This article is focused on creating a simple menu using a quadruple linked-list that can be used on an embedded system. This can be seen as an alternative to using multiple switch case
statements which can get very messy. This system was designed to work on a PIC 18f4550, with and 16x2 LCD display, a keypad consisting of 16 keys and compiled using the CCS C Compiler. For testing purposes, I first designed the menu part in normal C, this article will demonstrate how it works.
The user input to the embedded system is usually just a few keys and is less flexible compared to a computers keyboard and mouse inputs. To simulate this, we will only be using the keys: 'a', 'w', ’s’ and 'd'. Where 'a' means go left, 'w' means go up, 'd' to go right and 's' to go down and also to select that menu item in the menu.
In a previous project, I needed a menu that must be operated by 4 buttons, it implemented the following functionality:
- Display temperature and time
- Set both min and max values for a safe temperature region
- Set a specific time for a light to switch on and off
- Set the time for an actuator to switch on, and specify the amount of times it should do the work before switching off again
Taking the example of specifying a time for the light to switch on meant that the following structure had to be set up using switch case
statements: Main Menu -> Light Control -> Time On -> [Do function].
Already you have 3 nested switch case
statements, where each must evaluate which of the 4 keys is pressed and act accordingly. This made code maintenance a difficult task and it became 'messy' (cluttered) fast. I continued with this approach because the deadline was too close to experiment and find another way.
We will now look at ‘the another way’ to implement this menu structure using linked lists and function pointers in C.
Using the Code
Keeping this modular a separate file called "menu.h" was created to store the levels/nodes of the menu and the functions to traverse the structure. (In the article, level and node is used interchangeably)
Each menu item will be represented as a level structure. Each structure has a pointer to a level structure, above, below, previous and next to it. If you don't want that path to be travelled, provide a 0; else provide a valid level pointer. The DoWork
function pointer stores the pointer of a void
function that will do the work if invoked.
struct level {
char name[16];
struct level *next;
struct level *prev;
struct level *down;
struct level *up;
void (*DoWork)(void);
The menu levels are created as follows:
struct level normalM, fanM, fanSpeed, fanRpm, tempM, *currentM;
Where currentM
is a pointer of a level structure and will be the only one used to traverse the structure. Next
is a function to build a menu level.
void BuildMenu(struct level *currentNode, char name[16], void (*DoWork)(void) , struct level *prevNode, struct level *nextNode,struct level *upNode,struct level *downNode)
strcpy(currentNode->name, name);
currentNode->prev = prevNode;
currentNode->next = nextNode;
currentNode->up = upNode;
currentNode->down = downNode;
currentNode->DoWork = DoWork;
The first argument passes in the node that you are building by reference. Then you pass in the name of that node. The third argument needs a void
function that it will do whenever the user selects this menu item. Arguments 4 to 7 specify which levels is on each side of the current level, they must all be passed in by reference to get the address of them.
must be specified if the current node does not have that option, for example:
BuildMenu(&normalM,"Normal", 0, 0,&fanM, 0, 0);
Here we build the normalM
level, by giving it a name of "Normal
", specifying that it doesn’t have a function to do when invoked, that it doesn’t have a previous node, that the next node is fanM
and that it doesn't have any nodes up or down. The whole menu is then setup:
BuildMenu(&normalM,"Normal", 0, 0,&fanM, 0, 0);
BuildMenu(&fanM,"Fan Control", 0, &normalM,&tempM, 0, &fanSpeed);
BuildMenu(&fanSpeed,"Fan Speed", DoWork_FanSpeed, 0, &fanRpm, &fanM, 0);
BuildMenu(&fanRpm,"Fan RPM", DoWork_FanRpm, &fanSpeed, 0, &fanM , 0);
BuildMenu(&tempM,"Temperature", DoWork_Temp, &fanM,0, 0, 0);
A visualization of what the above menu looks like:

The dark black circles represent 0
, where no path is defined. I like to think of them in the sense of a ROM, where the black circles are the burned links.
