DSE was introduced by Microsoft starting with Windows Vista x64. DSE-Patcher can be used to disable DSE on all 64-bit OSs starting with Windows Vista and later. DSE-Patcher was developed to show how easy it is to use known vulnerabilities and change memory in kernel address space.
1. Introduction
Driver Signature Enforcement (DSE) was introduced by Microsoft starting with Windows Vista x64. DSE is a security feature of the operating system, which ensures that only valid signed drivers are loaded. To install unsigned drivers, the DSE security feature has to be disabled. DSE-Patcher can be used to disable DSE on all 64-bit operating systems starting with Windows Vista and later. We developed DSE-Patcher to show the interested coder how easy it is to use known vulnerabilities and change memory in kernel address space.
2. Usage Instructions
DSE-Patcher should be run with administrative rights. Directly after the start of DSE-Patcher, the first driver in the vulnerable drivers list is used to check the actual Driver Signature Enforcement status. We use RTCore64 on first time startup, because it is the most compatible and reliable driver at the moment. It supports all operating systems starting with Windows Vista x64. Pay attention that this tool is designed to x64 OS versions only, because on x86, DSE is not enforced by the OS at all.
After the tool is started, you should see detailed data about the actual DSE status. This will look like follows:

DSE-Patcher supports three main tasks. We can disable, enable and restore the DSE status by the corresponding buttons inside the dialog. The three buttons have the following functionality:
- Disable DSE will disable Driver Signature Enforcement and sets the variable to the value DSE Disable Value.
- Enable DSE will enable Driver Signature Enforcement and sets the variable to the value DSE Enable Value.
- Restore DSE will reset Driver Signature Enforcement and sets the variable to the value DSE Original Value.
The values which are set by DSE-Patcher can be looked up in the DSE Patch Data section. The DSE Original Value is saved in a global variable on the first startup of DSE-Patcher. It is recommended to restore the DSE value to the original saved one after your own unsigned driver was loaded. Normally, you would click on Disable DSE, load your own unsigned driver and after that, click on Restore DSE to restore the original DSE state. On Windows 8 or later, g_CiOptions
is protected by PatchGuard. If the value is modified for too long, Windows will show a blue screen. Therefore, we should load our unsigned driver as fast as possible and re enable DSE afterwards.
The DSE Actual Value is the value that shows the momentary DSE status. The image base and patch addresses are calculated by the virtual kernel memory address based on the shown module name. This is NTOSKRNL.EXE for Windows Vista and Windows 7 and CI.DLL for Windows 8 or later. Pay attention that the DSE disable and enable values may differ from one OS to the other. This also depends on the operating system version like we will explain in the following chapter.
All installed vulnerable drivers will be cleanly uninstalled after DSE-Patcher has finished its mission. Some drivers like DBUtil v2.3 have some unloading problems, which are related to the driver and its unsupported stopping capability. In Windows 10, the service is removed on the next reboot, but the driver sys file has to be deleted manually by the user after the next reboot.
3. Patch DSE on Windows Vista and Windows 7
To patch DSE on Windows Vista and Windows 7, we have to change the variable g_CiEnabled
in ntoskrnl.exe. If DSE is enabled, the variable is set to 1, otherwise it is zero. To calculate and retrieve the variable, we search for the byte sequence EB 06 88 1D
inside ntoskrnl.exe, which contains the jump, jump location loc_1403F5B82
and the move instruction in the following assembler code:

Directly after this byte sequence, the address of g_CiEnabled
is located. Based on this offset, we then calculate the variable address inside the kernel address space and patch it. Pay attention that the patch may not work on checked debug builds of the operating system, because the byte sequence is not found at all or is found at an invalid offset.
4. Patch DSE on Windows 8 and Later Up to Windows 10 Version 1703
Starting with Windows 8, the DSE concept was slightly changed in comparison to Windows Vista and Windows 7. The old variable g_CiEnabled
is now gone and cannot be used anymore to circumvent DSE. To patch DSE on Windows 8 and later, we have to change the variable g_CiOptions
in ci.dll. If DSE is enabled, the variable is set to 6, otherwise it is zero. Pay attention that g_CiOptions
can also have many other values and combination of flags, which not all are known to the public. For example, during the Windows setup stage, the variable value can also change to something other than 6 if DSE is enabled. For these cases, we implemented the restore feature of DSE-Patcher, which saves the original DSE value on first startup and restores it later on. To calculate and retrieve the variable, we first search for a jump instruction with a length of 5 bytes inside the function CiInitialize

