by Phil Lee NZ
This article will show you a pattern for sending and receiving messages using Azure Service Bus + worker roles in a strongly typed manner, taking advantage of the built-in functionality that comes with Brokered Messages.
by Daan Acohen
A general technique is shown how to resolve circular dependencies with Ninject and a helper class
by Adam Tibi
A typical implementation of a CQRS pattern ASP.NET MVC 4, Ninject and MongoDB. I will be demonstrating a sample applications that acts as a base building block for a CQRS-based architecture.
by DotNetSteve
A gentle introduction for DI and IOC in the first program most of us have written - Hello World
by Phil Lee NZ
This article will show you a pattern for sending and receiving messages using Azure Service Bus + worker roles in a strongly typed manner, taking advantage of the built-in functionality that comes with Brokered Messages.
by Daan Acohen
A general technique is shown how to resolve circular dependencies with Ninject and a helper class
by Adam Tibi
A typical implementation of a CQRS pattern ASP.NET MVC 4, Ninject and MongoDB. I will be demonstrating a sample applications that acts as a base building block for a CQRS-based architecture.
by DotNetSteve
A gentle introduction for DI and IOC in the first program most of us have written - Hello World