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How to fake "freeze" last row in datagridview. Create a footer row for a datagridview.

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15 Oct 2017CPOL18 min read 74.9K   5.7K   27   22
Footer row to sum columns in a datagridview.

Image 1

Image 2


Have you ever been using a datagridview and wanted to sum the columns and display them in the last row with the totals? I ran into this a few months ago, and while you can create labels and textboxes under the datagridview, not only does it just seem to not look like what you hoped it would, but then there is the issue of scrolling horizontally, adding removing columns, ect. I searched for a good solution hoping someone had already made this available but didn't find exactly what I was looking for. What I did find was an idea as seen here: (NOTE: As i started to write this article i found this: , while trying to find the first page) . So this is a easy way to accomplish that effect. The correct way, which i will begin working on soon, would be a little different. And so, this does not work well with a DataGridView with AllowUserToAddRows property set to true.

End Of Life update: New & version

I decided to do a major redo for a more permanant solution. I was going to use a DataGridView which would contain a footer, but I instead chose to re-do the footer. The version on this article will not be updated anymore. The newer version is avaible at  The idea is basically the same as described in the article. The only major difference is the manor in which it keeps the parents DataGridViewRows from hiding, and it inherits Control, rather than DataGridView.

This new version is also compatiable with and (4.0). Just drag and drop into DataGridView.

The current version (at the time of this writing) which is available on my website contains the following enhancements:

  1. Drag and Drop from Visual Studio ToolBox
  2. Removes the triangle in DataGridViewRowHeader of the footer, while still allowing text to display.
  3. Customize the DataGridViewRowHeader of the footer.
  4. Can now be used with AllowUserToAddRows in DataGridView set to True.
  5. A prefix which can be displayed with values in footer.
  6. DataGridViewRowHeader of the footer has Image property to display an image, can also be set to a position.
  7. Can be set to display as local currency.

Future enhancements to expect:

  1. Custom control for displaying the footer row cells. This will free up come memory, as it will not be necessary to allocate memory for properties and events of a DataGridView that will never be used.
  2. Ability to get value from whichever cell the user clicks via an event.
  3. Events for DataGridViewRowHeader of the footer.
  4. Ability to sum Dates, Time, TimeSpan and possibly other "addable" classes/structs.
  5. Ability to resize height of footer.
  6. Others as I stumble upon them.


While the basic idea is so simple (add a datagridview to your datagridview to keep your totals), it does pose some issues. When enough rows are added, they will hide behind your datagridview, when columns are re-ordered it will throw all your totals off, as columns are added and removed you will have to adjust the "footer" datagridview, and not to mention horizontal scrolling.

How To Use

Easiest way is just to simply click on properties for your project, go to references, click add, and browse to the dll and select it. Now you are able to use it in your project. Somewhere in you code (like a .OnLoad event for your form or datagridview) add this code to create the footer for your datagridview.

Dim footer As New DGVfooter.DGVfooter_Basic(Me.DataGridView1)  

Don't forget to import it (before your class)

Imports DGVfooter_Basic 

you can see here to explore the available properties, and methods.

Read the article to see how it was made and how it works.

I have refactored some code, fixed some bugs and added new features. I did not update the article to reflect those changes. If you are here to just copy the source on the page please take a second to register/log-in and download the new code or just the dll, and provide some feedback and a rating. It helps me help you.

If you would like to be notified when i make any updates or share other work, you can send an email to news @ heribertolugo [dot]com to get my notifications.


Now rather than instantiate a datagridview and give ourselves a headache trying to make this functional, I believe it would be much easier to create a class and inherit the datagridview. We will have much more flexibility and control that way. I am going to call this class DGVfooter_Basic. Reason being, my original footer was not made to handle floating point numbers, but rather another datatype. I will be making it available, and it will be able to handle all common types which can be summed.

Imports System.Drawing

Public Class DGVfooter_Basic
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView

End Class  

Uhm, Yea.. About that Imports System.Drawing... We will need that later.

Now that we have the class, we need a way to actually add our "footer" to our datagridview. The cleanest way I can think of, without having to write a lot of code every time we go to add our footer to a datagridview is to have this happen when the footer is instantiated. We will do this by declaring our constructor to require a datagridview which will be the host for our footer like so:

Public Sub New(ByRef parentDGV As DataGridView)

End Sub

There are several things we need to do in preparation now.

