JNI was introduced as an interface for allowing Java code tuning on a JVM virtual machine to interact with Native code (C++). The JNI framework's implementation for interacting with Java code is strongly reflection oriented. This means that you get a "pointer" to an object that represents the Virtual Machine (JavaVM*), or a pointer to the "Environment" (JNIEnv*
). After that, you need to "ask" the virtual machine or the environment for function handles or method handles on which you perform operations.
This gets very annoying very fast. The amount of repetitive copy-pasted code gets very difficult to handle, especially because of the use of string
s in the reflection. This usually prevents programmers to scale-up the code and use C++ and JNI to call Java methods freely.
JNI C++ Wrappers
We need to bring back OOP to JNI. Represent the Java objects as Objects. This way, we can regain all the advantages of object oriented programming, including the reusability and code maintainability which we lost in the reflection-based JNI.
The ability to have a C++ style wrapper to handle Java objects can make JNI production much easier.
Proper interaction with Java classes should be easy to read and intuitive to C++ developers.
CPoint3D myPoint(env);
myPoint.x = 5;
myPoint.y = 4;
mypoint.z = 3;
Just a reminder of the JNI method of doing stuff:
jclass classObj = env->FindClass("javax/vecmath/Point3d");
jmethodID classConstructor = env->GetMethodID(classObj, "<init>", "()V");
?jobject myPoint = env->NewObject(classObj , classConstructor);
jfieldID fidx = env->GetFieldID(classObj , "x", "I");
env->SetIntField(myPoint , fidx , 5);
jfieldID fidy = env->GetFieldID(classObj , "y", "I");
env->SetIntField(myPoint , fidy , 4);
jfieldID fidz = env->GetFieldID(classObj , "z", "I");
env->SetIntField(myPoint , fidz , 3);
Creating a C++ Wrapper
To create a C++ class wrapper for a Java object, just inherit from CJavaObject
. Define all the class members and function members as CJavaMember
members and methods can be defined as CJavaStaticMember
, and initialize it with mClassTypeReflector
instead of this.
class CPoint3D : public CJavaObject
CPoint3D(JNIEnv* env, jclass iClassLoader = NULL) :
CJavaObject(env, "javax/vecmath/Point3d", iClassLoader),
x(this, "x", "I"),
y(this, "y", "I"),
z(this, "z", "I"),
distanceFunc(this, "distance", "(Ljavax/vecmath/Point3d;)D")
{ }
CPoint3D(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) :
CJavaObject(env, obj),
x(this, "x", "I"),
y(this, "y", "I"),
z(this, "z", "I")
distanceFunc(this, "distance", "(Ljavax/vecmath/Point3d;)D")
{ }
CJavaMember x;
CJavaMember y;
CJavaMember z;
double distance(CPoint3D p1)
double res;
distance(&res, (jobject)p1);
return res;
CJavaMember distanceFunc;
A C++ Java class wrapper will either create a Java object when constructed, or wrap an existing object instance if it's passed in the CJavaObject
Using an Anonymous Object
can anonymously access object members.
You can just instantiate a CJavaObject
with a Java object (or create a new one by naming the type).
To access the object member fields or object member methods, use the overloaded operator[]
with the field or method name and type.
Primitive member fields don't really need the type, it can be inferred by type of the rvalue
CJavaObject myPoint(env, "javax/vecmath/Point3d");
myPoint["x"] = 1;
myPoint["y"] = 2;
myPoint["z"] = 3;
double res;
myPoint["distance"]["(Ljavax/vecmath/Point3d;)D"](&res, (jobject)myPoint);
myPoint["distance", "(Ljavax/vecmath/Point3d;)D"](&res, (jobject)myPoint);
Download the source header files. Include the JniWrapper.h file wherever you need the wrappers.
The wrappers use C++11 features like variadic templates, make sure you add the right compilation flags for that.
- When constructing a Java object in JNI, you generally need to call DeleteLocalRef
. I haven't added that to the destructor (like in the RAII idiom). This is because it is rarely really needed (unless it's a callback native thread). In a normal JNI call from Java, the local references are stored on the stack and therefore removed when you go back to the Java layer. And besides that, it can cause problems if the object is the return value of a JNI function. - Class loader - The
class can receive a class loader object so you can create new Java objects with a different loader context. (For example: if you're using a native callback function on a newly attached thread with an empty class loader). Here's what Google has to say about caching a class loader: - Error checking - The goal is to wrap Java classes statically. So, hopefully once you got it running once properly, with the right names, JNI names, etc., the wrapper will always work for that Java class. So I don't believe in adding redundant failure checking in the wrapper code itself.