We follow the jump to the function CipInitialize
and search for the byte sequence 89 0D
inside the function CipInitialize
, which contains the g_CiOptions
move instruction in the following assembler code:

Directly after this byte sequence, the address of g_CiOptions
is located. Based on this offset, we then calculate the variable address inside the kernel address space and patch it. This works with Windows 8 and later up to Windows 10 Version 1703. Pay attention that the patch may not work on checked debug builds of the operating system, because the byte sequence is not found at all or is found at an invalid offset.
5. Patch DSE on Windows 10 Version 1709 and Later
In Windows 10 Version 1709, the jump to CipInitialize
is replaced by a call instruction. In addition, Windows 10 Build 21H2 started to use calls for feature staging initialization before our target call. Therefore, we have to check for the call instruction and for all function parameters to retrieve the correct code location. To calculate and retrieve the g_CiOptions
variable, we first search for the function parameters and the call instruction with a length of 5 bytes inside the function CiInitialize

We follow the call to the function CipInitialize
and search for the byte sequence 89 0D
inside the function CipInitialize
, which contains the g_CiOptions
move instruction in the following assembler code:

Directly after this byte sequence, the address of g_CiOptions
is located. Based on this offset, we then calculate the variable address inside the kernel address space and patch it. Pay attention that the patch may not work on checked debug builds of the operating system, because the byte sequence is not found at all or is found at an invalid offset.
The aforementioned feature staging initialization calls in CiInitialize
before our target call will look like follows on Windows 10 Build 21H2:

6. Use BYOVD to Patch Kernel Address Space
To apply a patch for the variables g_CiEnabled
and g_CiOptions
, we have to access the kernel address space, which is protected from user mode applications like DSE-Patcher. A simple way to do a memory patch from user mode is by using a driver that can access the kernel address space. In theory, we would be able to code our own driver to do the magic, but this one will also not load due to enabled DSE. Therefore the best approach in our case would be to use an already signed driver, which can write memory. Here, the Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver (BYOVD) exploits come to mind. The exploits use a vulnerable, fully signed driver, which is first loaded and after that, an exploit is run to read or write kernel address space. What sounds complicated first, will be an easy task if you look at the source code of tools like DSEFix, KDU or DSE-Patcher. All of the vulnerable drivers used by DSE-Patcher are described in the following chapters.
7. RTCore64 v4.6.2
The vulnerable driver RTCore64 v4.6.2 is shipped with MSI Afterburner v4.6.2 Build 15658 Beta 2. The download is still available at the following URL:
You only have to unpack the ZIP file and open MSIAfterburnerSetup462Beta2.exe with 7-Zip. Directly in the root of the archive, we can find the vulnerable RTCore64.sys driver. The RTCore64 v4.6.2 driver file has the following properties:
Name : RTCore64.sys
Type : Driver sys file
CVE ID : CVE-2019-16098
SHA-1 : F6F11AD2CD2B0CF95ED42324876BEE1D83E01775
SHA-256 : 01AA278B07B58DC46C84BD0B1B5C8E9EE4E62EA0BF7A695862444AF32E87F1FD
MD5 : 2D8E4F38B36C334D0A32A7324832501D
The vulnerability exists since 2019 and allows authenticated users to read and write to arbitrary memory, I/O ports and MSRs. This can be exploited for privilege escalation and code execution under high privileges. We only use the driver to read and write the DSE variable to disable Driver Signature Enforcement.
To start the magic, we simply install the driver, open a device handle to it and send the I/O control code 0x80002048
for memory reads and 0x8000204C
for memory writes. RTCore64 supports Windows Vista and later.
8. DBUtil v2.3
The vulnerable driver DBUtil v2.3 is shipped with many Dell tools. After a quick search, we found the driver in the Dell BIOS update tool v1.0.2 (11 Jun 2019), v1.0.3 (15 Jul 2019) and v1.1.3 (27 Sep 2019) for OptiPlex 7070 systems. As usual, the downloads are still available at the following URLs:
We can get there from the Dell driver search pages at the following URLs:
Extracting the driver from the executable is a bit more complicated. We have to load the executable OptiPlex_7070_1.0.2.exe in OllyDbg and stop execution directly after the driver unpacking is finished. To manually unpack DBUtil v2.3, follow these steps:
- Attention: These steps have to be done on an x64 version of Windows, otherwise the 32 bit driver instead of the 64 bit driver is unpacked!
- Install and run OllyDbg v1.10 as administrator.
- Menu > File > Open > select OptiPlex_7070_1.0.2.exe > Open
- Right click the disassembler window > Search for > Name (label) in current module
- In the Names window, type
> right click it > Find references to import > right click > Follow in Disassembler. - Press F2 to set a breakpoint on
. - Press F9 to run the executable.
Even if we have no Dell machine, the executable will run and unpack the driver for us.
- The executable will stop execution and hit our breakpoint at
. - Press F8 one time to single step > in the register window, right click on the value of
and choose "Zero".
This will zero a valid handle returned from OpenServiceA
function call. Only without a valid handle, the driver will unpack itself more than once. The DBUtil v2.3 only unpacks itself for the first time the executable is run and after that, stays resident in memory until the next reboot.
- Continue to single step with F8 until after the next OptiPlex call.
- The disassembler window should look like follows:

