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Adding Triggers to CodeProject.AI Server

Running an AI inference operation on a piece of data to get predictions on the form or content of the data is one thing, but ultimately one wants to be able to act on those predictions.

Typically this is done via the API. A client application sends an image, for instance, to an object detection or classification module and, based on the response for the server, that client will then take (or not take) appropriate action.

Sometimes, though, you just want something simple, like calling a script or a shell command. For this you can use Triggers.

Triggers are defined in the /Server/FrontEnd/triggers.json file. An example is

  "Queue"                     : "objectdetection_queue",
  "PredictionsCollectionName" : "predictions",
  "PropertyName"              : "label",
  "PropertyValue"             : "car",
  "PropertyComparison"        : "equals",
  "Confidence"                : 0.5,
  "ConfidenceComparison"      : "greaterthan",
  "PlatformTasks" : {
    "Windows" : { 
      "Command": "cmd",
      "Args": "/c echo Hi Windows. I see a car",
      "Type": "Command"
    "Linux" : {
      "Command": "bash",
      "Args": "echo Hi Linux. I see a car",
      "Type": "Command"
    "LinuxArm64" : {
      "Command": "bash",
      "Args": "echo Hi Linux. I see a car",
      "Type": "Command" 
    "macOS" : {
      "Command": "zsh",
      "Args": "echo Hi Linux. I see a car",
      "Type": "Command"

When an inference occurs, a response from the AI module is returned to the server on the same queue that the request was placed. Each queue can be watched individually to avoid undue processing.

When a response comes back, the payload of that response is checked to see if any trigger conditions are met. The trigger conditions are as follows:

Condition Explanation
Queue The queue to watch
PropertyName The name of the property in the response to check
PropertyValue The value of the property in the response to check.
PropertyComparison The property value comparison method. This is the operation used to compare the PropertyValue with the value of the PropertyName property in the response. See below for comparison types.
PredictionsCollectionName If specified, the system will look for a collection with this name, and apply the PropertyName / PropertyValue checks on each object in that collection, rather than looking for a property PropertyName at the root of the response object
Confidence The confidence value to compare to the confidence score returned by the inference
ConfidenceComparison The confidence comparison method. This is the operation used to compare the Confidence value with the confidence score returned by the inference
PlatformTasks A set of tasks to perform depending on platform. See below

The Comparison method can be one of

  • Equals
  • LessThan
  • LessThanOrEquals
  • GreaterThan
  • GreaterThanOrEquals
  • NotEquals

Suppose we wanted to watch the queue named objectdetection_queue and we were interested in spotting results with a label of 'car' with a confidence of at least 80%. This would translate to

  "Queue"                     : "objectdetection_queue",
  "PropertyName"              : "label",
  "PropertyValue"             : "car",
  "PropertyComparison"        : "equals",
  "Confidence"                : 0.8,
  "ConfidenceComparison"      : "greaterthanorequals",
Suppose, however, our object detection module returns a collection of objects it has found, in the the predictions collection. Each item in that collection has a label and confidence. We would simply provide a PredictionsCollectionName value:

  "Queue"                     : "objectdetection_queue",
  "PredictionsCollectionName" : "predictions",
  "PropertyName"              : "label",
  "PropertyValue"             : "car",
  "PropertyComparison"        : "equals",
  "Confidence"                : 0.8,
  "ConfidenceComparison"      : "greaterthanorequals",

If a trigger condition for the given queue is met, then the task for the given platform will be executed. Tasks are listed under the PlatformTasks collection, with each platform having its own entry.

  "Queue"                     : "objectdetection_queue",
  "PredictionsCollectionName" : "predictions",
  "PropertyName"              : "label",
  "PropertyValue"             : "car",
  "PropertyComparison"        : "equals",
  "Confidence"                : 0.8,
  "ConfidenceComparison"      : "greaterthanorequals",

  "PlatformTasks" : {
    "Windows" : { 
      "Command": "cmd",
      "Args": "/c echo Hi Windows. I see a car",
      "Type": "Command"
    "Linux" : {
      "Command": "bash",
      "Args": "echo Hi Linux. I see a car",
      "Type": "Command"

Supported platforms are

  • Windows
  • WindowsArm64
  • Linux
  • LinuxArm64
  • MacOS
  • MacOSArm64
Task Property Explanation
Command The command that will be executed on the given platform
Args The arguments to supply to that command
Type The type of command. Currently only "Command" is supported