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by syed shanu
Getting started with Angular 7 and ASP.NET Core 2.0 using Angular 7 Web Application (.NET Core) Template and ASP.NET Core MVC Application
by Mangesh_Gaherwar
Article with Angular 7 and Entity Framework core and .net Core
by Sibeesh Passion
A little explanation about Drag and Drop in Angular 7 followed by an application that fetches real data from the database and binds it to the UI and then performs multi-directional drag and drop.
by Federico Alterio
Description of a library that allows to use a porting of Angular Signals in .NET MVVM Frameworks

Latest Articles

by Federico Alterio
Description of a library that allows to use a porting of Angular Signals in .NET MVVM Frameworks
by Pranav_
Create a list of huge data without making DOM heavy
by Fred Song (Melbourne)
Demonstrating a series of Angular fundamentals through an Angular 7 application.
by Fred Song (Melbourne)
Angular 7 with .NET Core 2.2 - Global Weather (Part 2)

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27 Jan 2019 by syed shanu
Getting started with Angular 7 and ASP.NET Core 2.0 using Angular 7 Web Application (.NET Core) Template and ASP.NET Core MVC Application
17 Nov 2018 by Mangesh_Gaherwar
Article with Angular 7 and Entity Framework core and .net Core
29 Oct 2018 by Sibeesh Passion
A little explanation about Drag and Drop in Angular 7 followed by an application that fetches real data from the database and binds it to the UI and then performs multi-directional drag and drop.
26 Dec 2023 by Federico Alterio
Description of a library that allows to use a porting of Angular Signals in .NET MVVM Frameworks
1 Jan 2019 by Sibeesh Passion
How we can show the real-time data from our IoT device in an Angular application using Azure SignalR service and Azure Functions
28 Jan 2021 by Harshal S. Limaye
You could achieve this using following code: You're a GC user... You're a GCDR user... You could also achieve the same using ngSwitch directive:
29 Jun 2019 by OriginalGriff
My opinion? Get the heck out of the company as fast as possible before you start talking the same way. It makes no difference which way they go, it's going to be a cluster-f*** project if those three are involved ...
24 Feb 2020 by shivangkaul
Finally, I was able to figure out how to resolve the above Issue. Since I cannot answer my own question here so I am posting the solution here: Solution: I removed all the above code and started fresh, as mentioned below with files: ...
9 Aug 2019 by MadMyche
Neither HTML5 nor TypeScript have native abilities to work with Excel files; there would need to be a third-party component added in to do this, It does look like this has been done though; the 2 lines containing XLSX.utils. follow the naming patterns of SheetJS. The best place to learn how to...
2 Nov 2019 by RickZeeland
See Configuring application environments here: Angular[^] Also see:[^]
3 Mar 2020 by Richard Deeming
Assigning a value to will reload the page using the new URL. But you immediately call location.reload after that, which reloads the page using the current URL, which doesn't include the new search parameter. Remove the call to...
5 Mar 2020 by OriginalGriff
This is not a free code conversionservice, even if that would produce good quality code, which it won't. Either go back to Google and find the equivelant functionality in Angular, or learn to write it yourself. We aren't here to do your work for...
31 May 2020 by MadMyche
Have you tried working with the following block of code found on BotDetect CAPTCHA Angular Module (TypeScript: Angular 2/4/5/6/7/8+)[^]export class YourFormWithCaptchaComponent { // uncomment the line bellow if you use Angular 2/4/5/6/7 //...
31 Aug 2020 by Sandeep Mewara
Quote[^]: ‘Undefined’ is the property of the global object. If you don’t assign any value to a variable is of type ‘undefined’. A code also return the undefined value when the evaluated variable doesn’t have any assigned value. Example: function...
6 Oct 2022 by Dave Kreskowiak
Your question is un-answerable. You haven't said anything about what you're doing on the "front end" and why speed matters at all. Most web applications, unless you're doing large amounts of processing on data in the browser, do not care about...
9 May 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
As far as I am aware, there are no free grids that offer range selection. The only way I can see you accomplishing this is to fork something like this[^] and adding this behaviour yourself.
3 Jul 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
Try running your code in a different browser. There have been a number of reports that extensions such as ghostery are responsible for producing this error, and that it's nothing to do with the code that's running.
6 Jul 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
The shape of the firebase configuration looks correct. Make sure that the values you have in there match the configuration of the Firebase you are connecting to. You say that you are having problems in parts of your application; you are going to...
