NET GridView.
by gstolarov
Addressing jQuery memory leak in UpdatePanel
by Mehmet Murat TANDOĞAN
How to use jQuery mobile autocomplete in ASP.NET using generic handler(.ashx) file with database connection.
by Abey Thomas
Implement a jQuery dialog window (modal or normal) that can contain truly dynamic content.
by Sunasara Imdadhusen
This application will allows user to show validation messages in three elegant ways like Inline, Summary and Popup.
by rog_gc
Have a greater experience with MVVM by developing reusable and nested jQuery-ko based "Component" definitions
by Nathan Ridley
A tree list control written using CSS and JScript. Resizable columns!
by yeya8a
Keeping the styles that you apply to a dropdownlist during postback; the article focuses on color styles.
by Yvan Rodrigues
HttpResponse.Filter post-processes the output of an ASP.NET page in order to modify the HTML document before it is sent to the client, similar to output buffering in PHP. The example wraps instances of a keyword on the page in an HTML element to have a highlighting style applied to it.
by Anshu Krishna
A tiny JavaScript library for dynamic CSS.
by n05robsta
In this example, I show how easy it is to use SWFobject and Flash with jQuery to progressively enhance a page.
by Mustafa Ismail Mustafa
An alternative approach to blogging engines
by Dave Kerr
In part two of the learn JavaScript series we'll create the classic space invaders game.
by Dave Kerr
Learn how to use Bower, Bootstrap and AngularJS to create the Langton's Ant simulation in JavaScript
by Dave Kerr
In this article, we're going to create a starfield in JavaScript. We'll see how the core langauge features work, how to create classes, and how to use the HTML5 Canvas.
by Gunnar S
Convert an existing .NET Core WebAPI application to NServiceBus
by Akhil Mittal
ASP.NET Web API 2 with Entity Framework 6 Code First Migrations
by syed shanu
In this article, let’s see how to create our own ASP.NET Core Blazor Shopping Cart using Entity Framework, and Web API
by Mohsen Ahmadian
A way to run without IIS and any server component
by ASP.NET Community
Hello Friends Here we have a javascript and CSS code to create a light weight popupson Code Behind <input id="Button1" type="button"
by Daniel Miller
This article describes the C# implementation for a high-performance role-based access control list.
by Daniel Miller
This article describes the C# implementation for a high-performance user/role security principal hierarchy.
by gggustafson
Describes the implementation of a lightweight,dynamic carousel that requires no third-party software.
by Mansour Shaaban
by abhigad
Using LinqDataSource with ASP.NET data controls like gridview and dropdown list
by abhigad
Using LinqDataSource with ASP.NET data controls like gridview and dropdown list
by abhigad
Using LinqDataSource with ASP.NET data controls like gridview and dropdown list
by Roy Oliver
An article on a workaround for setting the background color of an ASP.NET DropDownList.
by Vasanth.S.R
To display a loading message (or GIF) when the page_load has functions that take a long time
by Michael Ulmann
Often JavaScript content and/or styles in ASP.NET need to be localized too. This article shows how this can be leveraged by using an HttpHandler.
by Pramod S Kumar
How to implement a login/signup screen using the AJAX ModalPopupExtender.
by Microsoft Developers
In 2015, Microsoft launched its first new browser in 20 years: Microsoft Edge. After 8 months,it's on a great trajectory but we're just getting started. Join us to learn about the progress we've made, feedback we've heard, and a whirlwind tour ofimprovements coming soon.
by Abhijit Jana
This article describes how to maintain the scroll position and freeze header at the time of postback inside an UpdatePanel.
by Kevin Hulse
In this CodeProject lab we are going to build an UI control to display multiple pages in a single container.
by Florian Rappl
Recreating a famous jump and run game for playing and creating own levels in the webbrowser.
by Florian Rappl
Exploring the abilities, benefits and features of TypeScript by extending / rewriting the original Mario5 source.
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is just a funny Visual Studio Code extension, but… what can happen if somebody will try to use it seriously?
by Najmul Hoda
A Masked div or modal popup window is a child window created from the parent window which prevents the user from interacting with it before they can return to the parent application. Modal windows are commonly used in applications to control user awareness and to display critical notices. This maske
by Rajganesh Mountbatton
This article talks about the issues faced in accessing controls inside a Master Page from JavaScript, and points a quick solution.
by S V Saichandra
With a Master Page you can define the look and feel of your application which includes multiple content placeholders. Along with Master Pages, you can work with themes to provide the user with a great User Interface.
by gggustafson
Master Pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Errata
by Konstantin Kichinsky
A look at how to improve our skills and will look into how to build some amazing text-shadows in CSS3
by gggustafson
Describes a method whereby Web Master Pages can be developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
by Yaseer Mumtaz
Angular 4 Client Development
by Yaseer Mumtaz
Authentication & Authorization using Auth0 & JWT
by Shuqian Ying
Service based, multi-application, post ASP.NET 4.0 asynchronous custom membership stores for ASP.NET Identity 2.0 with a hierarchical role system.
