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My idea was to host a WPF user control with Ribbon within a WinForm VB.NET project and try to use MVVM pattern.
by Nomesh G
Setting up basic MVVM in WPF and ICommand usage to allow operations on ViewModel from view.
by Shweta Lodha
This tip will talk about how to handle events associated with UI controls in MVVM structure.

Latest Articles

My idea was to host a WPF user control with Ribbon within a WinForm VB.NET project and try to use MVVM pattern.
by Nomesh G
Setting up basic MVVM in WPF and ICommand usage to allow operations on ViewModel from view.
by Shweta Lodha
This tip will talk about how to handle events associated with UI controls in MVVM structure.

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11 Jan 2022 by
My idea was to host a WPF user control with Ribbon within a WinForm VB.NET project and try to use MVVM pattern.
2 Aug 2018 by Nathan Minier
This is just fine, because you are in fact wrapping the non-generic Action (takes no parameters) with Action. Think about it this way: when you pass an argument to a method, is there a requirement that parameter be used? Consider: public bool DoSomething(int useless) { return true; } ...
9 Nov 2021 by DoingWork
Hi Friends I have 2 different user controls i.e. ViewAUserControl.xaml , and ViewBUserControl.xaml . These controls are added dynamically in dynamic tabItems where each tabItem contains any single userControl from availabe 2 UserControls, whom...
18 Jul 2016 by Patrice T
I would first check the electronic with a multimeter and a scope, may be also with a logic analyzer.You need to make sure sure the electronic configuration is OK.Make sure what the LCD receive.I fear not much help is possible remotely.
2 Aug 2018 by Patrick Skelton
Okay, I have to put up my hands and admit I am guilty of copying code (in a hurry) without understanding it. The code I copied was for an implementation of the System.Windows.Input.ICommand interface. I can't find the source of the code I copied, but reviewing it now, I've decided it looks odd...
9 Nov 2021 by pszyjaciel
In the ViewAUserControl.xaml: xmlns:local="clr-namespace:WpfPractice.ViewModel" In the ViewBUserControl.xaml: ...
2 Mar 2017 by Nomesh G
Setting up basic MVVM in WPF and ICommand usage to allow operations on ViewModel from view.
17 Nov 2014 by Shweta Lodha
This tip will talk about how to handle events associated with UI controls in MVVM structure.
18 Jul 2016 by Member 12639824
I'm currently in trouble with displaying something on the HY28B LCD module.I configured my LCD module in 16bits mode by soldering the right short at the right place and I'm using an STM32[url]=[url];discovery board STM32 discovery...