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Great Reads

by K.Kirivarnan
Register New Account using Matrix XMPP Library
by Plantronics
SmartPresence for Google Talk
by PGStath
PHP code and pattern for the creation of OpenFire XMPP users from end-user applications via HTTP POST
by Intel
Before you embark on a new Internet of Things project, you should consider which communication patterns are best suited to it.

Latest Articles

by Intel
Before you embark on a new Internet of Things project, you should consider which communication patterns are best suited to it.
by PGStath
PHP code and pattern for the creation of OpenFire XMPP users from end-user applications via HTTP POST
by Plantronics
SmartPresence for Google Talk
by K.Kirivarnan
Register New Account using Matrix XMPP Library

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3 Sep 2011 by K.Kirivarnan
Register New Account using Matrix XMPP Library
3 Jun 2013 by Plantronics
SmartPresence for Google Talk
14 Dec 2015 by PGStath
PHP code and pattern for the creation of OpenFire XMPP users from end-user applications via HTTP POST
20 Jun 2016 by Intel
Before you embark on a new Internet of Things project, you should consider which communication patterns are best suited to it.