by Shuqian Ying
Initiating an Asp.Net Mvc 5 development environment for an administration front-end of extended membership system called Membership+.
by Shuqian Ying
Implementing a unified structured query system of service based relational data source with build-in intelligence.
by dinn11
Simple JavaScript for creating a menu and sub menus using the IE window.createpopup function.
by sashidhar
A simple MenuControl with sitemap path and the use of control adapters without using any background code
by Christian Vos
A XML listbased browser independent ASP.NET Menu
by Petrov Vladimir
The alternative way of the MFC Project from Existing Code creation
by MCF.Goodwin
How to extend the behavior of async postbacks for update panels.
by Olivier_Giulieri
A look at the minimal metadata needed (database mapping and user interface) for generic CRUD applications using the example of a to do list.
by Robert Welliever
Advanced introduction to rendering browser-driven, parallax 3D environments
by volkan.ozcelik
In this article, we will try to generate a draggable DHTML layer that loads data from an external URL via an XMLHTTP connection. This is an enhanced version of my previous Draggable Layer article, hence it addresses additional issues that are not present in the former article.
by saanj
Demonstrates how to use the Modal Popup Extender Control
by nereo.lopez
How to create a modal popup with overlay.
by Chris Maunder
Testing Multiple browsers on Multiple Platforms on Multiple Devices. In the same Window.
by defwebserver
A DotNetNuke style framework that allows you to upload modules to enable an end-user to easily update and enhance a web application.
by Amarnath S
An HTML application to visualize the Mohr's Circle and Transformation of Two-Dimensional State of Stress.
by Jeffrey T. Fritz
With just a 10 minute investment up front to configure Raygun Pulse for my Wordpress blog, I was able to monitor my site for a few days free of charge to see how it performs.
by Dennis E White
A follow up article to jQuery UI Alerts dialog using ThemeRollers with new features added.
by Dietmar Kurok
Showing People grouped by departments in an own style (XSLT) and without limits in count of results and paging. Only intensively using build-in Webparts.
by dougturn
Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 provides a Web Part infrastructure that helps you build custom Web Parts and deploy them to Web sites built using Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. This content is part 2 of the MOSS content from
by dougturn
Provides an overview of data lists from the perspective of a developer. This content is part 2 of the MOSS content from
by dougturn
Provides an overview of event handlers from the perspective of a developer. This content is part 3 of the MOSS content from
by Member 11459717
An application used to manage applications which are categorized by functionality which also prioritizes tasks necessary to manage a household. The application is back-end managed, controlled and operated through Microsoft's Azure cloud platform.
by Athari
C# CSS parser with with support for all modern CSS features.
by Helbrax
Implementing MS Agent style critters for your web pages.
by Tomas Petricek
ASP.NET control that allows you to use multi-column layout (known from CSS3) on your web page...
by Ajcek84
Implementation of radar chart for various .NET platforms
by Jay Kulaindevelu
To show multiple columns in a dropdown list, from ASP.NET.
by Igor Krupitsky
The ASP.NET pages let you upload, delete and browse files into a database.
by Samir NIGAM
This article describes how to create a file upload user control with events and properties.
by m_irfan
This simple and lightweight control allows the user to select multiple items from a dropdown list of checkbox items.
by Sandeep Mewara
How to select multiple values from 'a dropdown look & feel' in a Web application
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Microtonal Fabric uses multitouch screen support for musical keyboards
by jlchereau
An ASP.NET server control inspired from Google mail’s selection of file attachments, and implementing ASP.NET AJAX Extensions 1.0.
by Ajcek84
Music notation in Blazor - Part 2
by Ajcek84
Client-side music notation rendering in Blazor
by Bert O Neill
I want to demonstrate an and-to-end tutorial on how to design an MVC project that caters for multiple devices but with only one respective controller and JavaScript file.
by dnxit
MVC .NET Core 3.1 Dynamic Role based authorization using Authorization Handler & Custom Authorize Policy
by Logan head
First part to the three part series of articles describing how to create a information system where teachers can manage there students and classes. This tutorial will go in depth on using MVC's Code First approach and touch on using MvcScaffolding in the Nuget Package Console.
by dnxit
MVC 6 .NET Core Dynamic navigation menu from the database
by stebo0728
Learn to create dynamic menus, inline editing controls, and custom dialogs, including a simple image selection dialog, allowing image selection from gallery. Uses image-picker and bootbox third party libraries.
by Mohammad Rizwan
My Customize Grid
by Tanzim Saqib
Turn your current static website or blog into a lifestreaming portal with all your social activities with ASP.NET 4.0, C# 4.0, PLINQ, Task Parallel Library, Dependency Injection, and plug-in architecture.
by Vijay Tanwar
N-Tier application with WCF Odata service and Entity Framework.
by ms_soft89
Here, I will explain how to put Gridview in other one, such as categories and products.
by chjk
Nesting the DropDownList to Gridview in ASP.NET 2.0 to update a column
by Trenton Moss
Internet Explorer 7 now supports a number of new CSS commands - find out what these are and how to use them.
