by Jitendra_Jain04
IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Liberty profile is a flexible and dynamic server profile of WAS which enables the WAS server to deploy only required custom features instead of deploying a big set of available JEE components.
by arnavguddu
This article demostrates how to access MS Access databases from Java.
by hamityildirim
AddIn - AddOn programming and An Example for Outlook AddIn Regions, Views, Rules and Reports
by Giancarlo Rhodes
ORM objects and basic CRUD operation procedures are first phase tasks that come after establishing a first version of the database. This java-based code generation tool builds those classes and stored procedures.
by Jitendra_Jain04
IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Liberty profile is a flexible and dynamic server profile of WAS which enables the WAS server to deploy only required custom features instead of deploying a big set of available JEE components.
by arnavguddu
This article demostrates how to access MS Access databases from Java.
by hamityildirim
AddIn - AddOn programming and An Example for Outlook AddIn Regions, Views, Rules and Reports
by Giancarlo Rhodes
ORM objects and basic CRUD operation procedures are first phase tasks that come after establishing a first version of the database. This java-based code generation tool builds those classes and stored procedures.