- Directly after the call to
, we can find the unpacked driver at C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Temp\DBUtil_2_3.Sys. - We can now copy the driver and close
The DBUtil v2.3 driver file has the following properties:
Name : DBUtil_2_3.Sys
Type : Driver sys file
CVE ID : CVE-2021-21551
SHA-1 : C948AE14761095E4D76B55D9DE86412258BE7AFD
SHA-256 : 0296E2CE999E67C76352613A718E11516FE1B0EFC3FFDB8918FC999DD76A73A5
MD5 : C996D7971C49252C582171D9380360F2
The vulnerability exists since 2021 and allows authenticated users to read and write to arbitrary memory. This can be exploited for privilege escalation and code execution under high privileges. We only use the driver to read and write the DSE variable to disable Driver Signature Enforcement.
We simply install the driver, open a device handle to it and send the I/O control code 0x9B0C1EC4
for memory reads and 0x9B0C1EC8
for memory writes. DBUtil v2.3 supports Windows Vista and later up to Windows 11 Build 21H2. Pay attention that the driver does not support Windows 11 Build 22H2, because the driver blocklist is correctly updated by Microsoft. This will block the driver from loading. In addition, the driver can only be manually deleted on Windows 10 after a reboot, because it is not stoppable and running. On Windows 7, the deletion works without any problems.
9. DBUtil v2.5
The vulnerable driver DBUtil v2.5 is shipped with many Dell tools. We will find the driver in the Dell BIOS update tools v1.3.1 (09 Apr 2020), v1.4.4 (30 Jun 2020), v1.5.0 (09 Sep 2020), v1.5.1 (30 Sep 2020) and v1.7.0 (20 Nov 2020) for OptiPlex 7070 systems. Here also, the downloads are still available at the following URLs:
We can get there from the Dell driver search pages at the following URLs:
Extracting the driver from the executable is a bit more complicated. We have to load the executable OptiPlex_7070_1.3.1.exe in OllyDbg and stop execution directly after the driver unpacking is finished. To manually unpack DBUtil v2.5, follow these steps:
The DBUtil v2.5 driver files have the following properties:
Name : DBUtilDrv2.Sys
Type : Driver sys file
CVE ID : CVE-2021-36276
SHA-1 : 90A76945FD2FA45FAB2B7BCFDAF6563595F94891
SHA-256 : 2E6B339597A89E875F175023ED952AAAC64E9D20D457BBC07ACF1586E7FE2DF8
MD5 : DACB62578B3EA191EA37486D15F4F83C
Name : DBUtilDrv2.inf
Type : Driver inf file
CVE ID : CVE-2021-36276
SHA-1 : C40EBB395CB79C3CF7CA00F59F4DC17930435FC5
SHA-256 : 4E2AA67DAAB4C4ACAC3D6D13490F93D42516FA76B8FDA87C880969FC793A3B42
MD5 : A642273BEF0CA2D15F7D5E04673A4FC4
Name : DBUtilDrv2.cat
Type : Driver catalog file
CVE ID : CVE-2021-36276
SHA-1 : 23BBC48543A46676C5CB5E33A202D261A33704FE
SHA-256 : 4B93FC56DB034BFEBB227B1E2AF1B5E71CC663FFEFFE3B59618F634C22DB579D
MD5 : E6CA7859C63FC37D6C4357C315F13CF4
Name : C9632CF058AE4321B6B0B5EA39B710FE
Type : Driver installer file
CVE ID : CVE-2021-36276
SHA-1 : D568AC037ACA15BF5DF653F56A11021E15C29EA6
SHA-256 : 43DBBD5D6E65A62EB820967E3A302B0EB0D29DA644BDD2177F485EAD02EF83E4
MD5 : 014E30A60EB1497D9F88833606D3454C
The executable driver installer file C9632CF058AE4321B6B0B5EA39B710FE changes slightly from one version to the other.
The vulnerability exists since 2021 and allows authenticated users to read and write to arbitrary memory. This can be exploited for privilege escalation and code execution under high privileges. We only use the driver to read and write the DSE variable to disable Driver Signature Enforcement.
We simply install the driver, open a device handle to it and send the I/O control code 0x9B0C1EC4
for memory reads and 0x9B0C1EC8
for memory writes. DBUtil v2.5 supports Windows 10 version 1507 and later. Pay attention that the driver does not install on older OSs, because the dependent KMDF library version 1.15 is not present.
10. DBUtil v2.6
