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by wim4you
We wanted a first impression of a clockwork using simple gear for visual evaluation. A provisory prototype is made.
by simonp_ca
If you like those beautiful Windows10 PC startup screens and wonder how to capture and save them as images, this tip/trick is for you...
by Agent__007
A simple WPF text clock gadget for Windows
by manchanx
Tidy, generic solution to bind Enums (with or without a DescriptionAttribute) to a ComboBox or other Controls

Latest Articles

by wim4you
We wanted a first impression of a clockwork using simple gear for visual evaluation. A provisory prototype is made.
by simonp_ca
If you like those beautiful Windows10 PC startup screens and wonder how to capture and save them as images, this tip/trick is for you...
by Agent__007
A simple WPF text clock gadget for Windows
by manchanx
Tidy, generic solution to bind Enums (with or without a DescriptionAttribute) to a ComboBox or other Controls

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by Agent__007
A simple WPF text clock gadget for Windows
by DiponRoy
Making schedule jobs exe using Quartz scheduler
by ASP.NET Community
Capturing Key Strokes and Doing a Post backWith the invention of Web 2.0 customers are becoming more and more demanding when it comes to
by Michael Haephrati
Desktop application that can be used to convert from and to various audio formats, such as .mp3, .m4a and .wav
by Member 9913858
An introduction to using FakeModel to create test aata for you.
by nuclear_sun
You can share a peer's desktop with any others using this software, designate the sharer and viewers in any way you can imagine. Detailed development document and user manual can be found in the Download.
by Kai Schtrom
How to use DSE-Patcher to disable Driver Signature Enforcement
by Gerald Degeneve
Draw or render a Windows Form directly over the Wallpaper, behind the Desktop Icons in Windows 8+10
by _Plutonix
Helper class to add, change and delete Registry based Explorer Context Menus from your app
by Wade Harvey
This article shows how to use Winforms, WPF and C# to create a File Explorer Clone with Tabs and an extremely fast parallel file search utility.
by Michael Sydney Balloni
A .NET client-server application for sending files over a network
by Just Perfection
In this article, you will learn about the GNOME Shell extension basics, schema, gettext and more.
by Mohammad Umer
Communication demonstration between java card and host application
by Oscar Chávez-Bosquez
Desktop application with a tombola-like spinning label
by Terence Wallace
Ordermate can be used as a basic example of utilizing the XMLSerializer class to automate the creation of invoice forms.
by Aleh Baradzenka
This control is another kind of tab. Tabs are displayed as horizontal stripes and can be collapsed into buttons. Each tab is assigned its own window, which is shown when you click on the tab.
by Graeme_Grant
This article comprehensively covers the Microsoft ClickOnce Installer with a bare bones WinForm/WPF C#/VB Silent Updater framework plus covers how to implement, troubleshoot, test locally, to release.
by Aleh Baradzenka
In this article, you will learn about a control that is necessary for the partition of the dialog, main or child window of your program by several parts.
by Aleh Baradzenka
In this article, you will learn about an adjustable control that has zooming and scrolling tabs, dragging with the mouse, custom drawing and much more.
by hamdenvogel
Learn how to implement a real stream file based dataset descendant with blob support and much more
by Michael Haephrati
A tiny Command Line Interface wrapped with a Graphic User Interface
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Understanding the DateTime struct and using it inside your software to display Date and Time and to do the DateTime mathematics
by stc.reseller
Helpful tips in labeling Office files or how to make Office file changes statistically visible, in one single step
by Harry Truman
Screencasting (demo screen, screensharing) already works in Google Chrome. The technology allows capturing a window of the browser itself as well as windows of other applicaitons. For example, you can capture Firefox running in a separate window.
by Bjørn
A Service listening to Windows EventLog, recognizing attacker IPs and block them in the Windows Firewall.