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by ToughDev
Emulate parallel port printer to capture data from Tektronix 1230 Logic Analyzer
by ToughDev
How to interface TEA5767 FM Receiver with PIC using I2C
by ToughDev
Code to set and get current time using the RTCC module on PIC24
by ToughDev
How to interface Nokia 3510i and 5110 LCD with PIC Microcontroller

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by ToughDev
Custom USB device that processes input from peripherals and displays on computer
by ToughDev
Emulate parallel port printer to capture data from Tektronix 1230 Logic Analyzer
by ToughDev
How to interface Nokia 3510i and 5110 LCD with PIC Microcontroller
by ToughDev
Code to set and get current time using the RTCC module on PIC24

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8 Aug 2012 by peter gabris
Example PIC microprocessor program on a tiny RF transceiver.
8 Jul 2014 by EngDRJ
An finite state menu implemented using multiple linked-lists and function pointers in C for use with embedded programming.