The problem is common and well self explainable. For example, I need an algorithm, producing a strong brute force proof password with the length of 16 and containing at least one alpha and one digit. Looks familiar, isn't it? If your program requires your users to have a good password, appropriate to the above described rules (or any others), why not auto generate it and suggest to a user?
Or you might require to generate a unique session ID or any other char
sequence of some specific type.
Unification. We like it. So, we need one generic algorithm to-rule-them-all.
Using the Code
The header module: ("StringUtils.h"):
#ifndef StringUtilsH
#define StringUtilsH
#include <cstring>
struct GeneratePwdOptions {
enum ECharSetType {
static const ECharSetType CHAR_SETS[];
static const size_t CHAR_SET_COUNT_;
bool useAlpha = true;
bool useDigits = true;
bool useSymbols = true;
bool caseSensetive = true; };
const GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType GeneratePwdOptions::CHAR_SETS[] =
{ECharSetType::CST_ALPHA, ECharSetType::CST_DIGITS, ECharSetType::CST_SYMBOLS};
const size_t GeneratePwdOptions::CHAR_SET_COUNT_ = sizeof(CHAR_SETS) / sizeof(*CHAR_SETS);
#include <functional>
#include <random>
#include <chrono>
template <const bool Optimized = true>
char* generatePwd(char* pwdBuf, const size_t len = 16U,
const GeneratePwdOptions& options = DEFAULT_GENERATE_PWD_OPTIONS_,
size_t charPerSet[GeneratePwdOptions::CHAR_SET_COUNT_] = nullptr) throw()
static const auto MIN_PWD_LEN_ = 8U;
static_assert('z' > 'a' && 'Z' > 'A' && '9' > '0', "Incorrect char codes");
static const char SPEC_SYMBOLS[] = {"!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"};
if (!pwdBuf || !len) return nullptr;
*pwdBuf = '\0';
if (len < MIN_PWD_LEN_) return pwdBuf;
const size_t timeSeed =
const std::mt19937 engine(timeSeed);
const std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> charIdxDistribution(size_t(), len - 1U);
auto rollCharIdx = std::bind(charIdxDistribution, engine);
auto charSetCount = size_t();
if (options.useAlpha) ++charSetCount;
if (options.useDigits) ++charSetCount;
if (options.useSymbols) ++charSetCount;
if (!charSetCount) return pwdBuf;
const auto maxCharPerSetCount = len / charSetCount;
const std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> charPerSetDistribution(1U, maxCharPerSetCount);
auto rollCharPerSetCount = std::bind(charPerSetDistribution, engine);
size_t localCharPerSet[GeneratePwdOptions::CHAR_SET_COUNT_] = {0}; auto const currCharPerSet = charPerSet ? charPerSet : localCharPerSet;
struct Randomizer_ {
Randomizer_() throw() { srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(nullptr)));
static const Randomizer_ R_;
auto charSetLeftCount = charSetCount;
size_t charPlacedCount = size_t();
auto getCharCountPerSet = [&]() throw() {
return charSetLeftCount ? rollCharPerSetCount() : (len - charPlacedCount);
auto getRandomChar = [&](const GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType charSetType) throw() {
size_t firstIdx = size_t(), lastIdx = size_t();
switch (charSetType) {
case GeneratePwdOptions::CST_ALPHA: lastIdx = 'z' - 'a'; break;
case GeneratePwdOptions::CST_DIGITS: lastIdx = '9' - '0'; break;
case GeneratePwdOptions::CST_SYMBOLS:
lastIdx = (sizeof(SPEC_SYMBOLS) / sizeof(*SPEC_SYMBOLS)) - 2U; break; }
const auto idx = firstIdx + (rand() % (lastIdx - firstIdx + 1U));
auto actualChar = '\0';
switch (charSetType) {
case GeneratePwdOptions::CST_ALPHA:
actualChar = options.caseSensetive ? (rand() % 2 ? 'A' : 'a') : 'a';
actualChar += idx;
case GeneratePwdOptions::CST_DIGITS:
actualChar = '0' + idx;
case GeneratePwdOptions::CST_SYMBOLS:
actualChar = SPEC_SYMBOLS[idx];
return actualChar;
auto addCharsA = [&](const GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType charSetType) throw() {
const auto charCount = getCharCountPerSet();
size_t charIdx = size_t(); for (size_t charNumber = size_t(); charNumber < charCount; ++charNumber) {
while (pwdBuf[charIdx = rollCharIdx()]); pwdBuf[charIdx] = getRandomChar(charSetType);
charPlacedCount += charCount;
auto addCharsB = [&](const GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType charSetType) throw() {
const auto charCount = getCharCountPerSet();
for (size_t charNumber = size_t(); charNumber < charCount; ++charNumber, ++charPlacedCount) {
pwdBuf[charPlacedCount] = getRandomChar(charSetType);
switch (Optimized) {
case false:
memset(pwdBuf, 0, len + 1U);
if (options.useDigits) addCharsA(GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType::CST_DIGITS);
if (options.useSymbols) addCharsA(GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType::CST_SYMBOLS);
if (options.useAlpha) addCharsA(GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType::CST_ALPHA);
default: if (options.useDigits) addCharsB(GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType::CST_DIGITS);
if (options.useSymbols) addCharsB(GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType::CST_SYMBOLS);
if (options.useAlpha) addCharsB(GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType::CST_ALPHA);
for (size_t charNumber = size_t(); charNumber < charPlacedCount; ++charNumber) {
std::swap(pwdBuf[charNumber], pwdBuf[rollCharIdx()]);
pwdBuf[charPlacedCount] = '\0';
return pwdBuf;
#endif // StringUtilsH
I used an old C and modern C++11 pseudorandom generators to demonstrate both.
