In this article we explain how YouTube Live broadcasts work, and show how anyone with just basic JavaScript knowledge can come up with a YouTube Live broadcast from an HTML page using the WebRTC technology.
XCODE & Android Studio mobile app projects built using Ionic's Capacitor with an Angular 14 UI. Includes WebRTC for video conferencing, and SwipeClouds for Playing Millions of HD Movies & Videos and A Custom Capacitor Plugin for Scraping User Data for Targeted Delivery of video ads to mobile phones.
In this article we explain how YouTube Live broadcasts work, and show how anyone with just basic JavaScript knowledge can come up with a YouTube Live broadcast from an HTML page using the WebRTC technology.
XCODE & Android Studio mobile app projects built using Ionic's Capacitor with an Angular 14 UI. Includes WebRTC for video conferencing, and SwipeClouds for Playing Millions of HD Movies & Videos and A Custom Capacitor Plugin for Scraping User Data for Targeted Delivery of video ads to mobile phones.
Youtube API for PHP to feed a video list from a particular channel without Oauth, this API only needs a Channel ID and Channel name, no need to generate API key access and so on, simply it's fair enough.