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by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This post attempts to describe the general difference between overloading and overriding in Object-oriented programming languages.
by Giovanni Scerra
Patterns to prevent null reference exceptions
by Giovanni Scerra
An introduction to transparency in software design, with particular focus on OO languages
by Mahmoud Samir Fayed
Defining Natural Languages in the Ring programming language based on Object-Oriented Programming

Latest Articles

by Trần_Tuấn_Anh
In object-oriented programming (OOP), two fundamental concepts—Inheritance and Composition—enable code reuse and design flexibility. Understanding these concepts is crucial for building maintainable and scalable software.
by Alex Rakov, Alexandre Bencz
ELENA is a general-purpose, object-oriented, polymorphic language with late binding
by Yochai Timmer
A way to avoid JNI's reflection oriented programming. Wrapping Java with C++
by Bohdan Stupak
A look at what dynamic polymorphism is and how it is crucial to mastering OOP

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26 Feb 2015 by Giovanni Scerra
Patterns to prevent null reference exceptions
2 May 2015 by Giovanni Scerra
An introduction to transparency in software design, with particular focus on OO languages
12 Oct 2016 by Mahmoud Samir Fayed
Defining Natural Languages in the Ring programming language based on Object-Oriented Programming
7 Jun 2016 by GProssliner
cobj is a preprocessor based generator for interface based polymorphism
10 Apr 2018 by Nick Polyak
Achieving separation of concerns using Roxy IoC Container and Code Generator.
20 Mar 2019 by Matías Fidemraizer
Discover a modern, solid, and powerful way of leveraging object-oriented programming on the Web and anywhere
13 Feb 2018 by Borislav Stanimirov
A new take on polymorphism in an object-oriented setting
18 Apr 2022 by Bohdan Stupak
A short take on brittle unit-tests and how to avoid them
23 Feb 2022 by Michael Sydney Balloni
Recycle objects that are expensive to create and improve the performance of your application
13 Oct 2016 by Rahul Rajat Singh
This is a small tip containing my thoughts on why we should not blindly create interfaces and/or abstract class for each and every class in our application.
19 Jul 2013 by Gaurav_Chhatbar
Object oriented implementation of basic language processing / parsing leveraging LINQ / PRISM / UnityContainer.
22 Dec 2015 by Melissa Burns
These webinars have been created specifically for COBOL programmers who want to learn more about OOP and incorporate it with procedural programming techniques to get the best of both worlds.
19 May 2016 by Helen Withington
What do COBOL developers want?
27 Feb 2018 by Amir Jalilifard
Lets take an exciting travel to the land of MVC, MVP and MVVM patterns with our sexy friend : JavaScript
27 Jun 2023 by Bohdan Stupak
A look at what dynamic polymorphism is and how it is crucial to mastering OOP
4 Oct 2016 by Sergey Kizyan
Third lecture from the series I'm running. Related to class definition and gives basic understanding about what is type in .NET
29 Oct 2013 by rog_gc
Plain C, not any macro code definition. C OO rocks!
7 Aug 2014 by Abhishek Bose
Why do we need Interfaces?
21 Jul 2015 by Akhil Mittal
OOP: Indexers in C# (A Practical Approach)
8 Apr 2013 by Marla Sukesh
This article is intended for who have at least basic idea about Object oriented programming.
7 Apr 2014 by Paulo Zemek
This is a beginner's article that explains Object Oriented Programming (also known as OOP or OO programming) by my personal view and experience with it.
21 Jul 2015 by Akhil Mittal
OOP: Properties in C# (A Practical Approach).
6 Apr 2015 by Gerd Wagner
This is an alternative for "Understanding Association, Aggregation, and Composition", correcting three flaws, one in each of the three explanations, contained in the original article.
3 Nov 2011 by N.Banukobhan
This is used to Solve Linear or Polynomial equations.
13 Dec 2014 by Gergo Bogdan
Object Oriented Programming in Python - part 2 (Inheritance)
15 Jul 2015 by Akhil Mittal
Access modifiers (or access specifiers) are keywords in object-oriented languages that set the accessibility of classes, methods, and other members. Access modifiers are a specific part of programming language syntax used to facilitate the encapsulation of components.
21 Jul 2015 by Akhil Mittal
Day 6: Understanding Enums in C#.My article of the series “Diving in OOP” will explain enum datatype in C#.
9 Apr 2016 by Akhil Mittal
This part of the article series will focus more on run time polymorphism also called late binding.
15 Jul 2015 by Akhil Mittal
