In this tip, I will describe a basic Tree
structure based on ObservableCollection
, where each element may contain child elements of a same type. The number of nested levels is unlimited. This type of collection may become handy if you need to store or manipulate hierarchical data. Since collections are internally based on ObservableCollection
class, the tree fits very well for WPF binding scenarios. For example, in the attached sample project, I used it to display data in the TreeView
using HierarchicalDataTemplate
. Any modification of original object graph gets reflected in the UI automatically, thanks to WPF Data Binding.

Another important aspect of this particular implementation of Tree
is that my goal was to make the code as compact as possible and rely on the original implementation of ObservableCollection as much as possible. As result, all manipulations with tree, like adding, removing, replacing nodes, etc. are supposed to be performed using well-known methods and properties of standard IList<T>
The Tree
class implements the following interfaces:
public interface ITree
bool HasItems { get; }
void Add(object data);
public interface ITree<T> : ITree, IEnumerable<ITree<T>>
T Data { get; }
IList<ITree<T>> Items { get; }
ITree<T> Parent { get; }
IEnumerable<ITree<T>> GetParents(bool includingThis);
IEnumerable<ITree<T>> GetChildren(bool includingThis);
is non-generic base interface. The generic interface ITree<T>
overrides ITree
and exposes additional properties and methods that involve generic type. The reason of splitting the interface to non-generic and generic is to be able to easily identify instances compatible with ITree
elements in the Add
Note that ITree<T>
is also derived from IEnumerable<ITree<T>>
. This is an indication that any element of the tree may have its own children. So you can easily iterate over a tree element without having to worry about presence or absence of children in it. It also provides syntactical sugar while using Linq
or foreach
Below are methods and properties of ITree<T>
- ?
- returns true
if the tree node contains any child elements. Add
- adds object(s) to children collection. Note that the method accepts object type as an argument. This is to support scenarios where you can add multiple objects at the same time. I will demonstrate this later. Data
- returns generic data object associated with current node. Items
- exposes a collection of child elements as IList<T>
. You can use this property to add, remove, replace, reset children. GetParents()
- a method enumerating all parent nodes, if any. Optionally may include itself in the result. GetChildren()
- a method enumerating all child nodes, if any. Optionally may include itself in the result.
The Tree
class implements the ITree
and ITree<T>
interfaces described above. In the constructor, you can pass a generic Data
object as well as optional child nodes. When child nodes are passed, they are added using the following Add
public void Add(object data)
if (data == null)
if (data is T)
Items.Add(CloneNode(new Tree<T>((T) data)));
var t = data as ITree<T>;
if (t != null)
var o = data as object[];
if (o != null)
foreach (var obj in o)
var e = data as IEnumerable;
if (e != null && !(data is ITree))
foreach (var obj in e)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot add unknown content type.");
As you can see, every child element gets cloned before adding to collection. This is necessary to avoid circular references that may lead to unpredictable behavior. As result, if you want to override the Tree
class with your own version (for example, you may want to create a class that hides generic type like: class PersonTree : Tree<Person>
), you would have to override virtual CloneNode
method returning appropriate instance of your type.
Another aspect of Add
method is that it can digest any type of IEnumerable
or its derivatives as long as their elements are of type ITree<T>
or simply T
. Here is an example of ITree<string>
constructed using various methods:
var tree = Tree.Create("My Soccer Leagues",
Tree.Create("League A",
Tree.Create("Division A",
"Team 1",
"Team 2",
"Team 3"),
Tree.Create("Division B", new List<string> {
"Team 4",
"Team 5",
"Team 6"}),
Tree.Create("Division C", new List<ITree<string>> {
Tree.Create("Team 7"),
Tree.Create("Team 8")})),
Tree.Create("League B",
Tree.Create("Division A",
new Tree<string>("Team 9"),
new Tree<string>("Team 10"),
new Tree<string>("Team 11")),
Tree.Create("Division B",
Tree.Create("Team 12"),
Tree.Create("Team 13"),
Tree.Create("Team 14"))));
Finally, the implementation of Parent
property. This property is essential to any hierarchical data structure because it allows you to walk up the tree providing access to the root nodes. By default, the Items
collection of a node is not initialized (m_items = null
). Once you try to access Items
property or add an element to it, the instance of ObservableCollection
is created as container for child nodes. The ObservableCollection's CollectionChanged?
event is internally hooked to a handler that assigns or unassigns the Parent
property of the children being added or removed. Here is how the code looks:
public IList<ITree<T>> Items
if (m_items == null)
m_items = new ObservableCollection<ITree<T>>();
m_items.CollectionChanged += ItemsOnCollectionChanged;
return m_items;
private void ItemsOnCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs args)
if (args.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add && args.NewItems != null)
foreach (var item in args.NewItems.Cast<Tree<T>>())
item.Parent = this;
else if (args.Action != NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move && args.OldItems != null)
foreach (var item in args.OldItems.Cast<Tree<T>>())
item.Parent = null;
private void ResetOnCollectionChangedEvent()
if (m_items != null)
m_items.CollectionChanged -= ItemsOnCollectionChanged;
Helper Tree Class
The helper static Tree
class provides syntactical sugar for creating tree nodes. For example, instead of writing:
var tree = new Tree<Person>(new Person("Root"),
new Tree<Person>(new Person("Child #1")),
new Tree<Person>(new Person("Child #2")),
new Tree<Person>(new Person("Child #3")));
You could express the same code in a slightly cleaner way:
var tree = Tree.Create(new Person("Root"),
Tree.Create(new Person("Child #1")),
Tree.Create(new Person("Child #2")),
Tree.Create(new Person("Child #3")));
Also, there is a helper Visit
method. It takes a tree node ITree<T>
and an Action<ITree<T>>
recursively traversing the tree node and calling the action for each node:
public static void Visit<T>(ITree<T> tree, Action<ITree<T>> action)
if (tree.HasItems)
foreach (var item in tree)
Visit(item, action);
For example, you can use this method to print a tree:
public static string DumpElement(ITree<string> element)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var offset = element.GetParents(false).Count();
Tree.Visit(element, x =>
sb.Append(new string(' ', x.GetParents(false).Count() - offset));
return sb.ToString();
The Tree<T>
collection is a simple hierarchical data structure with the following features:
- Supports generic data types
- Automatically maintains a reference to
node - Friendly to WPF binding
- Fluid syntax of constructing and accessing elements
- Utilizes standard .NET
features and functionality