Then the functions to traverse the menu gets a little interesting:
void Next(struct level **currentNode) {
if( (*currentNode) ->next != 0)
(*currentNode) = (*currentNode)->next;
The argument of the function takes a pointer, to a pointer of a level structure. This is needed because we want to make the current level to be the next level if it is not 0
. So we cannot pass it by value, it has to be by reference. The pass by value function will look something like this, but is INCORRECT as the variable currentNode
then only has function scope and will not persist the pointer to the structures values.
void Next(struct level *currentNode) {
if(currentNode->next != 0)
currentNode = currentNode->next;
The Previous
and Up
function is also defined like the correct Next
function. Down
, however takes into account the DoWork
function pointer. It first checks to see if there is work to do and if there is, then it does it, if there isn’t then it checks to see if there is a node below and if there is then the current node moves one down.
That’s it, the following shows how to implement the functions and structure of the menu.h header.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "menu.h"
void DoWork_FanSpeed(void);
void DoWork_FanRpm();
void DoWork_Temp();
struct level normalM,fanM,fanSpeed,fanRpm,tempM, *currentM;
int main()
BuildMenu(&normalM,"Normal", 0, 0,&fanM, 0, 0);
BuildMenu(&fanM,"Fan Control", 0, &normalM,&tempM, 0, &fanSpeed);
BuildMenu(&fanSpeed,"Fan Speed", DoWork_FanSpeed, 0, &fanRpm, &fanM, 0);
BuildMenu(&fanRpm,"Fan RPM", DoWork_FanRpm, &fanSpeed, 0, &fanM , 0);
BuildMenu(&tempM,"Temperature", DoWork_Temp, &fanM,0, 0, 0);
currentM = &normalM;
char cKey;
case 'd':
system("cls"); Next(¤tM); printf("%s\n",currentM->name);
case 'a':
case 's':
case 'w':
}while(cKey != '~');
return 0;
void DoWork_FanSpeed()
printf("Adjusting Fan speed\n");
void DoWork_FanRpm()
printf("Changing Fan Rpm\n");
void DoWork_Temp()
printf("Temperature display\n");
This in practice, works very well with the C standard, but many Embedded compilers try to replicate the C language as best they can, so I soon found out that the CSS C compiler does not support function pointers, bummer.
So the alternative solution was to create an enum
that describes the functions that needs to be done for each menu item and change the level structure to hold that enum value. Then when the action Down
is preformed, it checks to see what value is in that level’s enum
and then executes the appropriate function using a switch
case. Also you cannot pass in a constant string
to a function it must be stored first. Strcpy
does this internally so it should be called outside our function individually for each level.
So for the CCS C, the actual implementation was:
typedef enum task {None,Normal,Fanspeed,FanRpm,Temp};
struct level {
char name[16];
struct level *next;
struct level *prev;
struct level *down;
struct level *up;
task DoTask; } normalM,fanM,fanSpeedM,fanRpmM,tempM, *currentM;
void BuildMenu(struct level *currentNode, task DoTask, struct level *prevNode, struct level *nextNode,struct level *upNode,struct level *downNode)
currentNode->prev = prevNode;
currentNode->next = nextNode;
currentNode->up = upNode;
currentNode->down = downNode;
currentNode->DoTask = DoTask;
void ExecuteTask(task taskToDo)
case Fanspeed:
case FanRpm:
case Temp:
void Down(struct level **currentNode)
if((*currentNode)->DoTask != None)
else if((*currentNode)->down != 0)
(*currentNode) = (*currentNode)->down;
BuildMenu(&normalM, None, 0,&fanM, 0, 0);
strcpy(, "Normal");
BuildMenu(&fanM, None, &normalM,&tempM, 0, &fanSpeedM);
strcpy(, "Fan Control");
BuildMenu(&fanSpeedM, Fanspeed , 0, &fanRpmM, &fanM, 0);
strcpy(, "Fan Speed");
BuildMenu(&fanRpmM, FanRpm, &fanSpeedM, 0, &fanM , 0);
strcpy(, "Fan RPM");
BuildMenu(&tempM, Temp, &fanM,0, 0, 0);
strcpy(, "Temperature");
The rest is still as it was in the normal C implementation.
Points of Interest
This is my first article, so please be gentle..