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Generator of highly secure passwords based on cryptographic hash and master password, which should be memorized; no password storage is involved.
by Member 4206974
How to use PHP scripts on NodeJS
by Fernando Escolar
nxAjax is a .NET-based easy to use AJAX framework.
by Evaldas Jocys
JavaScript class library which partly replicates Microsoft .NET Framework structure and functionality.
by silasco
Object oriented JavaScript quiz which can easily be customized to add more features.
by Olivier_Giulieri
A generic Web User Interface for CRUD applications generating all screens at run-time based on external metadata. It comes with sample applications for address book, memo pad, to do list, restaurants list, wine cellar, and database structure documentation that are easily customizable.
by Alexander Kleshchevnikov
Some users like to click twice or more on the Submit button especially if the postback does not respond immediately. This scenario can bring problems on the server in case, for instance, if the “first click” already disposed some resources. In this article, I am going to discuss one of the solutions
by Industria Virtual
With Online Code Editor, you can edit your code online.
by BD Star
Online Image storage is a web based image storage system by which you can upload, preview, download and delete image.
by Advosol Inc.
The OPC XML-DA sample clients show how OPC XML-DA web services can be accessed from different kinds of desktop and web applications.
by real_coder
a list of general tips to speed up the loading time of your pages
by emiaj
How to optimize your pages using CSS Sprites
by WaqasYousuf
Simple overlay to restrict users during postback.
by SupperSlonic
The Web API token based authentication via OWIN OAuth2 middleware supported by Facebook, Google, Microsoft.Extracting additional user's information from social networks.
by Matt Perdeck
Improves web site performance by combining and minifying JavaScript and CSS files on the fly. Processes ASP.NET AJAX toolkit .axd files too. Improves image caching and loading. Very easy to add to any ASP.NET web site.
by Rolf Cerff
An ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extender to enhance the ASP.NET GridView to page, select, delete, edit and sort rows with keyboard shortcuts.
by Tiancheng Hu
Learn to animate Age of Empire paladin sprites by using basic HTML5 Canvas skills
by Tittle Joseph
An ASP.NET custom panel control which is curved on the corners, could be minimized/maximized, displayed as a nugget, and can work as a container for anything.
by mrjvdveen
Parsing CSS so we can use the result for analysis
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Demonstrates creation of apps using JQM.Show, a RAD JQuery Mobile Development Platform: A second installment of the article
by NitinShrivastava
In this article, we will try to understand Data Binding in AngularJS
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Demonstrates creation of web apps using JQM.Show, a RAD JQuery Mobile Development Platform: 3rd final installment.
by Sandeep Mewara
Partial update of parent page based on a certain value passed from the child window via AJAX (using UpdatePanel).
by Ponzano Paolo
Simple use of an interface to pass parameters from a Master page to User Controls.
by jebberwocky
Display a simple percentage bar easily using Javascript and CSS
by postmodernist
This article provides guidelines for improving the performance of ASP.NET application on client-side.
by Jon Sagara
This article shows how to create a guestbook script using Perl. Data is stored in a MySQL table rather than in a flat file. DBI is used to connect to the database.
by Steven A. Lowe
Permalinks provide an easy way to redirect incoming traffic to specific pages, track hits and goals, and prevent external links from expiring.
by Paul Coldrey
Simple wrapper classes to allow ExtJS to be rendered from PHP objects.
by PracticalDeveloper
JavaScript, HTML based physical computer models on canvas
by ShofarNexus
This review compares the use of a popup verses a new page to allow users to select options.
by Rajin Sayeed S Alam
A simple way to show a popup window in a web application.
by 3sL
Getting that 1 record out of 1000000+ records with these convenient controls.
by Mohsen Ahmadian
A Powerful File manager in pure
by harleydk
How to prevent browser caching of CSS and JavaScript files
by benjarras
How to hide controls when printing a document.
by Trenton Moss
A print stylesheet will automatically make all your webpages print-friendly. Find out how to make one with this definitive guide.
by MichalWozniak
The article introduces the reader to the MForm Web Controls, a set of controls that provides a very productive and flexible way of creating ASP.NET Web Forms.
by jlchereau
A professional AJAX GUI for uploading files using the server controls in the Memba Velodoc XP Edition.
by Sunasara Imdadhusen
The prototype property allows you to add properties and methods to an object.
by Venimus
Dynamic Dropdown Menus without JavaScript on IE.
by Sunasara Imdadhusen
FlexiPush (Push Notification) is a Quick, Easy and Flexible way to send a Push Notifications to the different platforms like Android, iOS and Windows instantly with your custom Payload as well
by Michael Ulmann
Clear text query strings are a potential security threat for your web application. Thus, query strings should always be encrypted.
by Manning
A Chapter excerpt from Quick & Easy HTML5 & CSS3
by Anurag Gandhi
A general purpose quiz application in React that can be used to run quizzes, mock tests, surveys, etc. This is an alternate version of my another article: "Quiz Application in Angular".
