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by ASP.NET Community
ViewState is the mechanism that allows state values to be preserved across page postbacks.Because of the stateless nature of web pages, regular
by Mike Thom
If you move your ViewState from the top of the page to the bottom, you will get better search engine spidering.Step 1Create a class file in App_code folder of your application and name it as PageBase.cs. Copy the following code to the class file.using System.IO;using...
by yuvalsol
Keep the view state out of the web page and store it in SQL Server
by Xnko
On the Web there are many examples for moving ViewState to the bottom of Page using RegularExpressions. This is another way using HtmlTextWriter.All you nees that add in your project class named MoveViewStateHtmlTextWriter and write in your BasePage code below.protected override...

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by yuvalsol
Keep the view state out of the web page and store it in SQL Server
by Mathi Mani
In this tip, we will try to understand whether viewstate and postback data are the same or different.
by Eduardo Antonio Cecilio Fernandes
This article explains how to manage ASP.NET Client and Server State, via View State, Hidden Fields, Cookies, Query Strings, Session State and Application State.
by ASP.NET Community
ViewState is the mechanism that allows state values to be preserved across page postbacks.Because of the stateless nature of web pages, regular

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28 Feb 2014 by ASP.NET Community
ViewState is the mechanism that allows state values to be preserved across page postbacks.Because of the stateless nature of web pages, regular
13 Mar 2017 by yuvalsol
Keep the view state out of the web page and store it in SQL Server
10 Jul 2014 by Eduardo Antonio Cecilio Fernandes
This article explains how to manage ASP.NET Client and Server State, via View State, Hidden Fields, Cookies, Query Strings, Session State and Application State.