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.NET 3.0


Great Reads

by Jeffrey Walton
Import and export Cryptographic Keys in PKCS#8 and X.509 formats, using Crypto++, C#, and Java.
by Sacha Barber
It would probably be like Cinch, an MVVM framework for WPF.
by Nish Nishant
This articles explains how to implement a TypeDescriptionProvider for a class to support multiple object types using a single class type
by Waleed Elkot
Reading text from any image using Microsoft Office 2007 OCR

Latest Articles

by Christ Kennedy
A fully functional Irish Language Word Processor written in C#
by Rahman Masudur
Few tricks about using a Resource Dictionary in WPF
by Richard Atkins
Create a fluid, multi-column, vertically ordered list using nested, floating divs
by pdoxtader
A multithreaded server class that accepts multiple connections from a provided client class. Each client can send and receive files and text (byte data) simultaneously along 250 available channels.

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.NET 3.0 

5 Jun 2008 by Jeffrey Walton
Import and export Cryptographic Keys in PKCS#8 and X.509 formats, using Crypto++, C#, and Java.
4 Sep 2009 by Sacha Barber
It would probably be like Cinch, an MVVM framework for WPF.
16 Jun 2008 by Nish Nishant
This articles explains how to implement a TypeDescriptionProvider for a class to support multiple object types using a single class type
24 Aug 2009 by Waleed Elkot
Reading text from any image using Microsoft Office 2007 OCR
6 Apr 2008 by Dr. WPF
This article describes a new approach by which an element can remove its visual and logical relationships to its children while maintaining a conceptual parental relationship with those children.
6 May 2007 by Josh Smith
Reviews a pattern which enables new possibilities for data binding.
26 Jun 2009 by Shivprasad koirala
A State Machine Workflow discussion.
30 Dec 2009 by Razan Paul (Raju)
Animation technique based on Clip property of UIelement in WPF
3 Sep 2008 by Ahmed Negm
This article introduces how to create and manage .NET enterprise applications using your favorite technology (Data Access Application Block, LINQ, NHibernate, ASMX, and WCF) with the Model Driven Development approach by Sculpture.
5 Nov 2008 by Tolgahan ALBAYRAK
Read, Write, Save INI files without using Windows APIs.
14 Jul 2007 by Josh Smith
Demonstrates how to create unit tests for a class which uses a DispatcherTimer.
1 Jan 2008 by Pedro Gomes
Reflection on generics can be complicated. This article shows how to use the DynamicMethod class to dynamically invoke a generic method.
30 Sep 2009 by Fiwel
Different ways to apply image filters.
8 May 2007 by Ming.Chen
A LINQ Implementation for Google Images/Groups Search
11 Jun 2011 by Omar Al Zabir
A collection of ExtractionRules, ValidationRules, and Request Plugin that makes ASP.NET and AJAX website testing painless. No need to record tests, write parameterized tests using server-side control names, handle UpdatePanels, simulate clicks on buttons - all from Web Test.
24 Oct 2010 by Nithyaduruvan, Sathishkumar_P
This article describes about the export functionality of Excel sheet from WPF datagrid.
17 Aug 2009 by vic_ch2000
A nullable datetime column in .NET DataGrid with DateTimePicker.
25 Feb 2010 by dasblinkenlight
Converting between types in .NET
25 Jan 2013 by FatCatProgrammer
StarReport: WPF-less GDI+.NET report component.
11 Jan 2008 by eransha
The article briefly discusses deadlocks behavior, and presents an easy way to detect them.
4 Mar 2009 by Derek Viljoen
How to leverage LinFu (or any other Dynamic Proxy implementation) for Fault Tolerance and Failover
25 Jul 2009 by Stephen Cleary
Describes the ViewModel command classes in the Open-Source Nito.MVVM (WPF) library, and provides guidelines on their usage.
30 Nov 2007 by Patrick Kalkman
An article to demonstrate culture flow from Windows client to Windows server using WCF.
14 May 2009 by CS Rocks
This article demonstrates how to upload a file to a (HTTPS) WebDAV server in VB.NET.
12 Jul 2009 by Parag.Gadkari
17 Jul 2009 by eyedia
Sequential workflow as a WCF service. Create workflow custom activities, invoke child workflow from parent. Configure workflow runtime service using a config file. Basic idea of rules, creating a rule using the rule editor. Applying rules during runtime.