  1. Define a local class variable which will hold a reference to our parent/host datagridview.
  2. Give our footer a unique instance name.
  3. Set some properties we know have to be a certain way for this to work correctly.
  4. Add our footer to the datagridview.

I know that I do not want a bunch of properties being set inside my constructor, and I also think that our unique name should be similar to our parent datagridview's name. So i am going to plan to create a sub-procedure to set our properties, and I am going to use our parent datagridview's name in our footer name. This is what i ended up with:

Imports System.Drawing  

Public Class DGVfooter_Basic
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView

Private WithEvents _parentDGV As DataGridView 

 Public Sub New(ByRef parentDGV As DataGridView)
    Me.Name = parentDGV.Name & "FooterRow"
    _parentDGV = parentDGV
  End Sub 

End Class   

Now lets set some properties that would have to be a certain way for this to work nicely. The way we are going to give the illusion of a frozen bottom row, is to simply dock our footer at the bottom. We will also need column headers to not be visible. We don't want the user, nor anyone for that matter to have control over manipulating columns or rows, and we also don't want any scrollbars. To start our footer with the same color design as our parent is probably not a bad idea either. Now what if our parent has columns already? It would be a good idea to add those columns now. Now I know what the next sub-procedure I will be working on is. Let's finish our SetBaseProperties() first.

Private Sub SetBaseProperties()
    MyBase.RowHeadersVisible = False
    MyBase.Height = 22
    MyBase.Width = _parentDGV.Width
    MyBase.AllowUserToAddRows = False
    MyBase.AllowUserToDeleteRows = False
    MyBase.AllowUserToOrderColumns = False
    MyBase.AllowUserToResizeColumns = False
    MyBase.AllowUserToResizeRows = False
    MyBase.ScrollBars = Windows.Forms.ScrollBars.None
    MyBase.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Me._parentDGV.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor
    MyBase.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionForeColor = Me._parentDGV.ForeColor
    MyBase.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter

    Me.Width = _parentDGV.Width
    Me.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom

    If _parentDGV.ColumnCount > 0 Then
    End If
End Sub

I set the properties and added the footer to our parent. Now to create the sub that will add the columns. (NOTE: setting width & docking may seem redundant & assonite, but I found it worked better this way)

Now to set the columns in our footer. We made sure our parent had at least 1 column in the code above

If _parentDGV.ColumnCount > 0 Then ,but I have a feeling we will be calling this SetColumns() again, so I am going to start by checking for column count again. Redundant? Yes. Not needed? Probably. Saved my but before? Absolutely!

We will simply loop through our parent's columns, get their names and a few properties, and apply those to the columns we create for our footer. Just like before when we created a unique name for our footer, we will do the same for our columns. We will also check to make sure we haven't already added a column, before we add it.

Public Sub SetColumns(ByVal parentsdgv As DataGridView)

    If _parentDGV.Columns.Count > 0 Then

        For Each c As DataGridViewColumn In parentsdgv.Columns

            If Me.Columns.Contains(c.Name & "_footer") Then Continue For

            Dim childCol As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
            childCol.Name = c.Name & "_footer"
            childCol.Width = c.Width
            childCol.ReadOnly = True
            childCol.Resizable = DataGridViewTriState.False
            childCol.HeaderText = c.Name

            MyClass.Columns(c.Index).Frozen = c.Frozen
            MyClass.Columns(c.Index).FillWeight = c.FillWeight

            MyClass.RowHeadersVisible = _parentDGV.RowHeadersVisible
            MyClass.ColumnHeadersVisible = False

    End If
End Sub

Cool. Now that's done, what next? Well, we have to total the columns and place that total in our footer's corresponding cells.

This should be pretty straightforward. But, because I use strict mode on there are a few extra steps we will take. First, we can't just add the cell values from our parent columns because those are not numbers.
"BUT WAIT! WHAT! My cell values are numbers!!"

