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Articles by Alan N (Tip/Tricks: 2)

Tip/Tricks: 2

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Desktop Programming
Windows Forms
17 Feb 2010   Updated: 17 Feb 2010   Rating: 3.43/5    Votes: 4   Popularity: 2.06
Licence: CPOL    Views: 21,136     Bookmarked: 6   Downloaded: 0
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Handling the Popup event raised by the System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip component would seem offer an ideal opportunity to alter the tooltip text to reflect an underlying change. Unfortunately the stack overflow caused by calling ToolTip.SetToolTip will soon put a stop to the attempt.The test...
3 Feb 2011   Updated: 3 Feb 2011   Rating: 4.78/5    Votes: 8   Popularity: 4.31
Licence: CPOL    Views: 10,590     Bookmarked: 1   Downloaded: 0
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I use the following to insert pauses into console apps when they are vs hosted. In fact it's the final lines in my standard template for a console app to ensure that the console stays visible until I dismiss it.if (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName.EndsWith("vshost.exe",...

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United Kingdom United Kingdom
There were these two guys at work who programmed a product costing programme on the new Wang (10Meg Winchester). I looked at their spaghetti and thought uhh, what's going on there. That was while ago, as I see that the spiral bound Wang Professional Computer Series "Basic Language Guide" Third Edition, which I've just pulled off the bookshelf, was published in 1985.

Shortly after that "the corporation" upgraded to the heavenly Amstrad 1512's (20Meg). Paul and I cracked the password file and I was really keen on creating a key logger but decided that I wanted to keep my job instead.

Way before all of this my cousin had a computer and although I can't remember what make it was, it seems that his programming pinnacle was making the lights on it's front panel flash on and off. At the time I was more interested in Lego. Happy days.

Back to the Wang, if that not too rude a phrase, I remember that our IT professional programmed F1 to enter the mainframe password because no one knew what it was!

Most embarrassing computer moment... Having to admit that it was me who had typed del c:\*.*