This article will cover almost every OOP concept that a novice/beginner developer hunt for, and not only beginners, the article’s purpose is to be helpful to experience professionals also who need to sometimes brush-up their concepts or who prepare for interviews.
8 May 2014 by Giovanni Scerra
The following guidelines are not exhaustive and are meant to be applied on top of the SOLID principles and proper use of OO Design Patterns.
8 May 2013 by Jon Woo
This article is intended to help conceptualize the area of JavaScript Object Oriented Programming by comparing it to the way .NET CLR works.
10 Jun 2019 by Viral Surani
This article is a first article of a series called Keep It Simple. This article is about how we can create reusable component of partially common operation (method) using Strategy Design Pattern. We will see the need of Strategy Design Pattern.
8 Mar 2017 by Dave Clemmer
Considering the various qualities that a model oriented programming language should have for effective model oriented development.
20 Jan 2014 by rog_gc
OO Programming with pure ANSI C
24 Sep 2014 by iSahilSharma
This article is the second part of the series “Abstract Class & Interface: Two Villains of Every Interview” and explains the important key points of Interface.
10 Sep 2014 by Gautham Prabhu K
Creating and using Event Aggregator pattern
9 Oct 2021 by Nirosh
This article helps to understand OOP concepts, focusing on .NET/ C#. This is written in the form of asking questions and writing answers to them, making it easy to understand.
2 Aug 2016 by Sergey Kizyan
This is the 4th article from the training that I give for my coworkers
23 Jun 2021 by Shivprasad koirala
In this article we will try to understand 3 important concepts association, aggregation and composition.
4 Nov 2013 by Vitaliy Sytnik
On the Internet you can find a lot of different information about creating drawings in SVG format. Often an editor is used to open an DXF and export as SVG. Looking through the SVG code it is immediately obvious that there is a lot of excess. An SVG file created in one editor may not always be corre
15 Jul 2015 by Akhil Mittal
Diving in OOP (Day 2):My article in the second part of the series will focus solely on inheritance concept in OOP
23 Nov 2014 by Gergo Bogdan
Object Oriented Programming in Python
11 Sep 2014 by iSahilSharma
This article is the first part of the series "Abstract Class & Interface: Two Villains of Every Interview" and explains the important key points of Abstract Class.
20 Oct 2014 by Cristian Moldovan
Common issues in the projects I have worked on.
7 Jul 2016 by Zebedee Mason
Software for automatically constructing architecture diagrams and metrics from source code and .NET assemblies is presented. Examples for Visual C++, Python, the Linux kernel, Boost and .NET are discussed.
9 Jul 2024 by Alex Rakov, Alexandre Bencz
ELENA is a general-purpose, object-oriented, polymorphic language with late binding
1 Jan 2015 by Pavel Radzivilovsky
How to avoid multi-threaded software paradigms and bring back execution determinism, so much needed in mission-critical software.
31 Jul 2018 by Muhammad Usama Khan
In this article we'll learn everything about typescript. Angular itself is written into Typescript so if you want to become master in Angular then you should have the knowledge of Typescript as well.
21 Jul 2015 by Akhil Mittal, Vikas Sharma
Understanding Events in C# (An Insight)
6 Mar 2014 by Ilia Glizerin
Manually implement OOP designs in C.
24 Aug 2010 by Kenneth Kasajian
This article describes a technique for making use of inheritance with JavaScript, including inheriting interface, implementation, and data from base classes.
21 Jun 2016 by
The article describes the basic to build a custom HTML control with JavaScript OOP programming and jQuery
16 Jun 2013 by Adam Tibi
We are used to repeat the SOLID principles, sometimes without giving them full thoughts. This is a call to drop an outdated principle that doesn't work in today's development, the "Open Close Principle", the result should be SLID.
29 Dec 2018 by Sauro Abbondanzieri
Implementing a Canvas concept with OOP, in a fresh, polished and effective, pure and plain ANSI C
1 May 2011 by User-Rock
Why to prefer object composition over inheritance
21 Dec 2016 by Ehsan Sajjad
In this post, we will see the shadowing concept with respect to C# with a simple example.
25 Dec 2018 by Sauro Abbondanzieri
A fresh, polished and effective way to deal with OOP in pure and plain ANSI C
11 Feb 2019 by Sharp Ninja
Why the Transformative Software Development Methodology is still relevant today
3 Jan 2019 by Sauro Abbondanzieri
UWP, COM, C++/WinRT, OOP in plain C. What else?
17 Jun 2018 by Richard Eng
Learning the right way to do object-oriented programming