Most of the time, it is acceptable for customers to deploy reports manually via the Visual Studio Report Manager. But sometimes, there may be a hard rule that "anything deployable, for instance, WinForms apps, WebForms apps, or SSRS reports, etc. has to be deployed via MSI.
This sample basically has a config file to collect information like where the data source for a report should be created, and what its name should be, and the user name and password that should be used in the data source. Making all this information dynamic is important because one often publishes a report and its data source points to a different location on a production server than on the machine it was originally created.
Using the code
Once the setup information is collected from the app.config, the method Install
starts deploying the report on to the server.
Source Code:
Steps to be taken care of:
- Add a Web reference to the web service exposed by the SSRS (SQL Reporting Service 2005).
- Set the config settings [information such as report name, database connection etc.].
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
using DeployReport.ReportingService2005;
namespace DeployReport
public class ReportInstaller
private string _extension = string.Empty;
private string _serverName = string.Empty;
private string _datasourceLocation = string.Empty;
private string _parent = string.Empty;
private string _folder = string.Empty;
private string _connectString = string.Empty;
private ReportingService2005.ReportingService2005 _rs
= new DeployReport.ReportingService2005.ReportingService2005();
private string _dbName = string.Empty;
private string _datasource = string.Empty;
private string _reportPath = string.Empty;
private CatalogItem[] _returnedItems;
private ArrayList ConnectionStrings = new ArrayList();
public ReportInstaller()
this._extension = this.GetValueFromConfig("appSettings", "Extension");
this._serverName = this.GetValueFromConfig("appSettings", "ServerName");
this._datasourceLocation = this.GetValueFromConfig("appSettings",
this._parent = this.GetValueFromConfig("appSettings", "Parent");
this._folder = this.GetValueFromConfig("appSettings", "Folder");
_rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
if ( this._folder.Length > 0 && this._parent.Length > 0)
if (this.CheckExist(ItemTypeEnum.Folder,
this._parent, this._folder) == false)
_rs.CreateFolder( this._folder, this._parent, null);
this.GetReportsToDeploy( "ReportDetails");
private void Deploy()
foreach (object _report in this.ConnectionStrings)
this._connectString = _report.ToString();
if ( this._connectString.Length > 0)
byte[] _reportDefinition;
Warning[] _warnings;
FileStream _stream = File.OpenRead( this._reportPath);
_reportDefinition = new Byte[_stream.Length];
_stream.Read( _reportDefinition, 0, (int)_stream.Length);
string _reportName = this._reportPath.Substring(
this._reportPath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
_warnings = (Warning[])_rs.CreateReport( _reportName.Remove
( _reportName.Length - 4, 4),
this._parent + this._folder, true,
_reportDefinition, null);
DataSource dSource = new DataSource();
DataSourceDefinition dDefinition =
new DataSourceDefinition();
dSource.Item = dDefinition;
dDefinition.Extension = this._extension;
dDefinition.ConnectString = @"Data Source=" + this._serverName
+ @";Initial Catalog=" + this._dbName;
dDefinition.ImpersonateUserSpecified = true;
dDefinition.Prompt = null;
dDefinition.WindowsCredentials = true;
dDefinition.CredentialRetrieval =
dSource.Name = this._datasource;
if (this.CheckExist( ItemTypeEnum.DataSource, this._parent,
this._datasourceLocation + "/" +
this._datasource) == false)
_rs.CreateDataSource( this._datasource, @"/" +
this._datasourceLocation, false, dDefinition, null);
catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException _exception)
throw _exception;
DataSourceReference reference = new DataSourceReference();
DataSource ds = new DataSource();
reference.Reference = @"/" + this._datasourceLocation + @"/"
+ this._datasource;
DataSource[] dsarray = _rs.GetItemDataSources( this._parent +
this._folder + "/" + _reportName.Remove
( _reportName.Length - 4, 4));
ds = dsarray[0];
ds.Item = (DataSourceReference)reference;
_rs.SetItemDataSources( this._parent +
this._folder + "/" + _reportName.Remove
( _reportName.Length - 4, 4), dsarray);
catch (Exception _exception)
throw (_exception);
private string GetValueFromConfig(string sectionName, string keyName)
string _value = string.Empty;
NameValueCollection _section = (NameValueCollection)
ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig( sectionName);
if (_section != null && _section[keyName] != null)
_value = _section[keyName];
catch (Exception _exception)
EventLog.WriteEntry( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName,
_exception.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error);
return _value;
private bool CheckExist(ItemTypeEnum type, string path, string folderName)
string _path = path + folderName;
SearchCondition[] conditions;
SearchCondition condition = new SearchCondition();
condition.Condition = ConditionEnum.Contains;
condition.ConditionSpecified = true;
condition.Name = "Name";
condition.Value = "";
conditions = new SearchCondition[1];
conditions[0] = condition;
this._returnedItems = _rs.FindItems( path,
BooleanOperatorEnum.Or, conditions);
foreach (CatalogItem item in _returnedItems)
if (item.Type == type)
if (item.Path == _path)
return true;
return false;
private void SetReportInfo()
string[] _temp = this._connectString.Split( ";".ToCharArray());
string[] _properties = new string[_temp.Length];
for (int _count = 0; _count < _temp.Length; _count++)
_properties[_count] =
if (_properties.Length == 3)
this._dbName = _properties[0];
this._datasource = _properties[1];
this._reportPath = _properties[2];
private void GetReportsToDeploy(string sectionName)
NameValueCollection _section = (NameValueCollection)
ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig( sectionName);
if (_section != null && _section.HasKeys() == true)
for (int _count = 0; _count < _section.Keys.Count; _count++)
this.ConnectionStrings.Add( _section[_section.Keys[_count]]);
catch (Exception _exception)
throw _exception;
That's all!