5 Nov 2018 by Lakamraju Raghuram
Angular 7.0 introduced virtual scroll. Using this I could display a list of 20 items with reusable DOM. Now I want to know if there is any event to say that the bottom of the list is reached. Using this event I want to pull more items and add to the display list [kind of infinite list] What I...
26 Nov 2018 by Member 13032740
I have a nested form inside *ngFor in Angular. How can I get validation status of all forms? Below is my code {{budgetForm.valid}} What...
12 Feb 2023 by ahmed_sa
I have application work in core 2.1 visual studio 2017 work with angular but when run page it show empty page i make inspect inside web page i get error as below Uncaught Error: inject() must be called from an injection context at injectInjectorOnly (core.js:1188) at inject...
31 Jan 2019 by Ashley01
I have a Angular 7 Application with .Net core 2.1, once the application is publish it cannot reach the API, which means no calls can be made, but before i published the application everything worked fine. What could be the problem and how can i fix this? Example of a call in my code that checks...
13 Feb 2019 by Joe Doe234
what is the best way the read input from user when one have a material stepper with lots of different fields? the is part of the code as it is a little bit huge but just to take an idea:
13 Feb 2019 by Pete O'Hanlon
The normal way to do this would be to separate each mat-step out into its own formgroup.
15 Mar 2019 by ahmed_sa
I work on angular 7 app connected to web api my problem data show on browser when do right click inspect but not show on view.html when make console.log it show data on ts but not display on view [1,1,"كود...
15 Mar 2019 by Fatima Mukhtar
Hi, Data you are returning from API is not in Array. check value of (this.RefListVal) by console.log or break point and then display data accordingly.
21 Mar 2019 by ahmed_sa
problem data display on strange format How to convert it to json format I make function return list of object data of column name where pass table name meaning function return column names joined with table reference but problem data display in strange format as below : the result as...
20 May 2019 by ahmed_sa
How to pass table name from first component to second component on angular 7 when click button ? I have two components and i need to pass table name from first component to second when click button on first component As you see below in first component i write table name by hand this will...
20 Mar 2019 by Member 14190529
Hello, I have a piece of code which emits and binds a 'Post' abject between three components(PostList, App, PostEdit). Now I want to use routing such that PostList and PostEdit should have different navigations. Kindly help me how to use events using in angular 7. Here is my...
21 Mar 2019 by Richard Deeming
You're returning an array containing the value of every column from every row, flattened out into a single list. You need to return an array of objects instead: while (reader.Read()) { columnNames.Add(new { rownum = (Int64)reader["rownum"], code = (Int32)reader["code"], ...
19 Apr 2019 by Qadeer Ahmed Khan
Hi, I am trying to authenticate .net core web service via anuglar 7 application. I have tried passing application/json but for some reason the request isn't received by the service. public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context) { string authHeader =...
20 May 2019 by Gerry Schmitz
Getting Started with Angular 7 and Bootstrap 4 Styling[^]
20 May 2019 by Pete O'Hanlon
There are multiple ways that you could do this. You could use the parent component to act as a coordinator, so you might have an EventEmitter in the component containing the table and then, when this is set, it raises the event which is being listened to by the parent. The parent would then...
22 May 2019 by Gerry Schmitz
c# - Client to send SOAP request and receive response - Stack Overflow[^]
23 May 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
This is a third party library, and you will probably get a quicker answer at[^]
7 Jun 2019 by Member 13574520
Hello, I would like to ask if anyone has an idea on how to achieve the following: An angular (7.2) UMD NgModule is being loaded from a main angular application. The code that is loading the UMD module is: return SystemJS.import(`${url}`).then( (module) => return...
10 Jun 2019 by RB_Code
Hi, Regarding Angular State Managment, Could you please suggest the advantage and disadvantages about ngRx, angular-redux, sessionstoreage and localstorage. In which one we can use for Medium and Large applications. Thanks in advance. What I have tried: ngRx vs angular-redux vs sessionstorage...
15 Jun 2019 by Rosh@n
I am trying to patch the object received from webapi to an angular reactive form. The form also has a formarray. But, despite having more than 3 or more records only 2 records are being patched to the formarray of the reactive form. What I have tried: I have two entities noseries and...
22 Jun 2019 by Member 14359787
i am using skype web sdk to initiate and receive skype calls. The problem is that when i make/receive a call for the first time the video of skype call is displayed but there is some error also in console log regarding polyfills uncaught promises. due to this issue when i make/receive call the...
