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Articles by David Vest (Article: 1)

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12 Oct 2000   Updated: 12 Oct 2000   Rating: 4.63/5    Votes: 7   Popularity: 3.91
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File, searching, regular, expression, GREP, tool, utility

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Founder Mythicsoft Ltd
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Dave has been writing software since the age of nine when he received his first computer, the Sinclair ZX81 with a rather limiting 1K of RAM. Since then (many computers, with significantly more RAM, later) Dave has spent a lot of time working with 6502 assembly, C, C++, STL/MFC/ATL, COM, C#, ASP.NET, PowerBuilder, MS SQL Server and Sybase databases.

After working for various organizations in the UK, USA, Bosnia and Switzerland Dave founded Mythicsoft Ltd which sells high performance file searching solutions.