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Articles by edge9421 (Article: 1)

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Programming Languages
30 Sep 2017   Updated: 9 Oct 2017   Rating: 4.98/5    Votes: 19   Popularity: 6.37
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This technique makes defining custom exceptions so easy you'll never be lazy and use System.Exception.

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Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
I first learned programming on an Apple II when I was in 7th grade by reading a mountain of back issues of Byte magazine and spending every possible opportunity in the computer lab. I only got deeper into programming from there.

My first 9 adult years were in service to my country doing my other favorite thing: electronics. After that I started my software career using VB6, classic ASP and SQL Server. Shortly after .NET was introduced I switched to C# and never looked back. These days I'm focused on MVC Core and Entity Framework Core. Along the way I have dabbled in some other languages and frameworks, but I keep coming back to the Microsoft stack as my core platform because nothing else I've tried has come close to matching it for capability and tooling. There are a few excellent non-Microsoft frameworks I use to supplement my work as well, but my root is C# and SQL Server.

For me, developing software is more than just a skill: it is a craft that I am passionate about. I find great satisfaction in finding elegant and efficient ways to solve problems, both in software and in business processes.