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.NET 1.1


Great Reads

by Martin Welker
To get qualified access to paper based information, sometimes more than plain OCR is needed. This article shows why, and offers a solution to increase OCR quality by semi-automatic table extraction.
by Jecho Jekov
Provides an easy way to use C calling convention callback functions in C# and VB
by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
How to build my own 3D graphics engine from ZERO step by step
by Muhammad Akhtar Shiekh
An article on "How to authenticate windows user using form authentication in ASP.NET?"

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by Richard Atkins
Create a fluid, multi-column, vertically ordered list using nested, floating divs
by Eric P Schneider
Basic demo on how to serialize and deserialize custom collections
by Randy Kroeger
This article provides an example on how you can change application configuration settings within an existing ClickOnce publish, update the manifest files, followed by using the Mage utility for updating the manifest using the existing cert file.
by Faisal(mfrony)
This article will help you to get a clear understanding of LSP.

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.NET 1.1 

30 Apr 2005 by Martin Welker
To get qualified access to paper based information, sometimes more than plain OCR is needed. This article shows why, and offers a solution to increase OCR quality by semi-automatic table extraction.
13 Sep 2005 by Jecho Jekov
Provides an easy way to use C calling convention callback functions in C# and VB
1 Feb 2017 by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
How to build my own 3D graphics engine from ZERO step by step
1 Jul 2009 by Muhammad Akhtar Shiekh
An article on "How to authenticate windows user using form authentication in ASP.NET?"
22 Jan 2004 by Wytek Szymanski
An article about a bi-directional communication using a single open connection.
28 Jun 2005 by Greg Rezansoff
This brief article describes how to use managed Direct3D to render texture bitmaps with alpha channels and transparency key colours onto vertices in C# with the aid of a MatrixStack.
4 Jul 2005 by DeltaEngine
Normal maps are used for realtime 3D rendering (mostly in games) to improve the visual quality, but compressing them makes the 3D content look ugly, this tool helps to fix that problem.
11 Jan 2008 by eransha
The article briefly discusses deadlocks behavior, and presents an easy way to detect them.
20 Jun 2004 by Sergei_VP
.NET wrapper of the system Header control.
9 Nov 2005 by Koushik Biswas
An article on synchronization of a GET REQUEST/ PUT RESPONSE MQ C# program and a PUT REQUEST/ GET RESPONSE MQ C# program.
31 Mar 2006 by Dan Radu
The DACBuilder application provides auto-generation features from multiple database systems in multiple programming languages.
15 Mar 2005 by Chester Ragel
3 Apr 2005 by ibrahimuludag
An article describing how to create a server control that preserves the scroll position in longer pages.
17 Oct 2005 by Bill Pierce
Creating an ASP.NET server control wrapper for the Google Maps API.
12 Jul 2009 by Parag.Gadkari
9 Jan 2010 by Sergey Arhipenko
This article shows how to build different versions of Visual Studio solutions on the same build server.
23 Sep 2003 by Al Alberto
An account of my experience in learning to develop in the .NET environment
5 Sep 2008 by IncureForce
How to disable FlashPlayer (AxShockwaveFlash) right-click ContextMenu
13 Oct 2008 by CodingBruce
Pull metadata from a schema or generate XML mappers
3 Mar 2004 by wilsone8
Shows how to create a ToolTip provider that supports Balloon Tooltips, including issues related to creating extender properties and using the NativeWindow class.
6 Apr 2010 by seejay1120
A Fast Way to Update Treeview Nodes Using a Database as a Source
9 Jan 2009 by pablodg
Workaround to get the correct LocalDateTime of files no matter which date settings your computer has.
30 Dec 2007 by AGD-H
Knit is a Visual Studio add-in tool that allows a developer to apply multi-step patterns to solution and assembly meta-data.
24 Dec 2008 by Flamewave4
A phone number structure that can be used for parsing, validating, and normalizing phone numbers.
1 May 2012 by Jean-Francois Lanouette
This is an alternative for "Simple & Advanced Pivots with C# and ASP.NET"
13 Aug 2011 by Kenneth Kasajian
The powerful DoFixture() in FitLibrary simulates English like specification. The PhraseFixture proposal takes this to the next level.
31 Dec 2018 by Randy Kroeger
This article provides an example on how you can change application configuration settings within an existing ClickOnce publish, update the manifest files, followed by using the Mage utility for updating the manifest using the existing cert file.
30 Apr 2007 by Frank Rem
PDFKit.NET 2.0 is a 100% .NET (verifiable) component for creating and manipulating PDF documents. In this article I will focus on its digital signature capabilities. Digital signatures can be used to authenticate the source of a PDF document, and to provide the integrity of a PDF document.
11 Dec 2007 by Andrew Friedl
Using the KudzuASp Template Engine for Classic ASP
5 Apr 2008 by diamond
A nice and pretty simple C# class to detect if a GUI thread can not process window messages (and user actions).