22 Jun 2019 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
From what I see, I believe this is a problem with SDK, as it does not state where in your code the exception is being raised—the line number is above 8k. It would be good if you can create an issue with Skype SDK team and check how they respond. It would be nice if you can share the code that...
29 Jun 2019 by Michael Joseph Lukatchik
Two developers are in a room with an executive. They're discussing a new project that will be developed with Angular and a .NET Core API. The project will be a complex data storage application with many HTML forms. The input data will be processed through validation and business rule layers...
30 Jun 2019 by Member 10180933
I have hosted a new Angular 7 App in Azure app service. Also added Azure AD authentication for same based on the AD authentication is working (when i take site, it goes to microsoft login page and once...
28 Jul 2019 by Member 2236419
i am trying to upload an excel file and displaying the excel values in a html table. After that I will click on a button click- which will transfer the control to webapi with the values in the html table I am using Angular and .net webapi So i have written a service as follows i am trying to...
9 Aug 2019 by Newbie04
Hi, I am uploading excel files using the input type file control. I need to read the file and do two things: 1.) Present the data of that excel file on the UI in a table. 2.) Get the number of rows in the excel. If there is more than one excel, then get the number of rows for each excel...
21 Aug 2019 by Member 14359787
Hello my web application is hosted over internet. My web application is in angular 7. For some purpose i developed a web API in Node JS which is hosted on all the client machines who will use the web application. Both the web application and web API are configured on https. If i run my web...
1 Sep 2019 by Thomas Daniels
user = {...this.frm.value}; // what this line does ?? The three dots are called the spread syntax: Spread syntax - JavaScript | MDN[^]. In this specific line of code, the purpose is to copy properties from one object to another[^]. this.users = this.users.filter(u => u !== user); // whats...
26 Sep 2019 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
They are both defined inside the Component that you are currently viewing, if you would just view their definition you will understand what they are. Also, Angular components have a great amount of offline documentation, so if you would just hover over the type (HttpClientModule, for instance)...
11 Oct 2019 by Member 14619566
I am new to angular And I am trying to learn form validations. Please find my script below: Customer is one of the modules in the app. Customer HTML code: Customer Code :
17 Oct 2019 by L Viljoen
Hi Has anyone had experience getting angular to run off a .Net Framework Web API project similar to the way .Net Core runs SPAs using the startup.cs class. I need something that can run it similar to how the ng Serve command works when I run the project Note: this is for .net Web API and not...
17 Oct 2019 by RickZeeland
Not sure if you are using ASP.NET but here is an interesting article:[^]
24 Oct 2019 by Akshay malvankar
i add configration added in angular.json , and run following command Quote: ng build --configuration qa it give me following error Quote: Schema validation failed with the following errors: Data path "['build']" should NOT have additional properties(int). following is my angular.json { ...
25 Oct 2019 by MrTheBarintokyo
I need help with some filtering using Angular Material's MatTableDatasource. What I am doing is trying to filter for values that are between a pair of numbers. I got normal filtering going, but filtering for these specific values is not as easy I thought it would be. In my scenario, I want to...
2 Nov 2019 by Akshay malvankar
I want deployed angular project on server 3 different server (INT , QA , BETA) What Kind OF setting we have to do in angular.json file I try few thing but it not working What I have tried: try different thing ,search it on google , pasted here also but nobody give me answer
10 Nov 2019 by OriginalGriff
We are more than willing to help those that are stuck: but that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for us to do it all for you. So start here, and see if you can work out what to write for your...
18 Nov 2019 by ahmed_sa
I work on angular 7 project integrated with core 2.2 API this Angular project done by another persons and i dont know any thing on project I need to modify left side menu and what component called when click on any item on menu but i need any tools or any thing help me to show...
18 Nov 2019 by Mehul M Thakkar
I would suggest first start with angular basics and how to debug the angular app. Read about Components, Directives, Templates, Routes.[^] This link will help more how to debug the angular app. There are some...
24 Nov 2019 by ahmed_sa
How to show loader component when when form load before data display and hide loader after data display ? I work on angular 7 app I need when page load show loader component before data display and after data display hide loader component loader component work perfect and component...
24 Nov 2019 by impuru
Install it with npm npm install ngx-progressbar --save Import NgProgressModule in the root module import { NgProgressModule } from 'ngx-progressbar'; @NgModule({ imports: [ // ... NgProgressModule ] }) In your template Add NgProgress service wherever...
