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Everything / System.Drawing



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by The Zakies
we would create Hand_tool to pan through the drawing form, and we would use a custom cursor of open and closed hands
by The Zakies
we will continue the functionality of the hand tool with having a navigator panel which works as a map, we will also have a red rectangle which tells the user where he is actually viewing inside the whole form, also it can be moved to pan the form
by The Zakies
[tut4] how to draw lines & to draw different types on end shapes like rectangle and circle using C#
by The Zakies
we will build an outline line around the drawn lines so we would test the mouse click on this outline to know which line is selected. and we would in the coming update build a select function inside the move tool

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by The Zakies
we will continue the functionality of the hand tool with having a navigator panel which works as a map, we will also have a red rectangle which tells the user where he is actually viewing inside the whole form, also it can be moved to pan the form
by The Zakies
we would create Hand_tool to pan through the drawing form, and we would use a custom cursor of open and closed hands
by The Zakies
in this tut we will create a technique to enable the user to control points within a drawn line, by drawing circles around points of the line , when the user clicks a circle he would control the corresponding point.
by The Zakies
we will build an outline line around the drawn lines so we would test the mouse click on this outline to know which line is selected. and we would in the coming update build a select function inside the move tool

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