4 Nov 2009 by Larry Aultman
How to catch and handle ASMX based SOAP exceptions in a WCF client.
14 Feb 2010 by Irfan alam
A library for creating a voice and text conferencing application
16 Feb 2013 by Marc Clifton
Sinking WebBrowser button element events and getting/setting input element values programmatically, without a web server.
9 Jan 2010 by Sergey Arhipenko
This article shows how to build different versions of Visual Studio solutions on the same build server.
29 Nov 2008 by Radu Chirila
Debug tool for analyzing Session content in web applications.
23 Aug 2008 by Björn Friedrich
This article shows how extension methods can be used, e.g., for sorting index-based generic lists.
5 Sep 2008 by IncureForce
How to disable FlashPlayer (AxShockwaveFlash) right-click ContextMenu
13 Oct 2008 by CodingBruce
Pull metadata from a schema or generate XML mappers
12 Jul 2009 by Eric J. Smith, Shannon Davidson
Easily detach entities when using LINQ to SQL
2 Aug 2009 by Abhishek Sur
Gives an introduction of how to create SQL CLR managed objects in SQL server.
21 Aug 2009 by kirkaiya
A very simple, XAML-based month-view calendar that shows appointments, exposes events, and allows dragging appointments in the current month.
26 Aug 2011 by Jecho Jekov
How to use .NET settings files in class library projects.
21 Jan 2013 by Kerem Guemruekcue
This short article shows how to use an undocumented internal class method from the System.Deployment.Application.Win32InterOp namespace to get a PE images manifest resource.
5 Aug 2014 by Chris875
State pattern and procedural solution illustrated
25 Apr 2008 by Daniel Gidman
Serialize and Deserialize your objects with ease and simplicity
9 Apr 2010 by Sean Goodpasture
A look at how to compile and use the Xapian search technology on Windows, and its pitfalls.
29 Apr 2011 by Mohammad A Rahman
Exception logging using Elmah - Error Logging Modules and Handlers for ASP.NET
22 Jun 2012 by Jobless Creature
This is a article on SOAP UI. This is used for web service load testing
16 Jul 2012 by Suhel Shah
Content Managemnt of website using Blogger Blog and Google GDI API
5 May 2014 by Gerald Gomes
This article will make an attempt to describe a basic way to start implementing animation in WPF.
30 Dec 2007 by AGD-H
Knit is a Visual Studio add-in tool that allows a developer to apply multi-step patterns to solution and assembly meta-data.
30 Jul 2009 by Giovanni Bejarasco
29 Aug 2009 by _Khallaf
How To Do Precise 2-Way Rijndael CryptoStream Communication
3 Mar 2017 by Paolo Foti
Save and restore your design work using a persistence manager based on XAML code
28 Oct 2019 by Igor Ladnik
Simple Kafka producer and consumer written in C# and Scala with Avro schema read either from local file or simple Web server
3 Apr 2008 by slkr171
This article describes how to build a lightweight test bench for testing user interfaces which are written entirely in C#/.NET, using NUnit or any other unit test framework.
4 Oct 2008 by freedeveloper
Part V: Intercommunications with a Workflow instance using Correlation parameter
12 Nov 2008 by aschmidt
An article explaining a Remoting extensible channel sink architecture and an implementation of the compression channel sink.
11 Dec 2008 by gordonwatts
A generic way to write long running work flow activities
5 Oct 2009 by Alexander Yegorov
Practical use of LINQ to XML technology.
5 Oct 2009 by Alexander Yegorov
A practical use of the LINQ to XML technology.
29 Nov 2012 by RovenetBill
ASP.NET c# component for editing SQL tables with plug-in column format adapter architecture.
9 Feb 2014 by Joshi, Rushikesh
This article describes, how can we implement Roles and Permissions into ASP.Net application in efficient way.
13 Aug 2014 by Qwertie
In the netherworld between T[] and List
12 Sep 2014 by Jan Bakker
This is an alternative for "Custom TreeView Layout in WPF"
13 Apr 2016 by Steve Grundy
This article describes using the Windows MIDI API functions in a managed environment.
12 Apr 2016 by Jalapeno Bob
A VB.NET version of Ray Koopa's 21 Mar 2016 article, Getting All "Special Folders" in .NET
1 Sep 2008 by Sean Rock
Change local IIS home path from explorer context menu
6 Sep 2008 by David Catriel
A simple and straightforward tool to monitor and report SourceSafe database changes.
