This is a new ComplexMath
class. The new version supports much more functions and is much better. It has support for trigonometric functions, inverse
trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions, inverse hyperbolic functions, log, exp, ln functions, and more.
Example usage
Here is a list of all the available functions. You can see how easy it is to use. Just like the Math
Dim z1 As Complex, z2 As Complex
z1 = ComplexMath.CreateComplex(1, 2)
z2 = ComplexMath.CreateComplex(3, 7)
.Add("Z1 = " & z1.ToString)
.Add("Z2 = " & z2.ToString)
.Add("Z1 + Z2 = " & ComplexMath.OperatorAdd(z1, z2).ToString)
.Add("Z1 - Z2 = " & ComplexMath.OperatorSub(z1, z2).ToString)
.Add("Z1 * Z2 = " & ComplexMath.OperatorMul(z1, z2).ToString)
.Add("Z1 / Z2 = " & ComplexMath.OperatorDiv(z1, z2).ToString)
.Add("Functions 1:")
.Add("EXP (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionExp(z1).ToString)
.Add("LN (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionLn(z1).ToString)
.Add("LOG (z1 , 10) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionLog(z1, 10).ToString)
.Add("POW (z1 , 2) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionPowN(z1, 2).ToString)
.Add("POW (z1 , z2) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionPowZ(z1, z2).ToString)
.Add("SQR (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionSqr(z1).ToString)
.Add("CONJUGATE (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionConjugate(z1).ToString)
.Add("INVERT (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionInverse(z1).ToString)
.Add("ANGLE (z1) = " & ComplexMath.PropertyAngle(z1).ToString)
.Add("ABS (z1) = " & ComplexMath.PropertyAbs(z1).ToString)
.Add("Functions 2:")
.Add("COS (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionCos(z1).ToString)
.Add("SIN (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionSin(z1).ToString)
.Add("TAN (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionTan(z1).ToString)
.Add("COT(z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionCot(z1).ToString)
.Add("COSH (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionCosh(z1).ToString)
.Add("SINH (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionSinh(z1).ToString)
.Add("TANH (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionTanh(z1).ToString)
.Add("COZH (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionCoth(z1).ToString)
.Add("ACOS (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionAcos(z1).ToString)
.Add("ASIN (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionAsin(z1).ToString)
.Add("ATAN (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionAtan(z1).ToString)
.Add("ACOT (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionAcot(z1).ToString)
.Add("ACOSH (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionAcosh(z1).ToString)
.Add("ASINH (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionAsinh(z1).ToString)
.Add("ATANH (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionAtanh(z1).ToString)
.Add("ACOTH (z1) = " & ComplexMath.FunctionAcoth(z1).ToString)