The vulnerable driver DBUtil v2.6 is shipped with many Dell tools. We will find the driver in the Dell BIOS update tools v1.7.2 (14 Apr 2021) for OptiPlex 7070 systems. The download is still available at the following URL:
We can get there from the Dell driver search page at the following URL:
The driver is manually extracted in the same way as DBUtil v2.5. The DBUtil v2.6 driver files have the following properties:
Name : DBUtilDrv2.Sys
Type : Driver sys file
CVE ID : CVE-2021-36276
SHA-1 : 79FA541D22A2707B688890AA5F7CEB4016100823
SHA-256 : 4720B202C4E6DD919222FE7B1F458705C0ED1CCC17EC4BA72A31EEF8559B87C7
MD5 : 5EC88D1DD3DB03CE51DD718C7BB801ED
Name : DBUtilDrv2.inf
Type : Driver inf file
CVE ID : CVE-2021-36276
SHA-1 : 03906D454CE6AD329FA9CC97BBDB0623F5F9A495
SHA-256 : 6E8A9FA6A0354B1189A36EB9E29673050BCACB003DE8D15916491E6231E4BC1C
MD5 : 18D6702C41EA493149E727EBB8FFD701
Name : DBUtilDrv2.cat
Type : Driver catalog file
CVE ID : CVE-2021-36276
SHA-1 : 3811C12BB204041D9110ADE387C50AC6C57422E2
SHA-256 : 2A354D4D83F21702AF61FFAAC1ACC385C77AB9ADCBB721EABD4CA812D6108D5F
MD5 : BCA2B79EE9BFD264289C88358859671D
Name : C9632CF058AE4321B6B0B5EA39B710FE
Type : Driver installer file
CVE ID : CVE-2021-36276
SHA-1 : 118BB07A29EF7129BB01C97EA6FB8AAB0FD62FB3
SHA-256 : CAB560CDA02FA0ECB0C7F5E6B9903971A1DB93B9B2B2D708CD656DE90963D57A
MD5 : 2AECF86EC35BAE06E8E462F71DF42B42
The vulnerability exists since 2021 and allows authenticated users to read and write to arbitrary memory. This can be exploited for privilege escalation and code execution under high privileges. We only use the driver to read and write the DSE variable to disable Driver Signature Enforcement.
We simply install the driver, open a device handle to it and send the I/O control code 0x9B0C1EC4
for memory reads and 0x9B0C1EC8
for memory writes. DBUtil v2.6 supports Windows 10 version 1507 and later. Pay attention that the driver does not install on older OSs, because the dependent KMDF library version 1.15 is not present.
11. DBUtil v2.7
The vulnerable driver DBUtil v2.7 is shipped with many Dell tools. We will find the driver in the Dell BIOS update tools v1.8.4 (29 Jul 2021), v1.9.1 (26 Aug 2021), v1.10.0 (09 Nov 2021), v1.11.0 (12 Jan 2022), v1.12.0 (12 Jan 2022), v1.13.0 (14 Apr 2022), v1.15.0 (15 Jun 2022), v1.16.0 (09 Aug 2022) and v1.18.0 (07 Nov 2022) for OptiPlex 7070 systems. The downloads are still available at the following URLs:
We can get there from the Dell driver search pages at the following URLs:
The driver is manually extracted in the same way as DBUtil v2.5. The DBUtil v2.7 driver files have the following properties:
Name : DBUtilDrv2.Sys
Type : Driver sys file
CVE ID : no CVE ID present yet
SHA-1 : B03B1996A40BFEA72E4584B82F6B845C503A9748
SHA-256 : 71FE5AF0F1564DC187EEA8D59C0FBC897712AFA07D18316D2080330BA17CF009
MD5 : D104621C93213942B7B43D65B5D8D33E
Name : DBUtilDrv2.inf
Type : Driver inf file
CVE ID : no CVE ID present yet
SHA-1 : 19F8DA3FE9DDBC067E3715D15AED7A6530732AB5
SHA-256 : 56ED7FF7299C83B307282CE8D1DEF51D72A3663249E72A32C09F6264348B1DA2
MD5 : B87944DCC444E4C6CE9BB9FB8A9C0DEF
Name : DBUtilDrv2.cat
Type : Driver catalog file
CVE ID : no CVE ID present yet
SHA-1 : 06F2B629E7303AC1254B52EC0560C34D72B46155
SHA-256 : C77C24E945ACC73D6B723F60BCDC0330FF501EEA34B7DA95061101DD1120392A
MD5 : DE39EE41D03C97E37849AF90E408ABBE
Name : C9632CF058AE4321B6B0B5EA39B710FE
Type : Driver installer file
CVE ID : no CVE ID present yet
SHA-1 : F1C876DCB8F330B976CF31BE47F9D510FD76E2D8
SHA-256 : CD2688A74A151B03282388DADB8B6AACA309F2535C8B2B21D1243846D2B259DC
MD5 : 94758F0D75BC41190B05EE25BA565FB9
Name : WdfCoinstaller01009.dll
Type : WdfCoinstaller for Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) v1.9
CVE ID : no CVE ID present yet
SHA-256 : 3B9264416A78F5EAB2812CD46B14F993815E9DBF5BD145B3876C2F0F93B98521
MD5 : 290464641660EA5CFDDA076CE6DA27C6
The executable driver installer file "C9632CF058AE4321B6B0B5EA39B710FE" changes slightly from one version to the other.
