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Great Reads

by Jobless Creature
This is a article on SOAP UI. This is used for web service load testing
by M.M.Mohseni
In this sample code, we are going to upload a file via a web method asynchronously.
by Asher Barak, Itiel Beeri
Infrastructure for large scale WCF services layer development
by Kelum W. Ganegoda
In the MEC mapper, calling a web service is a general scenario. There are few ways to do it.

Latest Articles

by The Zakies
Question answer chatbot using natural language parsing and web scrapping
by M.M.Mohseni
In this sample code, we are going to upload a file via a web method asynchronously.
by Leo Chapiro
This article explains how to consume a WebService (SOAP) from plain VisualBasicScript by using a COM DLL written in C#.
by Kelum W. Ganegoda
In the MEC mapper, calling a web service is a general scenario. There are few ways to do it.

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22 Jun 2012 by Jobless Creature
This is a article on SOAP UI. This is used for web service load testing
14 Jan 2016 by Asher Barak, Itiel Beeri
Infrastructure for large scale WCF services layer development
29 Jun 2012 by Jobless Creature
This is a continuation of my article on SOAP UI Introduction
13 Dec 2012 by Mats Samuelsson
AT&T hosted an M2M Challenge at the 2013 AT&T Developer Summit.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
WCF provides us a facility to specify the fault behavior of our service. It provides a FaultException Class. Whenever our service implementation
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
The process of serialization converts an object into a form so that it can be transported across the network or can be placed in a storage location.
11 Mar 2014 by mbarbac
Implementing the Repository and Unit of Work Patterns dynamically using Kerosene ORM
4 Jan 2016 by Edwig Huisman
Complete webserver and webclient with SOAP/JSON messageing framework
12 Sep 2017 by The Zakies
Question answer chatbot using natural language parsing and web scrapping
10 Apr 2012 by Henning Dieterichs
A tutorial about how to write enhanced PHP-SOAP-webservices with automatic WSDL-generation