2 Nov 2003 by John Juback
ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET (C1DataObjects) is based on Microsoft ADO.NET technology and enhances it in many significant ways to streamline database application development.
19 Jan 2004 by Matt Rhoades - Relational Solutions
Visual Integration Studio is a powerful data integration, ETL (extraction, transformation and load) and process automation tool.
1 Mar 2004 by PortSight
Free .NET Component for managing users and controlling access to your applications. 
30 Aug 2004 by Dundas Data Visualization
Articles on Dundas Software's Data Visualization components for .NET
20 Oct 2005 by Marco Roello
The screensaver plays from 1 to 16 video (or media files) simultaneously.
2 May 2006 by Petr Palas
This article compares various approaches to storing, editing, and displaying structured content on the web. It shows the advantages and disadvantages of using XML and relational SQL databases.
4 May 2006 by Simon Galbraith
The architect of ANTS Profiler talks about his work.
2 Oct 2006 by Redgate Software
This article describes how you can use ANTS Profiler to eliminate performance hotspots and memory leaks from your .NET applications.
5 Feb 2007 by Pman75
A 2 tier menu generator that can be navigated forwards and/or backwards.
2 May 2007 by Srinivas-Miriyala
This tool move the previously-published infopath form templates to a new location.
16 Jun 2007 by NineRays, Mark Sochan
Most .NET software projects can easily be tampered, exposing your software to security risks and theft of intellectual property. This article shows different techniques used to protect .NET code and determine the best protection for you. 9rays.Net offers you Spices.Obfuscator to these ends.
16 Jul 2007 by NineRays
The advertorial is mainly about protecting intellectual property and the essential points to remember in order to do so. It mainly emphasizes on the benefits of obfuscation and how it can help in disabling easy reverse engineering in .NET codes.
17 Dec 2007 by mfmaneef
Explains how to send bulk records to a database using OPENXML.
22 Dec 2007 by Miles Gibson
Iron Speed Designer builds database, forms, and reporting applications for .NET – without hand-coding. Quickly create feature-complete custom applications that integrate Web pages, controls, data access, validation and security. Accelerate development and eliminate infrastructure programming.
7 Dec 2007 by vadimas
Troubles putting JavaScript code inline with VB.NET or C# code
7 Dec 2007 by tobinharris
In this article, Tobin Harris introduces a new Ajax library for ASP.NET and explains its benefits over Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax. He demonstrates an easier approach to .NET Ajax applications, even for those without serious JavaScript skills.
7 Jan 2008 by Visual Numerics, Inc.
This document focuses on the combination of VSTO 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition.
31 Dec 2007 by jkunken
In this article, we will describe how information generated on data acquisition devices connected to servers running Windows Server 2003 can be efficiently integrated into Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 using Windows PowerShell.
4 Oct 2008 by Zakir Hoosen
How to configure an 2.0 as a sub app of an 1.1 application
28 Jun 2005 by Daniel Cazzulino [XML MVP]
An in-depth exploration of the features and the power of .NET Component Model architecture, its integration with the IDE at design-time and the possiblities it opens through extensions at run-time.
23 Jul 2009 by Johnson Manuel Devadoss ("Johnson Smith")
Way to export search results(BDC datalist/Enterprise Search) to Excel/PDF
26 Nov 2003 by Daniel Zaharia
The article demonstrates how to edit and persist collections with CollectionEditor.
24 Nov 2014 by SIDDHARTH_JAIN
Optical Flow or Motion Estimation Using the Watson-Ahumada (WA) Algorithm
19 Aug 2003 by Rama Krishna Vavilala
A utility that can be used to spy the properties of any Windows forms control in the system
18 May 2007 by Pascal Ganaye
This second article about evaluation in .NET introduces a parser which pre-compiles the expressions
25 May 2006 by Mr.Smarty
The article explains how to create an OSD window with animation/semi-transparent effects, in C#, using the NativeWindow class.
19 Mar 2006 by Eyal Post
Using the IFilter interface to extract text from various document types.
27 Aug 2005 by Hongwei Shen
A C# .NET implemntation of HTML text compare and merge engine based on a similar algorithm as the Unix diff.
11 Sep 2013 by Guirec
A journey into AOP land with concerns, pointcuts, joinpoints, advices, aspects, interceptors, proxies, targets, mix-ins, composites...
2 May 2005 by Uwe Keim
An article demonstrating how to receive events from a late-bound COM server using Microsoft Word as an example COM server.
2 Jan 2005 by Jon Sagara
This article provides an easy method to lookup a U.S. City/State by ZIP Code, or one or more ZIP Codes by City/State. It also describes a method to calculate the distance between two ZIP Codes and find all other ZIP Codes within a radius of X miles of a specified ZIP Code.
12 Sep 2005 by Thanh Dao
This code implements the Longest Common Sub-strings with Maximal Consecutive problem.