2 Dec 2019 by Jitesh Gala
i think the tags "init", "beta" and "QA" should be inside the "build" tag. { "$schema": "./node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json", "version": 1, "newProjectRoot": "projects", "projects": { "newBuiildProcess": { "root": "", "sourceRoot": "src", "projectType":...
9 Dec 2019 by ganesh mandlik
Hello Friends, I am creating Angular Dynamic Forms using FormGroup, however while creating form facing issue like Cannot find control with unspecified name attribute . Please someone help me what is causing an issue regarding this. I am providing github public url for code. Thanks and highly...
23 Dec 2019 by ahmed_sa
problem How to use = on route in place of / routing angular 7 ? i need to replace id/50 as example by id=50 on URL routing What I have tried: on app.module.ts routing {path:'order',children:[ {path:'',component:OrderComponent}, {path:'edit/:id',component:OrderComponent} ]} ] ...
5 Jan 2020 by ahmed_sa
problem How to get id from list when text input match or equal items exist on list ? I work on angular 7 I have input text on nvabar.Component.html write on it part name as following :
23 Dec 2019 by Parth Munjpara
pass the parameter through navigation :- this.router.navigate([`/Dashboard/product/${productId}`]); and also pass parameter through routing :- { path: "product/:id", component: ProductDetailComponent }
23 Dec 2019 by Jitesh Gala
Angular[^] If you follow the example given in the link above, it is default for using the route parameters without specifying the = sign.
27 Dec 2019 by ahmed_sa
problem I need to assign value of latitude and langtide on event ngOnInit ? I work on angular 7 I assign value of latitude and longitude on ngoninit but not work ngOnInit() { = value this.lng= value } so How to assign values of lng and lat on event ngoninit and display...
3 Jan 2020 by ahmed_sa
How to return Loc value from link URL angular 7 ? i need actually to return value of loc related to location meaning i only need to return value 27737 i need to only value of Loc from json object from URL so my question How to write service and calling this service on component...
3 Jan 2020 by ahmed_sa
How to return value of longitude and latitude from json using angular 7? my URL as following : json returned from url above is : ...
3 Jan 2020 by ahmed_sa
How to pass array of locationId to service getlocation ? I have array of locations Id locationArr=[40871, 60009, 38149, 40868, 43240, 15299, 53897, 40976, 38151, 23183, 38152, 78579, 23180, 40977, 23176, 39565, 40884, 15298, 38147, 40966, 39669] Actually I need to pass locationArr to...
31 Dec 2019 by ahmed_sa
I using angular 7 Points Not Display On Google map Although I Pushed Latitude And Longitude . meaning all points not display on map although I have latitude and longitude for more points but these points not exists on map . Result points for latitude and longitude from browser console : ...
5 Jan 2020 by Christian Graus
You can search an array for an entity by name. Then grab the id Array.prototype.find() - JavaScript | MDN[^]
5 Jan 2020 by ahmed_sa
How to add multilocations on google map using angular 7 ? Result points for latitude and longitude from browser : dataLocation values is 5.2951916,100.28825170000005, 30.788892,120.632503, 13.658933,100.634069, 10.328074,123.983185, 31.332119,120.723465 I need to add latitude...
5 Jan 2020 by Jyoti panigrahi
hey i have implemented AGM in angular 7 , now i want to replace AGM with Open Street Map in angular 7 , but i am confused about the functionality that AGM provide like (snazzy-info-window, AgmCircle, AgmMarker,AgmPolygon,AgmFitBounds) in Open Street Map What I have tried: i tried to search...
5 Jan 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
See OpenStreetMap[^].
9 Jan 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
reverse geocoding in Leaflet - Google Search[^]
11 Jan 2020 by ahmed_sa
How to access value of userPass from array of object using angular 7? I need to access Property userPass from array of object I have variable from type any his name auth auth have array of object I need to access property value from userpass auth is ...
11 Jan 2020 by Thomas Daniels
If auth is an array with only one object, this will work: let pass = auth[0].userPass; If auth has multiple objects: let passwords = => a.userPass);
12 Jan 2020 by MadMyche
This is not suitable for a "Quick Answer". What you need to do is write the service, and you already know that. If you don't know how to, I would suggest that you look for some tutorials on how to do what you need to do; and not ask for people to provide the code for you.