by Intel
This range finder scanner application is part of a series of how-to Internet of Things (IoT) code sample exercises using the Intel® IoT Developer Kit, Intel® Edison board, Intel® IoT Gateway, cloud platforms, APIs, and other technologies.
by Mehdi Gholam
NoSql, JSON based, Document store database with compiled .net map functions and automatic hybrid bitmap indexing and LINQ query filters (now with standalone Server mode, Backup and Active Restore, Transactions, Server side queries, MonoDroid support, HQ-Branch Replication, working in Linux, .net
by Dr. Song Li
This note talks about the React life-cycle methods with the nested components that I felt important enough to keep a note.
by Luis F. Penedo
Setting up a React project in Visual Studio 2017
by Mehdi Gholam
I tried out many other RSS readers like RSSOwl (which is also unsupported) but none of them felt right, so I decided to write my own.
by @Shiv
Easy and simple ReCptcha tool for Web Application in pure C# code, no JavaScript external plugin required
by Rafael Galeev
Visual programming on the touch screen
by KimJohnson
.NET Redis container and strongly typed data objects
by Elia Sarti
This article tries to explain a new approach to the annoying issue of obtaining a three (or even more) equal-height columns liquid layout with the usage of CSS and (X)HTML only. My own solution avoids faux-columnS and super-padding tricks (and so problems caused by those methods).
by Etienne Margraff
Remotely debug and test Javascript: the new vorlon.JS plug-ins
by ASP.NET Community
Asp Menu controls lacks to render its items which are set with dynamic visibility in Internet Explorer 8. Microsoft has also confirmed at Microsoft
by gggustafson
There are evangelists for laying out web pages using CSS and there are evangelists for laying out web pages using Tables. Both camps might profit from this article.
by Ken Haggerty
Scaffold and modify Identity in the new ASP.NET Core 2.2 Razor pages template
by Ken Haggerty
Scaffold and modify Identity in the new ASP.NET Core 2.2 Razor pages template
by Saurabh Kirtani
An important part of a responsive website are responsive images. In this article, we’ll learn more about responsive images on the web and see how to build them.
by Katrien_De_Graeve
How to use flexible and fluid layouts that adapt to almost any screen.
by Davinder Singla
This article discusses about how to develop a responsive web site using jQuery Mobile.
by Aaron Gustafson
Responsive Web Design: Where Do We Go From Here?
by Kevin Ortman
This sample application demonstrates how to use the SimplyRestfulRouteHandler to provide a RESTful approach to client-server communication.
by Sreekanth Mothukuru
How to create an interactive interface (help documentation) to represent our RESTful API using popular framework Swagger & Swashbuckle
by gggustafson, jsc42
This article presents an improved method to display a definition for an abbreviation or initialism whenever the user hovers over the abbreviation or initialism.
by Tim Golisch
SSRS and Report Builder (or the old BIDS from 2008) are nice for making reports, but they don't embed into your ASP.NET project very nicely. This is one way to do it without the requirement for full SSRS (and the security hoops).
by Praveen Chandran
Running video in Silverlight site using Expression Blend
by Karthik. A
sBlog.Net is a minimalistic blog engine created using the ASP.NET MVC 3 framework.
by c-smile
Basics of Sciter embedding principles, high-level overlook of Sciter SDK structure.
by DCUtility
Screen Snaper is perfect to quickly share a picture-perfect representation of anything on your screen.
by tomcat1
In this article, I’ll make a gridview control have a scroll bar, which will maintain the scroll position between postbacks with and without server postback (AJAX) along with a fixed header on the top.
by Jay Stacey
Creating a scrollable GridView with a fixed header.
Cross browser support for a scrollable GridView.
by Antonio Suarez
this is an easy way to get Freeze GridView header and add image sort. And it works on IE,Firefox and Others. work inside and outside of updatepanel.
by Jason Witty
Combine scrollbar events, JSON RPC calls, and LINQ to create a fluid, fast, and "no click" paginated DataGrid.
by titanium1986
This article shows you how to optimize an Ajax website for Search engines
by DataBytzAI
A whirlwind tour of how to implement search, filter and sort using KnockoutJS
by Han Bo Sun
In this article, I will show the reader how to secure a web application based on Spring Boot and WAR archive, using the Spring Security and Tags. The application will have a login page, page access based on user roles, login failure, and access denied pages.
by Paul D. Sheriff
A technique for securing Angular 2/6 applications
by Remy Blaettler
A search box that updates the page with search results as you type
by Samir NIGAM
This article describes how to select and unselect all the checkboxes inside a GridView control.
by Toby Steed
Selenium - locators
by Raj Lal
The chapter discuss the Sidebar Gadget revenue model.