24 Oct 2007 by Adam Crawford
A tracelistener class that allows you to view the results of the trace in your Windows UI test harness
17 Sep 2005 by Mathew Hall
A fully customisable ListView style control based on Java's JTable.
6 Jan 2008 by SteveLi-Cellbi
A simple way to obtain document text from *.doc file.
27 Aug 2003 by Don Kackman
Using the XP Theme API safely on any OS from C#
28 May 2007 by Sau Fan Lee
29 Jan 2004 by Daniel Zaharia
The article presents a way to enhance the use of the PropertyGid control with dynamic properties and globalization
10 Sep 2018 by Evaldas Jocys
JavaScript class library which partly replicates Microsoft .NET Framework structure and functionality.
20 Nov 2016 by Thierry Parent
A C#, C++, Delphi, ActiveX , Javascript , NodeJs and Java trace framework and a trace viewer: Tail, OutputDebugString, event log, and with Log4J, Log4Net, and Microsoft Enterprise Instrumentation Framework (EIF) support. This also comes with full support for Pocket PC, Silverlight, and Android.
5 Dec 2005 by Oscar Londono
This control provides a method to save and load HTML files directly, avoiding the use of RTF codes.
14 Mar 2005 by Mark Belles
Screen capturing that features multiple monitor support, including methods for capturing windows and window icons. Includes Spy++ style window finder!
1 Jul 2003 by Roman Kiss
The Watchdog Management gives your architecture an event driven mechanism to control your business processing within the specified time. Using the Remoting Watchdogs allow to distribute an exception or acknowledge result asynchronously in the remoting manner.
11 Jul 2005 by Chester Ragel
A tool which can be used to do common tasks which Microsoft Content Management Server API provides.
10 Aug 2005 by Tonster101
An article on converting EDIFACT messages to XML, and converted the XML into anything XSLT can perform
6 Oct 2005 by Nicholas Butler
A tool to check links across merged help (CHM) files.
28 Apr 2009 by andywilsonuk
Looks at techniques for getting an image's width and height quickly
31 Aug 2011 by George Mamaladze
This class allows you to tap keyboard and mouse and/or to detect their activity even when an application runs in the background or does not have any user interface at all.
31 Dec 2005 by Brian C Hart
Use compiler COM support (even in non-COM applications) to get a Win32 error code or HRESULT's message in one line of code.
25 Dec 2008 by Samir NIGAM
This article describes how to manage states of the Checkboxes inside the GridView in different pages.
3 Jun 2007 by Guillaume Leparmentier
23 Feb 2004 by Matthew Hazlett
A class to help you access the images in an ICO file (VB & C#)
23 Feb 2006 by Scott McMaster
This article presents the WebCacheTool, a command-line utility to make it easier and faster to list, view, and delete files residing in the Internet Explorer browser cache.
16 Aug 2005 by Omar Al Zabir
Comprehensive guide to development of .NET 2.0 Smart Clients working with existing Service Oriented Architecture based XML web services, fully utilizing the Enterprise Library
4 Jan 2004 by Davide Icardi
With this tool the developer can define the application prerequisites and install the correct version of these components in the correct order based on the user operating system type and language, allow the user to download these components from the web or install these components directly.
6 Oct 2005 by Mathew Hall
A fully customizable Windows XP style Explorer Bar that supports Windows XP themes and animated expand/collapse with transparency.
27 Nov 2004 by Richard Schneider
Allows an application to queue work that is performed concurrently to the main thread while maintaining exception processing.
29 Mar 2007 by Willem Fourie
This tool extends the Microsoft XSD tool to provide quality and robust auto-generated code that is easy to use.
28 Dec 2007 by Umut ŞİMŞEK
This article demonstrates an example of uses of Windows services
20 Nov 2006 by Maruis Marais
With this article, I am evolving a domain problem towards the best possible solution.
10 Aug 2007 by JO Hyeong-Ryeol
A C++ class which helps you to interact with a HTTP web server.
22 Feb 2011 by Elmue
This C# (Visual Studio 2003) project creates PowerPoint presentations based on XML templates which are filled with dynamic data.
16 Jan 2006 by Thomas Freudenberg
The Windows API provides a function RegNotifyChangeKeyValue, which is not covered by the Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey class. This solution imports that function and encapsulates it in a convenient manner.
3 Jul 2005 by Igor Tolmachev
Simple C# library for opening and displaying Adobe Photoshop images.
30 Jun 2008 by Liping Dai
An editor to view, analyse and modify ASN.1 DER encoded data
23 Dec 2004 by Narb M
An article on adding alphablended images to an imagelist control and using them on components.
3 Aug 2003 by Reto Ravasio
A component that makes a Winform application single instance.
27 Oct 2004 by Jon Davis
Create a FrontPage-Style table picker in C# using simple GDI+ rendering techniques.
30 Jan 2008 by sytelus
This article shows you how you can let your users type mathematical equations in popular TeX format and render them as GIF images in your web and desktop applications with just 10 minutes of coding effort.