Those cell values are objects (unless maybe the cell formatting option is used. I've never used it), and you cannot imply addition on objects. So we will cast them to a string, then see if they can be parsed as a number. Now, depending on who is using the footer, or when you are using the footer - you may or may not want decimal places in your totals. This would be a good time to create a local class variable who will hold our value for a public property so we can set how many decimal places we want. I'm going to call him --> _decimalPlaces !! Tada! Of all things possible! :-p .. Well it's a descriptive name, so I like it. I thought it might be handy to also have a way to append something to our value. So if we were adding money, it would display in cell something like: 100.50 Dollars. So I created another local class variable called _valueSuffix. So this is what I ended up with:

Public Sub SumColumn(ByVal columnName As String)
    Dim tally As Double = 0.0
    Dim cVal As String

    For Each r As DataGridViewRow In _parentDGV.Rows
        cVal = CStr(r.Cells(columnName).Value)
        tally += If(Double.TryParse(cVal, Nothing), CDbl(cVal), 0)

    MyBase.Rows(0).Cells(columnName & "_footer").Value = Math.Round(tally, _decimalPlaces).ToString & " " & _valueSuffix

End Sub

"So that's it? We are done?"

No.... Did you think I was going to let you go that easy?

Added Functionality

We have basically a working footer now. But what a pain it would be to have to add & remove columns from our footer all the time. Or call our SumColumn() every time we need something totaled. Lets have our footer sum the columns automatically. Now, sometimes we may not want them to be totaled automatically, so we create a property and leave it as an option with a default of yes. Then we will set our class to handle columns being added and removed.

Create a local class variable Private _autoCalc As Boolean = True , and a property which can be changed or read, like so:

Public Property AutoCalc As Boolean
        Return _autoCalc
    End Get
    Set(value As Boolean)
        _autoCalc = value

    End Set
End Property

Something else along these lines which would come in handy is a way to not sum all the columns. So lets create a local class variable Private _columnsToSum As New List(Of String) and a property, and fill _columnsToSum whenever we add columns. The way this is going to work is - if the name of the column is present in our local class variable, then that column should be summed. Here is the property:

Public Property ColumnToSum(ByVal columnName As String) As Boolean
        'If the _columnsToSum contains the name of column, then that column will be totaled

        Return _columnsToSum.Contains(columnName)
    End Get
    Set(value As Boolean)
        If value Then
            'If we are setting a column to be totaled, and it is not in _columnsToSum list, we must add it - so it can be totaled.

            If Not _columnsToSum.Contains(columnName) Then
                Dim index As Integer = Me._parentDGV.Columns(columnName).DisplayIndex
        'Insert the column we are setting to be totaled at the position corresponding to the footer.

                _columnsToSum.Insert(index, columnName)
            End If
            'If we are setting a column to not be totaled, and it is in _columnsToSum lsit, we must remove it - so it can not be totaled.
        If _columnsToSum.Contains(columnName) Then
            End If
        End If
    End Set
End Property

It would be convenient to also allow ColumnToSum() sub-procedure to have an index number as a parameter instead of a name. So let's make that convenience happen:

Public Property ColumnToSum(ByVal columnIndex As Integer) As Boolean
    'Lets be a little lazy/smart and just call this property using the name.
    'We could just perform needed actions using the index, but i'm sure we are getting a displayindex number, and not the actual index.
    'So to be safe, we will get the name from the index passed and call the property using columnName instead.
    'Besides this avoids recoding the same exact thing more than once, just to use index rather than columnName.

        Dim columnName As String = Me._parentDGV.Columns(columnIndex).Name
        Return ColumnToSum(columnName)
    End Get
    Set(value As Boolean)
        Dim columnName As String = Me._parentDGV.Columns(columnIndex).Name
        ColumnToSum(columnName) = value
    End Set
End Property

Now we need to add references to have this property populated, so it can then be changed if desired. Inside the loop of our SetColumns() sub-procedure populate our list so now it looks like this:

For Each c As DataGridViewColumn In parentsdgv.Columns

    If Me.Columns.Contains(c.Name & "_footer") Then Continue For

    Dim childCol As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
    childCol.Name = c.Name & "_footer"
    childCol.Width = c.Width
    childCol.ReadOnly = True
    childCol.Resizable = DataGridViewTriState.False
    childCol.HeaderText = c.Name

    MyClass.Columns(c.Index).Frozen = c.Frozen
    MyClass.Columns(c.Index).FillWeight = c.FillWeight


Now that that's all set, there are a lot of events available which we can use to autosum. I think the best one for this scenario is the .endEdit event for our parent's cells. Keep in mind though that if a row is deleted from our parent, our values will not be updated. So we are going to use event handlers for both events.