27 Jan 2020 by VishnuTLT
Dear Experts, I need to show a PDF form (editable PDF) in angular 7 project. I mean, need to preview the PDF in webpage and when a user click/ hover on the textbox in the pdf then it will show the textbox name/id. Is there any thirdparty premium or opensource librarys available. Please help. ...
27 Jan 2020 by tninis
Hello, you can A)Create the form you need using angular. Then you can submit form values to server, the server will take these values append them to a PDF template you already have created. A plugin that may help you is PDFsharp. Home of PDFsharp and MigraDoc Foundation - PDFsharp & MigraDoc[^]...
29 Jan 2020 by uma_13456
Implemented canDeactive guard, once browser button is clicked it popups a Model and ask Yes/No. After clicking on No it stays on the same page and Again if i press the back button the popup appears and after clicking No/Yes button it redirects to the blank page url from the browser history...
5 Feb 2020 by Arthur V. Ratz
I've got a solution at my end: Here's your code submitted modification: $( document ).ready(function() { MakeColorForDifferentContent(); }); function...
6 Feb 2020 by Arthur V. Ratz
Also, my recommendation is to use Angular.js to be able to dynamically construct a table and list of rows in your HTML-document:[^]
6 Feb 2020 by Arthur V. Ratz
Here's a solution with Angular 7: Products {{ i }} ...
11 Feb 2020 by ahmed_sa
I work on angular 7 when loop to table html and compile i get error 95% emitting CopyPlugin ERROR in src/app/Pages/part-compare/part-compare.component.ts(25,38): error TS2339: Property 'rows' does not exist on type 'HTMLElement'. src/app/Pages/part-compare/part-compare.component.ts(27,26):...
11 Feb 2020 by ahmed_sa
problem How to access attribute from array based on value exist on attribute ? I need to access Fn:'Application' inside array of OtherQualification on html angular 7 ? if it have otherQualification - fn - Application then print exist else ...
11 Feb 2020 by Richard Deeming
You need to cast the element returned from getElementById to an HTMLTableElement. Try: var table = document.getElementById("CompareParts");
22 Feb 2020 by phil.o
SELECT COUNT([Id]) AS 'Count' FROM [TheTable];
24 Feb 2020 by Pranav_
Create a list of huge data without making DOM heavy
27 Feb 2020 by Member 14704249
I have created menu using ionic 4 it will work fine, but when i logged in to my application or website it will not opening up, for opening it i need to refresh the whole browser. May be it's CORS issue but i can not disable CORS as my all the...
2 Mar 2020 by Viswanatha Swamy
Are you accessing the hosted Web API using your application from "http://localhost:8100"? Please advise. In this case you need to add the URL to the CORS section. Please refer to the URL:...
2 May 2020 by ahmed_sa
I work on app display dynamic menu based on database SQL server 2012 . I need to modify html component by replace table html to ul and li and add nested loop below to ul and li meaning i dont need to use table and i need to use ul li with same...
17 May 2020 by ahmed_sa
I need when add statusdate exist before on collectfulldata then remove exist and and add new one and if not exist add it . meaning i dont need two statusdata with same name exist two time . and if statusdata not exist add it . current result...
17 May 2020 by Christian Graus
An array has a find method you can use to see if an object exists in it
24 May 2020 by ahmed_sa
thank you for reply it solved by following code on component.ts this.headerCols = Object.keys(data[0]).filter(x => x !== 'totalCount');
31 May 2020 by _ProgProg_
I want to implement captcha verification in angular 8 with back-end verification in dot-net core api v3.1 What I have tried: i tried using BotDetect...
15 Jun 2020 by ahmed_sa
I work on angular 7 I face Issue I need to display offlineurl as download Link where it Exist on report control table and columnType=1 . ReportId FieldName ReportStatus ColumnType 2028 offilneURL Link 1 2028 ...
5 Jul 2020 by ahmed_sa
I'm beginner on git source control I have web application done by angular 7 exist on git source control AND I need to pull last changes to be same changes and files on local and server same . so I will write E:\PartDetails> git pull origin...
5 Jul 2020 by karma2447
There are many ways to fix it. Option 1 : A. Do local stash save :> git stash save B. Then do :> git pull origin whaterver-remote-branch-name C. then merge local changes :> git stash pop D. Resolve conflicts if any, and...
9 Jul 2020 by MadMyche
It is pretty much self-explanatory: 1. You used a free trial of a product 2. Your free trial period has ended 3. If you have saved anything to the google cloud from that trial, it may be deleted.
9 Jul 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
Go to your Google Cloud account and check your usage.