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Great Reads

by Thomas Nielsen - getCore
This article will take a dive into one of the reasons why code sometimes sands over.
by Muraad Nofal
A haskell monad/(applicative)functor like interface in C# that extends IEnumerable.
by Razi Syed
Easily bind a class to .NET data controls like GridView, FormView, etc., and get an updated object or list back in the code-behind effortlessly.
by Andrew Rissing
How to get that last little nagging line to be covered...

Latest Articles

by Robert P. Howard
How to deserialize a JSON string that contains nested polymorphic objects
by Aram Tchekrekjian
Demystifying generics in C#
by johnniealan
ArcNet Protocol basics
by Bertus van Zyl
A tutorial about generics in C#, aimed at beginners

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21 Sep 2015 by Thomas Nielsen - getCore
This article will take a dive into one of the reasons why code sometimes sands over.
18 Sep 2013 by Muraad Nofal
A haskell monad/(applicative)functor like interface in C# that extends IEnumerable.
25 Apr 2012 by Razi Syed
Easily bind a class to .NET data controls like GridView, FormView, etc., and get an updated object or list back in the code-behind effortlessly.
21 Jul 2014 by Alexandr Stefek
This article show another way to implement generic operators. Vector is in middle of attention.
5 Oct 2020 by Robert P. Howard
How to deserialize a JSON string that contains nested polymorphic objects
10 Dec 2016 by gfazzola
In this article I will explain the implementation of an infrastructure to host and manage windows services in a practical and interactive way.As a practical example of the solution will be implemented a dynamic ip update client of DucDNS
12 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Template MethodThe Template Method is know as a behavioral pattern which lets subclasses implement behaviour that can vary. In the example below we
15 Sep 2015 by Darko Jurić
Portable generic image library for C#
12 Jun 2017 by Bertus van Zyl
We continue exploring the basics of generics.
11 Mar 2014 by mbarbac
Implementing the Repository and Unit of Work Patterns dynamically using Kerosene ORM
27 Apr 2015 by Jörgen Andersson
A high performance extension for creating a DataTable from a Generic collection.
17 Jan 2011 by Simeon Sheye
How fast can a loop reading from memory be made to run and how does loop constructs, data types, interfaces, unrolling and hoisting affect performance?
12 Jun 2017 by Bertus van Zyl
A tutorial about generics in C#, aimed at beginners
7 Mar 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This article is for the concept of Random URLs and how they can be generated in ASP.NET for creating Random URLs for your application.
28 Feb 2011 by George Tryfonas
An ObservableCollection wrapper for an array which notifies the observer about changes to its underlying array
6 Nov 2011 by ideafixxxer
A generic version of Enum, which provides much more faster formatting
31 Oct 2013 by Lee Reid
How to create 'generic' classes and methods which use operators such as +,-, / and *
3 Apr 2014 by Govindaraj Rangaraj
This article explains how to make chain of responsiblity pattern reusable with the help of specification pattern.
9 Jun 2013 by AlexCode
Take your Generic Handlers to the next level...
10 Jun 2014 by Evgeny Zavalkovsky
SW Message Bus represents message flow abstraction mechanism in a complex, multithreaded SW system.
3 Apr 2017 by Balachandar Jeganathan
Demo for generic retry mechanism
5 Jun 2013 by Thorsten Bruning
8 Nov 2015 by DotNetSteve
Using delegates to group, conquer cross cutting concerns and created dynamic validators
4 Jul 2011 by Qwertie
How fast is C++ compared to C#? Let's compare code ported directly between the two languages.
23 Aug 2012 by Dan Randolph
How to get faster sorting in List(T) string collections
1 Feb 2015 by Lalit_Chandra
Chain of Responsibility pattern is defined under behavioral design pattern by G.O.F and used to decouple the command with its processing object or handler.
10 Jan 2017 by Qwertie
Want to square-root an arbitrary type T in your generic code and multiply it by its natural logarithm? No problem.
6 Sep 2012 by alc_aardvark
Simple Generic Tree in c#
17 Mar 2011 by mgkr
An ASP.NET OO Session wrapper baked into the objects themselves, instead of a monolithic wrapper containing all objects to persist.
15 Feb 2016 by SubhamoyBurman
HashSet is one of the most useful at the same time underused features in .NET/C#. Lets explore it good detail...
12 Jan 2011 by Samir Dedhia