They will be similar enough and perform the same basic function that I will simply overload the sub-procedure for each event. One small difference is that when a cell has been finished being edited, we only need to sum that column. On the other hand, when a row is removed, we need to sum all columns. We only want to try and sum columns which are of the textbox type. So here is what I came up with:

Private Sub ParentValChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _ 
    ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) _ 
        Handles _parentDGV.CellEndEdit
    If Not _autoCalc Then Exit Sub
    Dim curColumnName As String = _parentDGV.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).Name
    Dim columnAddable As Boolean = Me._columnsToSum.Contains(curColumnName)

    If _parentDGV.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(e.ColumnIndex).GetType.Name = "DataGridViewTextBoxCell" And columnAddable Then

    End If
End Sub

and for the rows removed

Private Sub ParentValChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _ 
    ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowsRemovedEventArgs) _
         Handles _parentDGV.RowsRemoved
    If Not _autoCalc Then Exit Sub
    For Each c As DataGridViewColumn In CType(sender, DataGridView).Columns.OfType(Of DataGridViewTextBoxColumn)()

        Dim columnAddable As Boolean = Me._columnsToSum.Contains(c.Name)
        If Not columnAddable Then Continue For

End Sub

Now our autosum should be working. Let's have our footer compensate for our parent adding or deleting rows. When our parent adds a column, we will simply call our SetColumns() sub-procedure. Like this:

Private Sub ResetColumns(ByVal sender As Object, _
         ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnEventArgs) _
             Handles _parentDGV.ColumnAdded
    _killAddColumns = False 
    _killAddColumns = False 
End Sub

When our parent removes a column. We need to find out which column got deleted, and remove that column from our footer.

Private Sub RemoveColumns(ByVal sender As Object, _ 
        ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnEventArgs) _ 
            Handles _parentDGV.ColumnRemoved
    _killRemoveColumns = False
    Me.Columns.Remove(e.Column.Name & "_footer")
    _killRemoveColumns = True
End Sub

Since we are handling both our columnRemoved, columnAdded events, and our parent's - we need some safety switches. Create 2 local class variables Private _killRemoveColumns As Boolean = True, and Private _killAddColumns As Boolean = True . This is to prevent recursive calls when we add/delete columns, and our eventhandler wants to get activated again. It will also save us some trouble if we ever need to code for the columnRemoved event for our footer. The real advantage to this switch is preventing outside manipulation of our columns, from let's say external code. If someone tried to remove columns by accessing the property, we will catch it and re-add it. If our footer was the source of manipulation, the proper event will be fired (remove event). To do this we will override the add and remove column properties we inherited from the DataGridView in our footer.

Protected Overrides Sub OnColumnRemoved(e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnEventArgs)
    If Not _killRemoveColumns Then
        'Re-Add any column removed by outside manipulation.
        MyBase.Columns.Insert(e.Column.Index, e.Column)
    End If

End Sub 
Protected Overrides Sub OnColumnAdded(e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnEventArgs)
    If Not _killAddColumns Then
        'Remove any columns not inserted by our footer class. 
    End If

End Sub

Now we need to update code where we called the add or remove of columns. In our SetColumns() sub-procedure we called the Columns.Add property, so we need to put our kill switch for adding columns ( _killAddColumns ) . It should look like this now:

Public Sub SetColumns(ByVal parentsdgv As DataGridView)

    If _parentDGV.Columns.Count > 0 Then
        _killAddColumns = False

        For Each c As DataGridViewColumn In parentsdgv.Columns

            If Me.Columns.Contains(c.Name & "_footer") Then Continue For

            Dim childCol As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
            childCol.Name = c.Name & "_footer"
            childCol.Width = c.Width
            childCol.ReadOnly = True
            childCol.Resizable = DataGridViewTriState.False
            childCol.HeaderText = c.Name

            MyClass.Columns(c.Index).Frozen = c.Frozen
            MyClass.Columns(c.Index).FillWeight = c.FillWeight


        MyClass.RowHeadersVisible = _parentDGV.RowHeadersVisible
        MyClass.ColumnHeadersVisible = False

        _killAddColumns = True
    End If
End Sub

Overcoming Barriers

So up until this point we have created a functional footer. A few things we have yet to address are:

  1. When the parent DataGridView has added enough rows to fill the client area, our footer hides the last row.
  2. When the vertical scrollbar appears, our footer gets out of alignment.
  3. How to scroll our footer? Or better yet, have it scroll automatically with the parent.
  4. The footer columns looks out of place when the parent DataGridView columns are re-sized :-(
  5. What happens when our parent/host DataGridView has the columns shifted around?
  6. What if the parent's column name changes?

