by Olabenjo Tunde
This is a simple video converter I developed with .NET while playing with ffmpeg.
by Ravimal Bandara
An implementation of Bag-Of-Feature descriptor based on SIFT features using OpenCV and C++ for content based image retrieval applications.
by Abudreas
Applying simple world transformation in 2D world using DirectX and VB.NET
by arussell
Box2D DebugDraw Implemented using DirectX 2D and win32
by Olabenjo Tunde
This is a simple video converter I developed with .NET while playing with ffmpeg.
by Ravimal Bandara
An implementation of Bag-Of-Feature descriptor based on SIFT features using OpenCV and C++ for content based image retrieval applications.
by Abudreas
Applying simple world transformation in 2D world using DirectX and VB.NET
by arussell
Box2D DebugDraw Implemented using DirectX 2D and win32