We have three char set types (all codes are ANSI ASCII):
if case sensitive and using all sets ('^' means the power, not the bitwise xor), because we have 26 + 26 latin letters in both cases, 10 digits and 32 special symbols:
static const char SPEC_SYMBOLS[] = {"!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"};
The algorithm is adaptive and uses:
lastIdx = (sizeof(SPEC_SYMBOLS) / sizeof(*SPEC_SYMBOLS)) - 2U; break;
while generating the random char
from the special symbols set, so this static
array can be freely changed or the function can be upgraded to use some external one (passed as a function parameter).
The '/ sizeof(*SPEC_SYMBOLS)) - 2U
' is a bit redundant through, because the sizeof(char)
is always 1
Currently an amount of chars per set used is pseudorandom in [1, maxCharPerSetCount]
const std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> charPerSetDistribution(1U, maxCharPerSetCount);
auto rollCharPerSetCount = std::bind(charPerSetDistribution, engine);
const auto maxCharPerSetCount = len / charSetCount;
i.e., for a string
of 8 char
s, it will be in [1, 2]
for the first two sets and [4, 6]
for the last one (the last set uses all the rest space available). I decided to make it random to make a password structure less predictable, but you can easily extend/modify the provided function to generate a specified amout of char
s per set.
Minimum password length of 8 chosen to have a strong password, which is capable of having at least one char of an each set.
The filling order is:
if (options.useDigits) addChars(GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType::CST_DIGITS);
if (options.useSymbols) addChars(GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType::CST_SYMBOLS);
if (options.useAlpha) addChars(GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType::CST_ALPHA);
so the password of 8 length with the all options turned ON will have 1-2 digits, 1-2 special symols and 4-6 alphas in the random case.
The algorithm can also be easily extended to produce a char
sequence of a random length (up to buffer size - 1).
Test code for Ideone online compiler:
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
char pwdBuf[64U];
std::cout << generatePwd(pwdBuf, sizeof(pwdBuf) - 1U) << std::endl;
const GeneratePwdOptions options = {true, true, false, false};
std::cout << generatePwd(pwdBuf, sizeof(pwdBuf) / 2U - 1U, options) << std::endl;
const auto pwdLen = 32U;
assert(pwdLen < sizeof(pwdBuf));
GeneratePwdOptions options2;
options2.useAlpha = false;
const auto pwd = generatePwd(pwdBuf, pwdLen, options2);
const auto len_ = strlen(pwd);
assert(len_ == pwdLen);
for (size_t idx = 0U; idx < len_; ++idx) {
std::cout << pwd << std::endl;
return 0;
Points of Interest
This module is just a small part of the library, which uses C++11 features and which I am working on now, I decided to make it a public
As you can see, version 'A' of an algorithm has a performance issue:
while (pwdBuf[charIdx = rollCharIdx()]);
so I decided to slightly redesign it, adding an optimized 'B' version. I left both through, to compare the performance advantage gained.
- 15th September, 2015: Corrected version
- 17th September, 2015 - Update 1: Added optimized version
- 18th September, 2015 - Update 2: Error fixed (thx. cheesbj), even more optimized version
I extended the function adding new generation logic where firstly string
is filled in the direct and predictive order and then randomly shuffled.
Then, I removed unnecessary (for the optimzed version) call:
memset(pwdBuf, 0, len + 1U);
And finally, I added optimization for pseudo-random number generator initialization:
struct Randomizer_ {
Randomizer_() throw() { srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(nullptr)));
static const Randomizer_ R_;
Also, this fixes possible data race error:
The function accesses and modifies internal state objects,
which may cause data races with concurrent calls to rand or srand.
(form srand descripton)
Performance test for Ideone online compiler:
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
static const auto EXEC_COUNT = 55000U;
char pwdBuf[128U] = {0};
auto time1 = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
for (size_t idx = size_t(); idx < EXEC_COUNT; ++idx) {
generatePwd(pwdBuf, sizeof(pwdBuf) - 1U);
auto time2 = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto count1 = (time2 - time1).count();
std::cout << "Optimzed version: " << count1 << std::endl;
time1 = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
for (size_t idx = size_t(); idx < EXEC_COUNT; ++idx) {
generatePwd<false>(pwdBuf, sizeof(pwdBuf) - 1U);
time2 = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto count2 = (time2 - time1).count();
std::cout << "Old version: " << count2 << std::endl;
std::cout << "New (optimzed) version is " << static_cast<double>(count2) /
count1 << " times faster" << std::endl;
return 0;
Optimzed version: 1392535754
Old version: 3381367898
New (optimzed) version is 2.42821 times faster