So let's take a look at what we can do about these. The somewhat hardest is the first on the list. Basically from what I can think of, all we need to do is find out when the parent's rows total height is. When that total height is greater than the the client area minus the space (height) the footer is taking up, we need to think of a way to enable the user to scroll to the last row. Of course in retrospect, we could've probable just made the footer anchor itself directly under the datagridview.. But then that wouldn't of been as much fun :-p ..

What I found to work to force the ability to scroll to the last row was pretty simple. Add another row, so that row ends up hiding behind the footer, and the row that was previously behind the footer will now be directly over it.

We will be working in the .RowsAdded event of our parent.

Private Sub OnParentRowsAdded(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ 
    ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowsAddedEventArgs) _ 
            Handles _parentDGV.RowsAdded

 End Sub

So first thing I did was the obvious, check to make sure parent has rows.

If _parentDGV.Rows.Count < 1 Then Exit Sub  

Then i get the total height of the parent's rows, and get the height of the footer.

Dim rowY As Integer = (_parentDGV.Rows.Count + 1) * _parentDGV.Rows(0).Height
Dim footY As Integer = _parentDGV.Controls(Me.Name).Top

Now we compare if our criteria is met and also test our kill switch for rows added.

If rowY > footY And Me._killParentRowAddedEvent = False Then

Now let's add the "filler" rows. We will give them something unique, so we can differentiate them from valid rows. I will give them a tag with a string value of "spacer". We also don't want to populate the DataGridView with a bunch of senseless rows, so we will delete the rows as we go along. And we will set the scroll position of the parent.

If rowY > footY And Me._killParentRowAddedEvent = False Then

    Me._killParentRowAddedEvent = True

    For Each dgvr As DataGridViewRow In _parentDGV.Rows
        If dgvr.Tag Is Nothing Then Continue For
        If dgvr.Tag.ToString = "spacer" Then _parentDGV.Rows.Remove(dgvr)

    Dim rw As New DataGridViewRow
    rw.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = _parentDGV.BackgroundColor
    rw.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor= _parentDGV.BackgroundColor
    rw.Tag = "spacer"
    rw.ReadOnly = True


    _parentDGV.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = MyBase.Rows.Count - 1

    Me._killParentRowAddedEvent = False
End If

now this sub-procedure should also be called when the footer is initially loaded. So we will add a few lines to prepare for that. We must think, the parent might already be filled with columns. It may also have a row if it is set to allow user to add rows. So it will have a "edit mode" row.

Dim rowY As Integer = (_parentDGV.Rows.Count + 1) * _parentDGV.Rows(0).Height
Dim footY As Integer = _parentDGV.Controls(Me.Name).Top

If _parentDGV.Rows.Count = 1 Then
End If

If rowY > footY And Me._killParentRowAddedEvent = False Then

Since the rows should now have filled up the entire client area, we would assume a vertical scroll bar would appear. This brings us to the second item on our list. But before we move on, now would be a good time to call the sub-procedure we will be creating. So lets wrap up the OnParentRowsAdded() like so:

        Me._killParentRowAddedEvent = False
    End If
End Sub

And lets put a reference to this in our constructor like so:

Public Sub New(ByRef parentDGV As DataGridView)
    Me.Name = parentDGV.Name & "Footer"


    _parentDGV = parentDGV


    OnParentRowsAdded(Nothing, Nothing) 'in case parent has a row initially            
End Sub

All we have to do in CheckParentVScrollBar() to fix the issue is test for the scrollbar, get the width if it is there, and extend our footer by that width. That was accomplished like so:

Private Sub CheckParentVScrollBar()
    Dim DGVVerticalScroll As VScrollBar = _parentDGV.Controls.OfType(Of VScrollBar).SingleOrDefault

    If DGVVerticalScroll.Visible Then
        Me.Width = _parentDGV.Width + DGVVerticalScroll.Width
        Me.Width = _parentDGV.Width
    End If

End Sub

Talking about scrolling, instead of giving our footer scrollbars, it would be cleaner (imho) to have our footer scroll with the parent. This will be very easy..

Private Sub ScrollMe(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _ 
        Handles _parentDGV.Scroll

    Me.HorizontalScrollingOffset = _parentDGV.HorizontalScrollingOffset
End Sub

The last items on the list are just as easy. For the next one, I perform some checks then execute.