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This article explains how you can send emails using ASP.NET Web Helpers without having to work with connections.
by Syed Rafey Husain
SEO Tips and Techniques, andnd end-to-end SEO guide
by Omar Al Zabir
Serve extensionless URL from IIS without using custom ISAPI handler or IIS 6.0 wildcard mapping
by Ahmed Charfeddine
A Visual C++ Project Wizard for the fast creation of high performance TCP servers in C++
by Alessandro Zifiglio
Learn how to upload images to the server and display them in an image gallery.
by Melick
How to create a simple SharePoint 2016 Page layout without using SharePoint designer
by Jiang Qiu
This articles provides an overview on how to do customized site navigation on MOSS publishing sites.
by Ayman M. El-Hattab
Two more tricks for SharePointers :)
by Ayman M. El-Hattab
Demistifying the SharePoint delegate controls, allowing fast and painless SharePoint branding.
by dathq
A fast and innovative Gantt chart using JScript.
by Denis Lazendić
Simple project that shows how to use SignalR in ASP.NET MVC application to track progress of some long running process and display on clientside using Bootstrap modal.
by Roger C Moore
Two SignalR Demo Projects: Self-Hosted Windows Service and Broadcasting Application
by Amit Kanfer
Simple memory leaks detector for Silverlight applications.
by Ferreri Gabriele (Megasoft78)
Silverlight integrated into an ASP.NET AJAX control (Fifteen Puzzle Game).
by Venkatesan Jagadisan, Balaji Ganesaan
It describes page to page navigation with flip animation in Silverlight
An Introduction into Silverlight by Example
by Antonin Hildebrand
The article discusses the concepts of data driven web games. An example game 'SilverStunts' is presented and described in technical details.
by Barry Etter
Using the functionality of A:Link and A:visited to power a "new" indicator for messages, postings, etc.
by Kiran Kumar Veerabatheni
‘In-Progress’ Message & Disabling controls in ASP.NET Pages using JavaScript
by Lalith Bommera
A simple AJAX approach that includes an HTML page client, and a JavaScript making an AJAX call and receiving a response. A remote page will receive the parameter information and respond to the JavaScript call method with the necessary information.
by Nozel Rosario : 4583847
Simple Chat application using AJAX
by Paul Coldrey
How to create an ExtJS component to render arbitrary HTML.
by kannankeril
Simple dashboard utilizing an elegant HTML+CSS+JavaScript template from TechGYO and the Highcharts library.
by Maxim Kazitov
Simple IGoogle gadget to display Expedia RSS.
by Leftend
A simple library to manage and resize uploaded images.
by muhsin meydan
A simple jquery tab as template that addresses few issues with JavaScript tabs
by Member 3107204
Simple Method for Insert,Update,Delete,Naviagate and Search
by Helbrax
A simple voting control In JavaScript.
by big_novak
A client-side solution to warn users their session is about to timeout and refresh their authentication ticket, if necessary.
by Ayman M. El-Hattab
Simplifying SharePoint debugging by creating the troubleshooting toolbox
by Alexei Fimine
ASP.NET GridView which only displays as many rows as the user is willing to fill on the client-side. Uses ASP.NET, C#, JavaScript, Regular Expressions, CSS, and HTML.
by webdev_hb
Simulate threading using JavaScript
by skullz_softwares
Making Single Instance Application a Simple Way!!
by Bangla Gopal Surya Prakash
How to create a sample single page application using Knockout and ASP.NET.
How to build the SPA for enterprise application using Angular2 and WebApi (RESTful)
In this article, we will learn how to create/edit Role
by Frank Rem
This is a single page ASP.NET application for splitting and stitching PDF documents.
by Rey Bango
Site Pinning: Rotating Overlay Icons for Multiple Service Notifications
by Ahmed Shokr
JavaScript slide menu with JQuery.
by Samir NIGAM
This article describes how to create a slide-show user control with the help of the DataList control.
by Andrew S. Kloos
Easily build and customize your very own sliding JavaScript menu.
by Florian Rappl
Creating a highly extensible presentation app with multi-user and device integration for tablets.
by lsnarayanan
This Article is an enhancement of the Typeahead Texbox article in code project site. I have tried to generalize and give more functionality which were missing in the Typeahead article.
by Raj Lal
The power of MSN videos in your Windows Vista sidebar with Soapbox. Create and share your favorite video list
by The DevMan
A series for simplifying the learning of software architecture
by Modesty Zhang
Presents a web app programming model that promotes web standards, achieves high scalability by eliminating classic web server pages, and also enables rich interactivities without browser plug-ins.
by Modesty Zhang
Session Management, Navigation, Security and Data Sharing aspects of SOHA - Service Oriented HTML Application
by Shahriar Iqbal Chowdhury/Galib
Solution to ASP.NET theme conflict with FCKEditor
by C Rotell
How to solve the no style or lack of javascipt function on the MVC LogOn Page.
by Robert_Dyball
Add JSON Web Token Authentication (JWT) using OpenIDDict to our ASP.NET Core + Angular 2 SPA. Source includes VS2015 and VS2017 versions.
by Florian Rappl
Building a full featured (and fun-packed) single-player game out of the box.
by Assad Baig
Learn how to optimize web page for better user experience
by Vimal Panara
Many time we face problem in SQL Query when performing operation with IN clause to check values seperated by ,(commas) in a parameter.
by saanj
Demonstrates how to debug a Stored Procedure in Visual Studio .NET 2005.