The vulnerability exists since 2021 and allows authenticated users to read and write to arbitrary memory. It is not yet proved the driver can be used for privilege escalation and code execution under high privileges, but we are pretty sure it will still work. We only use the driver to read and write the DSE variable to disable Driver Signature Enforcement.
We simply install the driver, open a device handle to it and send the I/O control code 0x9B0C1EC4
for memory reads and 0x9B0C1EC8
for memory writes. DBUtil v2.7 supports Windows 8 and later. Pay attention that to install the driver on Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 you have to apply the Windows update KB3033929 for SHA256 support, because Vista and Windows 7 can only handle drivers that are signed with the digest algorithm SHA1. This driver and the KB-Update will not work for operating systems older than Windows 7 with Service Pack 1.
12. Will All These Vulnerable Drivers Still Work?
At first, we had the same question and thought for sure this does not work anymore, because Microsoft will do an instant patch to fix the security flaws. After some research, we recognized that the answer is more complicated than that. As of now, all the above 5 drivers used by DSE-Patcher will still work on any listed operating systems including the newest Windows 10 and Windows 11 x64 Build 22H2. Only DBUtil v2.3 is blocked on the newest Windows 11 x64 Build 22H2, due to an updated driver blocklist.
The problem is not by Microsoft alone, because the driver vendors and creators have to revoke the signing certificates of the driver. Dell, for example, does not revoke the certificates for DBUtil v2.3, v2.5, v2.6 and v2.7, because the certs are also used to sign other applications and drivers, which will stop working after the certificate is blocked globally inside the OS. This means that the above security vulnerabilities may be present many years from now on. At the moment, we can not even find a CVE entry for the newest driver DBUtil v2.7. The best way to stop these exploits would be revoking a certificate associated with the vulnerable driver. The only way to stop malware using these exploited drivers is to blacklist them manually.
13. How to Block Vulnerable Drivers?
Since Windows 10 Build 1903, Windows 11 and Windows Server 2016 and above Microsoft introduced the so called Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC) policies. Only these Windows versions support WDAC policies. Older operating systems are not supported. We did not find a way to block the vulnerable drivers on older Windows operating systems. AppLocker
does not work at kernel driver level and blocking the certificates in the cert manager does nothing at all.
To create an example WDAC policies for all five vulnerable drivers that are supported by DSE-Patcher do the following steps:
Directly afterwards, DSE-Patcher does not work anymore. The drivers can be unpacked, but not installed and are successfully blocked in Windows. In Event Viewer, we see the following events in the category System and Security:

If you want to add a custom vulnerable driver to the XML file, you have to calculate the SHA1 and SHA256 hashes and page hashes. These differ from the normal SHA1 and SHA256 file hash, because some data like the executable checksum and the appended certificates are left out. An easy way to calculate the correct Authenticode checksums is to use the tool Authenticode Hash Calc by hfiref0x. You can download the source code and the binary at the following URL:
14. Credits and Download Link
A BIG THANKS goes out to the following coders:
The complete DSE-Patcher package with all necessary files can be downloaded from Sourceforge.
Thanks for your attention and interest in this topic.
- 27th November, 2022: Version 1.0