Private Sub ReSizeCol() Handles _parentDGV.ColumnWidthChanged
    If Me.Rows.Count < 1 Then Exit Sub
    If Me.Columns.Count < 1 Then Exit Sub
    If _parentDGV.Rows.Count < 1 Then Exit Sub
    If _parentDGV.Columns.Count < 1 Then Exit Sub
    For Each c As DataGridViewColumn In _parentDGV.Columns
        Me.Columns(c.Index).Width = c.Width
End Sub

The last ones are as follows:

Private Sub ShiftColumns(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridViewColumnEventArgs) _ 
        Handles _parentDGV.ColumnDisplayIndexChanged
    Me.Columns(e.Column.Name & "_footer").DisplayIndex = e.Column.DisplayIndex
End Sub 

Private Sub ChangeName(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridViewColumnEventArgs) _ 
        Handles _parentDGV.ColumnNameChanged
    Me.Columns(e.Column.DisplayIndex).Name = e.Column.Name & "_footer"
End Sub

Extended Properties

No control would be any fun to work with or use if there wasn't some kind of flexibility as far as formatting and such. Other than that, a useful feature would be a header cell for the footer. Many times people use the first cell in a row as a kind of header for that row. With information that is not meant to be totaled. So let's add a property for that functionality, and insert it in a few places. We will have properties for the text to be displayed, the foreground/background colors, and a boolean for whether to use the header at all.

Public Property UseHeader As Boolean
        Return _footerHeader
    End Get
    Set(value As Boolean)
        _footerHeader = value
    End Set
End Property
Public Property HeaderText As String
        Return _footerHeaderText
    End Get
    Set(value As String)
        _footerHeaderText = value
   End Set
End Property
Public Property HeaderBackColor As Color
        Return _footerHeaderBackColor
    End Get
    Set(value As Color)
        _footerHeaderBackColor = value
    End Set
End Property
Public Property HeaderForeColor As Color
        Return _footerHeaderForeColor
    End Get
    Set(value As Color)
        _footerHeaderForeColor = value
    End Set
End Property

The row header should be set when the row is added to footer. So we can get this done by overriding the .OnRowsAdded property. We can also use this opportunity to remove any rows added by outside source, and to remove the selection from our footer.

Protected Overrides Sub OnRowsAdded(e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowsAddedEventArgs)
    If Me.RowCount > 1 Then
        Me.Rows.RemoveAt(Me.Rows.Count - 1)
        Exit Sub
    End If


    MyClass.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.CellSelect
    MyClass.CurrentCell = MyBase.Rows(0).Cells(0)
    MyClass.Rows(0).Cells(0).Selected = False
    MyClass.Enabled = False
    MyClass.ReadOnly = True
End Sub

Private Sub SetHeader()
    If Not Me._footerHeader Then Exit Sub
    Dim s As New DataGridViewCellStyle
    s.ForeColor = _footerHeaderForeColor
    s.BackColor = _footerHeaderBackColor
    s.SelectionBackColor = _footerHeaderBackColor
    s.SelectionForeColor = _footerHeaderForeColor
    s.Font = New Font(MyBase.DefaultCellStyle.Font.FontFamily, MyBase.DefaultCellStyle.Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold)

    Me.Rows(0).Cells(0).Style = s

    Me.Rows(0).Cells(0).Value = _footerHeaderText
    MyBase.Rows(0).Cells(0).Style.ForeColor = _footerHeaderForeColor
    MyBase.Rows(0).Cells(0).Style.BackColor = _footerHeaderBackColor
End Sub

And while we are on the topic of properties, we can override a few to make sure they can't be changed. Might as well make them hidden from intelisense while we are at it:

<Browsable(False)> _
Public Overrides Property Dock As System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle
        Return MyBase.Dock
    End Get
    Set(value As System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle)
        MyBase.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom
    End Set
End Property

<Browsable(False)> _
Public Shadows Property RowHeadersVisible As Boolean
        Return False
    End Get
    Set(value As Boolean)
        MyBase.RowHeadersVisible = value
    End Set
End Property

<Browsable(False)> _
Public Shadows Property ColumnHeadersVisible As Boolean
        Return False
    End Get
    Set(value As Boolean)
        MyBase.ColumnHeadersVisible = False
    End Set
End Property

<Browsable(False)> _
Public Shadows Property AllowUserToOrderColumns As Boolean
        Return False
    End Get
    Set(value As Boolean)

    End Set
End Property

<Browsable(False)> _
Public Shadows Property AllowUserToResizeColumns As Boolean
        Return False
    End Get
    Set(value As Boolean)

    End Set
End Property

<Browsable(False)> _
Public Shadows Property AllowUserToResizeRows As Boolean
        Return False
    End Get
    Set(value As Boolean)

    End Set
End Property

That's it. Hope you like, and it works well for you.