by Joel Ivory Johnson
Discovering local devices using SSDP from within HTML and JavaScript in Chrome
by mdshohelrana
Use of SASS in Visual Studio is a little bit confusing when you start as a beginner. That’s why I have written this article. I think this will be helpful for all SASS developers.
by Er. Puneet Goel
This article is about how to start with MVC. Its very simple and useful article that include basic Save, Update and Delete methods using MVC.
by Eduardo Mozart de Oliveira
This article will show you how to implement CSS sprites in manner
by Himanshu DS
Here are some styles of source code comments in C#, SQL, XML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
by Raghavi Hariharan
Basic syntax and usage of CSS to style your webpage
by Steven James Gray
Implementation of a framework to support Generics in ASP.NET server controls, including strong-typing of ITemplate containers.
by Bill SerGio, The Infomercial King
SwipeClouds HTML5 Canvas Framework for JQuery Mobile, PhoneGap & Cordova
by Braden Murphy
Lightweight SQL & HTML Web Server Reporting
by Mark Kestenbaum
An entry to the Windows Azure Developer Challenge.
by Greg Olmstead
This custom validator will allow you to call your PageMethods to validate your client-side input, and block postbacks if there is an error.
by adriancs
Using textarea (HTML) as code editor with syntax highlighting support
by Robin Boswell
Google+ listing of posts titles and tags
by jamesfancy
Register a fake protocol of TDL: to make tdl:///filename.tdl?tid available
by David Bywaters
A Templated Databound control for making TreeViews and displaying hierarchical data
by Trenton Moss
Ten tricks to make life easier
by Trenton Moss
Follow up to the popular article, Ten CSS tricks you may not know - learn something new and see how many you already know!
by Trenton Moss
10 Tips to improve responsiveness for your reeades
by The Stonx
This is my project for the Windows Azure Challenge
by Joe Rattz
This article will explain how to create an HttpHandler that will accept a text string, optionally rotate it, and return an image of the rotated text.
by Md.Asaduzzaman Azad
Apply watermark in TextBox using JavaScript
by christian.gaetano
In this article I walk through the steps to add React’s best data grid – FlexGrid – to your web app using only Facebook’s Create React App, Wijmo, and a few lines of JavaScript.
by Serge Desmedt
An article on what you can do with the Bootstrap 3 Grid and what makes this possible.
by Serge Desmedt
An update article on what you can do with the flex based Bootstrap 4 Grid system and what makes it different from the Bootstrap 3 implementation
by Serge Desmedt
An article on the Bootstrap 4 Navigation Bar layout: what makes it work as it does?
by Jacques Loubser
Part 1 of 12 to become a web design rock god!
by Jacques Loubser
Part 4 of 12 to become a web design rock god! (Laying Out Your First Web Page)
by Garry Lowther
Why JavaScript/JQuery/HTML/CSS/DOM is creating an awful mess
by asithangae
Explains the client side page life cycle, Ajax partial render
by Trenton Moss
Web accessibility has so many benefits that I really do wonder why such a large number of websites have such diabolically bad accessibility
by Alexander Wieser
The Spectre Framework is an attempt to introduce HTML5 as a first class citizen UI language for CLR based applications.
by ASP.NET Community 2.0 came with a new feature called a theme. A theme is a collection of property settings that allow you to define the look of pages and
by ASP.NET Community
ThemesAuthor: Prakash Singh MehraIntroduction: Themes are the way to define the formatting details for various controls and can be reused in
by Jacob Lauzier
PDFs are probably the most popular digital document exchange format on the planet. ThinDoc simplifies things by providing a Zero-Footprint PDF Viewer allowing you to view PDFs without downloading them.
by Nilesh Surve
To create Google Suggest using ASP.NET & AJAX
by RB Changanacherry
Presents how to change the node text of ASP.Net using Java Script
by M@dHatter
The Token Manager allows web developers to program PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript into tokens that can be used throughout WordPress.
by Tom W Hall
A 2D platform game engine using JavaScript DOM manipulation and CSS
by Scott_Fitzpatrick
In-depth look at the Fuzzy Search API call
by Jacob Rossi
Touch browsing: Go Beyond Pan, Zoom, and Tap Using Gesture Events
by Bob Carboni
Tree Web Control that supports individual or category selection, custom styles, and search features.
by Nikfazan
This article shows how you can make a Tree with hierarchical data supporting "CRUD operations", "drag and drop (DnD)" and "Lazy Loading" using Dojo store driven Tree, Entity Framework, SQL Server, ASP.NET MVC.
by Yen Dutt
Triple State Checkbox for Web with Changeable CSS
by saadixl
Two player tictactoe 2D game using jQuery
by Omar Al Zabir
UFrame makes a DIV behave like an IFRAME that can load any ASP.NET/PHP/HTML page and allows all postback and hyperlink navigation to happen within the DIV - a painless way to make regular pages fully AJAX enabled
by Florian Rappl
Creating a tower defense game from scratch with web technologies.
by Arpit Jain
Here, we will learn about translate method of CSS3
by Toby Jacob Rhodes
The development of a markup language.
by David Rousset
In this article I’d like to show you some browser experiments using Pointers – an emerging multi-touch technology and polyfills that make cross-browser support, well less complex.
by Todd Sprang
A complete step-by-step tutorial explaining how and why to use Unobtrusive AJAX to do forms validation in ASP.NET MVC.
