Inspired by this article, I tried to port the code to VB.NET. However, VB.NET does not have any implementation of arithmetic or bit operations, so it is difficult to implement the code / decode function of TEA. Readers can refer to the detailed explanation of XTEA on Wikipedia. I also took the advice from the discussion board to send 8 bytes at a time rather than 2 bytes at a time for encoding. System.bitConverter
is used for conversion between UINT32
and String
Using the Code
The solution contains two projects. ALgoXTEA is written in C# to implement the basic code / decode function:
public static void code(uint [] v, uint [] k)
uint y = v[0]; uint z = v[1];
uint sum = 0;
uint delta=0x9E3779B9; uint n=32;
y += (z << 4 ^ z >> 5) + z ^ sum + k[sum & 3];
sum += delta;
z += (y << 4 ^ y >> 5) + y ^ sum + k[sum >> 11 & 3];
v[0]=y; v[1]=z;
In the VB project XTEACryptoVB, you need to add a reference to AlgoXTEA and then declare the function to code / decode with the same signatures as:
Public Declare Sub code Lib "algoXtea.dll" _
Alias "code" (ByRef v As UInt32(), ByVal k As UInt32())
Public Declare Sub decode Lib "algoXtea.dll" (ByRef v As UInt32(), _
ByVal k As UInt32())
The encryption algorithm is shown below. An instance of the algoXtea
class is created, and the code / decode function can be called. 8 bytes of data is sent each time, and the formatKey()
function ensures that the key is 16 bits in length:
Public Function encrypt(ByVal Data As String, ByVal key As String) As String
If Data.Length = 0 Then
Throw New ArgumentException("Data must be at least 1 characater in length.")
End If
Dim formattedKey() As UInt32 = FormatKey(key)
If Data.Length Mod 8 <> 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To (8 - Data.Length Mod 8) - 1
Data = Data + Chr(0)
Next i
End If
Dim dataBytes As ArrayList
dataBytes = New ArrayList(Data.Length)
Dim cipher As String = String.Empty
Dim tempData(2) As UInt32
Dim fourBytes(4) As Byte
For i As Integer = 0 To Data.Length - 1 Step 8
For k As Integer = 0 To 3
fourBytes(k) = dataBytes(i + k)
Next k
tempData(0) = BitConverter.ToUInt32(fourBytes, 0)
For k As Integer = 0 To 3
fourBytes(k) = dataBytes(i + 4 + k)
Next k
tempData(1) = BitConverter.ToUInt32(fourBytes, 0)
Dim al As New AlgoXTEA.algo
al.code(tempData, formattedKey)
cipher = cipher + Util.ConvertUintToString(tempData(0))
cipher = cipher + Util.ConvertUintToString(tempData(1))
Next i
Return cipher
End Function
The helper class is in Util.vb, which contains the method to convert between String
and UINT32
Public Shared Function ConvertStringToUint(ByVal input As String) As UInt32
If input.Length <> 4 Then
Throw New Exception("String length must be 4 in order to be converted!")
End If
Dim byteArray(4) As Byte
Dim inputArray(4) As Char
Dim output As UInt32
inputArray = input.ToCharArray
For i As Integer = 0 To 3
byteArray(i) = Convert.ToByte(inputArray(i))
Next i
output = BitConverter.ToUInt32(byteArray, 0)
Return output
End Function
However, there is a problem with sending encrypted text as a string. If the encrypted character happens to be chr(0)
, which is a terminating character, it will not work. A solution is to send the hexadecimal representation of the decoded numbers instead of the string.
The file contains the implementation of converting the encoded unsigned integers to a hexadecimal string. Each byte is converted to a hex number and is represented as two characters (0-F) - this will avoid the problem of chr(0)