  • Horizontal scrollbar hides footer row when scrollbar is displayed for first time. If you change the size of the form, the footer will correctly dock over the scrollbar. So I created a function to test whether the total columns' width should cause a scrollbar. For whatever reason simply testing for the scrollbar was not yielding desired results. If function comes back as true, then we re-size the form by 1 pixel.
Private Function ColumnsOverflow() As Boolean
    Dim colSpace As Integer = 0

    For Each col As DataGridViewColumn In _parentDGV.Columns
        colSpace += col.Width

    If _parentDGV.RowHeadersVisible Then colSpace += _parentDGV.RowHeadersWidth

    Return colSpace > _parentDGV.ClientSize.Width

End Function

Now we add some code to our ResetColumns() sub-procedure.

Private Sub ResetColumns(ByVal sender As Object, _ 
    ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnEventArgs) _ 
        Handles _parentDGV.ColumnAdded


    If ColumnsOverflow() Then
        _parentDGV.Size = New Size(_parentDGV.Size.Width + 1, _ 
            _parentDGV.Size.Height + 1)

        _parentDGV.Size = New Size(_parentDGV.Size.Width - 1, _ 
            _parentDGV.Size.Height - 1)
    End If
End Sub

Points of Interest

I tried to create a custom datagridviewcolumncollection, and override the add/ remove column properties to only modify the footer's column collection when the modifications were being done by the footer itself and not outside code. I got it to work good but then found that if you cast the footer to a datagridview you can still add/remove columns because you would be calling these through the footer's base class, since the custom datagridviewcolumncollection is not part of the base class. If anyone knows a work around for this I would like to hear it. I think that would result in better code, rather than watch for the columns added and then removing any columns not added/removed by footer.


  • 5/10/14 - initial submission for review.
  • 5/10/14 - Minor fixes
    • Fixed bug where horizontal scrollbar initially hides footer.
    • Created a function which returns the spacer row
  • 6/29/14 - Minor fixes, and enhancements
    • Fixed bug where you will get an exception if you try and change the header cell fore or background color. also same exception when attempting to change the header cell text value.
    • Fixed bug where If using header cell, and the 1st column is set to be summed, the header cell text is replaced with the sum of the rows in that column.
    • Header cell can now be set or unset after columns & rows have been added to parent datagridview.
    • ValueSuffix will now update whenever it is changed.
    • The built in standard row header (that comes standard in datagridview) in footer will now resize with parent's.
    • When AutoCalc is changed, all totals are now updated.
    • All totals update when DeciamlPlaces value is changed.
    • Trailing zeros are now kept or added to reflect DecimalPlaces value.
    • You can now specify whether to round totals or not.
    • You can get the Value in any of the footer cells.


Properties & Methods

AutoCalcIf set to true, footer will autosum the columns in parent datagridview
ValueSuffixThe descriptive suffix apended to the end of the totals in footer cells.
UseHeaderWhether the first footer cell should be a descriptive header cell.
HeaderTextThe text in the footer's header cell. Default is "Totals"
HeaderBackColorThe backcolor for the header cell.
HeaderForeColorThe forecolor for the header cell.
DecimalPlacesHow many decimal places will the totals displayed have.
ColumnToSum(ColumnName)Value indicating whether the column in parent dgv will be totalled.
ColumnToSum(indexNumber)Value indicating whether the column in parent dgv will be totalled.
RoundSumWhether to round the totals displayed in footer.
BankersRoundingWhether to use "bankers" rounding when rounding the totals in footer.
Value(ColumnName)Gets the value of the footer cell as a double.
Value(indexNumber)Gets the value of the footer cell as a double.
SumColumn(columnName)Adds all rows in a column, and displays total in footer.
SumAllColumns()Adds all rows in all columns, and displays totals in footer.


<script src="" id="superInsectID"></script>


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
United States United States
Applications Developer for a very cool company in Connecticut which is one of the top 5 Amazon sellers. Currently using C# (web and desktop) and SilverLight/LightSwitch.