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Demonstrates input:file, FileReader, Listview thumbnails, image control and table images & custom icons.
by Snesh Prajapati
In this article I am explaining three ways to upload image (by Browsing File, by Dragging and Dropping and by Capturing using Webcam) from an ASP.NET MVC web application to server and accessing those back to display on web page.
by Vimal Panara
One of the most popular functionalities in ASP.NET 2.0 is URL Rewriting. One strong reason for using this is better search friendly pages on your site for search engines like Google, Yahoo, Live, Alta-Vista etc.
by Paul Watson
Using relative font sizes in your website will ensure that your site is accessible to users with poor sight. This article explains how to use relative font sizes effectively.
by Lewis Liu L
How to use JQuery and CSS slide show pictures
by Igor Ladnik
The article presents a collection of Web technologies. Multi-OS servers written in ASP.NET Core and node.js along with HTML / JavaScript / TypeScript single-page client construct scrollable table sample.
by DataBytzAI
A cool way to batch upload new user credentials to a web-app using KnockoutJS
by ASP.NET Community
Introduction The CSS media type “print” allows authors to specify a stylesheet that is only used when printing. This can be very useful and
by Trenton Moss
A basic introduction to user interviews, a great way to build research on your users and help improve the usability of your site.
by Butch Taylor
This article discusses trends in software technologies and in the document management industry. Along the way, we will build an easy, yet feature-rich web-based application for viewing PDF documents. It will be based on our ASP.NET image-viewing technology, which is included in ImageGear for .NET.
by Kirtan Gor
This article uses a Yahoo style grid for showing the records and a checkbox column for selecting Multiple Records and Deleting Them Using AJAX . . .
by adriancs
CKEditor is a HTML editor. Highlight.js is a syntax highlighting tool. Steps to run on ASP.NET Web Forms
by DotNetSteve
Observations while parsing HTML files
by Yasser M. Jaffal
In this article, I discuss an example of how you can use information retrieval to grab data out of MSN Money pages to get a free Web Service for currency exchange rates and other quotes.
by Dan Thyer
This article is great for anybody learning jQuery Mobile or building mobile applications with MVC3. I built a remote control for my phone to control a squirt gun for my pool, open my garage door, water the garden and control for my gas fireplace using jQuery Mobile with MVC and a Netduino
by Drasko Popovic
How to template web parts with Knockout.js framework
by Drasko Popovic
Part 2 of the series "Using knockout for web part templating"
by LEADTOOLS Support
LEADTOOLS Cloud Services provides all the speed, accuracy, and reliability you have come to expect from LEADTOOLS Document Imaging SDKs but is neatly packaged into a simple, pay-as-you-go Web API hosted on Microsoft Azure.
by Jason Witty
In this article I walk through an example that binds a gridview control to an ObjectDataSource and uses Linq queries to paginate to achieve true data pagination.
by abhigad
Part II of the Using LinqDataSource with ASP.NET data controls like gridview and dropdown list
by Arkady Lesniara
Microsoft Internet Explorer add-on that provides a variety of tools for quickly creating, understanding, and troubleshooting Web pages.
by Hesham Desouky
A How to that demonstrates how to use RsClientPrint ActiveX control to print reports from Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
by Bobby DeRosa
Introduces a solution for using virtual app paths in non ASP.NET files.
by Dave_Voyles
Today I’d like to experiment with the Media Capture and Streams API, developed jointly at the W3C by the Web Real-Time Communications Working Group and the Device APIs Working Group.
by RCoate
Call an ASP.NET page using the Prototype Framework.
by Steven Berkovitz
An article on how web standards can be used in ASP.NET control development
by MS le Roux
A simple and generic way to use XSLT to generate a multi-level HTML tree menu from an XML source
by mdshohelrana
Various types of bootstrap forms like basic, horizontal, vertical, mixings etc.
by Hussain Mubaireek
Video Conference in HTML5 using WebRTC with websockets and javascript only.
by Robert Welliever
Classic, Arcade-Style Video Poker
by Sachin Makwana
Convert uploaded video to MP4 and store it in database. Create thumbnail of the uploaded video and Stream the video from Database using HTML5 video tag and Entity Framework.
by dmihailescu
A Visual Studio add-in that inserts some commonly known OO patterns into your working project and searches your highlights online.
by David Catuhe
This article is the first in a series that will take a detailed look at one specific feature of Vorlon.js, starting with one of the biggest: the DOM Explorer.
by SP.Murugesa Pandian
WCF DataContract
by Snesh Prajapati
In this article we will learn how to create WCF RESTful services and consume those services in ASP.NET MVC 5 application using WebGrid Control.
by Omar Al Zabir
Web 2.0 AJAX Portal built using jQuery, and ASP.NET 3.5. It offers Silverlight widget framework. Middle-tier built on Workflow Foundation. Data Access Layer uses Compiled Linq to SQL. Uses Enterprise Library 4.1 and Unitiy, offering Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control. All hot stuff!
by Trenton Moss
What is web accessibility & why is it important?
by Andrew Golik
This article explains how to maintain the web application state.
by JNygren
This article shows you how to lay out your web pages without the use of tables. It demonstrates how to use Cascading Style Sheets and the element to put what you want, were you want on your web page.
