I'm currently developing an inventory management system which caters to multiple warehouses. I will share with you some tips and tricks in the
development of this program. The system is still under development.
The database I use is MySQL Server 5.0.x together with the MySQL .NET Connector. Firstly, I'll share a few tricks about connecting to MySQL.
Discussions on saving, querying, and other useful tricks will follow later on.
Using the code
To be able to create this program, you must have basic knowledge concerning MySQL 5.0 as well as VB.NET.
- Install MySQL Server 5.0 and and MySQL .NET Connector.
- Import a reference of the MySQL >NET Conenctor in Project Settings.
- Go to Settings and type the following settings:
Name Type Scope Value
myDB -> String -> User -> DatabaseName
myServer-> String -> User -> Servername
myUsername-> String -> User -> DbUserName
myPassword-> String -> User -> DbPassword
myPort-> String -> User -> mySQLPort(3306)
- Change the values in your MySQL database settings. The purpose of changing the setting is that if the MySQL database settings will change, e.g., the server is migrated,
you can easily change the server settings and you won't have to rebuild the project.
- Add a Module in your project and name it
. Paste the following code in your Module:
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Module mdlDataConn
Public conn As New MySqlConnection
Public Sub ConnectDatabase()
If conn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
conn.ConnectionString = "DATABASE=" & My.Settings.myDB & ";" _
& "SERVER=" & My.Settings.myServer & ";user id=" & My.Settings.myUsername _
& ";password=" & My.Settings.myPassword &";port=" & _
My.Settings.myPort & ";charset=utf8"
End If
Catch myerror As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Error Connecting to the database", "Error Database Server", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub DisconnectDatabase()
Catch myerror As MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException
End Try
End Sub
End Module
That's all!