27 Sep 2010 by venugopalm
Integrating database development into Visual Studio to collaborate application development team and the database designers
19 Nov 2011 by User008
Drag 'n Drop asynchronous files from an external server or device
30 Nov 2011 by saharkiz
Generate Front end screens and database on a Windows Mobile 5 for data collection
1 May 2012 by Jean-Francois Lanouette
This is an alternative for "Simple & Advanced Pivots with C# and ASP.NET"
15 Sep 2012 by Michael R Duffy
A discussion of using Azure table storage to store an application's logging information for Microsoft Windows Azure based cloud deployments
4 Nov 2012 by AlexKven
PresentationWindows is a WPF class library that introduces three new types derived from the Window class, enabling many previously difficult to access features of windows.
13 Aug 2011 by Kenneth Kasajian
The powerful DoFixture() in FitLibrary simulates English like specification. The PhraseFixture proposal takes this to the next level.
2 Aug 2008 by Lee Humphries
Well, somebody had to do it.
14 Apr 2010 by Derek Lakin
Change notification for dependency properties
12 Jul 2010 by Bangon Kali
This component will be used as a text box for automatically formatted currency values.
9 Sep 2010 by CodingBruce
When you want an application to trigger on an event (timer, system, file, etc.), but you don't want the overhead of the service manager
8 Nov 2010 by JP van Mackelenbergh
A component which allows to work with WCF services in a robust way
23 Jan 2012 by malakar.anil
This article explains how to write easily maintainable and extendable application using MVC
29 May 2012 by Razi Syed
This is an alternative for "How to post back to the server using JavaScript in ASP.NET"
9 Oct 2012 by Kay Lerch
Use TestUI to release a simple class library (or a whole collection of those) as an indepenent UI application for testing or administrative purpose. It is on your own to enhance the user experience with your own TestUIRenderer.
3 Dec 2012 by Rupesh Tarwade
Building Custom SharePoint 2010 Workflow with InfoPath Task Form
31 Dec 2018 by Randy Kroeger
This article provides an example on how you can change application configuration settings within an existing ClickOnce publish, update the manifest files, followed by using the Mage utility for updating the manifest using the existing cert file.
11 Dec 2007 by Andrew Friedl
Using the KudzuASp Template Engine for Classic ASP
10 Mar 2008 by Szymon Pobiega
An introduction to NetMX - a lightweight .NET management solution.
14 Aug 2008 by Yasser M. Jaffal
In this article, I discuss an example of how you can use information retrieval to grab data out of MSN Money pages to get a free Web Service for currency exchange rates and other quotes.
6 Feb 2009 by Javier Ibarra
This article is about how to get or set values of an InfoPath form.
5 Apr 2009 by Richard A. Dalton
Part two of a four part series of articles on the Specification Design Pattern.
5 Apr 2009 by Richard A. Dalton
Part three of a four part series of articles on the Specification Design Pattern.
5 May 2009 by Shou Takenaka
This article describes an idea of the ASP.NET page transfer method that can be called like the Response.Redirect method and works as cross-page posting.
21 Apr 2009 by Talya Gendler
Implementing localization which depends on the gender of the registered user (ASP.NET).
13 Jul 2009 by Jan-Erik Romoeren, Björn Asplund
Pattern for publishing an event by using an attached property and IEventAggregator. This time it's generic.
26 Jul 2009 by AlexS9999
The article provides a simple interface for handling large text in SqlClient and C# file streams.
21 Oct 2009 by santosh poojari
This white paper is written in a view to help developer to create custom application block using .NET Enterprise Library.
21 Jan 2011 by Parvez B
Synchronously returning a Dataset from Workflow Foundation to ASP.NET
7 Dec 2006 by James Westgate
Use an agile managed database framework, and feel you've finally reached programming heaven.
2 Jun 2007 by
Learn more about the Mashup creator, Popfly space, and the Web page creator.
16 Jun 2007 by _Dals_
A cache that uses the power of static fields and generic class.
7 Dec 2007 by vadimas
Troubles putting JavaScript code inline with VB.NET or C# code