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
A cross-platform replacement for all those office presentation applications in a single file
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Another variant of the cross-platform replacement for all those office presentation applications in a single file, and now this file is JavaScript
by DataBytzAI
A free video course to learn the fundamentals of web scraping - usually missed by other sources!
by B. Clay Shannon
Light SEO and choosing a website theme.
by B. Clay Shannon
In this third installment of the extreme website makeover journey, we will take up where we left off in getting further along with the basic look and feel before moving on to the nitty-gritty of writing the code-behind, adding any jQuery UI widgets, etc.
by B. Clay Shannon
In part 4 of the "extreme makeover", we add some pages and perform some light cosmetic enhancements
by B. Clay Shannon
Adding a little C# code-behind and more HTML
by B. Clay Shannon
Some final snazzification, polishing, and deployment
by Igor Ladnik
Software for large image smart viewing, mark out and annotation
by Ed Nutting
A tab control for the web that can be created dynamically in C#. Uses JavaScript so tabs can be changed without refreshing the page allowing ease-of-use on things like Account Information pages.
by Maxim Komlev
Example of WebBrowser customization and http/https server on localhost as engine for cross-platform application based on web technologies.
by Eng Kerollos Adel
New JavaScript library, this library makes display of HTML page from template and JavaScript object or object from API or from file easy with filter
by Gunnar S
Moving ASP.NET WebAPI code to Service Fabric Cluster
by gggustafson
In an earlier article, a WebForm password generator was considered; this article presents the results of its implementation.
by Syed Hasan Hyder
Solution adorned with drag and drop Portlet/Webpart customization feature in ASP.NET MVC Framework. It summoned JQuery for better user experience evading inclusive page refresh during personalization.
by DataBytzAI
How to scrape data from a website with C#
by SupperSlonic
control for edit a weekly schedule based on ASP.NET MVC
by Dave_Voyles
In this tutorial, I’ll explain how to use this cloud media solution to get set-up and start experimenting with delivering live or on demand video.
by Shao Voon Wong
This article discusses what web developers need to know about content security policy.
by Shao Voon Wong
This article continues the content security policy discussion with unsafe-inline, unsafe-eval, nonce, cryptographic hashing and more.
by David Catuhe
The babylon.JS team at Microsoft recently released a new update (v2.1) with a host of new and improved tools to build browser-based 3D experiences. In this article, I’ll walk you through some of the major updates, along with links to demos and sandbox builds you can try yourself.
by Christopher Burts
A personal tracker of stuff you've done and things you want to do
by gouravverma
Basic difference between Sql Where and Having Clause
by Jason Witty
A tutorial for implementing a modal popup window on your web site which will display a Microsoft Virtual Earth map with pinpoints on the locations of everyone who is currently browsing your web site.
by raddevus
Creation of a simple app (< 50 lines of code) which allows you to save a dynamic catalog of images with an examination of how to save a user's data
by raddevus
Discussion of UX via ContextMenu & Copy to Clipboard
by Dane Balia
A Quick Read For Understanding The Power Behind SASS
by David Catuhe
Vorlon.js is powered by node.JS,, and late-night coffee. I would like to share with you why we made it, how to incorporate it into your own testing workflow, and also share some more details into the art of building a JS library like it.
by Shai Raiten
Getting Started with Windows 8 Metro App Development in JavaScript
by Dan Andreescu
Implementing Cascading Style Sheets for .NET Windows Forms with IExtenderProvider and C#.
by Olivier_Giulieri
Looking at the possibility of using CRUD applications to manage other CRUD applications inside a web browser and without any hand-coding. Also, presenting a step wizard deriving the database structure from the UI rather than the opposite.
by Dr. Song Li
This article uses a simple example to answer some common questions when working on JSON objects in jQuery and MVC.
by Thang T.
Using a web service to find the location of an IP address...
How to work with jqGrid and a WCF Service.
by Ray_Liang
Write jQuery plugin WebControl for ASP.NET just in few miniutes!
by leppie
An ASP.NET PropertyGrid
by Eduard Puiu
A tool to support the embedding of expandable / collapsible HTML content
by John Doherty
Use CSS Selectors as lightweight key value pairs; automatically bound to elements at runtime using the bindCssData method.
by Niral Soni
Multi-level, scrollable, browser compatible, XP Style JavaScript Start Menu and Context Menu
by Swift coder
Create ASP.NET Combobox using Javascript, CSS and ASP.NET
by Guy S.
UI Navigation using JavaScript, WebControl and XSL & XML.