by Tiancheng Hu
New samples of using ThinkAlike to accomplish Android/Desktop cross-platform development, including helloworld, Web API access and widget UI.
by Tiancheng Hu
New samples of using ThinkAlike to accomplish Android/Desktop cross-platform development, including helloworld, Web API access and widget UI.
by AjithKp560_
Creating a simple animation using sequence of images
by Tiancheng Hu
Using ThinkAlike, an ongoing Java MVVM framework(employing Android and JavaFX as view layer), to implement a cross-platform HearthStone game card reference and more.
by Tiancheng Hu
New samples of using ThinkAlike to accomplish Android/Desktop cross-platform development, including helloworld, Web API access and widget UI.
by Tiancheng Hu
New samples of using ThinkAlike to accomplish Android/Desktop cross-platform development, including helloworld, Web API access and widget UI.
by AjithKp560_
Creating a simple animation using sequence of images
by Tiancheng Hu
Using ThinkAlike, an ongoing Java MVVM framework(employing Android and JavaFX as view layer), to implement a cross-platform HearthStone game card reference and more.