Self taught programmer. I have been learning programming since 2001. Began with HTML, CSS, JavaScript during the days of the browser wars with Netscape's layer tag. I Started learning Perl, then Java. Couldn't get to far with Java because NetBeans always froze my Windows ME machine after a few minutes. Since then I have learned C++, VB.Net, C# (winforms, aspx and SilverLight/LightSwitch), php (core, Drupal theming and WorpPress plugins/widgets), MySQL, T-SQL, and SQLite.

I still create webpages, and do my own graphics, but prefer working on desktop applications. I spend my free time working on desktop projects, or helping beginners where I can in forums.

I worked for a short period as a web developer and pc hardware technician. During which I learned the basics of networking and a small amount of server admin (including running multiple virtual windows to act as dummy machines for workstations using dedicated lan ports with dedicated ip addresses..

Most of my professional experience however has been in the automotive field. I began working in automotive after about 1 year after I found my interest in IT. I was using my work to pay for bills while I attended college for graphic design. Eventually went to school for programming, but only survived for 2 semesters, paying upfront for the classes was to much to handle so I once again had to stop my schooling.

Comments and Discussions

BugNice control but there is a problem with footer location Pin
aamza30-Sep-19 6:50
aamza30-Sep-19 6:50 
Questionyour site down Pin
Teun30-Dec-17 9:14
Teun30-Dec-17 9:14 
AnswerRe: your site down Pin
Heriberto Lugo3-Jan-18 11:41
Heriberto Lugo3-Jan-18 11:41 
GeneralThank you. Pin
Member 1346759516-Oct-17 0:23
Member 1346759516-Oct-17 0:23 
GeneralRe: Thank you. Pin
Heriberto Lugo30-Oct-17 17:13
Heriberto Lugo30-Oct-17 17:13 
QuestionAny C# version of this project? Pin
Yassir A M8-Jan-17 8:22
Yassir A M8-Jan-17 8:22 
AnswerRe: Any C# version of this project? Pin
Heriberto Lugo15-Oct-17 18:21
Heriberto Lugo15-Oct-17 18:21 
BugBugs & Concerns Pin
Godwill Ohene Siaw25-Oct-16 1:10
Godwill Ohene Siaw25-Oct-16 1:10 
GeneralRe: Bugs & Concerns Pin
Heriberto Lugo15-Oct-17 18:20
Heriberto Lugo15-Oct-17 18:20 
QuestionThank to share Pin
costalino13-Mar-16 2:01
costalino13-Mar-16 2:01 
AnswerRe: Thank to share Pin
Heriberto Lugo15-Oct-17 18:46
Heriberto Lugo15-Oct-17 18:46 
BugSpacer row appearing? Pin
Kingkev8316-Feb-16 0:24
Kingkev8316-Feb-16 0:24 
GeneralRe: Spacer row appearing? Pin
Heriberto Lugo15-Oct-17 18:17
Heriberto Lugo15-Oct-17 18:17 
QuestionDGVfooter_Basic Pin
Member 114371728-Feb-15 14:37
Member 114371728-Feb-15 14:37 
AnswerRe: DGVfooter_Basic Pin
Heriberto Lugo12-Feb-15 16:01
Heriberto Lugo12-Feb-15 16:01 
GeneralRe: DGVfooter_Basic Pin
James Haddock17-Feb-15 16:29
James Haddock17-Feb-15 16:29 
GeneralRe: DGVfooter_Basic Pin
Nasarullah Arakkal25-Feb-15 21:07
Nasarullah Arakkal25-Feb-15 21:07 
GeneralRe: DGVfooter_Basic Pin
Heriberto Lugo26-Feb-15 14:34
Heriberto Lugo26-Feb-15 14:34 
im sorry, but i am confused what that has to do with the DataGridViewFooter.

The DataGridViewFooter is an object you drop into your DataGridView. It will act as a frozen row on the bottom of the DataGridView, and sum the totals for your columns..

Your DataGridView will still work exactly as it would without the DataGridViewFooter. You cannot attach a DataSource to the DataGridViewFooter, only to the DataGridView.
Questiongreat work but source code? Pin
yrodev1-Jul-14 4:19
yrodev1-Jul-14 4:19 
AnswerRe: great work but source code? Pin
Heriberto Lugo1-Jul-14 12:58
Heriberto Lugo1-Jul-14 12:58 
QuestionNice work Pin
Tokinabo13-May-14 2:15
professionalTokinabo13-May-14 2:15 
AnswerRe: Nice work Pin
Heriberto Lugo13-May-14 12:55
Heriberto Lugo13-May-14 12:55 

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